Practice for Routing Handler in MEAN Stack? - javascript

I have an application on Express 4.x integrated with the Twilio API and dependent on the Input from the users' phone, I will respond with different XML files that may or may not be created dynamically.
Where am I supposed to put this theoretical route conditional? i.e.
exports.handle = function(req, res) {
if(req.body.digits == 1){
//pass to first option handler
if (req.body.digits == 2) {
//create xml file dynamically
//for second option
else {
//handle else
It seems a bit heavy to be putting into the routes file. In such MVC structure is it typical to put this conditional into a controller? Or stuff the routes? Or is there another option that I'm unaware of?
I'd much rather just have this code pass all requests to a single handler. i.e.
exports.handle = function(req, res) {
if (req.body.digits)
//send to handler
Where does this go? What is it called?

In this scenario, your router is your "single handler". You are channeling all input through the routing mechanism and letting it decide who the appropriate handler (or controller) is. This is commonly referred to as "front controller". It makes sense to put the logic handler in the file you are referencing if you architect your software with this in mind.


Caching select query data on server side

I am writing an express app, where I'm pushing data from my views to a database. But most of the data is mapped to some other data in database tables.
For example, is a choose student name drop down- once you choose the student by his name , a drop down below - will show all roles that he is allowed for.
So I'm following this pattern of'\action1', function(req,res){
function querySomething(){
var defered = Q.defer();
return defered.promise;
function querySomethingElse(){
var defered = Q.defer();
return defered.promise;
Q.all([querySomething(), querySomethingElse()]).then((results,err) => {
res.render('some_view.ejs', {
Now the problem is that I have to follow this pattern of selecting something from multiple tables, pass all these function to a promise- and when the results is passed back, goto my view with all those result objects - so that I can use them in my view - as a means of doing drop downs dependent on one another.
Sometimes I have to re-write this multiple times.
Doing a select query like this would be performance intensive especially if all views are using the result of the same query.
Is there any way I can build a cached data store on my express server side code and query that instead of the actual database??
If there is an insert or an update - i will refresh this store and just do a new select * that one time.
What libraries are there on top of express which will help me do this??
Does mysql-cache does the same thing?? I'm also using connection pooling with createPool.
How do I achieve this - or do I just restore to using big mvc's like sails to rewrite my app?
You can try apiCache npm module.
"Sometimes I have to re-write this multiple times."
Based on the business need, you may want to handle each use case separately and this scenario doesn't deal with caching.
Doing a select query like this would be performance intensive especially if all views are using the result of the same query.
This is a classic example for the need of server-side caching.

How to skip or jump middleware? (node)

Given two middleware, how can you add something that would get hit first, then determine which of the middleware to pass the request onto. The request can only be dropped or forwarded to one of the middleware, never both.
app.use( function *(next) {
if (isAuthenticated)
*private middleware*
*use public middleware*
More Specifically:
I have a homepage / that should have a variable response depending on if the user is logged in or not (using token-based auth here). For simplicity, if the request user does not have a token, then public.html is the response while private.html for request bearing a valid token.
Now this would be easy enough to just implement within one function, but I'd like to have separated routers, figure that would keep the code more manageable.
So I need to somehow be able to choose which middleware router the request goes to right? No idea how to do that.
var publicR = new router();
publicR.get('/', function *(next) {
var privateR = new router();
privateR.get('/', function *(next) {
...use privateR.routes();
...use publicR.routes();
First off, it's unusual and really not a good idea to present entirely different content for a given URL when logged in or not logged in. So, trying to have two different routers that all serve the same routes, but one is for a logged in user and the other for a not-logged in user is probably just not a good design idea.
The more usual case is to have a portion of a page that might be different when logged in. In that case, you have a single route creating the page that handles doing something slightly different with the content when logged in or not.
If you really want to have completely different content and behavior when logged in, then you should probably redirect to a different URL when logged in. In that case, you can just use an entirely different router for the "logged in" URLs. This will also work better for search engines since a given URL will report consistent content and not be different depending upon the state of the user. This also makes the use of Routers in Express really easy. Your "logged in" router serves the logged in URLs. You can have middleware that checks a logged-in URL to see if you are actually logged in and, if not, redirects back to the non-logged in page and vice versa.
In case anyone else runs into this issue, this is working for me:
var publicR = new router();
publicR.get('/', function *(next) {
var privateR = new router();
privateR.get('/', function *(next) {
function *mySwitcher(next){
yield privateR.routes().call(this,next);
yield publicR.routes().call(this,next);

