Regular Expression Split and match - javascript

I'm learning how to use regular expressions and am a bit confused by something hopefully some one can clarify, if I use the following string and expression I get the expected results with match but the exact opposite if I use split. Beating my head against the wall I don't understand why?
var a = "212,0,,456,,0,67889";
var patt = /,\d{1,5},/gmi;
alert(pos);// returns ,0, ,456, and ,0,
alert(pos); //returns 212, and ,67889

Split means, look for a match of the pattern on the string and split that string every time you see a match. Also Remove each match you find.
This link has some good examples:
"~ a delimiter is used by the split function as a way of breaking up the string. Every time it sees the delimiter we specified, it will create a new element in an array. The first argument of the split function is the delimiter." (The delimiter is the pattern)
Example one:
<script type="text/javascript">
var myString = "123456789";
var mySplitResult = myString.split("5");
document.write("The first element is " + mySplitResult[0]);
document.write("<br /> The second element is " + mySplitResult[1]);
The first element is 1234
The second element is 6789
"Make sure you realize that because we chose the 5 to be our delimiter, it is not in our result. This is because the delimiter is removed from the string and the remaining characters are separated by the chasm of space that the 5 used to occupy."
Example Two:
<script type="text/javascript">
var myString = "zero one two three four";
var mySplitResult = myString.split(" ");
for(i = 0; i < mySplitResult.length; i++){
document.write("<br /> Element " + i + " = " + mySplitResult[i]);
Element 0 = zero
Element 1 = one
Element 2 = two
Element 3 = three
Element 4 = four

Consecutive splits are ignored, so you are just getting the two strings that don't match the regex.

You can use split or match to achieve the same, but you need different regex. For instance, you can use for match:
Working demo
var re = /\d+/g;
var str = '212,0,,456,,0,67889';
var m;
while ((m = re.exec(str)) !== null) {
if (m.index === re.lastIndex) {
// View your result using the m-variable.
// eg m[0] etc.
Or you can use this regex to split:
Working demo


Regex match cookie value and remove hyphens

I'm trying to extract out a group of words from a larger string/cookie that are separated by hyphens. I would like to replace the hyphens with a space and set to a variable. Javascript or jQuery.
As an example, the larger string has a name and value like this within it:
(notice the leading "C")
So first, I need to match()/find facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store; with regex. Then break it down to "Conner Department Store"
var cookie = document.cookie;
var facilityValue = cookie.match( REGEX ); ??
var test = "store=874635%7Csomethingelse;facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store;store=874635%7Csomethingelse;";
var test2 = test.replace(/^(.*)facility=([^;]+)(.*)$/, function(matchedString, match1, match2, match3){
return decodeURIComponent(match2);
console.log( test2 );
console.log( test2.split('|')[1].replace(/[-]/g, ' ') );
If I understood it correctly, you want to make a phrase by getting all the words between hyphens and disallowing two successive Uppercase letters in a word, so I'd prefer using Regex in that case.
This is a Regex solution, that works dynamically with any cookies in the same format and extract the wanted sentence from it:
var matches = str.match(/([A-Z][a-z]+)-?/g);
console.log( {
return m.replace('-', '');
}).join(" "));
var str = "facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store;";
var matches = str.match(/([A-Z][a-z]+)-?/g);
console.log( {
return m.replace('-', '');
}).join(" "));
Use this Regex (/([A-Z][a-z]+)-?/g to match the words between -.
Replace any - occurence in the matched words.
Then just join these matches array with white space.
first, you should decode this string as follows:
var str = "facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store;"
var decoded = decodeURIComponent(str);
// decoded = "facility=34222|Conner-Department-Store;"
Then you have multiple possibilities to split up this string.
The easiest way is to use substring()
var solution1 = decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf('|') + 1, decoded.length)
// solution1 = "Conner-Department-Store;"
solution1 = solution1.replace('-', ' ');
// solution1 = "Conner Department Store;"
As you can see, substring(arg1, arg2) returns the string, starting at index arg1 and ending at index arg2. See Full Documentation here
If you want to cut the last ; just set decoded.length - 1 as arg2 in the snippet above.
decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf('|') + 1, decoded.length - 1)
//returns "Conner-Department-Store"
or all above in just one line:
decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf('|') + 1, decoded.length - 1).replace('-', ' ')
If you want still to use a regular Expression to retrieve (perhaps more) data out of the string, you could use something similar to this snippet:
var solution2 = "";
var regEx= /([A-Za-z]*)=([0-9]*)\|(\S[^:\/?#\[\]\#\;\,']*)/;
if (regEx.test(decoded)) {
solution2 = decoded.match(regEx);
/* returns
length:4] */
solution2 = solution2[3].replace('-', ' ');
// "Conner Department Store"
I have applied some rules for the regex to work, feel free to modify them according your needs.
facility can be any Word built with alphabetical characters lower and uppercase (no other chars) at any length
= needs to be the char =
34222 can be any number but no other characters
| needs to be the char |
Conner-Department-Store can be any characters except one of the following (reserved delimiters): :/?#[]#;,'
Hope this helps :)
edit: to find only the part
facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store; just modify the regex to
match facility= instead of ([A-z]*)=:
You can use cookies.js, a mini framework from MDN (Mozilla Developer Network).
Simply include the cookies.js file in your application, and write:
docCookies.getItem("Connor Department Store");

