Multiple canvases on a page. Optimization questions - javascript

I have a very long page with multiple canvases. They don't overlap each other, and are mostly used separately for PIXI.js to play spritesheets.
I use requestAnimationFrame to render each canvas.
I have a few questions since I'm unsure how to optimize.
1) When a canvas is offscreen, do I need to cancelAnimationFrame? Or does it not matter because it is offscreen and therefore won't be painted?
2) Should I have all my render functions within the same requestAnimationFrame? Will that improve performance?
Any other suggestions?

Comments provide most of the information, let me still answer all the points:
requestAnimationFrame is naturally a window, not canvas method. Thus it is not aware of canvas visibility. There is "element" parameter in WebKit, but it is not in current spec Thus there are no benefits in having multiple handlers, it will improve performance if you have just one requestAnimationFrame taking care of the entire flow.
Browsers (tested on Safari/FF/Chrome) will not call requestAnimationFrame if tab is not visible at all. There's no much benefit in cancelling animation frame request manually.
PIXI is not checking for canvas visibility in renderer.render(stage). You can use getBoundingClientRect to check canvas visibility before rendering. This may increase performance quite a bit. How to tell if a DOM element is visible in the current viewport?
Best way to profile this particular scenario is probably through Chrome timeline view . Animation skipping may reduce browser composite/paint times. Only checking javascript execution time might be a little misleading, especially if we remember that WebGL calls may execute asynchronously.


requestAnimationFrame resource consumption: redrawing whole or part of canvas

As seen from Stuck with SetInterval ,SetTimeOut and Requestanimationframe or the like, requestAnimationFrame repeat "once the browser is ready". In other words, it keeps the browser busy.
I'm creating a "hover" effect using "mousemove" when plotting a chart with many data points. It's easy to do by reploting the whole chart/canvas using requestAnimationFrame repeatedly. Code is short in this case.
Instead of the whole canvas, I tried to replot only the data point under mouse (hover, <1% of the canvas) using requestAnimationFrame. For that several arrays need to be added and the code is longer.
It can be different from case to case, but in general, is requestAnimationFrame a resource-intensive method? Redrawing the whole canvas for the sake of <1% of the area seems not sound economically.
requestAnimationFrame is not resource intensive, its purpose is to adjust the CPU consumption to what the screen can display (in terms of framerate).
You can assume that requestAnimationFrame allows your code to be ran once per frame of the screen. It's up to you to optimize the code of the callback so it doesn't recompute positions, shapes and colors of static things (only the point under the cursor).
Redrawing the whole canvas isn't the problem, the problem is redrawing the same image every frame.
Instead, redraw only when something has changed in your graphic.
You could start an infinite requestAnimationFrame (rAF) loop waiting for the state to change, but this will force the browser to stay in an animated mode, which forces it to enter some branches in the event-loop that it could otherwise ignore (specs). See this answer of mine for more details.
Given that mouse events are now throttled to screen refresh rate, in modern browsers you wouldn't even win by throttling this event in rAF, except that all the browsers still don't do that, looking at you Safari....
So to summarize,
Clear all / Redraw all. Painting only part of the canvas doesn't improve perfs that much, and this way you avoid a lot of trouble at coding.
Redraw only when your graphics changed. Avoid useless renderings.
Avoid keeping a requestAnimationFrame loop active for nothing. It just saves trees.

When to use requestAnimationFrame?

Having discovered requestAnimationFrame just a moment ago, I have dived into all the information I could find about it. To name just a few of the resources I came across in case there are others looking for more info about it: - explains the basics about it. - explains how to use it.
Anyway, all of these resources tell me something about how requestAnimationFrame works or how it could/should be used, but none of them tell me when it is right to use it.
Should I use it for animations (repeated changes to the style of an element, much like CSS animations)?
Should I use it when an automated event wants to change the css/classes of one or multiple elements?
Should I use it when an automated event wants to change the text value of one or multiple elements? (e.g. updating the value of a clock once every second)
Should I use it when an automated event wants to modify the DOM?
Should I use it when an automated event needs values like .offsetTop, .offsetLeft and then wants to change styles such as top and left a few lines further?
Should I use it when a user generated event causes any of the above changes?
TL;DR: When is it right to use requestAnimationFrame?
You shouldn't yet. Not really, at least. This is still experimental and may or may not reach full recommendation (it is still a working draft at this point). That said, if you don't care about older browsers, or willing to work with the polyfill available the best time to use it is when you are looking to draw things to the screen that will require the browser to repaint (most animations).
For many simple modifications of the DOM, this method is overkill. This only becomes useful when you are doing animations when you will be drawing or moving items quickly and need to make sure that the browser repainting is keeping up enough to make it smooth. It will allow you to ensure that every frame you calculate will be drawn to the screen. It also provides a utility for more accurate time measurements to your animations. The first argument is the time at which the paint will occur, so you can ensure that you are where you should be at that moment.
You should not use it when you are doing many simple modifications to the DOM, or things that don't need to be smoothly transitioned. This will be more expensive on your users' computers so you want to limit this to making things smoother in transitions, movements and animations. Forcing a frame redraw is not needed every time you make a change on the page, since the response will be fast enough most of the time you don't need to worry about that extra couple milliseconds between draws.
As the previous answer says, you should not use it in the discontinuous animation because that don't need to be smoothly transitioned. In most cases, it's used for properties which vary continuously with time.

