angularJs : how to load table data after clicking a button? - javascript

Hello Everyone im sorry if my question is being so long this is my first question in Stack over flow :) ; i'm new to angularJs so im facing this problem
i was trying to make a a button that load json data that i retrieve by http.get function to a table with ng-repeat
and i wanted to make the data be loaded after i click a button
app.controller('dayRecord', function ($scope, $http) {
var date = dateToString("dailyData")
$scope.headers = ["company", "ticker", "ccy", "last", "close", "chg", "bid", "ask", "trades", "volume", "turnover"];
//LoadDate : function to load StockRecords for a given day
$scope.loadData = function () {
http = "http://localhost:63342/nasdak/app/data?date=";//the REST service Server to fetch the day stock recrod json data
http += date; //
.success(function (response) {
$scope.first = response.balticMainList;
$scope.columnSort = {sortColumn: 'turnover', reverse: true};
as you see here there is :
dayRecord Controller
loadData function that gets the json data
and here is the html code for the table im trying to load
<div ng-controller="dayRecord" style="display: inline;">
<label for="dailyData">Show Stock For Day :</label>
<input type="text" id="dailyData" name="dailyData" >
<button id = "dailyStocksLoad" ng-click="loadData()">load</button>
<div class ="dailyViewContainer" ng-controller="dayRecord">
<div >
<h1>Baltic Main List</h1>
<table id ="myTable" >
<tr >
<th ng-repeat="header in headers " ng-click="columnSort.sortColumn=header;columnSort.reverse=!columnSort.reverse">{{header}}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="x in first | orderBy:columnSort.sortColumn:columnSort.reverse">
<td style="text-align: left">{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ x.ticker }}</td>
<td>{{ x.ccy }}</td>
<td>{{ x.last }}</td>
<td>{{ x.close }}</td>
<td>{{ x.chg }}% </td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ x.ask }}</td>
<td>{{ x.trades }}</td>
<td>{{ x.volume }}</td>
<td>{{ x.turnover }}</td>
when i call the function inside the controller everything works fine
app.controller('dayRecord', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.loadData = function () {
but when i click the button to load the data dynamically i cannot load it i even checked the response with console.log(response) it shows that http.get is retrieving the data but it's not refreshing it on the table

Hmm maybe the issue is that you are assigning 2 pieces of html to the same controller. What about wrapping the whole html into 1 div element and put ng-controller there like below:
<div ng-controller="dayRecord">
<div style="display: inline;">
<label for="dailyData">Show Stock For Day :</label>
<input type="text" id="dailyData" name="dailyData" >
<button id = "dailyStocksLoad" ng-click="loadData()">load</button>
<div class ="dailyViewContainer">
<div >
<h1>Baltic Main List</h1>
<table id ="myTable" >
<tr >
<th ng-repeat="header in headers " ng-click="columnSort.sortColumn=header;columnSort.reverse=!columnSort.reverse">{{header}}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="x in first | orderBy:columnSort.sortColumn:columnSort.reverse">
<td style="text-align: left">{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ x.ticker }}</td>
<td>{{ x.ccy }}</td>
<td>{{ x.last }}</td>
<td>{{ x.close }}</td>
<td>{{ x.chg }}% </td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ x.ask }}</td>
<td>{{ x.trades }}</td>
<td>{{ x.volume }}</td>
<td>{{ x.turnover }}</td>

Angular might need some help in changing the DOM. Try to add $scope.$apply() to the end of your load data function and see what happens on the console.


Display object inside of array inside Angular

I'm trying to display the object name of a the suppliers array but i'm confused because its inside an array. I'm display the array and also i want to display the object name of the second array. But the problem is on the second array. The is i want to display it. The pic is below
getAllMaterials() {
this.subscription = this.materialsService.getAll()
(data:any) => {
this.materials = data.materials;
let suppliers = data.materials[0].suppliers;
error => {
<tr *ngFor="let material of materials">
<td>{{ material.sku }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>display on this td</td>
<td>{{ material.price }}</td>
So you can do two things :
Solution 1 : If you have only single record in suppliers
<tr *ngFor="let material of materials">
<td>{{ material.sku }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ material.price }}</td>
Solution 2 :
If you want to show multiple names in same td :
<tr *ngFor="let material of materials">
<td>{{ material.sku }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td><span *ngFor ="let s of material.suppliers"> {{}}
<td>{{ material.price }}</td>

Replace table row with JQuery

I encountered an error in replacing my row in my JQuery. This is my code snippet for my JQuery:
var newtr = '<td>'+data.row.createdDate+'</td>'+
'<td>'+data.row.firstName+' '+data.row.lastName+'</td>'+
and this is my row:
<tr id="tbIDOrder-{{$o->EmergencyOrderID}}">
<td>{{ $o->CreatedDate }}</td>
<td>{{ $o->EmergencyOrderID }}</td>
<td>{{ $o->FirstName }} {{ $o->LastName }}</td>
<td>({{ $o->Latitude }}), ({{ $o->Longitude }})</td>
<td>{{ $o->PickupLocation }}</td>
<td>{{ $o->HospitalName}}</td>
<td>{{ $o->DriverName}}</td>
<td>{{ $o->EmergencyStatus }}</td>
am i missing something? If it helps, im running this code with Pusher in Laravel :) thanks for your time.
I replaced the script to:
but it still didnt work
As $('#tbIDOrder-'+data.row.emergencyOrderID) refers to TR, You can directly use .html(htmlString) to update the content.
Here is an example
$('#tbIDOrder-1').html('<td>New Date</td>');
<script src=""></script>
<tr id="tbIDOrder-1">

