Stormpath Custom Data - javascript

I requested stormpath user custom data by using
res.render('home', {
title: 'home',
user: req.user.customData,
i expected to receive a json object of custom data but instead a url ('') was returned. This page does have the custom data i want on it but i cannot request it using an ajax request as it is a https page. What should I do? Thanks in advance

You'll need to use the "auto expansion" feature of the library, like this:
app.use(stormpath.init(app, {
expandCustomData: true,
That will expand the custom data resource for you. By default it's just a link to the resource, as you've seen.

Found the best way to request custom data is to use the getCustomData() method in the route, set the data to a variable and use a get request from the client to request this data as in the sample below:
Server Js
customData = new Array;
router.get("/string", function(req, res) {
req.user.getCustomData(function(err, data) {
customData = data.someKey;
res.send(customData) /*Returns Empty Arrray*/
router.get("/cdata", function(req, res) {
res.send(customData) /*Sends Actual Custom Data*/
Client Js
var customData = new array
$(document).ready(function() {
$.get("/string", function(string) {
/*Tells server to get customData*/
$.get("/cdata", function(data) {
/*Custom data is now stored in client side array*/
That's what worked for me anyway. I don't know why someone down-voted the question as this is an acceptable way to retrieve other user information such as name and email by using userName:req.user.userName in the render function and rendering this information to a p. tag in a jade page by using p #{userName}


How do I search for a data in the database with Node JS, Postgres, and dust js

I'm making a webpage with Node JS with dustjs and PostgreSQL. How do I make a search query in the html, so I can pass the value to the app.get
Do I need to use JQuery?
app.get('/teachers', function(req, res){
pool.connect(function(err, client, done){
if(err) {
return console.error("error", err);
client.query('SELECT * FROM teachers', function(err, result){
return console.error('error running query', err)
res.render('teacherindex', {teachers: result.rows});
app.get('/teachers/:str', (req,res)=>{
pool.connect((err, client, done) => {
if (err) throw err
client.query('SELECT * FROM teachers WHERE name = $1', [req.query.namesearch], (err, result) => {
if (err) {
} else {
res.render('teacherindex', {teachers: result.rows});
This is my JQuery
var str = $("#myInput").val();
var url = '/teachers/'+str;
if(confirm('Search Record?')){
url: url,
type: 'put',
success: function(result){
error: function(err){
<input type="text" id="myInput" data-id="namesearch">
<button type="button" id="myBtn">Show Value</button>
Thank you!
Ok so it turns out the issue you were having was something completely different. You are trying to use server side rendering for this, and I was showing you how to render the retrieved data on the client side.
I have forked, and updated your repo - which can be found at the link below..
Please review my changes and let me know if you have any questions.
Working repo:
Demo Video:
I went ahead and built a repository to try and help you grasp these concepts. You can find the repo here - I tried to keep things as simple and understandable as possible, but let me know if you have any questions.
I had to make some minor changes to the paths, which I have commented explanations on the code in the repo.
I am using a "mock" database (just a JSON object in a different file) but the logic remains the same.
The index.js is the main entry point and contains all route data.
The index.html file is what gets sent to the user, and is the main HTML file, which contains the jQuery code.
If you download/fork/test out the code in that repo, open up your browsers developer tools, go to the network tab, and check out the differences.
Using req.params
Using req.query
So there are a couple of things wrong with your code and why you are unable to see the value of the textbox server side.
You are sending a PUT request but your server is expecting a GET request
You are looking for the value in req.query when you should be looking for it in req.params
You are looking for the incorrect variable name in your route (on top of using query when you should be using params) req.query.namesearch needs to be req.params.str
See here for more on req.query vs req.params
More detailed examples below.
In your route you are specifying app.get - in other words, you are expecting a GET request to be sent to your server.. but your are sending a PUT request..
If you were sending your AJAX to your server by using something like /teachers?str=someName then you would use req.query.str - or if you wanted to use namesearch you would do: /teachers?namesearch=someName and then to get the value: req.query.namesearch
If you send your AJAX to your server by using the something like /teachers/someName then you should be using req.params.str
// ||
// \/ Server is expecting a GET request
app.get('/teachers/:str', (req, res) => {
let namesearch = req.params.str;
pool.connect((err, client, done) => {
// ... other code here
'SELECT * FROM teachers WHERE name = $1',
(err, result) => {
// ... other code here
But in your AJAX request, you are specifying PUT.. (should be GET)
By default, AJAX will send GET requests, so you really don't have to specify any type here, but I personally like to specify GET in type, just for the sake of brevity - just more succinct in my opinion.
Again, specifying GET in type is not needed since AJAX sends GET by default, specifying GET in type is a matter of preference.
$("#myBtn").click(function () {
// ... other code here
let textboxValue = $("#myTextbox").val();
let theURL = "/teachers/" + textboxValue;
// OR if you wanted to use `req.query.str` server side
// let theURL = "/teachers?str=" + textboxValue;
if (confirm('Search Record?')) {
url: theURL,
// ||
// \/ You are sending a PUT request, not a GET request
// ... other code here
It appears you are grabbing the value correctly from the textbox, you just need to make sure your server is accepting the same type that you are sending.

