Display the results of an array on another page - javascript

I'm trying to load an array from one page and then have the results appear on another using javascript/jQuery. So a user will make a selection from a dropdown. Based on this dropdown the "customers" address, phone, email, etc. will appear in a text field. I'm trying to store those results in to the array (name | address | etc in one index of the array), display the result on the second screen, and then allow the user to add more names if necessary.
At the moment I'm trying to use localStorage to store the values and then JSON.stringify to convert the results so they can be stored in the array.
I think these are all of the pertinent lines:
var customerArray = [];
var getName = $('#DropDownList1').val();
var getAddress = $('#DataList1').text().trim();
var getPhone = $('#DataList2').text().trim();
var getEmail = $('#DataList3').text().trim();
//store the variables
localStorage.setItem("name", getName);
localStorage.setItem("address", getAddress);
localStorage.setItem("phone", getPhone);
localStorage.setItem("email", getEmail);
//user will click #btnAdd to add the customers information
//into customerArray[]
$("#btnAdd").click(function () {
var setName = localStorage.getItem("name");
var setAddress = localStorage.getItem("address");
var setPhone = localStorage.getItem("phone");
var setEmail = localStorage.getItem("email");
var post = setName + setAddress + setPhone + setEmail;
if (customerArray.length == 0) {
customerArray[0] = post;
} else {
for (var i = 1; i < customerArray.length; ++i) {
//store results of 'post' into the array
}); //end #btnAdd click event
Form here the 2nd page will load with a text field that will (should) display the results of the array (customerArray). Unfortunately I can only get 1 value to appear.
At the moment this is the block being used to display the results:
If it matters I'm writing the application using Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web. The data that initially populates the customers information comes from a database that I've used ASP controls to get. I'm confident there is a perfectly simple solution using ASP/C# but I'm trying to solve this problem using javascript/jQuery - I'm more familiar with those languages than I am with C#.
Thank you.

Use Array.join() to turn your array into a string to store.
Then use Array.split() to turn your string back into an Array.
var arr=['name','email','other'];
var localStorageString=arr.join(',');
var reassemble=localStorage.info.split(',');
for(var i=0;i<reassemble.length;i++){
Why does the user have to leave the current page though? IS a tabbed/dynamic interface not an option?


Question About the App Script of Dynamic Dropdown list with Section Navigation in Google Form