Should I use multiple canvases (HTML 5) or use divs to display HUD data?

I am in process of making a game where the health bar (animated) and some other info represented visually like some icons showing the number of bombs the player has etc. Now, this can be done both in canvas (by making another canvas for info that sits over the main canvas, or it can be done using many divs and spans with absolute positioning. This is my first time in making a browser based game so if any experienced people view this, tell me what you recommend. I would like to know that which method would be faster.
The game will also be running on mobile devices. Thanks!
There is no straighforward answer and I suggest you do FPS testing with different browser how it plays out for your use case. If you do not wish to go such in-depth I suggest you simply draw the elements inside canvas and if you need to hide them then leave out drawHUD() call from your rendering loop.
For HTML HUD overlay on <canvas> the following factors should be considered
Can the web browser compositor do hardware accelerated <canvas> properly if there are DOM elements upon the canvas
HTML / DOM manipulation will be always slower than <canvas> operations due to inherited complexity dealing with DOM elements
<canvas> pixel space stays inside <canvas> and it might be difficult to have pixel-perfect aligment if you try to draw elements on <canvas> outside the canvas itself
HTML offers much more formatting options for text than canvas drawString() - is HTML formatting necessary
Use the canvas. Use two canvases if you want, one overlaid over the other, but use the canvas.
Touching the DOM at all is slow. Making the document redo its layout because the size of DOM elements moved is very slow. Dealing with the canceling (or not) of even more events because there are DOM items physically on top of the canvas can be a pain and why bother dealing with that?
If your HUD does not update very often then the fastest thing to do would be drawing it to an in-memory canvas when it changes, and then always drawing that canvas to the main canvas when you update the frame. In that way your drawHud method will look exactly like this:
function drawHUD() {
// This is what gets called every frame
// one call to drawImage = simple and fast
ctx.drawImage(inMemoryCanvas, 0, 0);
and of course updating the HUD information would be like:
function updateHUD() {
// This is only called if information in the HUD changes
inMemCtx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
inMemCtx.drawImage(SomeHudImage, x, y);
var textToDraw = "Actually text is really slow and if there's" +
"often repeated lines of text in your game you should be" +
"caching them to images instead";
inMemCtx.fillText(textToDraw, x, y);
Since HUDs often contain text I really do urge caching it if you're using any. More on text performance here.
As others have said, there is no universally best approach, as it depends on the specifics of what you need to render, how often, and possibly what messaging needs to happen between graphical components.
While it is true the DOM reflows are expensive, this blanket warning is not always applicable. For instance, using position:fixed; elements avoids triggering reflows for the page (not necessarily within the element if there are non-fixed children). Repaint is (correct me if this is wrong) expensive because it is pixel pushing, and so is not intrinsically slower than pushing the same number of pixels to a canvas. It can be faster for some things. What's more, each has certain operations that have performance advantages over the other.
Here are some points to consider:
It's increasingly possible to use WebGL-accelerated canvas elements on many A-grade browsers. This works fine for 2D, with the advantage that drawing operations are sent to the GPU, which is MUCH faster than the 2D context. However this may not be available on some target platforms (e.g., at the time of this writing, it is available in iOS Safari but not in the iOS UIWebView used if you target hybrid mobile applications.) Using a library to wrap canvas can abstract this and use WebGL if its available. Take a look at pixi.js.
Conversely, the DOM has CSS3 animations/transitions which are typically hardware-accelerated by the GPU automatically (with no reliance on WebGL). Depending on the type of animation, you can often get much faster results this way than with canvas, and often with simpler code.
Ultimately, as a rule in software performance, understanding the algorithms used is critical. That is, regardless of which approach used, how are you scheduling animation frames? Have you looked in a profiler to see what things take the most time? This practice is excellent for understanding what is impacting performance.
I've been working on an app with multiple animations, and have implemented each component both as DOM and canvas. I was initially surprised that the DOM version was higher performant than the canvas (wrapped with KineticJS) version, though I know see that this was because all the animated elements were position:fixed and using CSS (under the hood via jQuery UI), thereby getting GPU performance. However the code to manage these elements felt clunky (in my case, ymmv). Using a canvas approach allows more pixel-perfect rendering, but then it loses the ability to style with CSS (which technically allows pixel-perfect rendering as well but may be more or less complex to achieve).
I achieved a big speed up by throttling the most complex animation to a lower framerate, which for my case is indistinguishable from the 60fps version but runs smooth as butter on an older iPad 2. Throttling required using requestAnimationFrame and clamping calls to be no more often than the desired framerate. This would be hard to do with CSS animations on the DOM (though again, these are intrinsically faster for many things). The next thing I'm looking at is syncing multiple canvas-based components to the same requestAnimationFrame loop (possibly independently throttled, or a round-robin approach where each component gets a set fraction of the framerate, which may work okay for 2-3 elements. (Incidentally, I have some GUI controls like sliders that are not locked to any framerate as they are should be as close to 60fps as possible and are small/simple enough that I haven't seen performance issues with them).
I also achieved a huge speed boost by profiling and seeing that one class in my code that had nothing to do with the GUI was having a specific method called very often to calculate a property. The class in question was immutable, so I changed the method to memoize the value and saw the CPU usage drop in half. Thanks Chrome DevTools and the flame chart! Always profile.
Most of the time, the number of pixels being updated will tend to be the biggest bottleneck, though if you can do it on the GPU you have effectively regained all the CPU for your code. DOM reflows should be avoided, but this does not mean avoid the DOM. Some elements are far simpler to render using the DOM (e.g. text!) and may be optimized by the browser's (or OS's) native code more than canvas. Finally, if you can get acceptable performance for a given component using either approach (DOM or canvas), use the one that makes the code simplest for managing that type of component.
Best advice is to try isolated portions in the different approaches, run with a profiler, use techniques to over-draw or otherwise push the limits to see which approach can run fastest, and do NOT optimize before you have to. The caveat to this rule is the question you are asking: how do I know in advance which technical approach is going to allow the best performance? If you pick one based on assuming the answer, you are basically prematurely optimizing and will live with the arbitrary pain this causes. If instead you are picking by rapid prototyping or (even better) controlled experiments that focus on the needs of your application, you are doing R&D :)
Browserquest displays their HUD using HTML elements, which has the benefit that you don't have to worry about redrawing etc. (and the performance will be pretty good, given that the entire browser engine is optimized to render the DOM pretty fast.
They (browserquest) also use several layered canvas elements for different game elements. I don't know the exact structure, but I guess that on which canvas an element is displayed depends on how often it needs to be redrawn.

