Best ways to test a responsive website - javascript

I've been tasked with creating a website (using mainly javascript & JQuery) that reads in a certain element from a website - e.g. the navigation bar - and test it to see how it react at different screen sizes.
My question is that is this a good approach? To test elements one at a time instead of just testing the responsiveness of the whole page? Wouldn't an element react differently to media query changes with other elements around it, rather than the element by itself?

My vote will be to firefox default responsive tester. Use Ctrl+Shift+M to make the firefox screen responsive.
If you want to see the dimensions with name, go with google chrome, right-click, inspect element. There you will see a mobile icon. Click that.This will give you a dropdown of variety of devices.

Usually the good approach is to test the whole page. But clearly there are cases when element testing is necessary, even disabling certain ones and check the rest together. So the tool you're about to create actually makes sense; not good enough, tho. But maybe you're better off with a Google Chrome element inspector and some "display:none"-s.
(Side note: this is my own responsivity tester and I never needed much more than this. It aims for the typical bootstrap breakpoints; it has maybe twelve lines of code, it's just as complex as a screwdriver.)

If you want to try it on native devices you should check out
There is an extensions for your browser so that you can run local sites (localhost), on the emulated device.
30 min trial is free which is usually enough for a few tests.


Creating mobile version of the Wordpress site

We have website that was developed for desktops and now I've been blessed with a task of creating mobile version of it. The mobile design might be quite different from desktop version and the website is build on Wordpress. Now I'm not sure what would be best approach:
shall I stick to CSS changes only (as much as possible) and use media queries to target smaller screens? I'm worried about large images still being downloaded even if these are display:none. There is also quite a bit of JS happening on every page and this JS will not be used in mobile version of the site so I would have to build in additional checks possibly etc. Any other possbile problems with this approach?
server side code should detect if its mobile browser and should return custom html? Any other possbile problems with this approach?
mixture of two above?
any other options?
If anyone has experience with similar project and could point me to what proffered solution would be that would be great.
Use media queries as much as possible for layout changes.
For you JS, create yourself a small breakpoint handler that will trigger the js to run or stop.
I think a lot of people don't realize that a 2x image compressed is smaller than a 1x image compressed. So, if you use compression for you images, you will actually get a better network performance using just large images. How much of that image gets displayed is a potential issue that can cause negative performance, but I imagine that it's insignificant.
Are you using completely different UI for mobile than for desktop or is is just a different positioning of elements? If you have to support two templates then you will want o think about Adaptive(responsive from the server), where the server will determine based on the UserAgent which template to send to the client. UserAgent wont really get you much except for the type of Browser the client has. To figure out the dimensions of the device's screen you will need to know the dimensions or use a service like WURFL.
If you can do all of your UI change in one template using media queries then it might be best to start working on this from a Mobile First approach and basically start from scratch on your mobile look of the site and then figure out how you can re-position the elements on the page to match as close as possible to the current desktop look. Using the Responsive vs Adaptive approach will eliminate the need for UserAgent detection and you will only work with the width of the device.
Thinking of Responsive in "Mobile" vs "Desktop" is really limiting and causes a bit of confusion. Mobile should refer to devices that change location. Try using names like small, medium, and large to describe the layouts(breakpoints) for your Responsive Page.
Finally, there is not preferred way of doing "Responsive." Each site will have it's own requirements that need to be met. It is up to you to learn as much as possible and create the preferred way for your needs.
I am a big fan of the Responsive Theme Wordpress has. It is very customizable, and will allow you to use one site for both Mobile and Desktop.
You could always use:
<meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width">
in your header. Then the whole site will resize to fit the mobile device.
All your js should still work on mobile devices. It would just be 'flash' that wouldn't.
The site isn't "responsive" with this but, depending on the site and how much interaction etc the visitor needs, sometimes this is adequate and simple?

Specific height for div in Mobile Windows 6.1

I always come to stackoverflow to check for answers; however, for the current question I have not found any relevant information yet.
I have a Mobile Windows 6.1 PDA and I want to create a simple HTML page for it. I want specific divs of the page to have a specific height, based on the text that are inside these divs.
Maximum I want 2 rows of text.
The text can contain HTML code. I want to slice the text but do not hurt the HTML code.
Before you think "there are 100 different solutions with CSS or Javascript for this" I would like to mention that 6.1 uses a mixture of IE4 with some features of IE5. The browser supports only CCS1 (so no max-height, no overflow:hidden, no position: absolute, no top, bottom etc).
Also the browser supports a very limited range of Javascript functions. I thought to parse the DOM of Javascript and constantly check if the text inside the div is bigger than 28pt (this is two rows) and cut it. However, most of the DOM functions do not work. createElement() does not work, appendChild either. Only getElementById and innerHTML work.
I found this solution for Javascript, which works perfectly with modern browsers, however, since it contains functions such createElement(), appendChild(), cloneNode() etc. it does not work with IE4. Work-around to the createElement() is the innerHTMl which works perfectly but then the browser reports errors for the DOM functions that the code uses.
P.S: Please do not answer "change PDA etc.". I know that the OS is very old but I have to use it.
Ok so if your only dealing with 1 style of device could you use a javascript viewport sniff maybe and use the inner html adjustments to adjust to a new style sheet so that you can have it work for said device, if you have to program for multiple devices you can create multiple style sheets. I would advise for testing purposes to see if anyone has an android or iOs device with similar screen sizes so you can use something like edge inspect from adobe creative cloud that you can adjust and see the changes.
Someone has a thing on viewport find here
Find the exact height and width of the viewport in a cross-browser way (no Prototype/jQuery)
that may be of use.
Since your dealing with basic javascript you should just be able to change the address of a css link and that may be a solution. If i mistook any of the functionality of the device im sorry however it has been a while since I had a windows mobile 6.x phone.

