Meteor User table value axtracting - javascript

How do I pick the email address value from meteor Mongo user table?
I have written below query to pick the element:
This the code I have written to fetch the email address, but I don't know how much it's affecting performance in the code:
users = Meteor.users.find({})
key.emails.forEach(function (key,option){

In meteor, you should call:
users = Meteor.users.find({}, { fields: { emails: 1 } })
Reference in docs
Please remember users is a cursor object. Cursor objects can be handled directly in templates, and must be the return of publications. You can't iterate a cursor directly in a javascript loop.
Example: (remember authorization in production publications)
Meteor.publish('user-emails', function() {
return Meteor.users.find({}, { fields: { emails: 1 } });
If you want to directly access the user instances, for example to iterate them in a javascript code, you need to fetch the cursor (reference in docs).
var users = Meteor.users.find({}, { fields: { emails: 1 } }).fetch();
Now users is an array of users. Feel free to iterate them.
Example (I'm using underscore.js):
var users = Meteor.users.find({}, { fields: { emails: 1 } }).fetch();
_.each(users, function(user) {
Now, if you need a vector only with emails, one on each index, you can pluck the emails from a fetched array with underscore.js (reference of pluck)
var emails = _.pluck(Meteor.users.find({}, { fields: { emails: 1 } }).fetch(), 'emails');
Hope it works :)

if its not working, dont forget to return
return users


pouchdb put is still rejected with _rev

I'm using pouchDB for the first time, and as indicated in the docs I'm using put() so it will automatically handle revisions. However, when the code is running and there's an existing item with the same ID, it's still rejecting even when including a _rev.
Here's my code:
var db = new PouchDB('blog')
function saveCategory(category) {
var savedCategory = {
_id: 'category' +,
_rev: '2-' + String(new Date().toISOString()),
nicename: category.slug,
post_count: category.count,
description: category.description,
parent: category.parent
return db.put(savedCategory).then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {
$log.error('error saving category ',error)
This is not the purpose of the _rev field. It is always generated by the server and not by your code. To update a document you must pull the entire document (including the _rev field), update the desired fields, and then put the document. The value of _rev should be the same as when you got it from the server.
If you have a new record, you do not need to set _rev.
The pocketDB guide has a very useful section about this.

Sequelize: .createAssociation() or .setAssociation doesn't update the original object with created data

I've been stuck on this for a while. Take the following code as an example:
include: [{ model: models.RankedStats, as: 'SummonerRankedStats', required: true }],
where: { summonerId: summonerId, server: server }
}).then(function(summoner) {
totalWins: 0,
totalLosses: 0
}).then(function(rankedStats) {
summoner.setSummonerRankedStats(rankedStats).then(function() {
//This outputs undefined
summoner.getSummonerRankedStats().then(function(srs) {
//This outputs the RankedStats that were just created
include: [{ model: models.RankedStats, as: 'SummonerRankedStats', required: true }],
where: { summonerId: summonerId, server: server }
}).then(function(summoner) {
//This outputs the SummonerRankedStats object
So, to put it simply... If I have a Summoner (var summoner) and perform a .setAssociation() or .createAssociation() on it, and then log summoner, the data created isn't there. If I fetch it again from the database (with .getAssociation() or by searching for that Summoner again) I can access it, but I was hoping to avoid that extra DB call.
Is there a way to add this information to the original object when using .create() or .set()? It can be achieved by doing something like:
summoner.dataValues.SummonerRankedStats = rankedStats
But that seems somewhat hacky :)
Is there a correct way to do it, or does it even make any sense?
Thanks in advance!

How bind search values in mongodb with mongoose

I have the following code in my /search/:query route:
var param = {
query: req.query['query']
"$or": [
{ 'name': req.param.query },
{ 'age': req.param.query },
{ 'event': req.param.query },
}, function (err, results) {
if (err) {
else {
res.render('index', {
data: results
And is good, i can search for pretty much every data that i want, but only individually. What if i want search name + age, can i? Example: 'Leo 22'.
There is any way that mongoose help me with this?
My problem is:
I have tables lists it titles, this title is the concatenation of 'eventName' and 'eventDate'.
Real examples of this fields:
'Special Event - 20/12/2015'
'Classic Event - 12/03/2015'
'Hot Summer Event - 05/07/2005'
Every week will be create 4 events. In some point, a user will search for an old event, and i believe that the user will search in this format:'EVENT NAME - EVENT DATE'..
So i need a way to bind this values in my controllers.
I'm no familiar with mongoose but in order to do that, you must have a way to bind your query param to the attribute you want to search. Otherwise, they wouldn't know Leo is name and 22 is age.
Ur path would be like search?name=:name&age=:age&event=:event and in your code, you will have to process like if the param is not null, add and condition to it.
It seems you are using only one parameter (req.param.query) to filter all attributes. That's not mongoose related: you could create distinct parameters for each attribute and pass them along the query string.
For instance:
"$or": [
{ 'name': },
{ 'age': req.param.age },
{ 'event': req.param.event },
And your HTTP request will be like this:

Publish a collections and other collection's documents which have relation with any document in the first collection

The scenario is that I want to publish one whole collection and users' data (such as profile) who have relation with any document in the the first collection.
The problem is how can I publish that part of users collections?
Well, there are two ways, first is using package
And second one - in publish function you can return multiple cursors, from docs
Meteor.publish("roomAndMessages", function (roomId) {
check(roomId, String);
return [
Rooms.find({_id: roomId}, {fields: {secretInfo: 0}}),
Messages.find({roomId: roomId})
After some research, I found reywood:publish-composite solved my problem completly.
Meteor.publishComposite('getItemsList', {
find: function() {
return Items.find({});
children: [
find: function(item) {
return Meteor.users.find(
{ _id: item.userId },);
This will publish all the items documents with any user document that have a relation with it. ( Items.userId is mapped to Meteor.users._id )

AngularJS resourse structure for API

I have structure API:
api: {
users: {
details: {},
actions: {}
settings: {
users: {}
for example:
GET /api/users
return list of users
GET /api/users/1
return user with id 1
GET /api/users/1/details
return user deteils
GET /api/users/1/details/photo
return user fetail with alias photo
I wrote
.factory('userService', function($resource){
return $resource('/api/users/:id/:items/:itemsId', {}, {
query: { method: 'GET', isArray: false }
now I can do userService.query() and get list of users
but if I can`t do as this:
var users = userService.query();
users[1].name = 'newName';
users[1] dont save edited info because users[1] dont have resourse methods, resourse methots isset only users.
And I can`t do as this:
var users = userService.query();
How I can add resourse methods for all my structure?
First of all you have to prefix instance methods with a $ sign, like users[1].$save().
Then why are you setting isArray to false but treat the result like an array?
You should also bind the id paramter to the id property of your user. I assume it is called id.
So you would do something like this:
.factory('userService', function($resource){
return $resource('/api/users/:id/:items/:itemsId', { id: '#id' });
Note that you have to specify the parameters items and itemsId in your call, otherwise they will be left out.
var users = userService.query();
users[1].name = 'newName';
// assume users[1].id===1
// will do a POST /api/users/1
users[1].$get({ items: 'details' });
// will do a GET /api/users/1/details
users[1].$get({ items: 'details', itemsId: 'photo' });
// will do a GET /api/users/1/details/photo
PS: Maybe you should also check if the default methods (listed here) fits your REST API, otherwise you should define your own.

