Vue.js passing functions to props not working - javascript

I have a problem that passing functions to components is not working the way it's specified in the documentation.
This is in my app.js
methods: {
updateAnswer: function(question) {
console.log('question: '+question);
This is in my html-file:
<multiplechoice class="question counterIncrement counterShow active" id="q2" whenanswered="{{ updateAnswer('1') }}"></multiplechoice>
This is in my components.js file:
props: [
ready: function() {
I have already tried this:
props: [
{ name: 'whenanswered', type: Function}
but still no luck.
This is in my console when I load the page:
Uncaught TypeError: this.whenanswered is not a function
Any help would be very much appreciated :)

You could do this:
<multiplechoice class="question counterIncrement counterShow active" id="q2" :whenanswered="updateAnswer('1')"></multiplechoice>
Without the ':'(same as v-bind) like you did will only send a string and not evaluate. Even with those {{ }}.
But remember that your updateAnswerfunction should return a function. Since your prop will execute updateAnswer('1') and your multiplechoiceactually expects a function that will be executed when it wants.
methods: {
whenanswered: function(question) { // or whenanswered (question) { for ES6
return function () { ... } // or () => {...} for ES6

A fiddle would help, but basically, you need:
methods: {
whenanswered: function(question) {
if you wanna call that function. A prop is just a string, not a function.
<div id="app">
<data-table on-load="{{onChildLoaded}}"></data-table>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
methods: {
onChildLoaded: function (msg) {
components: {
'data-table': {
template: 'Loaded',
props: ['onLoad'],
ready: function () {
this.onLoad('the child has now finished loading!')


Vue component get and set conversion with imask.js

I am trying to use iMask.js to change 'yyyy-mm-dd' to 'dd/mm/yyyy' with my component however when I am setting the value I think it is taking the value before the iMask has finished. I think using maskee.updateValue() would work but don't know how to access maskee from my component.
I am also not sure if I should be using a directive to do this.
Vue.component("inputx", {
template: `
<input v-mask="" v-model="comp_date"></input>
props: {
value: { type: String }
computed: {
comp_date: {
get: function () {
return this.value.split("-").reverse().join("/");
set: function (val) {
const iso = val.split("/").reverse().join("-");
this.$emit("input", iso);
directives: {
mask: {
bind(el, binding) {
var maskee = IMask(el, {
mask: "00/00/0000",
overwrite: true,
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
date: "2020-12-30"
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<inputx v-model="date"></inputx>
Date: {{date}}
The easiest way you can achieve this is by installing the external functionality on the mounted hook of your Vue component, instead of using a directive.
In this way you can store the 'maskee' object on your component's data object to later access it from the setter method.
Inside the setter method you can then call the 'updateValue' method as you hinted. Then, you can extract the processed value just by accessing the '_value' prop of the 'maskee' object.
Here is a working example:
Vue.component("inputx", {
template: `
<input ref="input" v-model="comp_date"></input>
data: {
maskee: false,
props: {
value: { type: String },
computed: {
comp_date: {
get: function () {
return this.value.split("-").reverse().join("/");
set: function () {
const iso = this.maskee._value.split("/").reverse().join("-");
this.$emit("input", iso);
const el = this.$refs.input;
this.maskee = IMask(el, {
mask: "00/00/0000",
overwrite: true,
console.log('maskee created');
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
date: "2020-12-30"
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<inputx v-model="date"></inputx>
Date: {{date}}

Update math equation using MathLive and Vue

I have been struggling to use Vue and MathLive to handle typesetting randomly generated numbers and their squares. The function of the program is to generate a random integer from 1 to 35, calculate the square, and typeset it with MathLive. There are two buttons that add one to the integer or create another random one. I have no problem typesetting the initial value but when I create a different integer or add 1 the page, it never re-typesets. I am trying to implement this program as a component in Vue. Here is my MWE (component only):
<template lang="html">
<div class="problem">
<p id="math">$${{num}}^2 = {{square()}}$$</p>
<button #click="addOne">Add One</button>
<button #click="randomInt">Random Number</button>
import math from 'mathjs'
import MathLive from 'mathlive'
export default {
name: 'Problem',
data: function () {
return {
num: math.randomInt(1,35)
watch: {
num: function () {
console.log("Data changed");
// this.renderMath();
created: function () {
console.log("Hello This is created!");
beforeMount: function () {
console.log("This is beforeMount");
mounted: function () {
console.log("This is mounted!");
beforeUpdate: function () {
console.log("This is beforeUpdate");
methods: {
addOne: function() {
randomInt: function () {
this.num = math.randomInt(1,35)
square: function () {
return this.num**2
renderMath: function (event) {
<style lang="css" scoped>
#import url("../../node_modules/mathlive/dist/mathlive.core.css");
#import url("../../node_modules/mathlive/dist/mathlive.css");
p {
color: white;
Edit: To clarify when I load the page up, the initial value is typeset correctly using MathLive as shown below:
Then after I click either the Add One or Random Number button, the program should generate a new value, calculate its square, and update that value on the screen as shown below:
It seems MathLive's DOM manipulation conflicts with Vue's virtual DOM, preventing Vue from patching the DOM with the updated text node.
A workaround is to apply a key to force the MathLive p element to be re-created when the key changes. We could use num as the key, since it changes with each button press:
<p :key="num">...</p>
The current watcher on num would need to be updated to call renderMath() to refresh the MathLive element:
watch: {
num() {
You should also consider making square() a computed property for more efficient rendering:
// script
computed: {
square() {
return this.num ** 2
// template
<p :key="num">$${{num}}^2 = {{square}}$$</p>
You need to use vue.js computed properties
new Vue({
name: 'Problem',
data: function () {
return {
num: math.randomInt(1,35)
watch: {
num: function () {
console.log("Data changed");
computed: {
square: function () {
return this.num**2;
created: function () {
console.log("Hello This is created!");
beforeMount: function () {
console.log("This is beforeMount");
mounted: function () {
console.log("This is mounted!");
beforeUpdate: function () {
console.log("This is beforeUpdate");
methods: {
addOne: function() {
randomInt: function () {
this.num = math.randomInt(1,35)
renderMath: function (event) {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<span>$${{num}}^2 = {{square}}$$</span>
<span id="math"></span>
<button #click="addOne">Add One</button>
<button #click="randomInt">Random Number</button>