Is calling requestAnimationFrame with Raphael a performance hit?

I'm working on a fairly resource hungry web application which heavily relies on Raphael.js for roughly 50% of the animations used, the rest I have rolled my own animation method which uses webkitRequestAnimationFrame in conjunction with the the Web Audio API's context.currentTime to sync animations with the audio component.
I am experiencing pretty terrible performance at the moment and looking through Raphael's source I see that it also uses requestAnimationFrame. Most of the lag I am experiencing seems to occur when both my animations and Raphael's are running concurrently. Is this because requestAnimationFrame is essentially being called twice per draw cycle?
Essentially what I'm asking is basically do I have to re-roll my own implementation of an animate for raphael objects and stick it in with my existing requestAnimationFrame?
Hmmm as far as I know the whole point of RAF is to sync everything so that its ready for the next render update. I would be doing exactly the same as you as the this is the whole point of it.
As per the spec:
The expectation is that the user agent will run tasks from the animation task source at at a regular interval matching the display's refresh rate. Running tasks at a lower rate can result in animations not appearing smooth. Running tasks at a higher rate can cause extra computation to occur without a user-visible benefit.
So I would say NO it shouldn't be a performance hit.
I'm having a similar issue with sluggish SVG animation. My understanding of RAF is that it batches updates together wherever they come from, so I dont think that was your problem.
I've found that most of my cycles are taken up by repainting. There's not much you can do JS-wise to speed up repainting. But I think you can make it easier on the browser by cutting down on transparency effects, filters, and large areas of the screen changing. Also, repainting is a function of the the amount of pixels that you're updating. I'm making a full-screen site and when I double the viewport size, it doubles my paint time.

RequestAnimationFrame for multiple canvases

I’ve got a page with layered <canvas> elements like explained in the answer here. The canvases together make up an animation, so each is cleared and redrawn as necessary.
Now I'm trying to incorporate requestAnimationFrame by using the cross browser shim. But I don’t really know what requestAnimationFrame is doing behind the scenes.
Is it okay to have it update multiple canvases in each loop? Should each canvas have its own loop? Is the answer browser dependent?
Updating all the canvases in a single requestAnimationFrame is perfectly okay.
If the canvases are independent from each other and appear on different sections of the page, then you might want to use individual requestAnimationFrame handlers, passing the canvas element as the second argument. That way, only the currently visible canvases get updated. (Passing an element as the second argument is WebKit-specific, though.)
What requestAnimationFrame does is tell the browser that you would like to update the appearance of the page. The browser calls the callback when the page or element is next up for a redraw. And that’s going to happen when the page/element is visible, and never more often than the screen refresh rate.
Using requestAnimationFrame simply lets the browser control when reflows/repaints on the page happen.
It would be better to alter all the canvases in one callback, so the browser can repaint them in one go.
This explanation of requestAnimationFrame was pretty helpful
The shim merely falls back to a timer if it is not available.
You should be fine. Update all of them in the same single loop.
requestAnimFrame isn't "tied" to a canvas or anything, just the function you pass it. So you can use it with three canvases or zero canvases just fine.
use canvas in this format js file so RequestAnimationFrame for multiple canvas will work
(function(){ ... })();