how to retrieve a string between to same charecter

I know how to use substring() but here I have a problem, I'd like to retrieve a number between two "_" from a unknown string length. here is my string for example.
and I want to get the 28. How can I proceed to do so ?
The slashes inside match make it's contents regex.
_s are taken literally
( and ) are for retrieving the contents (the target number) later
\d is a digit character
+ is "one or more".
The [1] on the end is accesses what got matched from the first set of parens, the one or more (+) digits (\d).
var str = '7_28_li';
var state = 0; //How many underscores have gone by
var num = '';
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str[i] == '_') state++;
else if (state == 1) num += str[i];
num = parseInt(num);
Probably more efficient, but kind of long and ugly.
Split it into an array, then get the second element.
var str = "7_28_li";
var num = str.substring(str.indexOf('_') + 1, str.indexOf('_', 2));
Get the start and end point. Uses the little-known second parameter of indexOf. This works better than lastIndexOf because it is guaranteed to give the first number between _s, even when there are more than 2 underscores.
First find the index of _, and then find the next position of _. Then get the substring between them.
var data = "7_28_li";
var idx = data.indexOf("_");
console.log(data.substring(idx + 1, data.indexOf("_", idx + 1)));
# 28
You can understand that better, like this
var data = "7_28_li";
var first = data.indexOf("_");
var next = data.indexOf("_", first + 1);
console.log(data.substring(first + 1, next));
# 28
Note: The second argument to indexOf is to specify where to start looking from.
Probably the easiest way to do it is to call split on your string, with your delimiter ("_" in this case) as the argument. It'll return an array with 7, 28, and li as elements, so you can select the middle one.
This will work if it'll always be 3 elements. If it's more, divide the length property by 2 and floor it to get the right element.
var splitstring = "7_28_li".split("_")
I'm not sure how you want to handle even length strings, but all you have to do is set up an if statement and then do whatever you want.
If you know there would be 2 underscore, you can use this
var str = "7_28_li";
var res = str.substring(str.indexOf("_") +1, str.lastIndexOf("_"));
If you want to find the string between first 2 underscores
var str = "7_28_li";
var firstIndex = str.indexOf("_");
var secondIndex = str.indexOf("_", firstIndex+1);
var res = str.substring(firstIndex+1, secondIndex);