I am trying to make a dynamic dropdown list and Section Navigation in Google Form. However, my script can auto delete the choice when the quota has been met, the choice can’t navigate to the related page for other selections.
I am planning a health check event for my hospital. It needs to reserve by timeslot and date due to the crow control policy. The links below are my Google Spreadsheet for the form and my daft Google Form of the function.
How to set the go to sections on a Google Forms question using app script
function appointmentSlots() {
var form = FormApp.openById("1VqFBKBD_-iKYk_3Ze40j2tvRIi093-alaoCDsXpFi8k");
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var date1timelist = form.getItemById("2101588132").asListItem();
var optionsSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Date Options');
var dateoptions = optionsSheet.getRange('A2:A3').getValues();
var dateleft = optionsSheet.getRange('C2:C3').getValues();
var day1sheet = ss.getSheetByName('9/3');
var day1timeoptions = day1sheet.getRange('A2:A4').getValues();
var day1left = day1sheet.getRange('C2:C4').getValues();
var formFieldsArray = [
["9/3", 2061926149],
["10/3", 1632977105]
for(var h = 2; h < formFieldsArray.length; h++) {
var datelist = form.getItemById(formFieldsArray[h][2]).asListItem();
var avaibledateoptions = [];
var sectionday1timeslots = form.getItemById("2101588132").asPageBreakItem();
var sectionday2timeslots = form.getItemById("1630116063").asPageBreakItem();
var datechoice = datelist.getChoices();
var optionsDataLength = dateoptions.length;
for (var i=0; i<optionsDataLength; i++) {
var choice = dateoptions[i][0];
var left = dateleft[i][0];
if ((choice != '') && (left > 0) == formFieldsArray[h][2]) {
if (formFieldsArray[h]= "9/3") {
else {
var day1avaibledateoptions = [];
var optionsday1Length = day1timeoptions.length;
for (var i=0; i<optionsday1Length; i++) {
var day1timechoice = day1timeoptions[i][0];
var day1timeleft = day1left[i][0];
if ((day1timechoice != '') && (day1timeleft > 0)) {
//etc for day2 timeslots choice and day3 timeslots
In order to modify your form depending on the changing cell values in your Spreadsheet (caused by new form submissions) you will need to set up an installable onChange trigger that will basically run your function when a change on your Spreadsheet is done (like one coming from a form submission). To create such a trigger, please access your trigger pannel and then click on Create trigger and select as the event type onChange assigning it to the function you will be using to create/delete the form items.
Once a user submits a new form and you do certain calculations on your Spreadsheet to determine how many slots are free for that time slot, you can take the value of the cell that tells you how many free appointments are free for that time and if that number is 0 you can proceed to delete that question element using the method deleteItem().
If you eventually end up resetting the form (because your time slot is free again or someone cancels the meeting), you can undo this by creating back the element.
The following piece of code is a basic example on how to delete and create form items based on the changes of a Spreadsheet cell. It has self explanatory comments:
function onChange() {
// Get the different sheets where you have all your left places in your time slots
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('A');
// Get your form
var form = FormApp.openById('FORMID');
// Here you would get each element that might depend on whether there are any
// appointments left or not
var element = form.getItems()[2];
// Get the cell value that tells you if the time slot is already full (full=0)
var value = sheet.getRange('C2').getValue();
// If the value is 0 it means that this time slot is all completed and nobody
// should be able to select it again
if (value == 0) {
// delete this item
// if it is not full yet, it might be because your reset the time slot and therefore
// the element does not exist any more
} else {
// if the element exists dont do anything but if it doesnt and there are available
// apointments create it again
if (!element) {
form.addMultipleChoiceItem().setTitle('B').setChoiceValues(['Cats', 'Dogs']);
If you want to remove a choice option rather than an Item, you can look for the item, get all the choices as an array and then remove the choice you don't want any more from this array. Finally, you can update the item with your updated options with setChoices(). Here is a code example on how to achieve this:
function myFunction() {
// This is an example where I only have a single multiple choice item
var choiceItem = FormApp.getActiveForm().getItems(FormApp.ItemType.MULTIPLE_CHOICE)[0].asMultipleChoiceItem();
// Get current choices array
var choices = choiceItem.getChoices();
// Get choice you want to delete, this would be your times or dates obtained from
// the cell values
var choiceToBeRemoved = "A";
// remove choice from array
choices = choices.filter(function(choice){return choice.getValue() !== choiceToBeRemoved});
// Set updated choices
Javascript filter()

How to iterate through an array stored in Local Storage JavaScript?

In this application I am getting this information from users in an HTML form: var orderName, trackingNumber, price the user is updating these dynamically. Then I'm storing them in an array, converting it to json format, and keeping the orderName variable (which the user gave earlier) as the local storage key,
var myArray = [];
myArray.push(orderName, trackingNumber,price);
var JsonOrder = JSON.stringify(myArray );
localStorage.setItem(orderName,JsonOrder );
Now I want to display all the orders and their information. One page with all the orders listed, and the orderName should be a HYPERLINK that takes user to a page with information on just that order.
Here is what I'm doing to loop through the array:
var savedOrders = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('orderName'));
var orderName;
var trackingNumber;
var price;
for (var key in savedOrders ) {
orderName = savedOrders[key][0];
trackingNumber = savedOrders[key][1];
price = savedOrders[key][2];
This isn't working?
simply do
let JsonOrder = JSON.stringify( [orderName, trackingNumber, price] );
localStorage.setItem('someName',JsonOrder );
let orderName, trackingNumber, price;
[orderName, trackingNumber, price] = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('someName'));
I found an answer here:
// Get the existing data
var existing = localStorage.getItem('myFavoriteSandwich');
// If no existing data, create an array
// Otherwise, convert the localStorage string to an array
existing = existing ? existing.split(',') : [];
// Add new data to localStorage Array
// Save back to localStorage
localStorage.setItem('myFavoriteSandwich', existing.toString());
from https://gomakethings.com/how-to-update-localstorage-with-vanilla-javascript/
I think there is a better way then to use split since what if the user enters a [] or , as their input?But so far this works just not a good method.

