Backbone model attribute - javascript

I have a Backbone Model that basically looks like this:
var User = Backbone.Model.extend({
idAttribute: "_id",
givenName: 'UserModel',
urlRoot: '/users',
defaults: {
firstName: null,
lastName: null,
username: null,
password: null,
email: null
initialize: function (options) {
this.options = options || {};
_.bindAll(this, 'deleteModel', 'persist', 'validate');
constructor: function (attributes, options) {
Backbone.Model.apply(this, arguments);
validate: function (attr) {
return undefined;
persist: function (adds, callback) {
deleteModel: function (callback) {
but then why doesn't givenName show up in the debugger? I assume it's something to do with the nature of Backbone and nothing that's wrong with my code or the debugger.
here I even console.logged "model.givenName" and it is indeed defined. So I don't understand how Backbone is working:


how to inherit models.js in pos and make some changes?

odoo.define('pos_ticket.models_extend', function (require) {
"use strict";
var x = require('point_of_sale.models');
var models = pos_model.PosModel.prototype.models;
model: '',
fields: [ 'currency_id', 'email', 'website', 'company_registry', 'vat', 'name', 'phone', 'partner_id' , 'country_id', 'tax_calculation_rounding_method','city','trn_no'],
ids: function(self){ return [self.user.company_id[0]]; },
loaded: function(self,companies){ = companies[0]; },
model: 'product.product',
fields: ['display_name', 'list_price','price','pos_categ_id', 'taxes_id', 'barcode', 'default_code',
'to_weight', 'uom_id', 'description_sale', 'description',
order: ['sequence','default_code','name'],
domain: [['sale_ok','=',true],['available_in_pos','=',true]],
context: function(self){ return { pricelist:, display_default_code: false }; },
loaded: function(self, products){
model: 'product.product',
fields: ['display_name', 'list_price','price','pos_categ_id', 'taxes_id', 'barcode', 'default_code',
'to_weight', 'uom_id', 'description_sale', 'description',
order: ['sequence','default_code','name'],
domain: [['sale_ok','=',true],['available_in_pos','=',true]],
context: function(self){ return { pricelist:, display_default_code: false }; },
loaded: function(self, products){
x.Order = x.Order.extend({
export_for_printing: function(){
var self = this;
this.pos = options.pos;
var company =;
var receipt = {
return receipt;
I want to add city and trn_no in and arb in product.product to see the arabic translation.Then only i can submit my project in time, i am literally trapped please help me .i am a trainee .
To add new field in POS modules necessary in models.js override PosModel in the parent models which we take from “point_of_sale.models”.
After some changes
odoo.define('pos_ticket.models_extend', function (require) {
"use strict";
var x = require('point_of_sale.models');
var _super = x.PosModel.prototype;
module.PosModel = x.PosModel.extend({
initialize: function (session, attributes) {
// call super to set all properties
_super.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
// here i can access the models list like this and add an element.
// load allowed users
model: '',
fields: ['city','trn_no'],
domain: function(self){ return [['id','in',self.users.company_id]]; },
loaded: function(self,companies){
self.allowed_users = companies;
model: 'product.product',
fields: ['arb'],
order: ['sequence','default_code','name'],
domain: [['sale_ok','=',true],['available_in_pos','=',true]],
context: function(self){ return { pricelist:, display_default_code: false }; },
loaded: function(self, products){
return this;
now i need to inherit another function called "export_for_printing" and add those new fields in it so that i can print these
Just add the modifications to the self.models array like this. This works for the version 8. Maybe it you need to adapt it:
if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Product multi POS needs jQuery'); }
+function ($) {
'use strict';
openerp.your_module_name = function(instance, module) {
var PosModelParent = instance.point_of_sale.PosModel;
instance.point_of_sale.PosModel = instance.point_of_sale.PosModel.extend({
load_server_data: function(){
var self = this;
self.models.forEach(function(elem) {
if (elem.model == '') {
elem.fields = // make your new assignations here
elem.domain = // ...
elem.loaded = // ...
} else if (elem.model == 'product.product') {
// [...]
var loaded = PosModelParent.prototype.load_server_data.apply(this, arguments);
return loaded;
}(jQuery); not working

I have web-application in knockout.js javascript framework.
I have following model:
function ClientContactRepository() {
// View Model State
this.model = null;
// Return View Model
this.GetModel = function () {
this.model = {
ID: ko.observable(),
Title: ko.observable().extend({ required: true }),
FirstName: ko.validatedObservable().extend({ required: true }),
MI: ko.observable(),
LastName: ko.observable().extend({ required: true }),
SecurityTab:[this.FirstName,this.LastName], { deep: true })
submit: function () {
return this.model;
i am trying to group on FirstName and LastName inside SecurityTab, but on Save click event every time i am getting this.SecurityTab.length =0.
what can be reason ? why group is not working ?