How do I display response data in the front end?

I've made GET requests to the github API:
.then(function (response) {
I get the response data. This function lives in the app.js file.
Also lives on the app.js file is the following code:
app.get('/', function(req, res){
Article.find({}, function(err, articles){
} else {
res.render('index', {
title: "Articles",
articles: articles
I'm able to query data from my mongodb database through the Article.js mongoose model and send the data to my index.pug file.
I want to be able to take the GITHUB response data and also render it in one of my pug view files. I feel like I'm missing some sort of concept in Javascript that's preventing me from achieving this.
Thanks in advance.
To get the Github response as a JSON, just use JSON.parse(). You won't be able to use your .pug template on the front end, however. That template is interpreted on the server side and is sent from server to client as plain old HTML. If you're interested in front-end templating, check out something like handlebars.js.
.then(function (response) {
from the code above, will be a html content because your server returns res.render.
in the front-end, you should use a tag and form post instead of ajax call like this

How to access object set by server on client side

I'm using node with express and I want access object sent by server.
For example
server side:
router.get('/some_page/', (req, res) => {
res.render('some_page', {
data: {"somevar1":"somevalue", "somevar2":"somevalue2"}
client side javascript:
var objSentFromSrv = ??? // here i want this object and then perform some action on it
Is this possible/legitimate?
I'm using handlebars as template engine.
Figured out somehow.
function middlewareAppendingLocals(req, res, next) {
res.locals.layoutV = myValue;
}'/page/', middlewareAppendingLocals, (req, res) => {
In my case this variable is from database and I'm giving it based on id posted from antoher page. But still how can I access it from javascript, not only form .hbs layout file.
Then page_to_render have and I can you handlebars {{}} to get it.
You need to encode the object as JSON like this:
router.get('/some_page/', (req, res) => {
data: {"somevar1":"somevalue", "somevar2":"somevalue2"}
and then use AJAX on the front-end, using jQuery you can use
$.get('/some_page/', function(data) {
var objSentFromSrv = JSON.parse(data);
or shorter:
$.getJSON('/some_page/', function(data) {
var objSentFromSrv = data;
Yes. This is possible and legitimate. Assuming you are using EJS, add a line like this to your template:
const objSentFromSrv = <%-JSON.stringify(data)%>;
If you're using a different templating engine, you'll just need to look up the specific syntax on how to serialize objects.
AjAX is overkill for this use-case.
If you are using AngularJS as your front end service, you can create a controller and have it inject $scope and $http to get the data. For example:
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('mainController', ($scope, $http) => {
$ {};
$scope.getData = function() {
.success((data) => {
$ = data;
.error((error) => {
And then in the front end, call getData().
Your templating engine is going to take the arguments passed to that render call and produce HTML (often) or JSON. It's not really sending objects, just text data.
If you're looking to change the state of some object that exists on the server side, you'll want to create some sort of API to do that. Send data down to the client, make changes to that data, then send it back to the server to be incorporated into the original object.
I am using Handlebar js and found to get server-side data at client side Javascript just using {{{ server-side JSON }}
Server-side Code send JSON adminData on the client side
return h.view('reports' ,{ adminData: request.auth.credentials});
Client side Code to get adminData inside script tag

How to create a ajax POST with node JS?

