test for null not working - javascript

I have a an onclick function, inside this function I want to create a condition for the way some elements are shown in the textarea. added this in the function:
bPlace = bookForm.txtPlace.value;
if (bPlace="null") {
bookForm.myText.value = bPlace
according to this condition when the value in txtPlace in myForm is not null it should show anything the user puts in. But when I test it, when I type something, instead of showing that, it still shows the (( !. )) in the textarea.
I should say I used "Undefined" instead of Null and still the same thing happened
Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong?

The problem is you are using assignment operator instead of comparision operator
The statement bPlace="null" will assign the string null to bPlace and will return it, which is a truthy value so the if block will always get executed.
bPlace = bookForm.txtPlace.value;
if (bPlace == "null") {
bPlace = "!."
bookForm.myText.value = bPlace
But since bPlace is a input value, I think what you are trying to do is if the input is left blank you want to put a default value in that case you can check
bPlace = bookForm.txtPlace.value;
if (!bPlace) {
bPlace = "!."
bookForm.myText.value = bPlace
Demo: Fiddle
Which can be further shorten to
bookForm.myText.value = bookForm.txtPlace.value || '!.';
Demo: Fiddle


javascript passing the result of a boolean comparison confusion

I've been working through some text book to learn web development and i've become confused on an example. The example creates a meter element and fills it with some attributes. There is then some javascript to check for browser support for the tag. The part where i'm confused is after the first expression returns either true or false for the support, shouldn't there be a check for if true or false was returned on the following if statement? also as an aside, when the create element builds the element does is give it default values, or grab values from an existing meter in the html.
The check for support is as follows.
var noMeterSupport = function(){
return(document.createElement('meter').max === undefined);
the next part that builds the meter if the support isn't found is below. This is where i become confused as it seems to take either value and continue without checking if it was true or false.
if (noMeterSupport()) {
var fakeMeter, fill, label, labelText, max, meter, value;
value = meter.attr("value");
meter = $("#pledge_goal");
max = meter.attr("max");
labelText = "$" + meter.val();
fakeMeter = $("<div></div>");
label = $("<span>" + labelText + "</span>");
fill = $("<div></div>");
fill.css("width",(value / max * 100) + "%");
fill.append("<div style='clear:both;'><br></div>");
The body of the if is only executed if noMeterSupport() returns true. The condition in an if statement requires something "truthy", i.e. something that can be interpreted as true or false. Since the function returns a boolean value, that is sufficient. (See first Google hit for truthiness javascript, which is a good explanation.)
EDIT: Forgot about your second question. When a new element is created with document.createElement, it does indeed get default values. In your example, the default value of max for a <meter> is 1.
if (noMeterSupport()) { checks the return value. It means exactly the same as this:
var supported = noMeterSupport();
if(supported) {
I hope that I understand your question correctly and will try to answer it.
So you would expect something like this:
if (noMeterSupport() == true)
Actually, this is equivalent to this:
if (noMeterSupport())
And if you want to check false:
if (noMeterSupport() == false)
This is equivalent to:
if (!noMeterSupport())
This statement will make the function either return true or false:
return(document.createElement('meter').max === undefined)
basically it would be synonymous with writing:
if(document.createElement('meter').max === undefined) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
That makes the value of noMeterSupport() either true or false.
var noMeterSupport = function(){
return(document.createElement('meter').max === undefined);
noMeterSupport returns the result of the comparison document.createElement('meter').max === undefined.
The comparison will be either true or false, ok?
So, now, when you do
if (noMeterSupport()) { /*then do something*/}
is like saying
if (/*the result of noMeterSupport() is true*/) {/*then do something*/}
So, this if statement will only run if noMeterSupport returns true
var noMeterSupport = function(){
return(document.createElement('meter').max === undefined);
This section of code is not actually doing the check, it is defining a function called noMeterSupport.
The code is not actually run until the function is called. It is called by adding () to the function name.
Your if() statement is where it is being called as it the brackets.
You expect a boolean condition inside the if statement:
The noMeterSupport() is actually returning true or false, so the
is converted to if(true) or if(false)
depending on the result of the document.createElement('meter').max === undefined evaluation.
You are receiving a boolean condition and the if statement works fine.
As a beginner, there's two points to quickly learn in programming :
The comparison operators == and === not only do the comparison, but returns in fact the result of this comparison (you can place it in var to test)
var bool = 1 === 2;
console.log(bool); // will print false
The test if(boolean === true) is equivalent to if(boolean), and the test if(boolean === false) is equivalent to if(!boolean)

show/hide div based on form value

var test = document.getElementById("TEST1").value;
if (test.value != 1) {
This doesn't seem to work. I am getting the TEST1 value as 1 but its not hiding the div. Any help will be appreciated. thank you
In your case test is the value of the input element TEST1, it doesn't have a value property
so either assign the element as the value to test then use test.value in your condition
var test = document.getElementById("TEST1");
if (test.value != 1) {
or use just test in the condition
var test = document.getElementById("TEST1").value;
if (test != 1) {
You have assigned TEST1 value to the test variable, so in test you have do:
if (test != 1) {
You already get the value property of your element when you define test, and then you look for the value property of its value property - so the simplest way to improve this code is:
var testValue = document.getElementById("TEST1").value;
if (testValue != 1) {
I've changed your variable name from test to testValue so that it's clear that you are not actually dealing with the TEST1 element but instead with its value (so that it is clear there is no need to get the value property.