Vue.js method is not defined

Here is some problem with methods,
my component can't access to methods. May i need to pass methods like prop to component ?
here is my html:
<guests v-bind="guests"></guests>
here is component in my js file
var guestsComponent = Vue.component("guests", {
props: ['adultCount', 'childCount'],
template: `
<div class="guests-total">
<a #click="decrementAdult"></a>
<a #click="incrementAdult"></a>
<input type="text" placeholder="adults"/> {{adultCount}}
and here in the same js file my vue init and methods
var app = new Vue({
el: "#search",
components: {
"guests": guestsComponent
data() {
return {
guests: {
adultCount: 0,
childCount: 0
methods: {
decrementAdult() {
incrementAdult() {
I can access to data without problem when i use the props but i don't know how i can pass methods like props or this is needed?
here is error on console:
ReferenceError: decrementAdult is not defined
at o.eval (eval at xa (vue.min.js:NaN), <anonymous>:3:88)
at o.fn._render (vue.min.js?f6b5:6)
at o.eval (vue.min.js?f6b5:6)
at St.get (vue.min.js?f6b5:6)
at new St (vue.min.js?f6b5:6)
at$mount (vue.min.js?f6b5:6)
at$mount (vue.min.js?f6b5:6)
at init (vue.min.js?f6b5:6)
at eval (vue.min.js?f6b5:6)
at b (vue.min.js?f6b5:6)
Since the click events are done in the child component guests you should emit an event to the parent component and handle it there like :
<a #click="$emit('decrement-adult')"></a>
in the parent component do :
<guests v-bind="guests" #decrement-adult="decrementAdult"></guests>
I ran into a similar 'method1' is not defined error from the following code section:
methods: {
console.log("running method1()");
The problem was that the reference to method1() should have included the this keyword like so:
export default {
name: 'TuringMachine',
props: {
msg: String,
data() {
methods: {
console.log("running method1()");
Hope this helps anyone with the same issue.

Vue watcher executed before the new data is bound?

I am using this code:
var vueApp = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
modalKanji: {}
methods: {
showModalKanji(character) {
sendAjax('GET', '/api/Dictionary/GetKanji?character=' + character, function (res) { vueApp.modalKanji = JSON.parse(res); });
watch: {
'modalKanji': function (newData) {
setTimeout(function () {
class: 'modalKanji', //styling class for Modal
source: 'div',
content: 'divModalKanji'
}, 1000);
and I have an element that when clicked on, displays a popup with the kanji data inside:
<span #click="showModalKanji(kebChar)" style="cursor:pointer;>
<div id="divModalKanji" style='display:none;'>
<div v-if="typeof(modalKanji.Result) !== 'undefined'">
{{ modalKanji.Result.literal }}
It works, but only when used with a setTimeout delay to "let the time for Vue to update its model"...if I remove the setTimeout so the code is called instantaneousely in the watch function, the popup data is always "1 iteration behind", it's showing the info of the previous kanji I clicked...
Is there a way for a watcher function to be called AFTER Vue has completed is binding with the new data?
I think you need nextTick, see Async-Update-Queue
watch: {
'modalKanji': function (newData) {
this.$nextTick(function () {
class: 'modalKanji', //styling class for Modal
source: 'div',
content: 'divModalKanji'

Vue.js global event not working

I've got
Component two contains component three.
Currently I emit an event in <component-one> that has to be caught in <component-three>.
In <component-one> I fire the event like this:
this.$bus.$emit('setSecondBanner', finalBanner);
Then in <component-three> I catch it like this:
mounted() {
this.$bus.$on('setSecondBanner', (banner) => {
this.banner = banner;
But the event is never caught!
I define the bus like this (in my core.js):
let eventBus = new Vue();
Object.defineProperties(Vue.prototype, {
$bus: {
get: () => { return eventBus; }
What could be wrong here? When I check vue-dev-tools I can see that the event has fired!
This is the working example for vue1.
Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$bus', {
get() {
return this.$root.bus;
Vue.component('third', {
template: `<div> Third : {{ data }} </div>`,
Vue.component('second', {
template: `<div>Second component <third :data="data"></third></div>`,
ready() {
this.$bus.$on('setSecondBanner', (event) => { =;
data() {
return {
data: 'Defautl value in second'
Vue.component('first', {
template: `<div>{{ data }}</div>`,
ready() {
setInterval(() => {
this.$bus.$emit('setSecondBanner', {
data: 'Bus sending some data : '+new Date(),
}, 1000);
data() {
return {
data: 'Defautl value in first'
var bus = new Vue({});
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
bus: bus
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
Have you tried registering the listener in created instead of mounted?
Also, why define the bus with defineProperties and not simply:
Vue.prototype.$bus = new Vue();