I am not sure how to use an ajax POST to POST from a Jade Page to Node JS. If someone can provide an example or tell me what I am missing from the script I have, please let me know.
This is the script file:
//Add friends
$('.addContact').click(function() {
{friendRequest: $(this).data('user')});
if($(this).html!=='Contact Requested') {
return $(this).html('Contact Requested');
The url I have for a POST on my app.js file is:'/addContact', user.addContactPost);
I am trying to post true for a click event on the button Add Contact and change it to Contact Requested if the data in the db is shown as true.
This is the jade file:
extends layout
block content
legend Search Results
for user in ufirstName
p #{user.firstName} #{user.lastName}
button.addContact Add Contact
The route file is this:
exports.addContactPost = function(req, res, err) {
User.findByIdAndUpdate(req.signedCookies.userid, {
$push: {friendRequest: req.body.friendRequest}
}, function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.log('error');
//return res.render('addContactError', {title: 'Weblio'});
else {
//alert('Contact added');
res.json({response: true});
If you are posting AJAX request, then you are expecting from JS on client-side to get some response, and react to this response accordingly.
If it would be separate request to another page - then probably rendering whole page - would be actual option.
But as you just need to get response from server and then update your front-end without reloading based on response, then you need to response from server on this POST request with some JSON. And then on client-side, do some templating, use jQuery or some templating libraries on client side for it.
Everything looks good I just think the $.post code is a little off. This might fix your problem.
$('.addContact').click(function() {
$.post('/addContact', { addContact : true }, function(data){
The object I added to the $.post is what is going to be sent to the server. The function you specified at the end is your callback. It's going to be called when the function returns. I think that may have been some of your confusion.
Your node route should look something like this
exports.addContactPost = function(req, res, err) {
addContact: req.body.addContact
}, function(err) {
if(err) {
res.render('addContactError', {title: 'Weblio'});
//assuming express return a json object to update your button
res.json({ response : true });

Easy way to handle post data in meteor.js?

I need to handle some POST data in my meteor.js app, is there an easy way to do this?
Very basic, if it was a PHP app I would just want the $_POST variable.
Meteor router
Meteor.Router.add('/items/:id', 'POST', function(id) {
// update Item Function
return [200, 'ok'];
If you are simply looking to intercept the GET and POST data, then send Meteor on it's merry way, you could do something like this on the server.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
var connect = Npm.require('connect');
var app =;
var post, get;
// parse the POST data
// parse the GET data
// intercept data and send continue
.use(function(req, res, next) {
post = req.body;
get = req.query;
return next();
Meteor.startup(function() {
// do something with post and get variables
EDIT 11/01/13
I ended up creating a smart package for this (for myself). There is no documentation but you are welcome to use it.
To retrieve the foo request variable:
RequestData.get('foo') // --> 'bar''foo') // --> 'bar'
Both methods will throw a Meteor.Error if the key isn't found so make sure you use wrap with a try/catch if the variable is optional.
You can use Meteor's Iron Router, docs here, since Router (as mentioned above) is outdated and might be no longer functional.
Router.route('/items/:id', {where: 'server'})
.get(function () {
this.response.end('get request\n');
.post(function () {
this.response.end('post request\n');
I'm using this package to serialize body data: simple:json-routes. Here is the link.
And this code snippet to access it:
WebApp.connectHandlers.use('/api/request', (req, res, next) => {

