I want to insert a component into controller template without using the handlebars helper (component "component-name"... or component-name). Or through a controller in an outlet (or as long as the solution works for a component that wants to insert another component, then it's fine, I don't think outlets work in components).
In other words:
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
insertComponent: function() {
var component = this.container.lookup("component:my-inserted", { singleton: false });
component.set("layoutName", "components/my-inserted");
// to be like handlebars-inserted component, what do i do here?
You can use test with this: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/popozanare/4/edit?html,js,output
Thinking of a way of to have clean modal syntax, such as the "openModal" syntax described in the Ember Cookbook: http://guides.emberjs.com/v1.10.0/cookbook/user_interface_and_interaction/using_modal_dialogs/.
The problem is that the source context is lost, as the modal is within the ApplicationRoute. I want the same syntax when calling a modal, but keeping the hierarchy. You can keep the hierarchy using https://github.com/yapplabs/ember-modal-dialog, which requires a mapping of variables... which i don't like either (but will likely implement if I have no other choice).
TD;LR: Want to open modal within the controller/component (context) that called it without scaffolding in the controller/component that called it (mapping variables, etc).
On second thought, using a container view might be cleaner than mapping variables, found in this solution: http://jsbin.com/hahohi/1/edit?html,js,output. Still needs scaffolding though. Thanks #user3568719.
That cookbook is a bit outdated, but if you are looking for a "clean" way to handling modals in your app I would suggest named outlets.
Add it to your application or auth template {{outlet "modal"}} and when you want to bring up the modal you can catch the action on the corresponding route and then render into that named outlet like so:
this.render('your-desired-modal-template', {
into: 'auth',
outlet: 'modal'
And when you want to dismiss it simply disconnectOutlet like so:
outlet: 'modal',
parentView: 'auth'
This is the way we've been going about it, I m open to suggestions/better methods.
I am building a simple Ember app, but I have run into difficulty passing an action closure to a child component when that component is rendered in the {{outlet}} of a navigable container.
For context, here is a quick look at the aesthetically-astonishing app I have been building:
I have a roles/role path that displays a component (the yellow section above) with the following markup. Note that the model for this component is an instance of a Role:
// file: app/components/role.hbs
{{sel-nav-tabs items=this.tabConfig}}
<div class='route-content'>{{outlet}}</div>
(Where "sel" stands for "someone else's library".)
this.tabConfig is defines in the corresponding class:
// file: app/components.role.js
import Component from '#glimmer/component';
export default class RoleComponent extends Component {
get tabConfig() {
return [
{ label: 'Users', route: 'roles.role.users' },
{ label: 'Privileges', route: 'roles.role.privileges' },
Into the outlet in role.hbs will be rendered the appropriate list component, either users or privileges.
The users list is rendered by the following component. Note that the model is the list of User instances associated with the Role from its parent:
// file: app/components/role/user-list.hbs
{{#each #users as |user|}}
{{#sel-button type="toolbar" onActivate=this.removeUser}}
and when the button is clicked it calls an action defined in the RoleUserListComponent class:
// file: app/components/role/user-list.js
import Component from '#glimmer/component';
import { action } from "#ember/object";
export default class RoleUserListComponent extends Component {
#action removeUser(user) {
// remove the user model from the role... but which role?
The catch is that the relationship between users and roles is many-to-many, so I can't simply unset the user's owner and let Ember Data take care of things. The obvious answer seemed like passing an action closure from the role component to its child user-list component.
Except, there seems to be no way to pass the action closure through the {{outlet}}. What I was hoping for was something like:
{{outlet onActivate=(action removeUser #role)}}
which would pass the closure to any component that was rendered there. I tried instead to use {{yield user}} in the child to let the parent render the delete button and give it the appropriate action, but that also hit the outlet wall.
I also tried to use controllers, which aren't documented that well, probably since their role seems to have been evolving dramatically over Ember's maturation. But while this brief explanation does mention passing down actions, it doesn't go into details, and the few up-to-date examples I found all seem to break when an outlet joins the party.
I'm suspecting that {{outlet}} just plain isn't closure-friendly.
