Before you jump onto the duplicate question, I must say I have looked through stackoverflow and other places before I came here.
So basically, I'm using a sprite image and need to loop through the image inside it. In the code block below you'll find the way I have approached it right now. However, after adding the setTimeout function it seems like everything inside the function parameter is no longer executed.
var headerTimeout = 1000/24;
for(var i = 1; i <= 41; i++){
if (jQuery(this).hasClass('.header-HeaderBedrijfsVideo00' + (i - 1))) {
jQuery(this).removeClass('.header-HeaderBedrijfsVideo00' + (i - 1));
jQuery(this).addClass('.header-HeaderBedrijfsVideo00' + i);
}, headerTimeout);
If there is a better way to approach this, I would appreciate it if someone could point me into the right direction. I am already looking into just using a plugin for this purpose.
EDIT: I have tried checking the question that is in the duplicate marking, but that's basically what a closure does is it not? I just added the closure from one of the answers and it still does not work.
Use closure , for loop would be executed before time out function then you can get last incremented i value 41 ,so in this context you have to use closure like multiple thread
jQuery('.headerGif').hover(function () {
var _this=this;
for (var i = 1; i <= 41; i++) {
(function (i) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (jQuery(_this).hasClass('.header-HeaderBedrijfsVideo00' + (i - 1))) {
jQuery(_this).removeClass('.header-HeaderBedrijfsVideo00' + (i - 1));
jQuery(_this).addClass('.header-HeaderBedrijfsVideo00' + i);
}, i*100);
setTimeout function will be called only after i becomes 41(whatever is the end of the for loop)!!
Check out the below fiddle (check the console)
Do not use . inside the hasClass function
You can remove timeout to make it work, check the below link(check console and inspect element to note that class is removed)
If you want to retain the timeout, then use a different function and call it inside the loop and have the timeout given inside the function Use the below solution if you want to retain the timeout
var headerTimeout = 1000/24;
for(var i = 1; i <= 41; i++){
var className='header-HeaderBedrijfsVideo00' + (i - 1);
function removeClass(item,className,i){
if (jQuery(item).hasClass(className)) {
jQuery(item).removeClass('header-HeaderBedrijfsVideo00' + (i - 1));
jQuery(item).addClass('.header-HeaderBedrijfsVideo00' + i);
}, headerTimeout);
I need some help with a nested for loop in protractor and converting/understanding promises correctly. In ‘test’ below the functionality works with all values, but as soon as I try to put in the nested for loops things go south. Any chance someone has a clean suggestion on this? I have tried the forEach which some indicate handle the promise issue inherently, but I seem to get the same results.
My Test data looks like:
objectPage.chartValues = {
[[‘chart','ChartID03'],['title','TitleText03'],['Name01','value01'], [‘Name02’,'Value02'],['Name03','Value03']]
it ('test', function (){
for (chartNumber = 0; chartNumber < objectPage.chartValues.length; chartNumber++) {
for (chartEntry = 1; chartEntry < ObjectPage.chartValues[chartNumber].length; chartEntry++) {
//for readability of next call pulled out here
chart = objectPage.chartValues[chartNumber][0][1];
name = objectPage.chartValues[chartNumber][chartEntry][0];
value = objectPage.chartValues[chartNumber][chartEntry][1];
pageObject.getbackgroundcolor(chart, name).then(function (color) {
expect(pageObject.getElementFromTable(chart, name, color).getText())
//function calls in pageobject the call for get background is straight forward.
this.getbackgroundcolor = function (chartName, valueName) {
return element('.dxc-item', valueName)).element(by.tagName('rect')).getAttribute('fill');
//get element is very similar.
this.getElementFromTable = function(chartName, valueName, colorname) {
some searching stuff..
return element(by.css(‘tspan'));
My results seem to indicate the look executes, but not returning from the actual expect. Finally trying to find a value for an item with background color of null. I know this is not true as I have run all values individually and in sequence without issue. Hopefully I avoided cut and past/generalization errors.