Javascript Remove strings in beginning and end

base on the following string
How can i remove the . on the beginning and end of string like the trim that removes all spaces, using javascript
the output should be
These are the reasons why the RegEx for this task is /(^\.+|\.+$)/mg:
Inside /()/ is where you write the pattern of the substring you want to find in the string:
/(ol)/ This will find the substring ol in the string.
var x = "colt".replace(/(ol)/, 'a'); will give you x == "cat";
The ^\.+|\.+$ in /()/ is separated into 2 parts by the symbol | [means or]
^\.+ and \.+$
^\.+ means to find as many . as possible at the start.
^ means at the start; \ is to escape the character; adding + behind a character means to match any string containing one or more that character
\.+$ means to find as many . as possible at the end.
$ means at the end.
The m behind /()/ is used to specify that if the string has newline or carriage return characters, the ^ and $ operators will now match against a newline boundary, instead of a string boundary.
The g behind /()/ is used to perform a global match: so it find all matches rather than stopping after the first match.
To learn more about RegEx you can check out this guide.
Try to use the following regex
var text = '\n..there...\';
var replaced = text.replace(/(^\.+|\.+$)/mg, '');
Here is working Demo
Use Regex /(^\.+|\.+$)/mg
^ represent at start
\.+ one or many full stops
$ represents at end
var text = '\n..there...\';
alert(text.replace(/(^\.+|\.+$)/mg, ''));
Here is an non regular expression answer which utilizes String.prototype
String.prototype.strim = function(needle){
var first_pos = 0;
var last_pos = this.length-1;
//find first non needle char position
for(var i = 0; i<this.length;i++){
if(this.charAt(i) !== needle){
first_pos = (i == 0? 0:i);
//find last non needle char position
for(var i = this.length-1; i>0;i--){
if(this.charAt(i) !== needle){
last_pos = (i == this.length? this.length:i+1);
return this.substring(first_pos,last_pos);
and see it working here :
Slightly more code-golfy, if not readable, non-regexp prototype extension:
String.prototype.strim = function(needle) {
var out = this;
while (0 === out.indexOf(needle))
out = out.substr(needle.length);
while (out.length === out.lastIndexOf(needle) + needle.length)
out = out.slice(0,out.length-needle.length);
return out;
var spam = "this is a string that ends with thisthis";
alert("#" + spam.strim("this") + "#");
Use RegEx with javaScript Replace
var res = s.replace(/(^\.+|\.+$)/mg, '');
We can use replace() method to remove the unwanted string in a string
var str = '<pre>I'm big fan of Stackoverflow</pre>'
str.replace(/<pre>/g, '').replace(/<\/pre>/g, '')
Check rules on RULES blotter

How can I remove all characters up to and including the 3rd slash in a string?

I'm having trouble with removing all characters up to and including the 3 third slash in JavaScript. This is my string:
The result should be:
Does anybody know the correct solution?
To get the last item in a path, you can split the string on / and then pop():
var url = "http://blablab/test";
//-> "test"
To specify an individual part of a path, split on / and use bracket notation to access the item:
var url = "http://blablab/test/page.php";
//-> "test"
Or, if you want everything after the third slash, split(), slice() and join():
var url = "http://blablab/test/page.php";
//-> "test/page.php"
var string = 'http://blablab/test'
string = string.replace(/[\s\S]*\//,'').replace(/[\s\S]*\//,'').replace(/[\s\S]*\//,'')
This is a regular expression. I will explain below
The regex is /[\s\S]*\//
/ is the start of the regex
Where [\s\S] means whitespace or non whitespace (anything), not to be confused with . which does not match line breaks (. is the same as [^\r\n]).
* means that we match anywhere from zero to unlimited number of [\s\S]
\/ Means match a slash character
The last / is the end of the regex
var str = "http://blablab/test";
var index = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
index = str.indexOf("/",index)+1;
str = str.substr(index);
To make it a one liner you could make the following:
str = str.substr(str.indexOf("/",str.indexOf("/",str.indexOf("/")+1)+1)+1);
You can use split to split the string in parts and use slice to return all parts after the third slice.
var str = "http://blablab/test",
arr = str.split("/");
arr = arr.slice(3);
console.log(arr.join("/")); // "test"
// A longer string:
var str = "http://blablab/test/test"; // "test/test";
You could use a regular expression like this one:
// -> ['http://blablab/test', 'test]
A string’s match method gives you either an array (of the whole match, in this case the whole input, and of any capture groups (and we want the first capture group)), or null. So, for general use you need to pull out the 1th element of the array, or null if a match wasn’t found:
var input = 'http://blablab/test',
re = /^(?:[^/]*\/){3}(.*)$/,
match = input.match(re),
result = match && match[1]; // With this input, result contains "test"
let str = "http://blablab/test";
let data = new URL(str).pathname.split("/").pop();

