Ajax not working well - javascript

I'm trying to submit a form using Ajax , but it doesn't work here is my Ajax :
var ad1 = $("#ad1").val();
var ad2 = $("ad2").val();
var city = $("city").val();
var state = $("state").val();
var zip = $("zip").val();
var country = $("country").val();
var mm = $("mm").val();
var dd = $("dd").val();
var yy = $("yy").val();
var lname = $("lname").val();
// Returns successful data submission message when the entered information is stored in database.
var dataString = 'name1='+ name + '&ad11='+ ad1 + '&ad21='+ ad2 + '&city1='+ city + '&state1='+ state + '&zip1='+ zip + '&country1='+ country + '&mm1='+ mm + '&yy1='+ yy + '&dd1='+ dd + '&lname1=';
// AJAX Code To Submit Form.
type: "POST",
url: "action.php",
data: dataString,
cache: false,
success: function(result){
return false;
and it's not giving any result just giving data in header
the result is like :
I copied the javascript to the form page it's now working ,but the ajax is returning a blank alert while it should be "Form Submitted Succesfully"
I guess that it's an error of inclusion of the file , but i'm using the right directories.
here is action.php :
$con = mysqli_connect("server","user","pass","db");
$query = mysqli_query($con,"insert into users values('$r2','$name','$lname','$ad1','$ad2','$city','$state','$zip','$country','$dob')");
echo "Form Submitted Succesfully";

This name variable is not have defined in ajax file var dataString = 'name1='+ name + so name would be an empty string
=> if(name=='')
} executed. Please add string into alert and check again :)


Submitting form using JQuery, AJAX and PHP

I have a form which submits it to the database using JQuery, AJAX and PHP. The problem is, whenever I click the submit button of the form, the JavaScript alert says that the record (data from the form) has successfully recorded (to the database). I would then check my database but the data is not recorded, leaving the database empty and no changes at all. My question is, there something wrong with the script? Or with the PHP code?
Here's the script addnew.js:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#submit").click(function() {
var transMonth = $("#transMonth").val();
var transDay = $("#transDay").val();
var transYear = $("#transYear").val();
var voucherNum = $("#voucherNum").val();
var expType = $("#expType").val();
var acctsPayable = $("#acctsPayable").val();
var amount = $("#amount").val();
var dataString = 'transMonth1='+ transMonth + 'transDay1='+ transDay + 'transYear1='+ transYear + 'voucherNum1='+ voucherNum + 'expType1='+ expType + 'acctsPayable1='+ acctsPayable + 'amount1='+ amount;
if(voucherNum=='') {
alert("Please fill a valid voucher number.");
else {
$.ajax ({
type: "POST",
url: "addnew.php",
data: dataString,
cache: false,
success: function(result) {
return false;
Here's the PHP code addnew.php:
$connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
$db = mysql_select_db("mydb", $connection);
//fetch values
$transMonth2 = $_POST['transMonth1'];
$transDay2 = $_POST['transDay1'];
$transYear2 = $_POST['transYear1'];
$voucherNum2 = $_POST['voucherNum1'];
$expType2 = $_POST['expType1'];
$acctsPayable2 = $_POST['acctsPayable1'];
$amount2 = $_POST['amount1'];
$query = mysql_query("insert into anotherSample(transMonth, transDay, transYear, voucherNum, expenseType, acctPayable, amount) values ('$transMonth2', '$transDay2', '$transYear2', '$voucherNum2', '$expType2', 'acctsPayable2', '$amount2')");
echo "Record added successfully";
I think your dataString in addnew.js should be transMonth1='+ transMonth + '&transDay1='+ transDay + '&transYear1='...,
otherwise the $transDay2,$transYear2..would be null, if your transDay or more set NOT NULL in mysql, there will occur a mysql error. :)
You should check returned result. You can do this by the following code:
$result = mysql_query("insert into anotherSample(transMonth, transDay, transMonth, transYear, voucherNum, expenseType, acctPayable, amount) values ('$transMonth2', '$transDay2', '$transYear2', '$voucherNum2', '$expType2', 'acctsPayable2', '$amount2')");
if (!$result) {
die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); // only for development, in production you shouldn't print error to client!
echo "Record added successfully";
PS. Also, I advice you to read about SQL-injections, because your code is vulnerable.
I see a problem in insert statement, insert into anotherSample(transMonth, transDay, transMonth, transYear,....) values ('$transMonth2', '$transDay2', '$transYear2, .....) 'transMonth' is repeated twice and eight columns with seven values.
In your addnew.js file you should use an ampersand (&) between each key/value pair like this:
var dataString = 'transMonth1='+ transMonth + '&transDay1='+ transDay + '&transYear1='+ transYear + '&voucherNum1='+ voucherNum + '&expType1='+ expType + '&acctsPayable1='+ acctsPayable + '&amount1='+ amount;
This way you will ensure that each variable will have a value when you are reading them in your addnew.php file.
Check fetched values in addnew.php
and echo mysql_error($connection) to check if mysql error was occurred.

