Insert/update object array with meteor-autoform - javascript

I have
Schema.User = new SimpleSchema({
fullName: {
type: String,
contracts: {
type: [Object],
"contracts.$.start_date": {
type: Date,
"contracts.$.end_date": {
type: Date,
"contracts.$.salary": {
type: Number,
Not I want to display the form in my template, making it possible to update name and add/remove/update contracts.
I have tried
{{> quickForm collection="Meteor.users" id="updateUserContractsForm" type="update" doc=this fields="fullName,contracts"}}
but I can only update fullName. If I am trying to add new contracts, they wont get saved. I guess it's because I have type="update" instead of type="insert", so it wont allow me to insert edit the contracts since they don't exist yet.
Am I right? Can I do something to mix insert/update?


Export SailsJS model schema as JSON

The goal is to take model schema and export it somewhere as JSON, take that json and make a dynamic form in Angular.
Basically main problem which I see here is to get model, and generate output which will be important for generating reactive form in Angular.
For example:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
nameOnMenu: { type: 'string', required: true },
price: { type: 'string', required: true },
percentRealMeat: { type: 'number' },
numCalories: { type: 'number' },
So final output would look like:
{ nameOnMenu: { type: 'string', required: true }},
{ price: { type: 'string', required: true }},
{ percentRealMeat: { type: 'number', required: false }},
{ numCalories: { type: 'number', required: false }},
Based on this output, i will go through all and generate form.
I'm not sure that I really understand the question that you are asking here but let me take a bash at trying to provide an answer.
I can think of two ways that you could achieve it:
1.) Use server rendered local data to include the desired result for use on the front end.
2.) Make an API request from the front end for the desired result.
In your resulting controller/action you can get the model attributes in various ways. I can think of one:
const { resolve } = require('path');
// Portable relative path based on code being in
// config/bootstrap.js file so adjust as required
const modelDefinition = require(resolve(__dirname, '..', 'api', 'models', 'NameOfModel.js')).attributes;
{ name:
{ type: 'string',
required: true,
validations: { isNotEmptyString: true },
{ columnType: 'varchar(255)',
unique: false,
autoIncrement: false } },
For completeness, you would need to factor in a few things regarding the model settings and model attributes in order to get an accurate output, for instance, whether or not the table includes an updatedAt field.
Ultimately, you can marshal this data as you see fit with vanilla Javascript/Node in order to obtain your desired result but I will leave that to you.
As another user has pointed out, I'm also not sure that you will find an officially supported solution for completely reactive data using Angular and Sails, I assume that this will require a bit of engineering in order for your to create something that is suitable for your needs.

To query on two fields

I have a Dynamoose (DynamoDB) model called PromoCode with a schema that looks like this:
promoCode: {
hashKey: true,
type: String,
previouslyUsed: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
index: {
global: true,
name: 'previouslyUsedIndex',
promoGroup: {
type: String,
index: {
global: true,
name: 'promoGroupIndex',
Essentially, I have a table full of promo codes and I want to get a single promo code that hasn't been used and is part of a particular "group" of promo codes.
So, I want to query on both previouslyUsed and promoGroup fields and limit the results to a single results. This is what I came up with:
This returns no results, even though I know that the query should match a result. If I increase the limit to 10, then I get back four results. This makes me think that the limit is happenning before the and() thus the preceding filter() is only filtering on the 10 returned results where previouslyUsed=false.
How do I take a single result where the conditions previouslyUsed=false and promoGroup=friend are valid?
So, here's what I figured out (to answer my own question). Firstly, using filter will only filter the results that are pulled from the database. So, I wasn't experiencing some weird bug.
Secondly, what I really wanted was a range key setup. This will give me the following schema:
promoCode: {
hashKey: true,
type: String,
previouslyUsed: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
index: {
global: true,
name: 'previouslyUsedIndex',
rangeKey: 'promoGroup',
promoGroup: {
type: String,
rangeKey: true,
index: true,
Note the use of both instances of rangeKey above. Evidently both are necessary to do the following query:
It's actually as "simple" as that. This let's me filter on two different fields.

