Is node.js event loop like an ajax call? - javascript

I am confused with node.js' advantages over other tech. I've been reading this article : and this How to decide when to use Node.js? to familiarize myself with it and have left me confused.
I am familiar with cpu intensive task like the computation of the Fibonacci series but that's where my understanding ends.
For example, I have a Rest API that does all the computation or recommendation and is housed on a different server from the machine running node, then node.js won't have any trouble with having to deal with cpu intensive task. Just call the api then tell the client that your request is acknowledged.
I can't shake this thinking about comparing node.js with a simple ajax call to send the request from a form to the server, display a ticker then show the result. I am guessing that node.js is a web server, doing lot's of "ajax" type calls and handling concurrent connections.
Are my assumptions correct?
Is it also correct to assume that retrieving data from a database is an io operation but creating a complex report from that data a cpu intensive one?

You are right about handling many ajax requests, however thats true in worker based model also (php/python workers threads)
Main difference for event based system there will be only one worker doing all sorts of computation part of code (such as filtering data, adding processing etc). When it calls io ops like read from file, or db etc. node doesn't have control over that, instead of waiting on that to finish it puts a call back in the queue and moves on with next processing in queue (if any).
For analogy think of pizza outlet, if only one person is taking order and handing over the order to kitchen, once its ready cutting it, packing and giving it to customer. Where ever there is wait, he just moves on to next task. This is what node does, that person wont hang-on next to kitchen until pizza gets cooked.
In case of worker based approach think of a bank teller and you see couple of them (may be 5 or so) they take every kind of request but they dont switch between customer / request.

Refer to these resources for a deeper understanding of how JavaScript event loop works.

I can't answer all your doubts, but would like you to have some clarity over AJAX.
AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript + XML is a technique to make requests to a server. Nodejs server knows how to handle such requests, but saying that is the only thing it can do is absolutely wrong. Nodejs is single threaded, hence async. Whether it is good for CPU intensive tasks, I would say why not, unless you want to solve issues in a multithreaded fashion.


What is the proper algo/method to track changes between two async calls/requests

I have frontend that send requests to backend to keep the data as "live" as possible. The problem is that if frontend sends two different(in terms of data) requests in a short period of time, server may get the second request before the first one(due to delay, bad network, async etc).
My question is there any type of algorithm/method to deal with such events, to track changes in a sync way for async requests?
I thought of timestamps, but in that case I would need to "trust" the client - doesn't look a good solution.
I can't share my code(not sure if it's going to help anyway) or give you exactly what I'm making, but it's kind of live-text-editor, when two(or more) parties can see the editor and make changes to it.
Also, even though I would prefer not to use web-sockets, but perhaps web-sockets could solve this problem(never used it before)? I don't know how web-sockets work especially with asynchronous calls.
I use MERN stack, in case it's relevant.

How does JavaScript's Single Threaded Model handle time consuming tasks?

