MarkLogic: find by property value - javascript

I have a MarkLogic 8 database:
var book0 = {
id: fn.generateId({qwe: 'book'}),
username: 'book',
password: 'pass'
var book1 = {
id: fn.generateId({asd: 'book'}),
username: 'user',
password: 'pass1'
'zz' +,
'xx' +,
So I want to find them by name with the Node.js API:
var db = marklogic.createDatabaseClient(connection.connInfo);
var qb = marklogic.queryBuilder;
function findByName(name) {
return db.documents.query(
qb.value('username', name)
The problem is that it finds not only user or user0, but also users and if I create a document with username book it will find both book and books.

A values query matches the entire text of a JSON property by stemming each word in the text (if stemming is enabled, which is the default).
Where (as in this case) that's not what you want, you can do either of the following:
Create a string range index (with the root collation if you only need exact matches) for the JSON property
Turn on word searches in the database configuration and use the "unstemmed" option on the query.
If you also turn off stemmed search in the database configuration, you don't have to pass the option (and avoid the extra resource required for both types of indexes).
To limit the configuration change to a specific property, you can configure a field for the property instead of configuring the entire database.
For more background, see:
Hoping that helps,


Using root object in graphql resolver function to access parent fields properties

I am using neo4j-graphql-js library to auto generate resolvers from the schema. For a node in the schema(Employee) i need to get a particular node property(empid) from a rest call as we plan to remove that property from our neo4j database due to privacy issues. I am trying to write a custom resolver for that field . I have added #neo4j directive to that field in the schema for neo4j to ignore it. I need to make a rest call that accepts a parameter named uid and returns the corressponding empid. This iuid is a property of Employee node and so is present in my neo4j DB.
The issue is while writing the resolver the root objects only holds the filed values accesed in the query. So if iuid is not part of the query i'm unable to get it's value in the root obj.
Here is my employee node: -
type Employee{
empId: String #neo4j_ignore
buCode: String
iuid: String
name: String
projectCode: String
roleCode: String
grade: String
mailid: String
duCode: String
txtmailid_new: String
Here is my resolver where for my i am returning a dummy string instead of making a rest call: -
const resolvers={
Employee: {
empId: async (obj, params, ctx, resolveInfo) => {
var result="dummy_emp_id";
return result;
const schema = makeAugmentedSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers} );
const server = new ApolloServer({ schema, context: { driver } });
server.listen(3003, '').then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`GraphQL API ready at ${url}`);
Here is my query:-
Employee(first : 10)
I want to access all the value of all the field of the employee node so i can get the iuid.The console log returns undefined as the root object only has the queried field. I don't know even if it is possible and if not is there any workaround this?

Searching in mongodb using just few keywords

I'm using node js,mongoose,express and mongodb.
I have created simple form, in which you enter you full name and it searches in database and return your other details .
Is it possible to search using only few words out of the whole name? e.g. if the user wants to search for "abc xyz",can user do the same using only "abc" or "xyz"
this is my original route:
var name =;
else{res.render("Details.ejs",{foundAsked:foundAsked,name:name}); }
Is it possible to do that?if yes,then how can I implement that ?
You could use regex to partially match on certain fields like so
const query = {
fullname: {
$options: 'i'
details.find(query, function(err, foundAsked){
Where the i in query is to make it case insensitive.
In the case of using partial search, I would recommend not using findOne as that might be misleading to the user to only return a single result if he/she types let's say A
Yes, you can use regexes for that :
details.findOne({ fullname : /.*(?:abc|xyz).*/gi }, .....

In a Nodejs Sequelize model, how to obtain type information of attributes?