While defining a service would probably work, that doesn't seem to be what services are intended for, and I'd be cluttering up my global space to solve a local problem.
What is the best practice (or, really, any practice) for dealing with getting messages through outlets? I looked for ways to query the earlier parts of the path, but I didn't find any that were defined in the relevant classes.
EDIT to add more detail:
The route template for /roles/role is simply:
// file app/templates/roles/role
{{role role=#model}}
Where the Role component is in the first listing above. (I also added the role.js file contents above.) My reasoning for doing that was that by making a component I created a logical place to put the config (rather than inline helper functions) and it just gave me a sense of tidiness to have all ui elements be in components.
If a refactor can be the anchor to a good solution (essentially copying the entire Role component into the route template), however, I'll happily do it.
{{outlet}} only supports one optional string argument for a named outlet and nothing else, so you won't be able to achieve this through the use of {{outlet}}!
If I have a template in a component that references non-existant components, angular 1.6 seems perfectly happy to render it as nothing at all. For example I have a route currently that looks like:
title: 'Something',
template: "<mycomponent></mycomponent>",
If I forget to register mycomponent on my application, this route renders nothing. Is there some mode I can use in angular that will cause a harder error in a case like that? Or at least print something to the console when it occurs?
To be perfectly clear, I have this issue with both top level components referenced by the router, as well as other child components that those reference recursively.
No, there is no option for that. By the way "non rendered" components are a benefit IMO, because you could override this slot later.
A short example:
title: 'Something',
template: "<slot><mycomponent></mycomponent></slot>",
assume you want to override the ui-part of mycomponent, just define a component for "slot"
There was a routeProvider.otherwise before. Not sure if it’s still supported. I’m on a phone so limited. Let me know how it goes.
UI Router supports components for routes, this means that it is capable of triggering an error if a component doesn't exist.
AngularJS currently doesn't offer component router. This means that route template is compiled as any other template with $compile, and unknown selectors are just ignored.
It is possible to patch ngRoute ngView directive to additionally check if a route that is expected to route to a component actually has it compiled.
// the whole list can be retrieved from commonly available sources
var htmlTags = ['p', 'div', ...];
app.directive('ngView', function () {
return function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
if ($element.children().length !== 1)
var routeComponent = angular.element($element.children()[0]);
var routeComponentTagName = routeComponent.prop('tagName').toLowerCase();
if (htmlTags.indexOf(routeComponentTagName) >= 0)
var routeComponentName = $attrs.$normalize(routeComponentTagName);
if (!routeComponent.controller(routeComponentName)) {
console.warn(routeComponentTagName + ' element is non-standard yet not a component');
AngularJS already has $normalize() which is primarily intended for attributes and strips some specific prefixes, but as long as the components names don't have x or data prefix, it can work as generic kebab to camel case transformer.
There may be other ways to detect if a component was compiled on child element. The code above will trigger false negative if there already is parent routeComponentName component, because controller() travels up the hierarchy.
And the proper way to handle this problem is to provide test coverage for the application. Router-related cases should likely be handled in integration or e2e tests.
How can I use the same template name multiple times across different files? I have the same template naming pattern for every page, and the problem is when for example <template name="defaultContent"></template> was already used on another page, it can't be used again.
example URLs:
/template: homePage
template: default
template: first
template: second
template: third
/template: userPage
template: default
template: first
template: second
template: third
Iron router code:
// mainpage
Router.route('/home', function () {
this.render('default', {to: 'content'});
// subpages
Router.route('/home/:content', function () {
var templateName = this.params.content;
this.render(templateName, {to: 'content'});
[update] By the way, that's how Meteor kitchen solved this problem:
<template name="CoolPageSubPageBSubPageB1LoremIpsum">
You can't define multiple templates with the same name.
Meteor defines your templates in a global object, Template (for example, Template.homePage). An object can't have multiple times the same field, so defining multiple times a single template would lead to errors (possibly silent ones).
Plus, how could the router know which defaultContent you are talking about?
How could you?