This question is regarding the sinlge threaded model of JavaScript. I understand that javascript is non-block in nature cause of its ability to add a callbacks to the async event queue. But if the callback function does infact take a long time to complete, won't JavaScript then be blocking everything else during that time as it is single threaded? How does nodejs handle such a problem? And is this an unavoidable problem for developers on the front end? I'm asking this question cause I have read that its generally good practice to keep function tasks as small as possible. Is it really because long tasks in javascript will actually block other tasks?
But if the callback function does infact take a long time to complete, won't JavaScript then be blocking everything else during that time as it is single threaded?
How does nodejs handle such a problem?
Node.js handles nothing. How you handle concurrency is up to you and your application. Now, Node.js does have a few tools available to you. The first thing you have to understand is that Node.js is basically V8 (JavaScript engine) with a lightweight library split between JavaScript and native code bolted on. While your JavaScript code is single-threaded by nature, the native code can and does create threads to handle your work.
For example, when you ask Node.js to load a file from disk, your request is passed off to native code where a thread pool is used, and your data is loaded from disk. Once your request is made, your JavaScript code continues on. This is the meaning of "non-blocking" in the context of Node.js. Once that file on disk is loaded, the native code passes it off to the Node.js JavaScript library, which then executes your callback with the appropriate parameters. Your code continued to run while the background work was going on, but when your callback is dealing with that data, other JavaScript code is indeed blocked from running.
This architecture allows you to get much of the benefit of multithreaded code without having to actually write any multithreaded code, keeping your application straightforward.
I'm asking this question cause I have read that its generally good practice to keep function tasks as small as possible. Is it really because long tasks in javascript will actually block other tasks?
My philosophy is always to use what you need. It's true that if a request comes in to your application and you have a lot of JavaScript processing of data that is blocking, other requests will not be processed during this time. Remember though that if you are doing this sort of work, you are likely CPU bound anyway and doing double the work will cause both requests to take longer.
In practice, the majority of web applications are IO bound. They shuffle data from a database, reformat it, and send it out over the network. The part where they handle data is actually not all that time consuming when compared to the amount of time the application is simply waiting to hear back from the upstream data source. It is in these applications where Node.js really shines.
Finally, remember that you can always spawn child processes to better distribute the load. If your application is that rare application where you do 99% of your work load in CPU-bound JavaScript and you have a box with many CPUs and/or cores, split the load across several processes.
Your question is a very large one, so I am just going to focus on one part.
if the callback function does infact take a long time to complete, won't JavaScript then be blocking everything else during that time as it is single threaded? (...) Is it really because long tasks in javascript will actually block other tasks?
Non-blocking is a beautiful thing XD
The best practices include:
Braking every function down into its minimum functional form.
Keep CallBacks asynchronies, THIS is an excellent post on the use of CallBacks
Avoid stacking operations, (Like nested Loops)
Use setTimeout() to brake up potentially blocking code
And many other things, Node.JS is the gold standard of none blocking so its worth a look.
setTimeout() is one of the most important functions in no-blocking code
So lets say you make a clock function that looks like this:
function setTime() {
var date=new Date();
time = date.getTime()
document.getElementById('id').innerHTML = time;
Its quite problematic, because this code will happily loop its self until the end of time. No other function will ever be called. You want to brake up the operation so other things can run.
function startTime() {
var date=new Date();
time = date.getTime()
document.getElementById('id').innerHTML = time;
'setTimeout();' brakes up the loop and executes it every 1-ish seconds. An infinite loop is a bit of an extreme example. The point is 'setTimeout();' is great at braking up large operation chains into smaller ones, making everything more manageable.

Why is node.js asynchronous?

