Summarizing data using an MVC application - javascript

I am looking for either an existing framework or software that would allow us to summarize our large MySQL database and allow us to present the information in the form of charts or tables.
I have looked online and found a few that are standalone web services, however for our purposes we would need it to be embedded without our existing web app and able to run either on the front end or on our server.
we would also be able to make use of any existing framework(c#) for data aggregation as we could implement them in c# on our server and display the information using JavaScript. We are trying to avoid implementing our own version due to time constraints so any pre-made method would be preferable.
I know this is a fairly vague question but we are just looking for some suggestions as the topic of web based data analysis doesn't seem to return many useful options for us.


Approach for adding posts to a blog type website

I've created a blog style website using html, CSS and bootstrap. I've recently started learning Javascript.
I want to be able to add/delete posts etc to the blog website. Is Javascript the technology I should be using to do to this? I also thought I could use SQL or something to create a database and somehow have posts be loaded onto the site from the database.
I'm pretty new to all this so I'm not too sure.
Help appreciated.
What you need is some sort of storing the objects on a server. You can choose from plethora of solutions, naming php and nodejs as most popular ones in web world. On the server you (most of the times) make a connection to the database (sql - mysql, mariadb etc or nosql like mongodb for example) in order to get or set or remove some objects (posts). You can as well store it in files or whatever you want, but database is just created to serve this purpose. Has numerous advantages over another solutions.
And now to the Javascript; you can use it to send the data asynchronously (read about ajax / xhr request) but its completely optional. It's definetely not the core of the proces and it's completely ommitable.
You can build anything from scratch, and such experiments are sometimes beneficial, but most of the times you just want to use some de-facto standard technology that has most of the pitfalls covered and offers you good development experience as well as security benefits (wordpress - cms, symfony frsmework).

What helps store the inputted data on a backend page in HTML?

So I am new to web development and all I've learnt so far is how to write HTML and CSS to make web pages and forms.
I'm specifically looking for a language that will help me store the data that is input into the form onto a database for easy access later.
I think PHP does that, but I was looking for anything JAVA related, and somewhere I could learn how to do it.
So far,
I've looked into JavaScript tutorial on W3Schools, but it seems like JS only helps make the front end more dynamic, but doesn't help store the input data anywhere.
I've also looked into the AngularJS tutorial on CodeSchool and it looks like Angular helps present the forms in a better manner and again, not in storing data anywhere.
Once again,
1) What do you use to collect the data input into a HTML form and store it somewhere?
2) I don't need help making the actual form itself.
Me personally, i use PHP, it allows you to take the data that was inputted and store it in a database. You can also use JavaScript/JQuery with PHP via Ajax that will dynamically fetch and store data.
Any backend lang can do it (python, php, java, ruby, js with node), but each one has it own ways to do it. Even JS at client side can do it, using LocalStorage objects, but it not solve all problems at data storage yet.
Angular is just the client-side. You will need a server, which will handle the requests and store them into a database. I would work with Spring Boot (JAVA) on the server side, and Angular 2 on the client side. Use REST for the communication bewtween them. Its really not hard.
Node.js is a fast Javascript runtime combined with a low-level API similar to the standard libraries of many programming languages (file system access, buffers, streams, i/o, etc.).
Angular is a model-view-controller framework for client-side JS development. It can be used with Node.js as a backend, or anything else. Its main feature is 2-way data-binding, and addresses most of the concerns of a single-page web app within the framework.
React is often compared to Angular, because it is a front-end library, but it is not a framework. It is simply the view layer, with a large ecosystem of open-source projects supporting it. The big conceptual difference is a uni-directional data flow, rather than 2-way data binding. You need a lot more besides React to make a full application, but React handles it's use case exceptionally well. React is amazing on the client side, but it’s ability to be rendered on the server side makes it truly special. This is because React uses a virtual DOM instead of the real one, and allows us to render our components to markup. Node.js makes a great backend for React as well, but again, it can work with any backend.
The MEAN stack is a popular web development stack made up of MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. MEAN has gained popularity because it allows developers to program in JavaScript on both the client and the server. The MEAN stack enables a perfect harmony of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) development: MongoDB stores data in a JSON-like format, Express and Node.js facilitate easy JSON query creation, and AngularJS allows the client to seamlessly send and receive JSON documents.
MEAN is generally used to create browser-based web applications because AngularJS (client-side) and Express (server-side) are both frameworks for web apps. Another compelling use case for MEAN is the development of RESTful API servers. Creating RESTful API servers has become an increasingly important and common development task, as applications increasingly need to gracefully support a variety of end-user devices, such as mobile phones and tablets.
This was the overview of all the new booming technologies.. Based on this you can decide what you need and what you want to learn.. Thanks, Hope this overview helps you to decide.
My favorite for Rest Api is Flask(python micro framework) it is build for create Rest Api. and for php falcon has it own micro frame work. if you use nodejs it is easy to communicate between backend and frontend and good with not sql dB like mongo db.
The right answer should be the database or localStorage/sessionStorage.
The decision in between which answer chose, depends if you want to share the data between Browsers/Computers or if you just want to temporarily store the data for the user so he won't need to fill the form once again.
For temporarily storage chose localStorage/sessionStorage (javascript).
For other cases chose to store the data in a Database.

How do you make a single-page-application (SPA) searchable from SharePoint?