Responsive Javascript Files?

I've built my mobile site using the jQuery Mobile UI but I now realize that I need some functionality to be different between it and my desktop site (datepicker dates should be longer on the desktop site, etc).
I've looked into Modernizr and matchMedia to help me load separate js files but I can't figure out a nice way for it to work responsively. Modernizr only works (unless I missed something in the doc) on the initial load and I'm having problems with matchMedia executing multiple times as it crosses the min/max-width threshold. It works sometimes but the trouble is in adding/removing the separate js files. On top of that (but not a huge issue - I don't think), Chrome fires off an error when loading scripts into the DOM from another script.
Would the best thing be to write one js file and then add a listener such as $"screen and (min-width: XXXpx)") to the body's width, changing my needed values?
I may be making this too hard for myself, or missing something obvious because I'm trying to keep HTTP requests and site size as small as possible, but I can't figure out a good solution for this.
Thank you!
Lightning Round Bonus Question: Is it good practice/proper to keep all of the jQuery Mobile styling (data-role data-id data-theme) after switching to the desktop site? It looks awfully .. awful for someone only viewing it on a larger screen.
IMHO, the best approach would be to introduce a couple of flags in your javascript, like "isMobile", "isTablet" or "isDesktop", that would be set within a method attached to the "pageinit" event of your webapp. Later on, you could check that flags to act accordingly with the proper version in the specific parts of your code.
The way you can check that flags depends on your architecture. In the project I am working right now, I extract that information from a class attached by the back-end on the body of the page, but that's because we have that info. You could try to use a library like Harvey to observe the media-queries that would be trigger, and set the flags accordingly. I don't think that your options ends here, but I am afraid I can't help you more!

Anti-aliased text with css/javascript for Large font size?

I am using Large fonts in my website at a few places and they don't appear anti-aliased or smooth... I was wondering if their is any way to show large anti-aliased fonts for browsers on windows OS which has anti-aliasing switched off as default... Similar to something they have on this website here
You can't control system anti-alias in CSS.
For that, you would have to use Flash text replacement, like sIFR (they are using h2swf)
If the user's OS or browser does not have anti-alias switched on, there's nothing you can do to force either to use it. You can use other rendering platforms like Flash, or using CCS to replace text with images, to allow fonts to be displayed with anti-aliasing, but it does seem like a kludge for something as simple as rendering text. Technologies like Flash will also alienate certain audiences, either whose devices have no support for them or they simply opt out of using them.
If your user does not have AA enabled, arguably they are displaying a preference or simply don't care about the particulars of how the font is rendered. At the end of the day, you simply cannot directly control the client your users will use to consume your website. On the web you will always be at the mercy of the client application. The best you can do is present it clearly and in such a way that it should be easy for users to get the best experience they can achieve with their client.
Don't lose any sleep over whether your pixels are slightly less pretty on one client.
Cufon is an alternative to sIFR. See comparison here:
Good news : in IE9 (released 3/14/11) they seem to put much larger text as anti aliased by default. I have hardware acceleration disabled - so it probably has this effect for all users.
Warning: this is an exercise in futility but....
I did notice that the text-shadow css property seems to force anti aliasing in some browsers. Unfortunately I think only Chrome at this time...
Here's a sample...
(each heading is shown first normally - and then with a text shadow).
Best viewed in Chrome!

Best tool to create a full screen slide show from the web

I need to create a slide show of some images that can go full screen so it can be displayed via S-Video out.
The software is delivered via the web so a web-based option is needed.
The list of images is dynamic, and I would like to show them in order. The list of photos can change while the slideshow is running, and I would like to add the new photos to the slideshow.
I see two options:
Build it using JavaScript and then use a browser plugin to go full screen. I have a prototype of this, however it displays photos in random order.
Build it using Flash. I know nothing about Flash so I am looking for slideshows that can go full screen.
What would be best? Are there any good, customizable Flash slideshows?
For those interested, I ended up making an Adobe AIR application using HTML and JavaScript. Adobe AIR can go full screen and I was able to leverage the knowledge of HTML and JavaScript I already have. It has worked out pretty well, though there was a rather steep learning curve for the native AIR classes and how to use them.
If you're using Flash, SlideShowPro is a good option that you may recognize from sites like ESPN.
when you say "fullscreen", do you mean taking up ENTIRE screen? if so, javascript is not a tool to use, it must live inside the browser, so you will always have some chrome visible from the browser.
flash can do full screen, on the other hand.
Most browsers allow you to go full screen (even hiding the chrome) with the F11 key (requires user input). Then it's just a matter of scaling the image in javascript to the size of the viewport. If it doesn't exists, it could be written easily enough probably from a preexisting gallery script.
Also, this answer may be helpful
Hope that helps.