Nobody has actually asked this (from all the 'suggestions' I'm getting and also from searching before I asked here).
So why is node.js asynchronous?
From what I have deduced after some research:
Languages like PHP and Python are scripting languages (I could be wrong about the actual languages that are scripting languages) whilst JavaScript isn't. (I suppose this derives from the fact that JS doesn't compile?)
Node.js runs on a single thread whilst scripting languages use multiple threads.
Asynchronous means stateless and that the connection is persistent whilst synchronous is the (almost) opposite.
Maybe the answer is found somewhere stated above, but I'm still not sure.
My second and last question related to this topic is this:
Could JavaScript be made into a synchronous language?
PS. I know some of you will ask "why would you want to make JS synchronous?" in your answers, but the truth is that I don't. I'm just asking these types of questions because I'm sure there are more people out there than just myself that have thought about such questions.
Node.js runs on a single thread whilst scripting languages use multiple threads.
Not technically. Node.js uses several threads, but only one execution thread. The background threads are for dealing with IO to make all of the asynchronous goodness work. Dealing with threads efficiently is a royal pain, so the next best option is to run in an event loop so code can run while background threads are blocked on IO.
Asynchronous means stateless and that the connection is persistent whilst synchronous is the (almost) opposite.
Not necessarily. You can preserve state in an asynchronous system pretty easily. For example, in Javascript, you can use bind() to bind a this to a function, thereby preserving state explicitly when the function returns:
function State() {
// make sure that whenever doStuff is called it maintains its state
this.doStuff = this.doStuff.bind(this);
State.prototype.doStuff = function () {
Asynchronous means not waiting for an operation to finish, but registering a listener instead. This happens all the time in other languages, notably anything that needs to accept input from the user. For example, in a Java GUI, you don't block waiting for the user to press a button, but you register a listener with the GUI.
My second and last question related to this topic is this:
Could JavaScript be made into a synchronous language?
Technically, all languages are synchronous, even Javascript. However, Javascript works a lot better in an asynchronous design because it was designed to be single threaded.
Basically there are two types of programs:
CPU bound- the only way to make it go faster is to get more CPU time
IO bound- spends a lot of time waiting for data, so a faster processor won't matter
Video games, number crunchers and compilers are CPU bound, whereas web servers and GUIs are generally IO bound. Javascript is relatively slow (because of how complex it is), so it wouldn't be able to compete in a CPU bound scenario (trust me, I've written my fair share of CPU-bound Javascript).
Instead of coding in terms of classes and objects, Javascript lends itself to coding in terms of simple functions that can be strung together. This works very well in asynchronous design, because algorithms can be written to process data incrementally as it comes in. IO (especially network IO) is very slow, so there's quite a bit of time between packets of data.
Let's suppose you have 1000 live connections, each delivering a packet every millisecond, and processing each packet takes 1 microsecond (very reasonable). Let's also assume each connection sends 5 packets.
In a single-threaded, synchronous application, each connection will be handled in series. The total time taken is (5*1 + 5*.001) * 1000 milliseconds, or ~5005 milliseconds.
In a single-threaded, asynchronous application, each connection will be handled in parallel. Since every packet takes 1 millisecond, and processing each packet takes .001 milliseconds, we can process every connection's packet between packets, so our formula becomes: 1000*.001 + 5*1 milliseconds, or ~6 milliseconds.
The traditional solution to this problem was to create more threads. This solved the IO problem, but then when the number of connections rose, so did the memory usage (threads cost lots of memory) and CPU usage (multiplexing 100 threads onto 1 core is harder than 1 thread on 1 core).
However, there are downsides. If your web application happens to also need to do some heavy number crunching, you're SOL because while you're crunching numbers, connections need to wait. Threading solves this because the OS can swap out your CPU-intensive task when data is ready for a thread waiting on IO. Also, node.js is bound to a single core, so you can't take advantage of your multi-core processor unless you spin up multiple instances and proxy requests.
Javascript does not compile into anything. It's "evaluated" at runtime, just like PHP & Ruby. Therefore it is a scripting language just like PHP/Ruby. (it's official name is actually ECMAScript).
The 'model' that Node adheres to is a bit different than PHP/Ruby. Node.js uses an 'event loop' (the single thread) that has the one goal of taking network requests and handling them very quickly, and if for any reason it encounters an operation that takes a while (API request, database query -- basically anything involving I.O. (input/output)) it passes that off to a background 'worker' thread and goes off to do something else while the worker thread waits for the long task to complete. When that happens the main 'event loop' will take the results and continue deal with them.
PHP/Ruby following a threading model. Essentially, for every incoming network request, the application server spins up an isloated thread or process to handle the request. This does not scale tremendously well and Node's approach is cited as one of its core strengths compared to this model.
Asynchronous means stateless and that the connection is persistent
whilst synchronous is the (almost) opposite.
No. Synchronous instructions are completed in a natural order, from first to last. Asynchronous instructions mean that if a step in the flow of a program takes a relatively long time, the program will continue executing operations and simply return to this operation when complete.
Could JavaScript be made into a synchronous language?
Certain operations in JavaScript are synchronous. Others are asynchronous.
For example:
Blocking operations:
for(var k = 0; k < 1; k = k - 1;){
alert('this will quickly get annoying and the loop will block execution')
alert('this is blocked and will never happen because the above loop is infinite');
jQuery.get('/foo', function (result) { alert('This will occur 2nd, asynchronously'); });
alert('This will occur 1st. The above operation was skipped over and execution continued until the above operation completes.');
Could JavaScript be made into a synchronous language?
Javascript is not an "asynchronous language"; rather, node.js has a lot of asynchronous APIs. Asynchronous-ness is a property of the API and not the language. The ease with which functions can be created and passed around in javascript makes it convenient to pass callback functions, which is one way to handle control flow in an asynchronous API, but there's nothing inherently asynchronous about javascript. Javascript can easily support synchronous APIs.
Why is node.js asynchronous?
Node.js favors asynchronous APIs because it is single-threaded. This allows it to efficiently manage its own resources, but requires that long-running operations be non-blocking, and asynchronous APIs are a way to allow for control of flow with lots of non-blocking operations.

