Authenticate a user using ngCordovaOauth - javascript

I've started building a mobile app using Ionic, which in turn uses Cordova underneath. I want to use's BaaS, and therefore I'm bound to using their Javascript SDK.
I want my users to signup using their Facebook, Twitter or Google accounts. supports only a specific user signup/login using Facebook, but also has a more generic User class to work with.
The thing is, the generic User class requires a password for authentication/signup, and that's exactly what I want to avoid. I'm looking towards using ngCordovaOauth, which allows my users to authenticate using many different Oauth providers, but I don't have a clue how to let that play nicely with Would it be a good or bad to use the Oauth token as the password?
Any thoughts, pointers or code examples?

I just ran into a slightly differently phrased question here on StackOverflow in the .NET section, which pointed me to a tutorial that explains how to do it:


How to use the Snapchat Login Kit with an existing auth system?

I'm creating my own social network and I've made an authentification server in JavaScript, with Json Web Tokens. Now, I want to integrate the Snapchat Login Kitto my app but it gives a token and it makes what I have made.
So that is my question : how can I use the Snapchat Login Kit to create a real account with my API and to allow the user to login with this?
I would recommend server tools like firebase, Parse, Back4app, and many others that have the ability to create a user with multiple platforms with like Google, Facebook and many others. Personally, it might be best if you don't use snapchat because of the fact that a lot of people don't have snapchat and their credentials are hard to remember when you are not having to log into the app for a long time so the user might be asked to put in their password that they do not remember.

Meteor - Facebook Graph Api

I am creating a meteor app. I successfully implemented the facebook login but now the last feature I should implement is to create a chat (involving facebook messenger) between the page(admin) and the user. It should happen through the app. Could I do that with meteor or I should use javascript. The second question, if it is not possible with meteor is how to initialize the messenger conversation, if I by using the facebook user Id which I already know from the registration. I know that there are a lot of discussions about the graph-api but I could not find anything which includes meteor.
You can utilize in app deep linking to direct a user to the messenger.
the %s represents the user-id of the user who will receive the message!
Android as well as iOS will handle these requests properly.

HTML / JavaScript - Post message on facebook wall from my web

this question may sound stupid, but im getting frustrated from searching around, and i cant manage to do that:
I want to create a button on my web (not an applications if that matters), and when the user will click on it, it will post a dynamic message on his wall.
Do i have to use javascript SDK for it, or is there a simpler way?
You have to use Facebook Connect (Facebook SDK for Javascript).
Take a look at this:
But before use this API you need to create an APP ID in the Facebook developers page and use this ID to authenticate through OAuth:
This link also explains you how to use Facebook SDK with jQuery
I hope it helps.
If you want something really simple. You can use Social Plugins to allow the user share your website. But I'm not really sure if you want to post a custom message for the user.

Is there a nice way in to handle OAuth1.0a for Twitter?

I'm using kinvey. They provide this great tutorial detailing sign-in via oauth. They also handle a considerable amount on their end allowing a very simple social signin method.
The issue is providing a proper Callback URL when creating the app within twitter. How do I make that play nicely with the tabs:childBrowser in Trigger.IO?
I've seen this answer regarding how to use Trigger.IO to handle OAuth2, how would I go about augmenting the method they provide for use with OAuth1.0a for use with Twitter?
I've put together a demo app which shows how to use forge.request.ajax and to do an OAuth 1.0a flow against Twitter. Might update the docs with the same when a get a second.

What is the best way to get Facebook Connect going with a Django app? (Given the new data permissions.)

I'm new to Django and trying to set up a Facebook connected site. There seem to be three available options at the moment:
Use middleware with PyFacebook. I was able to get the django-facebookconnect app going fairly easily and mod it to suit my needs, but it is currently unclear whether PyFacebook even supports extended permissions / if PyFacebook is still even under development?
Do everything with javascript. Teebes' javascript only django-facebookconnect seems promising along with reviewing the updated facebook authentication guide
Roll my own Python code a la Facebook's example
Can anyone point me in the right direction here? I plan to have users authenticate only through Facebook connect and then maintain dummy Django user accounts for each on the backend.
I plan to have users authenticate only through Facebook connect and then maintain dummy Django user accounts for each on the backend.
Seems you want exactly what does

