unable to show googlemap api in javascript - javascript

I am using this link, but unable to show google map. I am searching for a specific location display with polygon lines with surround area in search location. How to display with search location with polygon lines in google map using JavaScript.


Calculate area & perimeter of a geojson feature of GeojsonLayer in deck.gl

I am using deck.gl to render a geojsonlayer using their geojsonlayer function, where the source of data is a geojson file.
Now I want display an infowindow to show area & perimeter of each feature, when clicked on them on the map. I have managed to fetch the properties object of a particular feature and show its reverse geocode address and display them in the infoWindow (pic below),
which also gives me access to the geofence coordinates of that particular feature. But I am not able to find any function from the documentation that allows us to calculate the area. Is there anything I missed here? Or Do I have to calculate it manually based on cartesian space and spheroid?
I found turf.js that does the job for calculating area and perimeter of a geojson feature.

Display kml using input box in html and displaying it on gmaps

I had got a kml file from google earth.
I would like to pass it into a input box and then, the attributes such as line or maker or polygon which is plotted in kml file are to be displayed on google maps.
I didn't find any useful information regarding this in internet.
Can anyone give me the proper idea how to parse kml file using html input box and then displaying it on map?

Area/Boundary lat long of a location of a given area

Suppose I search using a location something like (Texas) now I want to mark the area of Texas using a polygon. So for drawing polygon i need the the lat long of that area. I search in google and discuss with some of my friend i found those links. From those links I understand that google doesn't provide the information.
I need a solution in google map V2 so that i can implement it in my android project. So my question is how can i get those area lat long? Here is some link of my requirement-
Google Maps how to Show city or an Area outline
Outline areas on a Google Map using Google Map API v3
Highlighting borders of state and cities of US in Google Map API 3
And here is some screenshot-
You may want to check out Google's developer guide for Geocoding: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/intro

Converting an HTML element to a String/Object

I'm creating an AngularJS app that basically has a table and a search bar. The table is locations, and when you click on a link its supposed to take you to said location via an embedded Google Map. Im having trouble with the Map when I try to Pan it to the new location. Here is what the app looks:
Is there anyway to be able to click on a name/coordinates (name is preferred so I can remove the coordinates column) and convert the coordinates to a string/object that I can use to set a location on Google Maps?
Thanks in advance!!!

How do I get the URL for Google Map embedded on my website?

I am displaying a map on a website using the Google Map API. I want to include a link on that same page to take them directly to the map on Google Maps.
Is there an API call I can make to the map to retrieve the URL of either the current location/zoom level or the starting location/zoom level?
This is the link to use to centre Google Maps to a point:
All you need to do is to replace the above LATITUDE, LONGITUDE and ZOOM with the required coordinates.
To get the latitude and longitude where the mouse is clicked, you could use the following API code:
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
GEvent.addListener(map,"click", function(overlay, latlng) {
if (latlng) {
// latlng defines the latitude and longitude where the mouse was clicked.
You don't need to use the API. From Google maps, click the Link link in the upper right corner, and copy the code for Paste HTML to embed in website and throw that in your page and it should be what you want. It puts in the link to see the larger map on Google maps. You can also click the Customize and preview embedded map link to see more options. It will display your map at whatever zoom and location you set it to.
This should give you all the query parameters you could want:
Then just make a link pointing at maps.google.com?<INSERT_PARAMS_HERE>