Synchronous vs. asynchronous database access

I want to develop a complex game with possibly thousands of functions and database calls.
I am wondering if it's really necessary to do my database queries in async. Its a pain to code, and all of my functions will need to use callbacks instead of the clean return method. Is this a normal approach?
Are coding these calls in async really that much faster, considering a MySQL database processes a single query at a time?
Unless something changed drastically in Node.JS recently, you're pretty much forced to use async database access to scale well since all your user requests will execute on one single thread and synchronously waiting for the database will really drop your performance. If one user does a slow operation, all other users will have to wait until it's done.
Node.JS is really built for an async event driven flow, you'll get much better performance working with it than working around it.
Asynchronous request are not faster than synchronous ones, no matter how you do them they still do the same exact thing. The only this that changes is rather you block on the request or not.
When you go with a synchronous the method that made the request will stop its execution waiting for the return of the request, only when that got through will it continue with its execution. Though when using asynchronous request, there's no need to wait for the request to complete, you can jut keep on and when it's done the callback will be called upon.
Another thing is that usually the database is the bottleneck when the application is making a lot of calls to the dbms, because of that you might want to consider using come kind of caching to reduce to load from the dbms.
The speed of the database engine + transmission times will be pretty much the same either way. The issue is that async calls do not block the caller. Thus async arch is the way to go for any "realtime-ish" systems that need to be highly responsive to other inputs. (Such as games which should always be very responsive to the human.)
The queries will be queued up at the database level in MySQL. There are lot more options if you can think of using Mongo DB for some of your data.
Like Nitzan, you must know that "Asynchronous request are not faster than synchronous ones, no matter how you do them they still do the same exact thing."
No one talked about, but if there are a lot of users and a lot of requests, you have other solutions to limit database access :
Creating cache files
And update them by users actions or by CRON tasks.
Users informations
Users alerts
Users actions
Users inventory
Stocked database process
For some recurrent requests you can stock them in MySQL.
Those will be executed faster than a user request.

Sending large number of requests to server on node.js

I have the following:
var tempServer=require("./myHttp");
tempServer.startServer(8008,{'/fun1':fun1 , '/fun2': fun2 , '/fun3':fun3 , '/fun4':fun4},"www");
which creates a server on localhost:8008.
and if i type in the url line in my browser the following:
it will call fun2 function and will perform what is needed.
having said that,
how can i write a script function (fun2) which simulates a call for a large number
of requests (say 10000) to tempServer?
any help will be much appreciated!
You could try this on your laptop, but you would find that your computer will not really be able to create 10,000 requests to a temp server (or anyplace) at the same time. Most modern machines top out around 1000 or so simultaneous connections.
You can create something in code that will certainly do this one connection after another, but this is not the same as a true load test where you ramp up and ramp down the number of requests per second. You will quickly find that this is IO and connection-bound and not a true test for your application.
Your best bet, if you are trying to benchmark/stress your server, is to put your server on a box or service that is internet accessible like nodejitsu or nodester (both free services) and then use another service (free or otherwise) to hit your server's URL. You don't say if this is what you're doing, but this is the usual way to do load and stress testing.
Two companies that I have used in the past are Load Impact and to get the number of simultaneous user requests to your server. for 10,000 users you will need to pay a bit but it's not too large a fee.
You may also want to look into the libraries from New Relic to help you monitor the server/service itself and how it behaves under stress. They have some great capabilities in helping find bottlenecks in applications.
This may be a bit more than what you were looking for, but I hope that it's helpful. If I am off the mark, let me know and I'll be happy to amend this to be closer to what it is you are looking for.
Are you interested in scripting 10,000 calls to fun2 via http2 or
issuing 10,000 requests from fun2 within node?
If it is within Node and as you probably know all the code is written as sequential but
the events are executed asynchronously.
Check the EventEmitter for dispatching function calls on evens:
and see this example as an inspiration for issuing calls in parallel:
Hope this helps.

