Localization for Arabic language - javascript

I want to translate all static element to my web page in Arabic by using angular.js, What all concept I can use. I have tried by using
Its making my whole page to mirror image.

You should be able to implement localization on angular apps with ng-i18next. Check github repo at https://github.com/i18next/ng-i18next for more details.

Try to use angular-localization wich is the official way to do it https://github.com/doshprompt/angular-localization


How to add translator to CKEditor

I am using CKEditor in my rails 5 application. I would like to have a support of Internationalizationin my CKEditor means I will select language and when I am typing content should change to that language. Is it possible to add this feature to my CKEditor. Please tell me the possibilities on how to achieve this.
Thanks in Advance.
As a proof of concept, you can try two approaches:
If you need translation on the fly, you will need to use third party services with a JS made requests.
You`ll have to learn the API of ,for example, Bing translation service. And add some JS to send the text to it and replace the CKEditor content with the result.
You can also translate on server side using gems like this. So you can push text from ckeditor to your own backoffice, utilize the gem to send it to API. And render the form with the result.

What is the usage of JavaScript in bootstrap?

I am learning bootstrap. As I can see, it is pretty straight forward to use it. I tried to use the framework without including any reference to the JavaScript files and it is working just fine (at basic level).
So my question is - can I just ignore the JavaScript files and use only the css-based grid system, or the css depends on JavaScript in some way and I just don't face it now.
Thank you!
As long as you don't need anything from this page you can skip loading the javascript asset.
YES, If you do not need any javascript related component (modal,tab etc.) ,
Also please remember you could customize entire framework with link below:
Just check what you want and download.

Convert Existing web application UI into responsive web application

I have single page ajax web application. All HTML structure build dynamically through pure javascript or jQuery. Now i want to convert this existing web app to responsive application. I had searching on google but i can not get it specific flow to do this. I also see lots of css framework like bootstrap,foundation,etc. Is those help to get out from this? if yes then How? My target resolution is 800*600 to 1920*900.
You can use Bootstrap, just include the files - CSS should be enough if you want just the responsiveness, or try Initializr - get the right template and copy your existing code into it.
You can also look into the FriendlyURLs feature in ASP: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/IntroducingASPNETFriendlyUrlsCleanerURLsEasierRoutingAndMobileViewsForASPNETWebForms.aspx. This will let you create mobile versions of the pages in your site.
If this is not your goal and if you are OK with commercial software, you can try the RadPageLayout control from Telerik: http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/page-layout-overview.html. Check it out here: http://demos.telerik.com/responsive-web-design-aspnet/.
Responsive web applications can be created by using CSS media queries. Please find below helpful link http://webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/responsive-design-in-3-steps wich provides overview of responsive approach with screenshots and demo
Good Luck!
Telerik offers yet another way to make your ASP.NET pages responsive via the PageLayout control http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/responsive-page-layout.aspx.
The following responsive web site is made with it: http://demos.telerik.com/responsive-web-design-aspnet/

How to handle string localisation in jQuery mobile?

I am making an android app using phonegap and jQuery mobile.The app will also have option for displaying text in other languages like Tamil,Kannada and Telugu.I want to change all the text displayed when the user clicks on these options for changing the language. What is the best way to do that?
I would look at i18next, a JS library that runs entirely in browser and whose localizations are stored in JSON. It works with jQuery and has several other nice features. Seems like it would cover your needs.
I'm running a Application which supports around 5 European languages. I manually created a language file in the format of JSON. I wrote custom functions to replace the UI element's labels in a separate file which triggers when a page loads.
It just works fine for me.
check out the HTMLed.js framework for jquery mobile localization on GitHub link

Is it possible to use a rich text editor without a CMS?

Rich text editors are commonly implemented as plugins to CMS sites made with joomla, wordpress etc, but can these be used to work with a website that someone makes from scratch with just html php javascript and the works?
Most CMSes implement a rich text editor like CKEditor. This is written in JavaScript and can be implemented in any web application - for example by using html php and javascript as you suggest.
Check out their website for more info and examples on how to implement it.
Yes. Check out TinyMCE.
Quoting the website:
"TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG"
Sure... take a look at the following links:
Yes it is. and if you're looking for one, I suggest http://ckeditor.com/