Is it possible to to make many $scope variables in angular

I want to receive from server some JSON data and print it like this:
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="pastController">
<tr ng-repeat="x in names">
<td>{{ x.shops }}</td>
<tr ng-repeat="y in names1">
<td>{{ y.shops }}</td>
<tr ng-repeat="z in names2">
<td>{{ z.shops }}</td>
and my angular script:
app.controller('pastController', function($scope, $http){
var req = {
method: 'post',
url: 'showData'
$scope.names =;
$scope.names2 =;
$scope.names1 =;
and here is like my json response looks like:
"pastData" :
{"id":1, "shopPlace":"warsaw", "shopDate":"2016-08-10", "shops":"milk"},
{"id":2, "shopPlace":"warsaw", "shopDate":"2016-09-10", "shops":"table"}
"futureData" :
{"id":3, "shopPlace":"krakow", "shopDate":"2016-12-10", "shops":"bread"},
{"id":4, "shopPlace":"kielce", "shopDate":"2016-11-20", "shops":"water"}
"presentData" :
{"id":5, "shopPlace":"wroclaw", "shopDate":"2016-11-07", "shops":"sugar"}
Everything works fine for names and only for names for names1 it shows : {{ y.shops }} and for names2: {{ z.shops }}
One problem that I see immediately is that the markup for your 3rd table is outside of the div where the angular application and controller have scope, it should be inside. However, if your second table is not being displayed either, then there must be another issue. Here is a working plunker demonstrating everything working. Note that the data is hardcoded instead of being fetched from an API:
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="pastController">
<tr ng-repeat="x in names">
<td>{{ x.shops }}</td>
<tr ng-repeat="y in names1">
<td>{{ y.shops }}</td>
<tr ng-repeat="z in names2">
<td>{{ z.shops }}</td>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('pastController', function($scope, $http) {
var data = {
"pastData" : [{"id":1, "shopPlace":"warsaw", "shopDate":"2016-08-10", "shops":"milk"}, {"id":2, "shopPlace":"warsaw", "shopDate":"2016-09-10", "shops":"table"}],
"futureData" : [{"id":3, "shopPlace":"krakow", "shopDate":"2016-12-10", "shops":"bread"}, {"id":4, "shopPlace":"kielce", "shopDate":"2016-11-20", "shops":"water"}],
"presentData" : [{"id":5, "shopPlace":"wroclaw", "shopDate":"2016-11-07", "shops":"sugar"}]
$scope.names = data.pastData;
$scope.names2 = data.presentData;
$scope.names1 = data.futureData;
Your html markup is incorrect. Your last table is outside the scope of your controller. This is very easy to see when the markup is properly formatted.
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="pastController">
<tr ng-repeat="x in names">
<td>{{ x.shops }}</td>
<tr ng-repeat="y in names1">
<td>{{ y.shops }}</td>
<tr ng-repeat="z in names2">
<td>{{ z.shops }}</td>

