Transform simple string in a key: value array - javascript

I've the following string in the JavaScript:
test: hi,
otherTest: hiAgain
How can I transform in a key: value array?

var string = 'test: hi,otherTest: hiAgain';
var sets = string.split(","); //splits string by commas
var out = new Array(); //prepare the output array
for (var i=0; i<sets.length; i++) {
var keyval = sets[i].split(":"); //split by colon for key/val
out[keyval[0]] = keyval[1].trim(); //trim off white spaces and set array

Here is a quick example:
var str='test: hi,\notherTest: hiAgain';
var obj={};
var kvp=str.split('\n');
var temp=kvp[k].split(' ');

Here you are:
var data = ['test: hi', 'otherTest: hiAgain'];
var result = [];
$.each(data, function(index, value){
var keyValue = value.split(':');
var obj = {};
obj[keyValue[0].trim()] = keyValue[1].trim();
Hope this help.


Serialize/Reg ex

I use serialize function to get all the values of my form.
My problem is how can i extract only the value in the generated url string of the serialize function and split it into an array.
var input = $('#addForm').serialize();
deviceBrand=itemBrand&deviceModel=itemModel&deviceSerial=itemSerial&deviceType=Desktop&deviceStatus=Available&deviceDesc=item+description //generated url string
i need string function to extract each string between "=" and "&" and put each String into an array.
Don't use serialize, use serializeArray. It creates an array of objects of the form {name: "xxx", value: "yyy" } that you can process more easily.
var input = $("#addForm").serializeArray();
var values = => x.value);
You can also make an object with all the name: value properties:
var object = {}; => object[] = x.value);
try this code to unserialize the string,
$.unserialize = function(serializedString){
var str = decodeURI(serializedString);
var pairs = str.split('&');
var obj = {}, p, idx, val;
for (var i=0, n=pairs.length; i < n; i++) {
p = pairs[i].split('=');
idx = p[0];
if (idx.indexOf("[]") == (idx.length - 2)) {
// Eh um vetor
var ind = idx.substring(0, idx.length-2)
if (obj[ind] === undefined) {
obj[ind] = [];
else {
obj[idx] = p[1];
return obj;

Remove duplicates from string using jquery?

How i Remove duplicates from my string
var string="1,2,3,2,4,5,4,5,6,7,6";
But i want like this
var string="1,2,3,4,5,6,7";
Yes you can do it easily, Here is the working example
data = "1,2,3,2,4,5,4,5,6,7,6";
arr = $.unique(data.split(','));
data = arr.join(",");
Create the following prototype and use it to remove duplicates from any array.
Array.prototype.unique = function () {
var arrVal = this;
var uniqueArr = [];
for (var i = arrVal.length; i--; ) {
var val = arrVal[i];
if ($.inArray(val, uniqueArr) === -1) {
return uniqueArr;
var str = "1,6,7,7,8,9";
var array1 = str.split(',');
var array1 = array1.unique();
console.log(array1); // [1,6,7,8,9]
str = array1.join();
Use the following to push unique values into a new array.
var names = [1,2,2,3,4,5,6];
var newNames = [];
$.each(names, function(index, value) {
if($.inArray(value, newNames) === -1)

Split an array cause an error: not a function

I want to split an array that already have been split.
var string = '2016-08-08,63|2016-08-07,67|2016-08-06,64|2016-08-05,53|2016-08-04,63';
var array_dt = string.split(',');
var array_s = array_dt.split('|');
That code returns TypeError: array_dt.split is not a function.
I'm guessing that split() can not split an array. Have I wrong?
Here's how I want it to look like. For array_dt: 2016-08-08,2016-08-07,2016-08-06,2016-08-05,2016-08-04. For array_s: 63,67,64,53,63. I will use both variables to a chart (line) so I can print out the dates for the numbers. My code is just as example!
How can I accomplish this?
If you want to split on both characters, just use a regular expression
var string = '2016-08-08,63|2016-08-07,67|2016-08-06,64|2016-08-05,53|2016-08-04,63';
var array_dt = string.split(/[,|]/);
This will give you an array with alternating values, if you wanted to split it up you can do
var string = '2016-08-08,63|2016-08-07,67|2016-08-06,64|2016-08-05,53|2016-08-04,63';
var array_dt = string.split(/[,|]/);
var array1 = array_dt.filter( (x,i) => (i%2===0));
var array2 = array_dt.filter( (x,i) => (i%2!==0));
console.log(array1, array2)
Or if you want to do everything in one go, you could reduce the values to an object
var string = '2016-08-08,63|2016-08-07,67|2016-08-06,64|2016-08-05,53|2016-08-04,63';
var array = string.split(/[,|]/).reduce(function(a,b,i) {
return a[i%2===0 ? 'dates' : 'numbers'].push(b), a;
}, {numbers:[], dates:[]});
If performance is important, you'd revert to old-school loops, and two arrays
var string = '2016-08-08,63|2016-08-07,67|2016-08-06,64|2016-08-05,53|2016-08-04,63';
var array = string.split(/[,|]/);
var array1 = [];
var array2 = [];
for (var i = array.length; i--;) {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
} else {
console.log(array1, array2)
var string = '2016-08-08,63|2016-08-07,67|2016-08-06,64|2016-08-05,53|2016-08-04,63';
var array_dt = [];
var array_s = [];
var temp = el.split(",");
Just do it one step at a time - split by pipes first, leaving you with items that look like 2016-08-08,63. Then for each one of those, split by comma, and insert the values into your two output arrays.
var string = '2016-08-08,63|2016-08-07,67|2016-08-06,64|2016-08-05,53|2016-08-04,63';
var arr = string.split("|");
var array_dt = [];
var array_s = [];
arr.forEach(function(item) {
var x = item.split(",");

How to get 2 strings separated by a dash?

In a project I got IDs consisting of two parts, The parts are separated by a dash. How can I get part 1 and part 2?
var ID = "100-200";
var id_part1 = 0;
var id_part2 = 0;
Try this:
var id = "100-200";
var arr = id.split("-");
With simple JavaScript:
ID = "100-200";
var values = ID.split('-');
var id_part1 = values[0];
var id_part2 = values[1];
var id = "100-200";
var array = id.split("-");
var id_part1 = array[0];
var id_part2 = array[1];
Use Split: Try this
var str = "100-200";
var res = str.split("-");
Result is in array list.
You can use :
var ID= "100-200" ;
var id_part1 = ID[0];
var id_part2 = ID[1];
Now it can be done in one line with the destructuring assignment:
var ID = "100-200";
var [id_part1, id_part2] = ID.split('-');
console.log('id_part1: ', id_part1);
console.log('id_part2: ', id_part2);

How can I convert string to a array?

I have the following array:
var mystr = "Name[Daniel],Name2[Alguien],Date[2009],Date[2014]";
How can I convert it to an array like this:
var array = ['Daniel','Alguien','2009',2014];
You can do it this way:
var mystr = "Name[Daniel],Name2[Alguien],Date[2009],Date[2014]";
var array = mystr.match(/\[.+?\]/g).map(function(value){ // searches for values in []
return value.replace(/[\[\]]/g,""); // removes []
Try to use following code , as you can see the string is split by comma and then using regular expressions the necessary part has been pushed to new array
var mystr = "Name[Daniel],Name2[Alguien],Date[2009],Date[2014]";
var array = mystr.split(",");
re = /\[(.*)\]/;
var newArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
newArray = ['Daniel', 'Alguien', '2009', 2014];