MEAN / AngularJS app check if object already posted

I have thig angularJS frontend and I use express, node and mongo on the backend.
My situation looks like:
//my data to push on server
$scope.things = [{title:"title", other proprieties}, {title:"title", other proprieties}, {title:"title", other proprieties}]
$scope.update = function() {
$scope.things.forEach(function(t) {
title: t.title,
//other values here
}, function() {
console.log('Thing added');
//where Thing.create its just an $ factory
The HTML part looks like:
//html part
<button ng-click="update()">Update Thing</button>
Then on the same page the user has the ability to change the $scope.things and my problem is that when I call update() again all the things are posted twice because literally thats what I'm doing.
Can someone explain me how to check if the 'thing' its already posted to the server just to update the values ($http.put) and if its not posted on server to $
Or maybe its other way to do this?
I see a few decisions to be made:
1) Should you send the request after the user clicks the "Update" button (like you're currently doing)? Or should you send the request when the user changes the Thing (using ngChange)?
2) If going with the button approach for (1), should you send a request for each Thing (like you're currently doing), or should you first check to see if the Thing has been updated/newly created on the front end.
3) How can you deal with the fact that some Thing's are newly created and others are simply updated? Multiple routes? If so, then how do you know which route to send the request to? Same route? How?
To me, the upside of using the "Update" button seems to be that it's clear to the user how it works. By clicking "Update" (and maybe seeing a flash message afterwards), the user knows (and gets visual feedback) that the Thing's have been updated.
The cost to using the "Update" button is that there might be unnecessary requests being made. Network communication is slow, so if you have a lot of Thing's, having a request being made for each Thing could be notably slow.
Ultimately, this seems to be a UX vs. speed decision to me. It depends on the situation and goals, but personally I'd lean towards the "Update" button.
The trade-off here seems to be between code simplicity and performance. The simpler solution would just be to make a request for each Thing regardless of whether it has been updated/newly created (for the Thing's that previously existed and haven't changed, no harm will be done - they simply won't get changed).
The more complex but more performant approach would be to keep track of whether or not a Thing has been updated/newly created. You could add a flag called dirty to Thing's to keep track of this.
When a user clicks to create a new Thing, the new Thing would be given a flag of dirty: true.
When you query to get all things from the database, they all should have dirty: false (whether or not you want to store the dirty property on the database or simply append it on the server/front end is up to you).
When a user changes an existing Thing, the dirty property would be set to true.
Then, using the dirty property you could only make requests for the Thing's that are dirty:
$scope.things.forEach(function(thing) {
if (thing.dirty) {
// make request
The right solution depends on the specifics of your situation, but I tend to err on the side of code simplicity over performance.
If you're using Mongoose, the default behavior is to add an _id field to created documents (it's also the default behavior as MongoDB itself as well). So if you haven't overridden this default behavior, and if you aren't explicitly preventing this _id field from being sent back to the client, it should exist for Thing's that have been previously created, thus allow you to distinguish them from newly created Thing's (because newly created Thing's won't have the _id field).
With this, you can conditionally call create or update like so:
$scope.things.forEach(function(thing) {
if (thing._id) {
Thing.update(thing._id, thing);
else {
Alternatively, you could use a single route that performs "create or update" for you. You can do this by setting { upsert: true } in your update call.
In general, upsert will check to see if a document matches the query criteria... if there's a match, it updates it, if not, it creates it. In your situation, you could probably use upsert in the context of Mongoose's findByIdAndUpdate like so:
Thing.findByIdAndUpdate(id, newThing, { upsert: true }, function(err, doc) {
See this SO post.
#Adam Zemer neatly addressed concerns I raised in a comment, however I disagree on some points.
Firstly, to answer the question of having an update button or not, you have to ask yourself. Is there any reason why the user would like to discard his changes and not save the work he did. If the answer is no, then it is clear to me that the update should not be place and here is why.
To avoid your user from loosing his work you would need to add confirmations if he attempts to change the page, or close his browser, etc. On the other if everything is continuously saved he has the peace of mind that his work is always saved and you dont have to implement anything to prevent him from loosing his work.
You reduce his workload, one less click for a task may seem insignificant but he might click it many time be sure to have his work save. Also, if its a recurrent tasks it will definitely improve his experience.
Performance wise and code readability wise, you do small requests and do not have to implement any complicated logic to do so. Simple ng-change on inputs.
To make it clear to him that his work is continuously save you can simply say somewhere all your changes are saved and change this to saving changes... when you make a request. For exemple uses, look at office online or google docs.
Then all you would have to do is use the upsert parameter on your mongoDB query to be able to create and update your things with a single request. Here is how your controller would look.
$scope.update = function(changedThing) { // Using the ng-change you send the thing itself in parammeter
var $scope.saving = true; // To display the saving... message
Thing.update({ // This service call your method that update with upsert
title: changedThing.title,
//other values here
}).then( // If you made an http request, I suppose it returns a promise.
function success() {
$scope.saving = false;
console.log('Thing added');
function error() {
//handle errors

