Math.log() inaccuracy - How to deal with it? [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
Is floating point math broken?
(31 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I know that for getting a 10 based logarithm I have to use Math.log() divided by the constant of the natural logarithm of 10.
var e1000 = Math.log(1000) / Math.LN10;
// Result: 2.9999999999999996 instead of
// expected 3.
// Result: 999.999999999999 instead of
// expected 1000.
console.log(Math.pow(10, e1000));
BUT: The result is just an approximation. If I use the calculated value in further calculation the inaccuracy becomes worse.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is there are more elegant way around it then just using Math.ceil()?

The floating point rounding difference is known and coincidentally the 2.9999 is the exact example used in the MDN Math.Log page.
As you mentioned Math.ceiling can be used to alther the result. Likewise you could increase the base number and use a smaller divider to decrease the change of floating errors. e.g.
function log10(value){
return -3 * (Math.log(value * 100) / Math.log(0.001)) - 2;
Example: fiddle
As a sidenote, some browsers already support the Math.log10 functionality, you could extend Math to use the function above if it is not implemented with:
if (!Math.log10) Math.log10 = function(value){
return -3 * (Math.log(value * 100) / Math.log(0.001)) - 2;
After running that initializer, you can simply use Math.log10() and your code will automatically use the browser functionality where it is (or when it becomes) available. (fiddle)


How to properly deal with Javascript float representation errors? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to deal with floating point number precision in JavaScript?
(47 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
For example:
sum = 0.00;
sum += 46.85 * 0.1;
console.log(sum) // 4.6850000000000005
sum += 179.29 * 0.1;
console.log(sum) // 22.613999999999997
I believe I've had this happen with simple additions and simple multiplications as well.
I understand this is a consequence of the inability to hold floats properly in a computer, which is fine. However, Postgres, as far as I can tell, seems to handle these operations fine with the same numbers. Seems strange that Javascript doesn't seem to, unless I'm missing something.
Anyway, my current fix is to run it like this:
const fixFloatError = (n) => {
decimalDigitLength = n.match(/\.(\d+)/)[1].length;
return parseFloat(parseFloat(n).toFixed(decimalDigitLength - 1));
let n = String(46.85 * 0.1);
n = fixFloatError(n);
If you're wondering why I'm converting it to a string beforehand, it's because Javascript will automatically turn a float like 22.6139999999999997 into 22.614 as it enters the function (Which is correctly fixed! Regardless of whether you hardcoded that number into the variable or generated it by multiplication), and things like 4.6850000000000005 into 4.6850000000000005 (which hasn't changed). So to get a consistent function that works for both cases I'm passing in the float as a string to maintain its form.
Surely I'm missing something here and there's a simpler solution?
Just multiply the float by some factor of 10 to create a larger integer portion. Then round the remainder and divide back down by that same factor.
let sum = 46.85 * 0.1;
console.log(sum) // 4.6850000000000005
sum = (Math.round(sum * 1000000000)) / 1000000000;
console.log(sum); // 4.685

Sigmoid with Large Number in JavaScript

From what I understand you use a sigmoid function to reduce a number to the range of 0-1.
Using the function found in this library
function sigmoid(z) {
return 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-z));
This works for a numbers 1-36. Any number higher than this will just return 1.
sigmoid(36) -> 0.9999999999999998
sigmoid(37) -> 1
sigmoid(38) -> 1
sigmoid(9000) -> 1
How do you increase the range so this function can handle a number larger than 36.
A sigmoid function is any function which has certain properties which give it the characteristic s-shape. Your question has many answers. For example, any function whose definition looks like
const k = 2;
function sigmoid(z) {
return 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-z/k));
will fit the bill. The larger the k, the larger the useful domain.
A Sigmoid Function doesn't have bounds, that means it accept from infinitely small to infinitely large values.
Javascript, on the other hand, will round numbers (IEEE).
Anyway, what you can do is reescale your input before passing it to the formula.
Another option is tinker with the formula values, most notably the z value.

Trigonometric functions in JavaScript not working?

I don't understand, why I get some very strange values from trigonometric functions in JavaScript. For example:
Math.sin(Math.PI); // returns 1.2246467991473532e-16, but should return 0
Math.cos(Math.PI/2); // returns 6.123233995736766e-17, but should return 0
Math.sin(3.14); // returns 0.0015926529164868282, whitch is ok but
Math.sin(3.141592); // returns 6.535897930762419e-7!
I tried this in Mozilla and Chrome and got the same result. It seems the parameter of the trigonometric function is too precise.
Please help!
You could use Number.EPSILON
The Number.EPSILON property represents the difference between 1 and the smallest floating point number greater than 1.
and take the absolute delta of the value and wanted value and check if it is smaller than the Number.EPSILON. If true, then the value's error is smaller than the possible error of floating point arithmetic.
[Math.sin(Math.PI), 0],
[Math.cos(Math.PI/2), 0],
[Math.sin(3.14), 0.0015926529164868282],
[Math.sin(3.141592), 6.535897930762419e-7]
].map(([a, b]) => Math.abs(a - b) < Number.EPSILON));
Some more to read about the problem with limited digital representation of floating point values:
Does “epsilon” really guarantees anything in floating-point computations?
Is floating point math broken?