I have a working model with Postgres and sequelize in NodeJS. Say the model is Person and has name and age fields. Now I want to dynamically inspect the model class and obtain information about it's attributes, like their name and most of all type.
Using Person.attributes
I get some information:
{ type:
{ options: [Object],
_binary: undefined,
_length: 255 },
But as you can see the type object does not inform about name being a varchar or boolean.
Does anyone know, how to get this information with sequelize
You can iterate over rawAtributes of Model
for( let key in Model.rawAttributes ){
console.log('Field: ', key); // this is name of the field
console.log('Type: ', Model.rawAttributes[key].type.key); // Sequelize type of field
So the example for name being a Sequelize.STRING would be
Field: name
Or you can do almost the same iteration but instead using Model.rawAttributes[key].type.key you can use Model.rawAttributes[key].type.toSql(), which would generate this result
Field: name
Type: VARCHAR(255)
Accessing defaultValue of field:
Checking if field allows NULL values:
You are looking for native type information, it seems.
I'm not familiar with Sequelize, except I know it uses node-postgres driver underneath, which automatically provides the type information with every query that you make.
Below is a simple example of dynamically getting type details for any_table, using pg-promise:
var pgp = require('pg-promise')(/*initialization options*/);
var db = pgp(/*connection details*/);
db.result('SELECT * FROM any_table LIMIT 0', [], a => a.fields)
.then(fields => {
// complete details for each column
.catch(error => {
// an error occurred
There are several fields available for each column there, including name and dataTypeID that you are looking for ;)
As an update, following the answer that does use Sequelize for it...
The difference is that here we get direct raw values as they are provided by PostgreSQL, so dataTypeID is raw type Id exactly as PostgreSQL supports it, while TYPE: STRING is an interpreted type as implemented by Sequelize. Also, we are getting the type details dynamically here, versus statically in that Sequelize example.
item.rawAttributes[key].type.key === this.DataTypes.JSONB.key;
#piotrbienias Is above comparison valid ?
(Sorry for writing here as I can't add comments)

Mongoose: Adding an element to array

I'm using Drywall to create a website.
I'm trying to add a dashboard element to the accounts section of the admin site. The dashboard element is to store an array of dashboards (strings) that the user has access to.
I've managed to successfully add the "dashboards" into the schema and store data in it.
Here's the problem:
I need to be able to add elements to the array. The way the code stands currently replaces the contents of dashboards in the database.
I know I can use $addToSet, but I'm not sure how I'd do that since the fieldsToSet variable is sent to the findByIdAndUpdate() method as a single object.
Here's the snippet of my code:
workflow.on('patchAccount', function() {
var fieldsToSet = {
name: {
first: req.body.first,
middle: req.body.middle,
last: req.body.last,
full: req.body.first +' '+ req.body.last
search: [
};, fieldsToSet, function(err, account) {
if (err) {
return workflow.emit('exception', err);
workflow.outcome.account = account;
return workflow.emit('response');
Here's a link to the original file: (lines 184-203)
fieldsToSet is a bad name (at least misleading in this case), the parameter is actually update which can take $actions like $addToSet
I don't think you want to set (only) the search field with dashboards. I'm guessing that field is used to index users for a search. So you'll probably wind up doing something like this:
fieldsToSet = {
....all the regular stuff,
$addToSet: {dashboard: req.body.dashboardToAdd}
//I'm not sure that you can add multiple values at once
Since this is setting all of the values each time I'm not sure you actually will want to add single dashboard items. Instead you might want to get the full set of dashboards the user has and set the whole array again anyway (what if they removed one?)
fieldsToSet = {
....all the regular stuff,
dashboards: req.body.dashboards
//In this case you'd want to make sure dashboards is an appropriate array

How do I use a variable as a field name in a Mongo query in Meteor?

How would I go about using a variable as a field name in a Mongo query in a Meteor application.
Here is an example...
This runs a find on my request controllers collection after capitalizing the collection name for the parent id of a child. The child is the users field.
window[Meteor.request.controller.capitalise()]["find"]({ _id: Session.get('parent_id'), users: params.child }).count()
As you can see my controller is a variable name for the collection item which allows me to have a single line of code for finding children of controller/collections but I need to be able to set the child field name to a variable. In the above example that would be users but I want it to be a variable name.
I have tried this but it does not work.
window[Meteor.request.controller.capitalise()]["find"]({ _id: Session.get('parent_id'), [Session.get('child_collection_name').decapitalise()]: params.child }).count()
returns users
Any ideas? If I can figure out how to use a variable name in a mongo query in meteor it would reduce my code footprint significantly.
The query is just a JavaScript object, so you can build it step by step:
var query = { _id: Session.get('parent_id') };
var myCustomField = Session.get('child_collection_name').decapitalise();
var myCustomValue = params.child;
query[myCustomField] = myCustomValue;
var count = SomeCollection.find(query).count();
Does that do the trick?