Regular expression to parse jQuery-selector-like string

text = '#container a.filter(.top).filter(.bottom).filter(.middle)';
regex = /(.*?)\.filter\((.*?)\)/;
matches = text.match(regex);
// matches[1] is '#container a'
//matchss[2] is '.top'
I expect to capture
matches[1] is '#container a'
matches[2] is '.top'
matches[3] is '.bottom'
matches[4] is '.middle'
One solution would be to split the string into #container a and rest. Then take rest and execute recursive exec to get item inside ().
Update: I am posting a solution that does work. However I am looking for a better solution. Don't really like the idea of splitting the string and then processing
Here is a solution that works.
matches = [];
var text = '#container a.filter(.top).filter(.bottom).filter(.middle)';
var regex = /(.*?)\.filter\((.*?)\)/;
var match = regex.exec(text);
firstPart = text.substring(match.index,match[1].length);
rest = text.substring(matchLength, text.length);
regex = /\.filter\((.*?)\)/g;
while ((match = regex.exec(rest)) != null) {
Looking for a better solution.
This will match the single example you posted:
<script type="text/javascript">
text = '#container a.filter(.top).filter(.bottom).filter(.middle)';
matches = text.match(/^[^.]*|\.[^.)]*(?=\))/g);
which produces:
#container a,.top,.bottom,.middle
Here's a short explanation:
^ # match the beginning of the input
[^.]* # match any character other than '.' and repeat it zero or more times
| # OR
\. # match the character '.'
[^.)]* # match any character other than '.' and ')' and repeat it zero or more times
(?= # start positive look ahead
\) # match the character ')'
) # end positive look ahead
EDIT part II
The regex looks for two types of character sequences:
one ore more characters starting from the start of the string up to the first ., the regex: ^[^.]*
or it matches a character sequence starting with a . followed by zero or more characters other than . and ), \.[^.)]*, but must have a ) ahead of it: (?=\)). This last requirement causes .filter not to match.
You have to iterate, I think.
var head, filters = [];
text.replace(/^([^.]*)(\..*)$/, function(_, h, rem) {
head = h;
rem.replace(/\.filter\(([^)]*)\)/g, function(_, f) {
console.log("head: " + head + " filters: " + filters);
The ability to use functions as the second argument to String.replace is one of my favorite things about Javascript :-)
You need to do several matches repeatedly, starting where the last match ends (see while example at
If your regular expression uses the "g" flag, you can use the exec method multiple times to find successive matches in the same string. When you do so, the search starts at the substring of str specified by the regular expression's lastIndex property. For example, assume you have this script:
var myRe = /ab*/g;
var str = "abbcdefabh";
var myArray;
while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) != null)
var msg = "Found " + myArray[0] + ". ";
msg += "Next match starts at " + myRe.lastIndex;
This script displays the following text:
Found abb. Next match starts at 3
Found ab. Next match starts at 9
However, this case would be better solved using a custom-built parser. Regular expressions are not an effective solution to this problem, if you ask me.
var text = '#container a.filter(.top).filter(.bottom).filter(.middle)';
var result = text.split('.filter');
text.split() with regex does the trick.
var text = '#container a.filter(.top).filter(.bottom).filter(.middle)';
var parts = text.split(/(\.[^.()]+)/);
var matches = [parts[0]];
for (var i = 3; i < parts.length; i += 4) {

