Adding content to react elements - javascript

I am new to react.js and I have heard that this js library reacts badly to anything that modifies it's component structure.
Is there any specific procedure to add content into react elements using Jquery. For example, if we want to add content into react's div field, can we directly use Jquery append method to insert text to that div or is there any other way to implement things?.

The idea is that you either use a traditional approach, or you ditch jQuery and use react and this means using the react rendering tree, probably build tasks, client-side router/SPA.
You should not modify the DOM generated by react components from outside it since it maintains an internal state and a virtual DOM that would become out of sync. You either use one ecosystem or another; they are two very different approaches to writing a website.

If you want to introduce react on a small part of the website first, I would suggest to gather all your data with jquery and then transmit the data into the react component.
// gather data with jquery or whatever
var data_array = gatherData();
ReactDOM.render(<MyCustomComponent data={data_array}/>, $('#my-react-root')[0])
Rendering changes during runtime can be managed the same way. Just gather the data again and change the state of the react component accordingly.
If you don't want to extract the data or the html is to complex, you can use dangerouslySetInnerHTML to just path a plain text html string.
From the docs:
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: getMarkup()}} />
Best wishes


Is it possible to convert html homepage to a react component to render in Index.js Create-React-App

I have an existing templated website that i want to continue with react. I decided to use create-react-app for that, but i do not know how to move the html based template to the react application. What i am trying to do now is to find a way to create a functional component out of the html file and then pass it to the index.js file for rendering. What i don't know is if this will work. Any ideas on the best way to do this?
There have tiny changes with HTML and JSX. JSX use className instead of class and htmlFor instead of for as mentioned up there.
If you are using VS code editor, here are your steps to make things a bit easier:-
In Vs code, Download an extension name HTML to JSX.
open your raw HTML code with VS code.
Select all code you want to convert.
Right-click and see at the bottom of the list, you will see an option Convert HTML to JSX. Click it and you are done.
Yes it is, and JSX was designed to be very similar to HTML to allow just that sort of thing.
However, JSX does have a few differences from HTML, which you'll want to read about. For instance, certain HTML attributes "overlap" with JS keywords, so in JSX you should use (for instance) htmlFor instead of for, and className instead of class. Also every tag has to be closed (as in XHTML).
Once you get your initial HTML into your Javascript file, you'll then want to start breaking up the parts of that page into separate React components, so that you can focus on them (and their logic) in independent chunks.

Is there a way to compile react components to html before build time?

I have a function that takes dom elements and operate on them. It is called pageTransition, and it takes two div elements, and performs a transition animation from the one to the other.
function pageTransition(div1, div2){//do the transition}
for example i can call this function like,
pageTransition (document.body.querySelector("#div1"), document.body.querySelector("#div2"))
That is simple, but let us say I want to pass React class components as my div elements. And that isn't possible because react components are class's not html elements. One quick reminder, this react components in the end will be compiled to div elements with some content during build time. I know I could get around this by doing this
...//the react class
return (
<div id="div1">...</div>//this will allow me to call the above function with the same parameters
But I was just wondering if there was a magic way to compile this react classes before build time, so rather than giving the id's to the returned div's I was wondering if I could do something like this pageTransition(compile(reactClass), compile(reactClass));
The solution will depend on your intended purpose for pageTransition.
However, there are three potential options you may want to look into:
Statically render a React component into html markup or a string:
Render two div elements in html and use a React portal to manage what is being rendered in the those divs. This could potentially replace what you are doing in pageTransition.
Use a ref to access the DOM element that is built from the React component:
If you explain what pageTransition does it might help me find a solution for you.

How to deal with components inside dynamic html strings in Sapper & Svelte?

I am trying to make my first Sapper site and I'm populating the content similarly to how it's done in the template here.
My problem is that I want to allow usage of custom components in the content of {#html post.html}. Currently it doesn't work, the HTML is just inserted there without being treated like a component, even if I import the component in [slug].html and it works if used directly somewhere besides that {#html post.html}.
The behaviour is kind of expected as the content is fetched after svelte has finished it's work, but I am not sure what should I do then. I want a couple of custom components like <FancyButton> to be usable in the user generated content.
Can I ask the [slug].html component to look at the post.html or just whole content after insertion and create an instance of child component wherever it should be? Or should I somehow compile the string beforehand on the server?

Generating id's for React components for Selenium tests

I'd like to generate id's for almost every element in my website, to have an easier time handling elements for Selenium tests. Is this a good approach? My application changes quite a bit.
I can't seem to add the id HTML attribute to the React component, because React interprets it as props e.g.
<NewEl id='test'/>
... and NewEl gets id props instead of attribute. Sometimes I can't access the React component because I use third party components.
How should I change that id attribute? Is my approach a good solution?

Add arbitrary Vue.js components to parent component

I'm using Vue.js to build ui for my html5 game. I have a case where I want to define ui-containers which essentially just group other ui-components and position them to somewhere on screen. So I could have something like this going on:
Where I need to add and remove those components dynamically based on data-model which represents the content of the container. The problem is that I'd like to keep ui-container generic, so that I can append any Vue-component to it without having information in template about which components there might be.
I googled and found this example which concerns injecting components dynamically:
While the data-driven version in example was easy to make and understand, it uses v-for for tag and therefore requires one to know before hand the type of child-component.
So question is, how I can generalize that example to work with any component dynamically? Should my data-model have the type of component or tag name of it and then interpolate it in v-for? Or is there existing mechanism for this kind of requirement?
You can use special is attribute to dynamically set the type of a component. Here are the docs. The code will look somewhat like:
<div id="app">
<div v-for="component in components" :is="component.type" :value="component.value"></div>
Working fiddle to play with: Dynamic Vue.js components