How to use jQuery/Ajax to perform MySQL Query

I'm trying to use jQuery to check if the username that the user entered in a form is already taken. Below are the relevant codesnippets in Java, and existence.php.
var username = document.register.username.value;
usernameTaken = checkUserExistence(username, 'username');
function checkUserExistence(str, type){
var dataString = '?str=' + str + '&type=' + type;
if($.trim(str).length>0 && $.trim(type).length>0){
type: "POST",
url: "existence.php",
data: dataString,
beforeSend: function(){ $("#submit").val('Sending...');},
success: function(data){
return 1;
return 0;
return false;
$data = $_POST["str"];
$type = $_POST["type"];
case "username":
$resultUsers = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$data' ") or die(mysql_error());
if( mysql_num_rows($resultUsers) == 1 ){
echo 1;
What am I doing wrong?
My website is supposed to show live hints to the users, like 'your username is too short' etc. All hints are working, but the ones where it should say 'your username is already taken' won't show. The form gets processed to my PHP-register function, where usernames that are already taken get rejected, so somehow the checkUserExistence-function and the existence.php page are not working.
For a live demonstration of my code, go to:
The usernames 'Admin', 'Somentus' and 'Rik' are already taken, try them out :)
$data = $_POST["data"];
should be:
$data = $_POST["str"];

Display the JSON response

How to display the JSON response in jsp page through ajax...
function doAjaxPost() {
var name = $('#name').val();
var password = $('#password').val();
var gender = $('#gender').val();
var aboutYou = $('#aboutYou').val();
type: "POST",
url: "add.htm",
data: "name=" + name + "&password=" + password + "&gender=" + gender + "&aboutYou=" + aboutYou,
success: function(response){
alert('name : '+response);
error: function(e){
alert('Error: ' + e);
Here in this alert('name : '+response); I get the response ,but i want to display on this jsp page.. This is form data which i have to display...plz help..thanks in advance
You need to parse the json data using json parser and then populate tables..!
var resultData = JSON.parse(response);
//resultDate will ve json object in the form of JS objects
resultData.membervalues (or arrays)
Hmm... I don't understand your problem. What do you want to display and where? Create a on your page where you want and replace your alert with:
is this what you want?

javascript alert in an if else statement not triggering

If the first part of the statement fails I am trying to send an alert. But I cannot figure out why the alert is not triggering. Yes, I have forced the statement to fail.
$("#btnSubmit").click(function (e)
if (<?php echo $browser; ?> >= 1)
var user = $("#ownerPost input").val();
var oid = <?php echo $Owner; ?>;
type: 'POST',
url: 'follow.php',
data: "oid="+oid,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data)
var id = data[0];
var name = data[1];
$('#output2').html("<b>id: </b>"+id+"<b> name: </b>"+name);
$("#output").html("<b>You are now following: </b>" + user);
alert("You must log in to follow");
Here is the output from view source:
The actual number is 56 and makes the statement true and that is correct. It is when the statement is false that it will not trigger the else and hence the alert.
If I place an alert right before the else it will show the alert because first part is true.
$("#btnSubmit").click(function (e)
{if (56 >= 1){
var user = $("#ownerPost input").val();
var oid = 56;
type: 'POST',
url: 'follow.php',
data: "oid="+oid,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){
var id = data[0];
var name = data[1];
$('#output2').html("<b>id: </b>"+id+"<b> name: </b>"+name);} });
$("#output").html("<b>You are now following: </b>" + user);
}else{alert("You must log in to follow");}});
I think you have a syntax error. I was going to suggest a try/catch, but that will not help with a syntax error. Please edit your question and put in the "view > page source" as the others have suggested. Also, can you use Firebug, or equivalent to view the console?
I do get the alert with this code. Note that I set browser to 0.
blah = function(e) {
if (0 >= 1) {
var user = $("#ownerPost input").val();
var oid = 56;
type : 'POST',
url : 'follow.php',
data : "oid=" + oid,
dataType : 'json',
success : function(data) {
var id = data[0];
var name = data[1];
.html("<b>id: </b>" + id + "<b> name: </b>" + name);
$("#output").html("<b>You are now following: </b>" + user);
} else {
alert("You must log in to follow");

Make javascript validation happen sooner on click?

So I have a form as such:
<form action="URL" name=myform method=post onsubmit="return validateFormOnSubmit(this)" autocomplete=off>
When the form is submitted, it checks for validation.
Earlier though, I have code like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$("#submitbutton").click(function() {
var fname = $("input#first_name").val();
var lname = $("input#last_name").val();
var email = $("input#email").val();
var leadsource = $("input#leadsource").val();
var country = $("input#country").val();
var phone = $("input#phone").val();
var oid = $("input#oid").val();
var retURL = $("input#retURL").val();
var crazy
= $("input#00N40000001mCkP").val();
var dataString = '&email=' + email + '&phone=' + phone + '&oid=' + oid + '&retURL=' + retURL + '&leadsource=' + leadsource + '&country=' + country; //alert (dataString);return false; $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "MYURL.php?first_name="
+ fname + "&last_name=" + lname,
data: dataString,
success: function(response) { $(myform).submit(); }
return false; });
}); </script>
Essentially whats happening is, the form data is initially sent to a different url through an AJAX submit prior to completing the real form. On success of the ajax push - the form is submitted, and then the form is validated.
I need the form validation to have right when #submitbutton is clicked though - prior to the ajax request. Any ideas?
That code should work just fine. If you want to add it to a onclick= property on the element (I wouldn't, but if you insist), you can use this syntax to reference the form:
<input type="submit" onclick="return validateFormOnSubmit(this.parentNode)" />
And you'd have to do an e.preventDefault() and return false (maybe just one?) from the validateFormOnSubmit() function.
Take a look at preventDefault . Also, you can call validateFormOnSubmit in the anon function above and return false if it validation doesn't pass.
you should put some " " around your form tags attributes, and give it an id!
just call your validate function as the first line in your button click handler :)
$("#submitbutton").click(function(e) {
if( validateFormOnSubmit($('#myform'))){
//do all the posting stuff
return false;

