how to apply a style by printing svg from javascript - javascript

by printing svg from javascript I got my chart without styles.css. Any ideas how to add styles?
function print(){
var element = document.getElementById("chart");
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
var view = serializer.serializeToString(element);
var printWin ='','','left=0;top=0;width=800;height=600;toolbar=0;scrollbars=0; status=0;');
if want to know what I mean check this screenshot
I need somehow to point on my styles.css file which is located not in the same file


When I double click the node text editing is going some where

When I double click the node text editing is going some where, instead of the node. The below is the code and I don't know what is happening. I'm using AJAX to get the mxGraph XML from server side.
Edited source code as per comments
// Creates the div for the graph
var xmlDocument = mxUtils.parseXml(xml);
var decoder = new mxCodec(xmlDocument);
var node = xmlDocument.documentElement;
container.innerHTML = '';
graph = new mxGraph(container);
// Changes the default style for edges "in-place"
var style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultEdgeStyle();
style[mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED] = true;
style[mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE] = mxEdgeStyle.ElbowConnector;
decoder.decode(node, graph.getModel());
var layout = new mxHierarchicalLayout(graph, mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST);
var parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
Adding following piece of code during initialization helped me

Compose unique svg appending multiple svgObject from external files

I try to compose a unique HTML file composed by the concat of multiple svg, loads from externals file. I've create a function that receive in input the content of SVG file and want to append it to an svg child node already load in the dom.
function LoadComponent(xmlContent) {
//the node name to append svg
var gridCell = "Zone00";
//svgDoc is
var itemGrid = svgDoc.getElementById(gridCell)
if (itemGrid != null)
var oParser = new DOMParser();
var oDOM = oParser.parseFromString(xmlContent, "image/svg+xml");
var root = oDOM.documentElement;
alert("item not found");
return false;
return true;
My Idea is to create a Grid into the principal svg, and Load in the cells other svg from external files. After all I want to animate the controls using SVG animations.
The loading does not work properly.

I have created image tag in JavaScript, but it is not displaying image on web page

I am calling this function on add button from my PHTML. On click of add button I want to show image of selected fruit in <div>.
function moveoutid()
var sda = document.getElementById('availableFruits');
var len = sda.length;
var sda1 = document.getElementById('orderFruits');
for(var j=0; j<len; j++)
var img1=document.createElement('img').src=baseUrl+"/img/"+sda.options[j].value+".jpg";
var di=document.getElementById('d');
var tmp = sda.options[j].text;
var tmp1 = sda.options[j].value;
var y=document.createElement('option');
In this code I have created <img> tag and passing image path to src, to show selected image on web page. It is correctly taking path of images but it is not appending <img> tag and not displaying image on web page.
Your problem is, most likely, in this line:
var img1=document.createElement('img').src=baseUrl+"/img/"+sda.options[j].value+".jpg";
This creates an element, assigns the src property to it and then assigns the value of this src property to variable img1. Instead, you should do this in two lines:
var img1 = document.createElement('img');
img1.src = baseUrl+"/img/"+sda.options[j].value+".jpg";

Add XML document as child to another node in Javascript

I have a question: I'm getting in Javascript XML. I want to add a 'father' node
to that xml.
How do I do that?
/* Load the XML text from the text area to a Javascript XML object */
var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
xmlDoc.async = "false";
xmlObj = xmlDoc.documentElement;
/* Creating the Screen node */
var Screen = document.createElement("Screen");
Screen.setAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "");
Screen.setAttribute("xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "../../GUIGenerator_V2/Scheme/GG_Scheme.xsd");
/* Creating the Legend node */
var Legend = document.createElement("Legend");
Legend.setAttribute("EntityType", "Request");
var ImportedNode = document.adopteNode(xmlDoc.documentElement);
Legend is the child of Screen, And I want to make the xmlDoc a child of Legend.
I have tried to write: Legend.appendChild(xmlDoc.documentElement);
but getting an error. What can be the problem?
In some case, a XML is reference as a DOM inside JavaScript so you can use standard DOM functions on it. Pay attention about navigator specific implementation to avoid compatibility problems...
To add a father node you need to use something like :
/* Load the XML text from the text area to a Javascript XML object */
var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
xmlDoc.async = "false";
xmlObj = xmlDoc.documentElement;
/* Creating the Screen node */
var Screen = document.createElement("Screen");
Screen.setAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "");
Screen.setAttribute("xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "../../GUIGenerator_V2/Scheme/GG_Scheme.xsd");
/* Creating the Legend node */
var Legend = document.createElement("Legend");
Legend.setAttribute("EntityType", "Request");
var ImportedNode = document.adopteNode(xmlDoc.documentElement);
after execution of that code you obtain a document strucured like:

how to load a picture from .js file to html?

I have a file called src.js which has all the scripts for my html page.
now on my html page I am using this :
<script language="javascript" src="src.js">
to call the .js file to use it.
I am not sure how to set up the images links in the .js file or how to call them in the .html file
I need a simple answer please :)
You need to have a placeholder for your images in the HTML otherwise you would need to dynamically modify the HTML DOM structure.
As for using variables for image links, refer to the code below which pre-loads the images.
if (document.images)
preload_image_object = new Image();
// set image url
image_url = new Array();
image_url[0] = "";
image_url[1] = "";
image_url[2] = "";
image_url[3] = "";
var i = 0;
for(i=0; i<=3; i++)
preload_image_object.src = image_url[i];
The browser must have the document.images attribute defined.
<div id="_images"></div>
var images = { // images with properties
image1 : {url:'http://image1',property:'value'},
image2 : {url:'http://image2',props:[],else:'val'}
for(var i in images){
var image = new Image();
image.src = images[i].url;
// put image anywhere you want