Express - Send a page AND custom data to the browser in a single request?

How simultaneously to render a page and transmit my custom data to browser. As i understood it needs to send two layers: first with template and second with JSON data. I want to handle this data by backbone.
As i understood from tutorials express and bb app interact as follows:
res.render send a page to browser
when document.ready trigger jQuery.get to app.get('/post')
app.get('/post', post.allPosts) send data to page
This is three steps and how to do it by one?
var visitCard = {
name: 'John Smit',
phone: '+78503569987'
exports.index = function(req, res, next){
res.send({data: visitCard});
And how i should catch this variable on the page- document.card?
I created my own little middleware function that adds a helper method called renderWithData to the res object.
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
res.renderWithData = function (view, model, data) {
res.render(view, model, function (err, viewString) {
data.view = viewString;
It takes in the view name, the model for the view, and the custom data you want to send to the browser. It calls res.render but passes in a callback function. This instructs express to pass the compiled view markup to the callback as a string instead of immediately piping it into the response. Once I have the view string I add it onto the data object as data.view. Then I use res.json to send the data object to the browser complete with the compiled view :)
One caveat with the above is that the request needs to be made with javascript so it can't be a full page request. You need an initial request to pull down the main page which contains the javascript that will make the ajax request.
This is great for situations where you're trying to change the browser URL and title when the user navigates to a new page via AJAX. You can send the new page's partial view back to the browser along with some data for the page title. Then your client-side script can put the partial view where it belongs on the page, update the page title bar, and update the URL if needed as well.
If you are wanting to send a fully complete HTML document to the browser along with some initial JavaScript data then you need to compile that JavaScript code into the view itself. It's definitely possible to do that but I've never found a way that doesn't involve some string magic.
For example:
// controller.js
var someData = { message: 'hi' };
res.render('someView', { data: JSON.stringify(someData) });
// someView.jade
var someData = !{data};
Note: !{data} is used instead of #{data} because jade escapes HTML by default which would turn all the quotation marks into " placeholders.
It looks REALLY strange at first but it works. Basically you're taking a JS object on the server, turning it into a string, rendering that string into the compiled view and then sending it to the browser. When the document finally reaches the browser it should look like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var someData = { "message": "hi" };
Hopefully that makes sense. If I was to re-create my original helper method to ease the pain of this second scenario then it would look something like this:
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
res.renderWithData = function (view, model, data) { = JSON.stringify(data);
res.render(view, model);
All this one does is take your custom data object, stringifies it for you, adds it to the model for the view, then renders the view as normal. Now you can call res.renderWithData('someView', {}, { message: 'hi' });; you just have to make sure somewhere in your view you grab that data string and render it into a variable assignment statement.
title Some Page
var data = !{data};
Not gonna lie, this whole thing feels kind of gross but if it saves you an extra trip to the server and that's what you're after then that's how you'll need to do it. Maybe someone can think of something a little more clever but I just don't see how else you'll get data to already be present in a full HTML document that is being rendered for the first time.
Here is a working example:
You need to have a (free) Cloud9 account in order to run the project. Sign in, open app.js, and click the green run button at the top.
My approach is to send a cookie with the information, and then use it from the client.
const visitCard = {
name: 'John Smit',
phone: '+78503569987'