Thank you.
it('Verify Charts on page ', function () {
myChartlength = objectPage.chartValues.length;
for (chartNumber = 0; chartNumber < myChartlength; chartNumber++) {
(function (chartNumber) {
myEntrylength = objectPage.chartValues[chartNumber].length;
chartValues = objectPage.chartValues[chartNumber];
for (chartEntry = 2; chartEntry < myEntrylength; chartEntry++) {
(function (chartEntry) {
//pulled these out for readablility of next call.
chart = chartValues[0][1];
name = chartValues[chartEntry][0];
value = chartValues[chartEntry][1];
console.log('chart: ' + chart + ', name: ' + name + ', value: ' + value);
page.getbackgroundcolor(chart, name).then(function (color) {
expect(objectPage.getElementFromTable(chart, name, color).getText()).toEqual(value);
Yeah, if I'm understanding your question correctly, your problem is async. It's firing through the loops before any promises are returned.
To loop tests, the best solution I've found is to use an IIFE (Instantly Invoked Function Expression). In which, you create your loop, create the iife, and pass in the index.
Here's a basic example:
describe('to loop tests', function() {
var data = ['1', '2', '3'];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
// create your iife
(function(i) {
it('pass in the index to an iife', function() {
console.log('i is: ' + i);
})(i); // pass in index
This works great for data driving tests from say a data file, or whatever. And if you need multiple loops, like in your example code, you'll just make multiple iifes.
You shouldn't use for loops with protractor or you will have a bad time.
Due to the asynchronous nature of Protractor, if you need loops, I see async's map as one good and clean solution.
Other option is to use ES5's map when you need loops in Protractor, such as:
In your case, I see that you need a for loops to produce array, that you later can map over it.
You can have this array with function, that uses for loops inside and returns the needed array to a callback.
Simple example with one for loop
function returnIndexes(callback){
var exitArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < someArray.length; i++) {
if(someArray[i].length > 12){
I want to use event listeners to prevent event bubbling on a div inside a div with onclick functions. This works, passing parameters how I intended:
<div onclick="doMouseClick(0, 'Dog', 'Cat');" id="button_id_0"></div>
<div onclick="doMouseClick(1, 'Dog', 'Cat');" id="button_id_1"></div>
<div onclick="doMouseClick(2, 'Dog', 'Cat');" id="button_id_2"></div>
function doMouseClick(peram1, peram2, peram3){
alert("doMouseClick() called AND peram1 = "+peram1+" AND peram2 = "+peram2+" AND peram3 = "+peram3);
However, I tried to create multiple event listeners in a loop with this:
<div id="button_id_0"></div>
<div id="button_id_1"></div>
<div id="button_id_2"></div>
function doMouseClick(peram1, peram2, peram3){
alert("doMouseClick() called AND peram1 = "+peram1+" AND peram2 = "+peram2+" AND peram3 = "+peram3);
var names = ['button_id_0', 'button_id_1', 'button_id_2'];
for (var i=0; i<names.length; i++){
document.getElementById(names[i]).addEventListener("click", function(){
doMouseClick(i, "Dog", "Cat");
It correctly assigns the click function to each div, but the first parameter for each, peram1, is 3. I was expecting 3 different event handlers all passing different values of i for peram1.
Why is this happening? Are the event handlers not all separate?
Problem is closures, since JS doesn't have block scope (only function scope) i is not what you think because the event function creates another scope so by the time you use i it's already the latest value from the for loop. You need to keep the value of i.
Using an IIFE:
for (var i=0; i<names.length; i++) {
(function(i) {
// use i here
Using forEach:
names.forEach(function( v,i ) {
// i can be used anywhere in this scope
2022 edit
As someone is still reading and upvoting this answer 9 years later, here is the modern way of doing it:
for (const [i, name] of names.entries()) {
document.getElementById(name).addEventListener("click", () => doMouseClick(i, "Dog", "Cat"), false);
Using const or let to define the variables gives them block-level scope and the value of i passed to the handler function is different for each iteration of the loop, as intended.
The old ways will still work but are no longer needed.