Model is not a constructor-Backbone

I have created a model and collection for a json to be fetched as shown here.When i'm instantiating in the service i'm getting error that my model is not a constructor.My model uses collection of models for storing time/value pairs.
define(function(require) {
'use strict';
var _ = require('underscore');
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var ServiceMonitoringCollection=require('./ServiceMonitoringCollection');
var ServiceMonitoringModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
modelNAme: 'ServiceMonitoringModel',
idAttribute: 'id',
defaults: {
// todo
content_type: '',
content_graph: {
capacity: null,
performance: {
memory: new ServiceMonitoringCollection(),
cpu: new ServiceMonitoringCollection()
initialize: function() {
validate: function(attributes) {
parse: function(response) {
return {
content_type: response.content_type,
content_graph: {
capacity:this.getDeepJsonValue(response, 'capacity'),
performance: {
memory: new ServiceMonitoringCollection(this.getDeepJsonValue(response, 'memory'),{parse:true}),
cpu: new ServiceMonitoringCollection(this.getDeepJsonValue(response, 'cpu'),{parse:true})
return ServiceMonitoringModel;
var ServiceMonitoringModel=require('common/model/server/ServiceMonitoringModel');
var ServiceMonitoringModel = new ServiceMonitoringModel();
Your problem is:
var ServiceMonitoringModel = new ServiceMonitoringModel();
You are assigning a value to your Model definition. Try:
var serviceMonitoringModel = new ServiceMonitoringModel();
Notice the lowercase s

Weird Backbone.Validation bug when used with require.js and backbone.stickit

I amusing T. Hedersen's backbone.validation plugin ( in conjunction with backbone.stickit plugin for model binding. I am running into a weird error where in it constantly validates all the fields when a single attribute of the model changes. Here is the code
define(function(require) {
"use strict";
var $ = require('jquery'),
Backbone = require('backbone'),
Validation = require('backbone.validation'),
applicantModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
firstName: '',
middleName: '',
lastName: ''
initialize: function() {
validation: {
firstName: {
required: true
middleName: {
required: true
lastName: {
required: true
return new applicantModel;
define(function(require) {
"use strict";
var $ = require('jquery'),
_ = require('underscore'),
Backbone = require('backbone'),
tpl = require('text!templates/primaryApplicantInfo.html'),
lovValues = require('application/models/lovModel'),
Stickit = require('stickit'),
ApplicantModel = require('application/models/applicantModel'),
Validation = require('backbone.validation'),
template = _.template(tpl),
applicantView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
console.log('Inside the initialization function');
bindings: {
'[name=firstName]': {
observe: 'firstName',
setOptions: {
validate: true
'[name=middleName]': {
observe: 'middleName',
setOptions: {
validate: true
'[name=lastName]': {
observe: 'lastName',
setOptions: {
validate: true
render: function() {
console.log("Inside applicant view");
//Render application header
Backbone.Validation.bind(this, {
//The problem is here, this executes for all the attributes of the model when changing a single attribute
forceUpdate: true,
valid: function(view, attr) {
console.log("Validity is proper for "+attr);
invalid: function(view, attr, error) {
console.log("Validity is improper for "+attr);
$.each(lovValues.toJSON().suffix, function(val, text) {
$('#applicantInfoSuffix').append(new Option(text.text, text.value));
Do not set the default values of the model as ''. Remove the default values if possible.
define(function(require) {
"use strict";
var $ = require('jquery'),
Backbone = require('backbone'),
Validation = require('backbone.validation'),
applicantModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function() {
validation: {
firstName: {
required: true
middleName: {
required: true
lastName: {
required: true
return new applicantModel;

Ember select selectionbinding observable not working,

App.Select2Users = Ember.Select.extend({
attributeBindings: ['class'],
selectedValueBinding: this.get('selectionBinding'),
didInsertElement: function () {"afterRender", this, "processChildElements");
value: Ember.computed(function(key, value){
processChildElements: function () {
var self = this;
$(this.$()).select2({}).on('change', function (e) {
var context = self.get('context');
var currentValues = self.get(self.selectionBinding._from);
e.val.forEach(function (val) {
if (!_.contains(currentValues, val))
self.set(self.selectionBinding._from, currentValues);
propertyWillChange: function () { alert('se'); },
willDestroyElement: function () {
Above is my selectview. I'm using select2 on a select multiple.Below is my controller,
App.NewController = Ember.Controller.extend({
users: [{ userId: "Logan", department: "Frontline" }, { userId: "Logan2", department: "Frontline2" }],
users: null,
userSelected: function () {
alert('user selected');
The plugin works and updates the selectedUsers each time i select an item from the selectlist. But the function userSelected doesnt get invoked. From what i know, whenever an observable property is modified, the even will fire. Am i correct?