router.get('/route', (req, res) => {
res.cookie('data', JSON.stringify(pollsObj));
const getCookie = (name) => {
const value = "; " + document.cookie;
const parts = value.split("; " + name + "=");
if (parts.length === 2) return parts.pop().split(";").shift();
const deleteCookie = (name) => {
document.cookie = name + '=; max-age=0;';
const parseObjectFromCookie = (cookie) => {
const decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(cookie);
return JSON.parse(decodedCookie);
window.onload = () => {
let dataCookie = getCookie('data');
if (dataCookie) {
const data = parseObjectFromCookie(dataCookie);
// work with data. `data` is equal to `visitCard` from the server
} else {
// handle data not found
From the server, you send the cookie before rendering the page, so the cookie is available when the page is loaded.
Then, from the client, you get the cookie with the solution I found here and delete it. The content of the cookie is stored in our constant. If the cookie exists, you parse it as an object and use it. Note that inside the parseObjectFromCookie you first have to decode the content, and then parse the JSON to an object.
If you're getting the data asynchronously, be careful to send the cookie before rendering. Otherwise, you will get an error because the res.render() ends the response. If the data fetching takes too long, you may use another solution that doesn't hold the rendering that long. An alternative could be to open a socket from the client and send the information that you were holding in the server. See here for that approach.
Probably data is not the best name for a cookie, as you could overwrite something. Use something more meaningful to your purpose.
I didn't find this solution anywhere else. I don't know if using cookies is not recommended for some reason I'm not aware of. I just thought it could work and checked it did, but I haven't used this in production.
Use res.send instead of res.render. It accepts raw data in any form: a string, an array, a plain old object, etc. If it's an object or array of objects, it will serialize it to JSON for you.
var visitCard = {
name: 'John Smit',
phone: '+78503569987'
exports.index = function(req, res, next){
Check out Steamer, a tiny module made for this this exact purpose.
Most elegant and simple way of doing this is by using rendering engine (at least for that page of concern). For example use ejs engine
node install ejs -s
On server.js:
let ejs = require('ejs');
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
then rename desired index.html page into index.ejs and move it to the /views directory. After that you may make API endpoit for that page (by using mysql module):
app.get('/index/:id', function(req, res) {
db.query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = ?", [], (error, results) => {
if (error) throw error;
res.render('index', { title: results[0] });
On the front-end you will need to make a GET request, for example with Axios or directly by clicking a link in template index.ejs page that is sending request:
<a v-bind:href="'/index/' +">Click</a>
where is Vue data parameter value 'co' that you want to send along with request

Passport.js: accessing user when using backbone

I'm using passport.js in a node.js app to get OAuth working (awesome!), but now, I'm having problem with one thing.
I'm using backbone.js on client side, to create the views (I'm trying to create a SinglePage app...), and the only way I'm thinking about getting user id or something like that in backbone is creating first an input-hidden in jade templates and then passing it to the constructor in my backbone views.... or just assign the value to a javascript variable and passing it to the router that manages all the views, and pass it to every view that need it
I think it's not a good idea, and there might be better options!
How would you do it?
I haven't done anything in Backbone yet, but there are solutions here, here and here already. As long as you get the session id somewhere, you can retrieve the session with the cookie-package (cookie has been outsourced from connect-utils):
if(handshakeData.headers.cookie) {
c = cookie.parse(handshakeData.headers.cookie);
sid = connect.utils.parseSignedCookie(c['connect.sid'], 'keyboard cat');
redis.get('sess:'+sid, function(error, result) {
session = JSON.parse(result);
handshakeData.uid = session.passport.user;
callback(null, true);