meteor make user's schema collection2 to login

I'd like use this schema as user and login or extend form users.I read documentation and I don't understand how extends from users. how I can make it?
Dipendenti = new Mongo.Collection('dipendenti');
DipendentiSchema = new SimpleSchema({
nome: {
type: String
type: String
type: String
type: String
type: String
I believe you are trying to extend/merge the schema listed above to the users collection. If so, you just need to attach the schema to the collection.
To use this new merged schema, you should be able to do something like:
username: 'test',
email: '',
password: 'password',
nome: 'Richard',
cognome: 'Ortiz',
codiceFiscale: 'EUR',
telefono: '+39 06 49911',
indirizzo: 'Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5, 00185 Roma, Italy'
If you want to make email address optional in your schema, you can add the following to it.
emails: {
optional: true,
type: [Object]
"emails.$.address": {
optional: true,
type: String
"emails.$.verified": {
optional: true,
type: Boolean
Ensure that you are defining and attaching the schema wherever you are trying to make changes to the users collection. It is generally considered a best practice to do your database changes only on the server for security. You could write a method on the server using Meteor.methods({}); and then call it on the client with{}); and pass it your user data. You can read more about this approach the Meteor documentation.

How can I make a field in a meteor Simple Schema equal to a js variable and still let the user fill out the rest of the simple schema?

I am making a meteor web app where the user will click on a html button. Once this button is clicked, the user needs to be directed to another page with some forms generated by a meteor simple schema package. The first field in the simple schema needs to automatically be given a string value of "hello" and then the rest of the fields in the simple schema will be filled out by the user with the input fields on the page. What I am unsure about is how to get the first value automatically set to this string value. Here is some of the code I have:
The simple schema declaration:
LobbySchema = new SimpleSchema({
game: {
type: String,
label: "Game"
console: {
type: String,
label: "Console"
players: {
type: Number,
label: "Players"
mic: {
type: Boolean,
label: "Mic"
note: {
type: String,
label: "Note"
gamertag: {
type: String,
label: "Gamertag"
createdAt: {
type: Date,
label: "Created At",
autoValue: function(){
return new Date()
autoform: {
type: "hidden"
The first field there in the schema "game" needs to be given the value "hello" when the html button is clicked. Right now I can assign that value to a javascript variable using the button by having an onclick function:
function getElementText(elementID){
var elementText = "hello";
The button would call the getElementText function and have the elementText variable equal "hello". Now I need to assign the the first field in the simple schema to this variable value, "hello", then have it so the user can now fill out the rest of the schema with the input fields, automatically generated into the html with this code:
{{> quickForm collection="Lobby" id="insertLobbyForm" type="insert" class="newLobbyForm"}}
If you do not feel like providing the answer (maybe it happens to be more complicated than I think) then I would be very happy to receive a link to a site that might help me with this. I am also very willing to explain anything about the question if I did not explain the situation well enough above.
You can use the AutoForm hooks like this:
app_create: {
before: {
method: function (doc) {
// Do whatever assignment you need to do here,
// like doc['game'] = "hello"; //then
return doc;
onSuccess: function (formType, result) {
onError: function (formType, error) {
Where here app_create is the id of the form you're sending with Autoform.

Meteor : Iterate through array of Objects inside an Object

I'm currently trying to iterate through an array of Objects inside an Object.
I have my Collection "Proposals", and this is the corresponding Schema :
Schemas.ProposalsSchema = new SimpleSchema({
'content': {
type: String,
max: 140
'parties': {
type: [Object],
autoform : {
type: "select-multiple"
'parties.$._id': {
type: Object,
optional: true
'parties.$._id._str': {
type: String
'parties.$.name': {
type: String
I would like to iterate through the array of parties inside one of my template. I tried this :
{{#each proposals}}
<p>{{#each parties}} {{}} {{/each}}</p>
The content is displayed, but not the name of the different parties. Here's my template helper :
proposals: () => Proposals.find().fetch()
Do you know what do i do wrong?
Thank you in advance.
The code you posted looks ok.
Things you need to check are:
Is the "parties" field populated in a database? (you can run Proposals.find().fetch() in a meteor shell to check it).
If not, find out why it is not populated.
Is the "parties" field published to client? (you can run Proposals.find().fetch() in a browser console and see the results).
If not, check your publication.

