Am i constrained in what i can do with gmap in Primefaces? - javascript

im new to prime faces and i was just wondering if it is possible to add custom google code to the prime faces gmap component. I was looking at the code given on the primefaces site , ie add marker etc, but i was wondering if i am constrained to these code functions on the site. Ideally i would prefer a map that allows a user to add multiple markers connected by poly-lines which would eventually meet up to form a polygon(ie created by the user via an interactive map) and eventyually get the area of the polygon, by using java-script, however i am only able to implement the given code on the prime-faces site(the code listed on this page( ... asic.xhtml). So am i constrainted to these functions or is there more customization options?

Here's an idea:
In the funtion called init() from this example, you can pass in an array of coordinates (these can come from markers that your users generate). And each time a marker is added, call init() so it creates a polygon for you using the markers' lat/lng info.
For calculating the area, you have to actually come up with a algorithm or function like this and implement it using Primefaces syntax. Or something that can be done by using ideas from the Geometry Library.
Hope this gives you a starting point.


CartoDB - Zoom to specific extent when clicking on a point?

I have a map of points, and for each of those points, a specific extent that I want the map to zoom into when I click on it.
I assume I will need to tabulate the bounds of those extents and add them as another column in the data.
Is there a way for Carto to automatically zoom to the bounds once I do this?
Yes you need to develop a CARTO.js web application. You need of course to store the bounds somehow on your table in a set of columns or in one single column using a format you can later parse. Next, you need to add that/those fields to a custom infowindow so they are passed to the web application in the interactivity. Finally, you need to listen to the feature click event in order to retrieve the interactivity data and using Leaflet map methods move its bounds.
You have all CARTO.js documentation here and a tutorial and many examples here. It's easier than it seems.

angular-google-maps windows options usage and customizing it

Hi Pardon me if this is repeat question or obvious one as i am new to programming
I am trying to implement an angular google map using this api. it has a property called options boxClass,boxStyle,content,disableAutoPan,maxWidth,pixelOffset,alignBottom,position,zIndex,closeBoxMargin,closeBoxURL,infoBoxClearance,isHidden,visible,enableEventPropagation as different values(seen from the JS file.)
Now i want to know what each one of those will do as it is not specified in their documentation. and mostly i wanna know how i can make the info window to appear on rightside of marker like shown here I designied the html for the infobox and when i give boxClass as the option the infobox is rendered properly but is displaying below the marker. i want it to be to the side of marker.
EDIT: let me clarify on certain points. I mainly wanted to know to remove the default close button and replace with mine. (which function to call for it to work ) to use pixelOffset or another property to help me display the infobox to the side of marker as in example above without using margin or padding. gmaps api v3 specify the pixelOffset to be of type size. i tried various ways to offset the infobox so that it will shift but it seems i am using it wrong as the box either wont change its position or will be displayed at the top of map irrespective of the marker.
A lot of them are CSS properties that changes appearance and not really maps term. You can google them or learn from here.

How to create a clickable grid layer on top of a map using OpenLayers

I'm somehow new in making web services using Openlayers and Javascript. I would like to create a clickable grid layer on top of a map (e.g. OSM) which first has a defined spatial resolution (e.g. 200 m) and of course when user zooms the grid size adapts to the new zoom level of the map. Also I want to show every cell of a grid with a specific colour, and when the user clicks on each cell some information can be shown. So, I guess each cell is like a feature in this layer (e.g. polygon). I was wondering if Openlayers has existing function to do such a thing that I can use, or do I have to code all of it? any help and suggestions on how I can manage to do this would be highly appreciated. Below is a link to a service that has created such a service, I would like to do the same... Thanx.
Link to sample:
Having developed the application you mention in your example, I can give you some hints on your question. The solution is pretty straightforward.
The grid you see, i.e. the coloured hexagons, is simply map tiles, that are served by a custom back-end following the Tile Map Service schema (I used NodeJS) that, in turn, uses Mapnik (any other engine should work as well, e.g. GeoServer or MapServer) for rendering the images. The data is stored in a Postgres data base with PostGIS added on.
Use a client-side library to create the map and add the tiled layer. OpenLayers and Leaflet both do the job well. (Leaflet, though, is a bit easier to grasp if your new to the topic).
On client side you register a click-event handler on the Map, that you can use to get the coordinates of the mouse click. Use these coordinates, send them to your back-end and perform a spatial query on the data base to get the polygons adjacent to the coordinates. The server's response should then provide the geometries of the polygons (encoded in GeoJSON in this case, GML, KML should work fine as well) and whatever information you want to display.
Use these polygons and add them to a vector layer using whatever colour scheme you want.
Have a look at the code to see how it works. The important files are osmatrix.js (connects to the back-end), control.js (main module, keeps track of everything) and map.js (surprisingly enough, everything map-related).
Openlayers has facilities for creating an interactive vector later. In order to create something like in the example, you would have to 1) add a vector layer, 2) write a loop that adds vector features to the appropriate locations on the map, 3) style the features as hexagons, and 4) create a stylemap that dynamically sets the feature color based on the appropriate parameters. Each step is facilitated by Openlayers.
A good start is to use the leaflet library because it use the map projection and to read this tutorial:

highlight building google maps v3

Im trying to highlight specific building within a map using the google maps v3 api. I was wondering if anyone had any idea how to do this. I've been looking through google api documentation and come across nothing at the moment.
For example: - This is a map of a section manhattan, as you can see the 3d building. Im trying to highlight specific ones on hover.
Thanks :D
If you have information about where the building is, then you can use a Polygon to highlight it. If you don't have information about where the building is, then you are probably out of luck. The Google Maps API doesn't have any way of interacting with the map at that level.
Now, I suppose that one thing you could do is:
download the Google Maps tile,
find the point in the image that the user clicked on,
do a flood fill of that point with some awful colour,
set to clear all the pixels which are not the colour,
overlay that image on top of your map
You would also need to be clever about buildings which lie in more than one tile.
HOWEVER, this might run you afoul of the Terms of Use. I know that they disallow modifying the artwork; I am not sure if this would count as modifying the artwork; you'd need to look carefully at the TOU and maybe ask a lawyer. Or ask Google. (Don't ask me, I am not a lawyer.)
In many countries, every building is a cadastral parcel and there Web Map Service (WMS) layers showing them, provided for free by state bodies.
Using these layers, you can get building polygon coordinates. For ex:

Google Maps API V3 zoom in/out with a button outside the map itself

I'm working on a company website of an acquaintance of mine. The company has 7 offices spread all over the country. He has asked me to create a page listing these offices (with contact info, picture, etc.), and add a Google map to it with multiple markers that indicate the offices.
I've done so, but seeing as the zoom-level (a complete country) isn't really detailed, I was thinking about making the map zoom in to specific markers/offices when clicking on the office in the aforementioned list.
I however have no idea if there's a way to perform actions inside the map, from outside the map. Does anybody know?
The website is not live yet, but as an example, you can take a look at this link:
What I'd like to do is (for example) make the colored block/header perform a map zoom-in to a specific marker when clicking on it.
You must make the map-variable globally accessible, then you may perform any action on the map from anywhere in the page(e.g. map.setCenter() to center the map at a specific location or map.setZoom() to set the zoom-level)
To make the variable globally accessible remove the var-keyword when creating the map