How to generate one object key with an array of stored values from multiple on click events using localstorage and Jquery

I'm new to coding, and I need to display past search values from an input field using localstorage. The only way I can think of is by using one object key with an array of stored values from an on click event. Problem is, I can only get one position to appear as a value, with each value generated replacing the last. I've tried for loops and can't seem to get it to work. This is the code I have so far:
$('.search-city').on('click', function(e){
var textArr = [];
var text = $(".form-control").val();
localStorage.setItem("value1", textArr);
$('.search-city').on('click', function(e){
var search = localStorage.getItem("value1")
This would work:
$('.search-city').on('click', function(e){
// get the value from local storage
var localValue = localStorage.getItem('value1');
// if we had a value, parse it back to an array, if we dont, create an empty array
var textArr = localValue ? JSON.parse(localValue) : [];
// get the text from the search input, dont use "form-control"
// you're likely to have several of those on the page
// give the element a custom class like "search-input" and use that (id would be even better)
var text = $('.search-input').val();
// add the text to the array
text = trim(text);
if (text) {
// enforce a size limit here by removing the 0 index item if the count has grown too large
var maxAllowed = 10;
while (textArr.length > maxAllowed) {
// localstorage can only hold simple strings so we'll JSON stringify our object and store that
localValue = JSON.stringify(textArr);
localStorage.setItem("value1", localValue);

Numerically ordered ID's of data objects in Firebase

I am pretty new to the 'game' and was wondering if it's possible to order newly added data (through a form and inputs) to the Firebase numerically so each new data entry gets the ID (number of the last added data +1).
To make it more clear, underneath you can find a screenshot of how data is currently being added right now. The datapoint 0-7 are existing (JSON imported data) and the ones with the randomly created ID belong to new entries. I would like to have the entries to comply to the numbering inside of my Firebase, because otherwise my D3 bar chart won't be visualised.
var firebaseData = new Firebase("https://assignment5.firebaseio.com");
function funct1(evt)
var gameName = $('#nameInput').val();
var medalCount = $('#medalsInput').val();
var bool = $('#boolInput').is(':checked');
firebaseData.push().set({games: gameName, medals: medalCount, summergames: bool});
var submit = document.getElementsByTagName('button')[0];
submit.onclick = funct1;
function funct1(evt)
var gameName = $('#nameInput').val();
var medalCount = $('#medalsInput').val();
var bool = $('#boolInput').is(':checked');
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
firebaseData.child('7' + i).set({games: gameName, medals: medalCount, summergames: bool}(i)); };
There are two ways to generate ids for your document nodes.
Calling .push() on your reference will generate that unique id.
Calling .set() on your reference will allow you to use your own
Right now you're using .push().set({}), so push will generate an new id and the set will simply set the data.
// These two methods are equivalent
listRef.push().set({user_id: 'wilma', text: 'Hello'});
listRef.push({user_id: 'wilma', text: 'Hello'});
Using .set() without .push() will allow you to control your own id.
Using .push():
When managing lists of data in Firebase, it's important to use unique generated IDs since the data is updating in real time. If integer ids are being used data can be easily overwritten.
Just because you have an unique id, doesn't mean you can't query through your data by your ids. You can loop through a parent reference and get all of the child references as well.
var listRef = new Firebase('https://YOUR-FIREBASE.firebaseio.com/items');
// constructor for item
function Item(id) {
this.id = id;
// add the items to firebase
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
listRef.push(new Item(i));
// This will generate the following structure
// - items
// - LGAJlkejagae
// - id: 0
// now we can loop through all of the items
listRef.once('value', function (snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function (childSnapshot) {
var name = childSnapshot.name();
var childData = childSnapshot.val();
console.log(name); // unique id
console.log(childData); // actual data
console.log(childData.id); // this is the id you're looking for
Within the childData variable you can access your data such as the id you want.
Using .set()
If you want to manage your own ids you can use set, but you need to change the child reference as you add items.
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Now this will create an item with the id number
// ex: https://YOUR-FIREBASE.firebaseio.com/items/1
listRef.child('/' + i).set(new Item(i));
// The above loop with create the following structure.
// - items
// - 0
// - id: 0
To get the data you can use the same method above to loop through all of the child items in the node.
So which one to use?
Use .push() when you don't want your data to be easily overwritten.
Use .set() when your id is really, really important to you and you don't care about your data being easily overwritten.
The problem you're having is that you need to know the total amount of items in the list. This feature is not implemented in Firebase so you'll need to load the data and grab the number of items. I'd recommend doing this when the page loads and caching that count if you really desire to maintain that id structure. This will cause performance issues.
However, if you know what you need to index off of, or don't care to overwrite your index I wouldn't load the data from firebase.
In your case your code would look something like this:
// this variable will store all your data, try to not put it in global scope
var firebaseData = new Firebase('your-firebase-url/data');
var allData = null;
// if you don't need to load the data then just use this variable to increment
var allDataCount = 0;
// be wary since this is an async call, it may not be available for your
// function below. Look into using a deferred instead.
firebaseData.once('value', function(snapshot) {
allData = snapshot.val();
allDataCount = snapshot.numChildren(); // this is the index to increment off of
// assuming this is some click event that adds the data it should
function funct1(evt) {
var gameName = $('#nameInput').val();
var medalCount = $('#medalsInput').val();
var bool = $('#boolInput').is(':checked');
firebaseData.child('/' + allDataCount).set({
games: gameName,
medals: medalCount,
summergames: bool
allDataCount += 1; // increment since we still don't have the reference
For more information about managing lists in Firebase, there's a good article in the Firebase API Docs. https://www.firebase.com/docs/managing-lists.html