If-statement fail in javascript

For several hours now am I trying to make a simple game, but one if-statement is failing:
function checkDiagonaal() {
if (document.getElementById("11").src.indexOf("o.png") &&
document.getElementById("22").src.indexOf("x.png") &&
winnaar = true;
The condition is not true, yet the variable winnaar is set on true. I don't see what I am doing wrong. Very probably just a little mistake.
I also tried this code:
if(document.getElementById("11").src === "images/o.png")
but this returns false (even when the condition is true). I would like to know why?
Use ...indexOf(...) >= 0 in such conditions.
indexOf returns -1 when the value is not found, -1 is truthy
From the MDN(great resource!):
"The indexOf() method returns the index within the calling String
object of the first occurrence of the specified value [...] returns -1
if the value is not found."
When statements get big they become a bit unreadable, it might be fine now, but if you need to add more checks, I would suggest a different approach:
function checkDiagonaal() {
var ids = [11,22,33];
var strs = ['o.png','x.png','o.png'];
var winnar = ids.every(function(id,i) {
return document.getElementById(id).src.indexOf(strs[i]) > -1;

Greasemonkey testing if array element exists

I'm writing a script that adds labels to things on a page using an element from an array based on part of the link... so my array looks like this:
var componentList[9] = "Sunnyseed"
var componentList[10] = "Echoberry"
var componentList[11] = "Riverstone"
var componentList[13] = "Auraglass"
var componentList[14] = "Skypollen"
You'll notice there is no '12'... I want the label to be 'Unknown' when the array item doesn't exist. Now, I can't exactly test my solution since I can't cause the target page to throw me a 12... so I was hoping somebody would tell me whether this will do what I want or not...
var component = ""
if(typeof componentList[critterIDval] == 'undefined'){
This is obviously not the full script, but it should be the important stuff... I just want to know if that will make it say 'Unknown' when the critterIDval is 12 - since it could take years to come across the situation for testing.
You're pretty much there. You're using a single-equals sign in your comparison, so that will mess it up, and I'm not sure you can create a JS array like that, but aside from that, you're good.
Here is the test I ran for it:
var componentList = [];
componentList[9] = "Sunnyseed";
componentList[10] = "Echoberry";
componentList[11] = "Riverstone";
componentList[13] = "Auraglass";
componentList[14] = "Skypollen";
for (var critterIDval = 9; critterIDval < 15; critterIDval++) {
if (typeof componentList[critterIDval] == 'undefined') { // double equals here
component = "Unknown";
} else {
component = componentList[critterIDval];
It looks fine.
Though if you are sure that the value will never be an empty string(like componentList[14] = '';) then you can try
var component = componentList[critterIDval] || 'Unknown'
I want the label to be 'Unknown' when the array item doesn't exist.
The typeof operator does not tell you if a property exists or not as it returns undefined when the property doesn't exist but also when it does exist and has been assigned a the value undefined or simply created but hasn't been assigned a value.
There are two primary ways to test for the existence of a property: the in operator, which also looks on the [[Prototype]] chain and the hasOwnProperty method of all Objects. So
if (componentList.hasOwnProperty(critterIDval)) {
component = "Unknown"
} else {
component = componentList[critterIDval]
which you could also write as:
component = componentList.hasOwnProperty(critterIDval)? componentList[critterIDval] : 'unknown';
PS. there are other methods, such as looking at Object.keys(componentList) and componentList.propertyIsEnumerable(critterIDval), but the above are the most common.
If your requirement is not just to test for property existence but to also test for a "truthy" value, then:
if (componentList[critterIDval])
may be sufficient and will return false where the value is '' (empty string), 0, false, NaN, undefined or null.
Maybe just testing for a non–empty string or number will do:
if (/.+/.test(componentList[critterIDval]))
but that returns true for NaN, null and so on. So you need to specify what you are actually testing for, otherwise you may get undesired results for some values.

Is there a way to prevent undefined javascript variables from displaying 'undefined' when inserted into html?

I am appending text which is stored in a javascript variable into a div element. The issue is that the depending on the situation there may or may not be text stored in that variable. If there is not I end up with the text 'undefined' where the valid text would have been in the div.
so as an example:
htmlelement.innerhtml = '<h2>'+array.object.title+
This shows up in a function which will run for each object in the array. Not all of the objects have content in all 3 text fields.
So is there an easy way to prevent 'undefined from being printed?
Right now I have this before the previous line:
if (!array.object.textfield1) {
array.object.textfield1 = ' ';
if (!array.object.textfield2) {
array.object.textfield2 = ' ';
if (!array.object.textfield3) {
array.object.textfield3 = ' ';
But this is not a practical solution if there are a lot of variables that need to be checked.
Can you use the logical operator || ?
Note: Please do take care of values like 0 or any other falsy values .
Use "The New Idiot" answer this is here just fro an extra method.
The other answer is better because it molds the check into the logic ( a good thing!) and is better for performance.
with that said REGEX!!
htmlelement.innerText = htmlelement.innerText.replace('undefined', '');
check each array item to see if its undefined with the **typeof** operator.
for each array item if the **typeof** is **undefined** you can do eather 2 things:
1. set to default
2. remove with splice()
function cleanArray(theArray){
for(i=0;i < theArray.length;i++){
if(typeof theArray[i] == "undefined"){
theArray[i]="";//OR SPLICE IT OU WITH splice()
no simple way around this, you need to plan your design accordingly
"The New Idiot" answer is pretty good if you only have a few. If you have a more complicated object that you want to sort out, one option would be to iterate over the properties and set them to an empty string if they are undefined. e.g.
var o = {
t1: undefined,
t2: "hey"
for (prop in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(prop) && typeof o[prop] === "undefined") {
o[prop] = "";
jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Ca6xn/