Creating Table in Angular JS, Data Doesn't Show

I am trying to create a simple table but can't seem to get the data to show. When I use {{ }} the data shows, but when I try to add {{ country.1960 }} the whole table turns blank. Please let me know what I might be doing wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is the HTML:
<body ng-app="myApp">
<h1>Country Population</h1>
<div ng-controller="oneController" >
<th>1960 Pop.</th>
<th>1970 Pop.</th>
<th>1980 Pop.</th>
<th>1990 Pop.</th>
<th>2000 Pop.</th>
<tr ng-repeat="country in countries">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ country.1960 }}</td>
<td>{{ country.1970 }}</td>
<td>{{ country.1980 }}</td>
<td>{{ country.1990 }}</td>
<td>{{ country.2000 }}</td>
Here is a sample of the script:
angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('oneController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.countries = [{"name":"Aruba","code":"ABW","1960":54208,"1961":55435,"1962":56226,"1963":56697,"1964":57029,"1965":57360,"1966":57712,"1967":58049,"1968":58385,"1969":58724,"1970":59065,"1971":59438,"1972":59849,"1973":60239,"1974":60525,"1975":60655,"1976":60589,"1977":60366,"1978":60106,"1979":59978,"1980":60096,"1981":60567,"1982":61344,"1983":62204,"1984":62831,"1985":63028,"1986":62644,"1987":61835,"1988":61077,"1989":61032,"1990":62148,"1991":64623,"1992":68235,"1993":72498,"1994":76700,"1995":80326,"1996":83195,"1997":85447,"1998":87276,"1999":89004,"2000":90858,"2001":92894,"2002":94995,"2003":97015,"2004":98742,"2005":100031,"2006":100830,"2007":101219,"2008":101344,"2009":101418,"2010":101597,"2011":101932,"2012":102384},
{"name":"Arab World","code":"ARB","1960":93485943,"1961":96058179,"1962":98728995,"1963":101496308,"1964":104359772,"1965":107318159,"1966":110379639,"1967":113543760,"1968":116787194,"1969":120078092,"1970":123400916,"1971":126726106,"1972":130095625,"1973":133592409,"1974":137327448,"1975":141376124,"1976":145768518,"1977":150474227,"1978":155422735,"1979":160508834,"1980":165653287,"1981":170835489,"1982":176068130,"1983":181346070,"1984":186631963,"1985":192047001,"1986":197522280,"1987":202985205,"1988":208460437,"1989":213911862,"1990":221488293,"1991":227470711,"1992":231443007,"1993":237418436,"1994":243271554,"1995":250504422,"1996":255932514,"1997":261260242,"1998":266537558,"1999":271912978,"2000":277561423,"2001":283493089,"2002":289680968,"2003":296095945,"2004":302824676,"2005":309824383,"2006":317125787,"2007":324693498,"2008":332424892,"2009":340149038,"2010":347737036,"2011":355137048,"2012":362466629},
{"name":"United Arab Emirates","code":"ARE","1960":89608,"1961":97727,"1962":108774,"1963":121574,"1964":134411,"1965":146341,"1966":156890,"1967":167360,"1968":180762,"1969":201157,"1970":231529,"1971":272211,"1972":322439,"1973":382599,"1974":452848,"1975":532742,"1976":623450,"1977":723617,"1978":827191,"1979":926112,"1980":1014825,"1981":1090660,"1982":1155765,"1983":1215380,"1984":1277300,"1985":1347218,"1986":1426915,"1987":1514798,"1988":1609170,"1989":1707085,"1990":1806498,"1991":1908002,"1992":2012977,"1993":2121143,"1994":2232159,"1995":2346305,"1996":2470810,"1997":2608993,"1998":2753498,"1999":2893648,"2000":3026352,"2001":3132104,"2002":3223969,"2003":3369254,"2004":3658658,"2005":4148883,"2006":4875639,"2007":5797347,"2008":6798635,"2009":7718319,"2010":8441537,"2011":8925096,"2012":9205651},
You need to use bracket notation for accessing numeric property name values (which is invalid identifier) and not dot notation. i.e
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ country[1960] }}</td>
<td>{{ country[1970] }}</td>
<td>{{ country[1980] }}</td>
<td>{{ country[1990] }}</td>
<td>{{ country[2000] }}</td>
dot notation - property must be a valid JavaScript identifier, i.e. a sequence of alphanumerical characters, also including the underscore ("_") and dollar sign ("$"), that cannot start with a number.
try country["1960"]. i think this is the way

AngularJS ng-click change color within ng-repeat

I have some code that lists out items in a table from a database. The click function toggles the cells between green and red
<div class="row">
<div class="logs-table col-xs-12">
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover" style="width:100%">
<tr ng-repeat="team in Pool">
<td ng-class="{'btn-danger': started, 'btn-success': !started}" ng-click="inc()">{{ team.chrTeamName }}</td>
<td>{{ team.intSeed }}</td>
<td>{{ team.chrDivision }}</td>
My click function is below
$ = function () { $scope.started = !$scope.started }
The only problem is that this is changing all of the cells in the first column. I'm thinking i need to pass a parameter in my click function, but I'm not sure what.
If you don't use the started value in your controller, you don't really need to define a function.
You could use ng-init to initialize an array keeping track of the started value for each team.
Something like this:
<tr ng-repeat="team in Pool" ng-init="started = []">
<td ng-class="{'btn-danger': started[$index], 'btn-success': !started[$index]}" ng-click="started[$index] = !started[$index]">{{ team.chrTeamName }}</td>
<td>{{ team.intSeed }}</td>
<td>{{ team.chrDivision }}</td>
Somehow cleaner would be if there was a started property on every team instance:
<tr ng-repeat="team in Pool">
<td ng-class="{'btn-danger': team.started, 'btn-success': !team.started}" ng-click="team.started = !team.started">{{ team.chrTeamName }}</td>
<td>{{ team.intSeed }}</td>
<td>{{ team.chrDivision }}</td>
Yes, passing a parameter into your function will help. Currently you have a $scope level variable ($scope.started) which selects your css ng-class. You probably want a team-by-team property. To do this, you should refer to the actual team object from within your ng-repeat.
<tr ng-repeat="team in Pool">
<td ng-class="{'btn-danger': started, 'btn-success': !team.started}" ng-click="inc(team)">{{ team.chrTeamName }}</td>
<td>{{ team.intSeed }}</td>
<td>{{ team.chrDivision }}</td>
And in your javascript:
$ = function (team) { team.started = !team.started; }
Now that your are using the actual individual object (team) from your ng-repeat, everything should work fine.