JavaScript Asp.net repeating controls

I am trying to do the folowing with Asp.net 3.5/IIS
A web form with a top level repeatable form. So basically a Order->Products->ProductsParts kinda of scenerio. Order is only one. Product is repeatable. Each product has repeatable products parts. The product and product part have a whole bunch of fields so I cannot use a grid.
So, I have add/remove buttons for Product and within each product add/remove buttons for each product part.
That is my requirement. I have been able to achieve add/remove after some research using jquery/js. How, do i capture this data on the server? Since javascript is adding and removing these controls they are not server side and I don't know how to assign name attributes correctly. I am trying following javascript but it ain't working:
function onAddProperty(btnObject){
var previous = btnObject.prev('div');
var propertyCount = jquery.data(document.body, 'propertyCount');
var newDiv = previous.clone(true).find("*[name]").andSelf().each(function () { $(this).attr("name").replace(($(this).attr("name").match(/\[[0-9]+\]/), cntr)); }); ;
jquery.data(document.body, 'propertyCount', propertyCount);
//keep only one unit and remove rest
var children = newDiv.find('#pnlUnits > #pnlUnitRepeater');
var unitCount = children.length;
var first = children.first();
for (i = 1; i < unitCount; i++) {
newDiv.id = "pnlPropertySlider_" + propertyCount;
I need to assign name property as array so that I can read it in Request.Form
Fix for not updating ids not working:
var newDiv = previous.clone(true).find("input,select").each(function () {
'name': function () {
var name = $(this).attr('name');
if (!name) return '';
return name.replace(/property\[[0-9]+\]/, 'property' + propertyCount);
The issue looks like the following line:
$(this).attr("name").replace(($(this).attr("name").match(/\[[0-9]+\]/), cntr));
This statement doesn't do anything. Strings in JavaScript an immutable, and .replace only returns the string with something replaced.
You would then have to actually set the attr("name") to the new string that has the replaced value:
I can't help much more without seeing your HTML.