Save integers as floats [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Save integer as float
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
function prec(numb){
var numb_string = numb.toString().split('.')
return numb_string[(numb_string.length - 1)].length
function randy(minimum, maximum) {
var most_accurate = Math.max ( prec(minimum), prec(maximum) );
return ( ( Math.random() * ( maximum - minimum ) + minimum ).toFixed( most_accurate ) );
// returns random numbers between these points. 1 decimal place of precision:
console.log( randy(2.4,4.4) );
// returns random numbers between these points. 3 decimal places of precision:
console.log( randy(2.443,4.445) );
// returns random numbers between these points. Want 3 decimal places of precision. However, get 0:
console.log( randy(2.000,4.000) );
// Why do I get 0 decimal places? Because floats are rounded into integers automatically:
console.log( 4.0 ); // want 4.0 to be logged. Instead I get '4'
You don't need to read how the functions work. Just the console logs.
Basically, I need to return a random number between two points to a degree of precision. The precision is automatically derived from the most precise float passed to the randy function.
This works fine when the number range is 3.5 3.7 or 34.4322 800.3233 but not 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0000, 5.0000
Then the number is appears to be automatically saved as an integer:
console.log( 2.0 ) //=> 2
I want to extend the Number prototype so that 2.0 is saved as 2.0 so that this function can find the precision:
function prec(numb){
var numb_string = numb.toString().split('.')
return numb_string[(numb_string.length - 1)].length
It currently thinks that 3.000000000 has a precision of 0 decimal places because if 3E8 is passed in as the numb parameter, it's read as 3. I want it read as 3.000000000
While I can do this randy(2.toFixed(3),3.toFixed(3)) it gets unreadable and it would be undeniably nicer to do this for smaller precisions: randy(2.000,3.000).
Is this possible?
There is only one number type in JS.
Aside from shortfalls of the type itself (causing headaches in other languages as well), it's a good thing.
If you want to display precision, then use num.toFixed(n); to store the number as a string, rounded to the precision you requested.
You can parse the string later in your code, operate on it, and then call .toFixed(n); on the result, to perpetuate the precision...
But unless you have specific needs, or are lumping several pieces of code together, are you not going to be concerned with rounding inaccuracies, versus just operating on full-precision values, and then rounding/formatting the end results?
Of course there are plenty of other solutions...
...keep track of the mandated precision with an int, representing the value... ...or keep an int representing the floating value as an int, based on preferred precision... 1.235 becomes [1, 235].
...anything is doable.
Subclassing, though, is really not going to be the answer.
you can define a class that helps you solve the problem especially with the toSting function
function NewNumber()
this.value = (typeof(arguments[0]) == "number") ? arguments[0] : 0;
this.decimal = (typeof(arguments[1]) == "number") ? arguments[1] : 0;
this.Val = function()
return parseFloat(this.value.toFixed(this.decimal));
this.toString = function()
return (this.value.toFixed(this.decimal)).toString();
Create a number like this
var Num = NewNumber(4.123545,3);
// first argument is the value
// and second one is decimal
To get the value of your variable, you should use the function Val like this
console.log(Num.Val()); // this one prints 4.123 on your console
Then the toString function
Num.toString() // it returns "4.123"
(new NewNumber(4,4)).toString(); // it returns "4.0000"
in your functions use the toString of the NewNumber class to solve your problem

Linearly scaling a number in a certain range to a new range

I've made a scaling function that takes numbers in an interval [oldMin,oldMax] and scales them linearly to the range [newMin,newMax] . It does not seem to work when using negative values.
function linearScaling(oldMin, oldMax, newMin, newMax, oldValue){
var newValue;
if(oldMin !== oldMax && newMin !== newMax){
newValue = parseFloat((((oldValue - oldMin) * (newMax - newMin)) / (oldMax - oldMin)) + newMin);
newValue = newValue.toFixed(2);
newValue = error;
return newValue;
This function seems to work when scaling a value from 0 -> 32761 to the range range 0 -> 10. However it does not seem to give the correct output when given a new negative range i.e. -10 -> 10
I have done my best to find an answer on this site. However the person who asked the question didn't mention what he ended up doing to fix it. That question says it could have something to do with mixed up data types, but i converted everything to a float did I miss anything?
Now that you showed how you call your function, I can reproduce your problem - namely that quoted numbers that should map to the negative domain don't.
It seems to be due to the fact that Javascript is very loose about the difference between a number and a string - and if it's not sure what to do about two numbers (because one of them appears to be a string), it assumes you want concatenation rather than addition. In other words - by passing the newMin value as '-10' rather than -10 you confused JS.
As a simple example,
document.write('1' + '-2');
document.write(1*'1' + 1*'-2');
results in
The expression you had included a "possible concatenation" where it added oldMin:
newValue = (((oldValue - oldMin) * (newMax - newMin)) / (oldMax - oldMin)) + newMin;
With newMin set to '-10', you might get newValue to look like 6-10 instead of -4, to give an example. When you then did a parseFloat, Javascript would quietly work its way through the string up to the minus sign, and return 6 instead of evaluating the expression and coming up with -4.
To clear up the confusion, multiply each parameter by 1 to make it "a genuine number":
oldMin = 1*oldMin;
oldMax = 1*oldMax;
newMin = 1*newMin;
newMax = 1*newMax;
oldValue = 1*oldValue;
When you add these lines at the start of your function declaration, everything works smoothly - regardless of how you call the function. Or just call it with the newMin value not in quotes - it is the one causing the trouble in this particular instance.
document.writeln('the new code called with parameter = 100:\n');
document.writeln(linearScaling('0', '32761', '-10', '10', 100)+'<br>');
document.writeln('the old code called with parameter = 100:\n');
document.writeln(linearScalingOld('0.0', '32761.0', '-10.0', '10.0', '100.0')+'<br>');
document.writeln('the old code called with unquoted parameters:\n');
document.writeln(linearScalingOld(0.0, 32761.0, -10.0, 10.0, 100.0)+'<br>');
results in the following:
the new code called with parameter = 100: -9.94
the old code called with parameter = 100: 0.06
the old code called with unquoted parameters: -9.94
I hope this illustrates the cause of the problem, and the solution.