2013 answer
As pointed out already the problem is to do with closures and variable scope. One way to make sure the right value gets passed is to write another function that returns the desired function, holding the variables within the right scope. jsfiddle
var names = ['button_id_0', 'button_id_1', 'button_id_2'];
function getClickFunction(a, b, c) {
return function () {
doMouseClick(a, b, c)
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
document.getElementById(names[i]).addEventListener("click", getClickFunction(i, "Dog", "Cat"), false);
And to illustrate one way you could do this with an object instead:
var names = ['button_id_0', 'button_id_1', 'button_id_2'];
function Button(id, number) {
var self = this;
this.number = number;
this.element = document.getElementById(id); = function() {
alert('My number is ' + self.number);
this.element.addEventListener('click',, false);
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
new Button(names[i], i);
or slightly differently:
function Button(id, number) {
var element = document.getElementById(id);
function click() {
alert('My number is ' + number);
element.addEventListener('click', click, false);
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
new Button(names[i], i);
It's because of closures.
Check this out:
The sample code and your code is essentially the same, it's a common mistake for those don't know "closure".
To put it simple, when your create a handler function, it does not just accesses the variable i from the outer environment, but it also "remembers" i.
So when the handler is called, it will use the i but the variable i is now, after the for-loop, 2.
I've been struggling with this problem myself for a few hours and now I've just now managed to solve it. Here's my solution, using the function constructor:
function doMouseClickConstructor(peram1, peram2, peram3){
return new Function('alert("doMouseClick() called AND peram1 = ' + peram1 + ' AND peram2 = ' + peram2 + ' AND peram3 = ' + peram3 + ');');
for (var i=0; i<names.length; i++){
document.getElementById(names[i]).addEventListener("click", doMouseClickConstructor(i,"dog","cat"));
Note: I havn't actually tested this code. I have however tested this codepen which does all the important stuff, so if the code above doesn't work I've probably just made some spelling error. The concept should still work.
Happy coding!
Everything is global in javascript. It is calling the variable i which is set to 3 after your loop...if you set i to 1000 after the loop, then you would see each method call produce 1000 for i.
If you want to maintain state, then you should use objects. Have the object have a callback method that you assign to the click method.
You mentioned doing this for event bubbling...for stopping event bublling, you really do not need that, as it is built into the language. If you do want to prevent event bubbling, then you should use the stopPropagation() method of the event object passed to the callback.
function doStuff(event) {
//Do things
//stop bubbling
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Javascript: closure of loop?
I have following code inside javascript:
for (var i=0; i < images_array.length; i++) {
$('#thumb_'+ i).live('click', function(){
$('#image_container_' + current_image_index).hide();
current_image_index = i;
$('#image_container_' + current_image_index).show();
when I click on any thumb, i get images_array.length value. Does anyone know what is happenning?
You need to create a closure for the click handler function, like this:
for (var i=0; i < images_array.length; i++) {
$('#thumb_'+ i).live('click',
(function(i) {
return function(){
$('#image_container_' + current_image_index).hide();
current_image_index = i;
$('#image_container_' + current_image_index).show();
The problem is that, without the closure, the variable is shared across every handler function -- it continues getting updated, which is why every handler ends up getting the array.length value. Using the closure creates a locally-scoped copy of the variable i.
Here's a demo that shows the difference:
With closure
$.each(images_array,function(value,i) {
$('#thumb_'+ i).live('click', function(){
$('#image_container_' + current_image_index).hide();
current_image_index = i;
$('#image_container_' + current_image_index).show();
As others have said, you need a closure. Now, you're already using jQuery so forget about for() and directly use $.each.
Please let me know if I'm coming at this block on a wrong angle. I have a series of functions I'd like to fire off, and I'd like to be able to set them all up in a loop.
for(var jj = 0; jj<monster.frames.length;jj++){
The problem is that when that when functionName(jj) is exectuted, it's being passed the value of jj which by that time has been changed to the last loop iteration value.