We are working on a single-page-application (SPA) developed in ASP.NET MVC using knouckout and a wealth of other libraries. Routing will be done in front-end, maybe we will use crossroads.js. A lot of information is presented in virtual grids using slickgrid.js. All data is fetched from backend using AJAX.
Now, if you want to crawl and index such a site from SharePoint, how would you go about that? If you just load the main page with no javascript, it is almost empty.
After more investigation into this issue, I have concluded that there are at least two possible solutions to this kind of problem.
Possible solution 1: Render HTML
This approach would involve detecting that a SP crawler is crawling your site, and then return static HTML pages for the crawler. PhantomJS could possibly be used for this. There are however several uncertain aspects to this solution, and I suspect that it would involve a lot of work.
Possible solution 2: Import data into SharePoint
As so clearly described by Josh below, you could import the data that you want crawlable into SharePoint. Then SharePoint can be configured to crawl the data, and the data is not Javascript dependant anymore as it is inside SharePoint. I think this is the best and easiest solution and will mark Josh answer as the accepted answer.
While I see that this question is getting a lot of close requests, I did run across this very question on a previous project. Sharepoint won't be able to index the page that data is manipulated on via your SPA, but inside SP, you can connect external data sources into the search service, thus exposing the data inside the SPA. You would then write custom search results tied to the content type of the data exposed in order to make the results a bit more friendly than just a data row. You might create an entry point in your SPA that can take in a URL with a parameter so you can send the user from the search results to the SPA in one shot.
There are a lot of interconnected concepts to this solution, so I'd suggest looking into connecting external data sources and adding them to the crawled index of SP. Then, create a content type out of the exposed objects. And finally, add a custom search result template for the content type. MSDN will be your friend on this and so will your SP administrator.

How to build a REST client frontend for a REST API backend?

I've built a REST API backend using Django and am now at the stage of designing a client facing frontend. Though, I can't seem to understand how this client frontend should be structured and which languages it should use.
PHP is server-side, and is usually used as the language for building backends. When coupled with a framework such as Codeigniter, it can also be used to play around with sessions, route URLs, and decide which templates to use. Though, I don't believe it can be used to call my REST API to fetch resources (might be wrong here, correct me please if I am).
Javascript is client facing but is used only once the webpage has been fetched from the server. AngularJS is great, but from what I've read, it seems it only helps add very dynamic functionality into already rendered static pages.
I am really open to any ideas, suggestions, and advice based on your experiences creating client frontends. So, back to my original question, how does one structure a REST client frontend, which language is best for this goal, and if which frameworks should one consider to use?
Update 1
Someone asked whether this client frontend will be run in a browser -- the answer is yes, it will. I am trying to build a Twitter-like web client frontend that interacts with a Twitter-like REST API backend. Basically, everything you see there when you go on Twitter's website.
Since it is a browser frontend I would go with HTML/JavaScript only. No need to use PHP or any server side language IMHO. This has the advantage of being extremely portable.
I would also use a JS framework for that purpose ( the trend nowadays seems to be angular).
REST really, really isn't new. It's been a part of HTTP at least as far back as HTTP 1.1
Have a look at this question: Backbone.js frontend with RESTful Rails backend? the top answer lists 20 possible frameworks for building a front end.
Thanks for your help, everyone. Found exactly what I was looking for here:
A nice little library for Python that allows me to basically make calls to a REST backend from within a Django application, which serves as my frontend.
AngularJS will also be used for to make the static pages that Django returns more dynamic. Why? Because AngularJS by itself can be the complete solution only if your whole site consists of one page. If you have multiple pages where each one has it's own set of dynamic elements, you need a combination of Django and AngularJS.
Apparently REST is still quite new and it seems there aren't many people that have stumbled upon this very fundamental question like I have.
Once again, thanks!

Framework for a Business Dashboard - MVC, browser accessible

We are attempting to create a few dashboards for one of our Businesses, fetching data directly from the SQL server. We know what kind of business logic & display we'll like to do - having already built the prototypes from SQL data exported in Excel, and now - having prototyped their wireframes as well. The dashboard will include dynamic timeline based line & bargraphs & geographical map overlays.
We are trying to identify the best platform to do it. Here are the constraints:
The database is SQL based
The frontend should be browser accessible - hence a pure desktop application is ruled out.
While for the first usecase, the database is MSSQL - we'll like the platform to be say PHP based (or Python etc, but not ASP.Net)
Prefer to have the platform giving the option to host it on our systems (since our database server may not be online, but behind a company LAN - and hence not accessible from any public server, without port opening, etc), as opposed to it being only on online SAS.
Now, we are trying to architecture pieces. One approach is to have a technology stack consisting of:
Database - which we can live with what we have (our data isn't large enough to require anything beyond SQL).
An application logic framework (preferably MVC), along with a good set of libraries for Analytic applications (eg processing time series, statistical analysis - or some glue logic for calling, say R).
Frontend JS / HTML libraries. For this, we have looked at GoogleCharts, HighCharts, Paper.js, Raphael, Angular.js, D3.js, and new Razorflow. We haven't yet been able to figure out the best options amongst these.
Any suggestions / comments for the JS libraries (point 3) to use? And if in PHP - suggestions for good application framework + analytics library (point 2) to use above? Or if not, another language along with a good supporting framework for this?
Another alternative we're exploring is moving to a completely UX based dashboarding - eg qlikview, Tableau, or klipfolio. kibana - on the same lines looks interesting, but seems more suited for logs & text data, not exactly our use case.
Within the Microsoft world (we are trying to avoid), devExpress seems like a complete suite - with frontend JS to the backend database integration.
Any suggestions / comments on the right platform to use?
I am the co-founder of RazorFlow. Are you still looking for a dashboard framework to use among the options listed? Our PHP Bindings are quite powerful allowing you to build your entire application in pure PHP and not worrying about the HTML/CSS parts of it.
Let me know if you want to discuss further by reaching out to our support email at support -at-