Instead of shadowing templates, you could simply define multiple templates (Template.homeDefault, Template.userDefault) which would allow you to debug them and refer to them easily.
You need to wrap it in one parent template per page. You add then your template inside the parent template in its HTML using {{> defaultContent}} if the template you want to reuse is called "defaultContent".
I'm building an EventController that has little modules of logic within sections or div's of the event screen.
Say for instance, event details may be in the main Event template but a small section might be the user's status with the event such as whether they RSVP'd etc. but since it's controlled by a different model than the event I'd think it should have it's own controller.
Would I put this in the EventController like such:
Controller = BaseController.extend
needs: ['event/user-status-area']
userStatusArea: Ember.computed.alias("controllers.event.user-status-area")
This obviously isn't working otherwise I wouldn't be here... but I'm looking for suggestions.
I'm very new to ember / ember-cli concepts so I'm sorry if I'm just blatantly way off base here.
In my brain, I would imagine keeping everything about an event centralized under the one EventController...
Am I missing something big? Is this possibly where the "Router" comes in?
If so, I'd imagine it might look something like this in Router:
Route = BaseRoute.extend
model: (params) ->
renderTemplate: (controller,model) ->
userStatusController = controller.get('userStatusArea')
#render 'event'
#render 'event/user-status-area',
into: 'event',
outlet: 'user-status-area',
model: model.event_user.find(#get('session.current_user.userId'))
No idea if this would even be considered a best practice for ember?
I guess this would be the question... what is the best way to create this type of structure?
One way is to create a nested route:
this.resource('event',{path:'event/:id'}, function(){
in the event template, you would add an {{outlet}}
When you transition to event/{id}/userStatus, the outlet would be automatically rendered with the templates/event/user-status.hbs template.
When you reference controllers/views etc. in ember-cli with a filename e.g. user-status, you need to reference it in camelCase:
needs: ['event/userStatus'],
not user-status.
Hope this helps.
I have an action:
{{action create target="controller"}}
which I have targeted to the bound controller (rather than the router) like this:
App.AddBoardController = Ember.Controller.extend
create: ->
App.store.createRecord App.Board, {title: #get "boardName"}
//TODO: Redirect to route
How do I redirect back to a route from the controller action?
Use transitionToRoute('route') to redirect inside an Ember controller action:
App.AddBoardController = Ember.Controller.extend({
create: function(){
//TODO: Redirect to route
In fact, this is not Ember idiomatic. From what I know, and what I have learnt from Tom Dale himself, here are some remarks about that code:
First, you should not transitionTo from elsewhere than inside the router: by doing so, you are exposing yourself to serious issues as you don't know in which state is the router, so to keep stuff running, you will quickly have to degrade your design, and by the way the overall quality of you code, and finally the stability of your app,
Second, the action content you are showing should be located inside the router to avoid undesired context execution. The router is indeed a way to enforce a coherent behavior for the whole app, with actions being processed only in certain states. While you are putting the actions implementation into Controllers, those actions can be called at anytime, any including wrong...
Finally, Ember's controllers are not aimed to contain behavior as they rather are value-added wrappers, holding mainly computed properties. If you nevertheless want to factorize primitives, maybe the model can be a good place, or a third party context, but certainly not the Controller.
You should definitely put the action inside the router, and transitionTo accordingly.
Hope this will help.
First example (close to your sample)
In the appropriated route:
saveAndReturnSomewhere: function (router, event) {
var store = router.get('store'),
boardName = event.context; // you pass the (data|data container) here. In the view: {{action saveAndReturnSomewhere context="..."}}
store.createRecord(App.Board, {
title: boardName
Refactored example
I would recommend having the following routes:
show: displays an existing item,
edit: proposes to input item's fields
Into the enclosing route, following event handlers:
createItem: create a new record and transitionTo edit route, e.g
editItem: transitionTo edit route
Into the edit route, following event handlers:
saveItem: which will commit store and transitionTo show route, e.g
EDIT: Keep reading, Mike's answer discusses some of the problems with this approach.
You can just call transitionTo directly on the router. If you are using defaults this looks like App.router.transitionTo('route', context).