You need to ensure the inner function has a new variable for every iteration. The easiest way to do this is to create a self-executing anonymous function which receives the variable as an argument. You also need to fix the way you are calling the function - right now you register the return value of functionName(jj) as a callback. This would only be ok if that function actually returned a function.
for(var jj = 0; jj<monster.frames.length;jj++){
(function(jj) {
function() { functionName(jj); },
You can also use partial application to create a new function. However, old browsers do not support Function.prototype.bind so you'd have to add a shim for it.
for(var jj = 0; jj<monster.frames.length; jj++){
setTimeout(functionName.bind(this, jj), 1000*jj);
Give this a go:
for(var jj = 0; jj < monster.frames.length; jj++)
}, 1000 * x);
I have a three-step process that is entirely reliant upon JavaScript and Ajax to load data and animate the process from one step to the next. To further complicate matters, the transition (forward and backward) between steps is animated :-(. As user's progress through the process anchor's appear showing the current step and previous steps. If they click on a previous step, then it takes them back to the previous step.
Right now, the entire process (forward and backward) works correctly, if you begin at step 1, but if you jump straight to step 3 then the anchors for step 1 and step 2 also perform the same action as step 3.
This is the portion of the code that loops through all of the steps up to the current step that the user would be on and displays each anchor in turn and assigns the appropriate function to the click event:
for (var i = 0; i < profile.current + 1; i++) {
if ($('step_anchor_' + i).innerHTML.empty()) {
var action = profile.steps[i].action;
var dao_id = profile.steps[i].dao_id;
$('step_anchor_' + i).innerHTML = profile.steps[i].anchor;
$('step_anchor_' + i).observe('click', function(){
pm.loadData(action, dao_id, true);
Effect.Appear('step_anchor_' + i, {
duration: 1,
delay: (down_delay++)
I know that problem lies in the way that the action and dao_id parameters are being passed in. I've also tried passing profile.steps[i].action and profile.steps[i].dao_id but in that case both profile and i or at least i are out scope.
How do I make it so that I can assign the parameters for action and dao_id correctly for each step? (If it makes any difference we are using Prototype and Scriptaculous)
Your closure scope chain is causing your problems. By declaring the handler function inline, you've created a closure. Obviously you did this to take advantage of the loop.
However, since you have created a closure, you're playing by closure scoping rules. Those rules state that the local variables within the parent function remain active and available as long as the closure exists.
You are trying to pass and then use "action" and "dao_id" to your closure, but you are passing references here, not values. So when your closures (handlers) are called they use the value that the reference was last assigned. In your case, the Step 3 handler.
Closure scoping rules are confusing enough, but you may also be confused by the fact that "action" and "dao_id" are still alive even though the loop block has finished executing. Well, in JavaScript there is no such thing as block scope. Once you declare a variable it is available until the end of the function or until is it deleted. Whichever comes first.
All that said, you need to break the scope chain. Here are two ways to do that:
Try this:
for (var i = 0; i < profile.current + 1; i++) {
if ($('step_anchor_' + i).innerHTML.empty()) {
var action = profile.steps[i].action;
var dao_id = profile.steps[i].dao_id;
$('step_anchor_' + i).innerHTML = profile.steps[i].anchor;
$('step_anchor_' + i).observe('click', function(a, b){
return function(){pm.loadData(a, b, true)};
}(action, dao_id));
Effect.Appear('step_anchor_' + i, {
duration: 1,
delay: (down_delay++)
Or this:
function createHandler(action, dao_id) {
return function(){pm.loadData(action, dao_id, true);};
/* snip - inside some other function */
for (var i = 0; i < profile.current + 1; i++) {
if ($('step_anchor_' + i).innerHTML.empty()) {
var action = profile.steps[i].action;
var dao_id = profile.steps[i].dao_id;
$('step_anchor_' + i).innerHTML = profile.steps[i].anchor;
$('step_anchor_' + i).observe('click', createHandler(action, dao_id));
Effect.Appear('step_anchor_' + i, {
duration: 1,
delay: (down_delay++)
First, remember your execution scope in the click event. The this keyword in that context refers to the element being clicked on. Is there any way you can determine the dao_id from the element that is clicked on?