Simple factory setter/getter in Angular? - javascript

I have this factory...
spa.factory("currentPageFactory", function() {
var pageDefinition = {}; = function(newPageDefinition) {
pageDefinition.value = newPageDefinition;
} = function() {
return pageDefinition.value;
return pageDefinition;
...and this controller...
var pageDefinitionController = spa.controller("pageDefinitionController", ["currentPageFactory", function(currentPageFactory) {"foobar");
I have tested using the .read() function I created in this factory by including a definition in the factory of pageDefinition.value. I could read the variable using the getter just fine. The problem seems to lie in the setter.
I'm calling these functions like this...
/*Setter Call Example*/"blah");
/*Getter Call Example*/
this.foobar =;
What am I doing wrong? Why is the setter not working?


angular equivalent to object prototype

Now i wish to create an object that you can instanciate at any time but that can still use angular services:
Take for instance the following object:
var myObject = function (variableOne, variableTwo) {
this.variableOne = variableOne;
this.variableTwo = variableTwo
myObject.prototype.useAngularService = function () {
return $sessionStorage.user;
Ofcourse this object cannot use $sessionStorage but my question is how would you create an object like that, that actually could utilize angular services?
The reason why i want to use this method instead of a service or a factory is basicly that i want different instances of this object and i am not looking for a singleton solution.
You could return your type from a factory. The factory would then have the Angular services and you would close around them.
yourModule.factory('yourName', function($sessionStorage) {
var myObject = function (variableOne, variableTwo) {
this.variableOne = variableOne;
this.variableTwo = variableTwo
myObject.prototype.useAngularService = function () {
return $sessionStorage.user;
return myObject;
You can also request any registered service with $injector.get(...) but that makes for brittle code.
You would inject $sessionStorage as a dependency into your object upon construction:
var myObject = function ($sessionStorage, variableOne, variableTwo) {
this.$sessionStorage = $sessionStorage;
this.variableOne = variableOne;
this.variableTwo = variableTwo
myObject.prototype.useAngularService = function () {
return this.$sessionStorage.user;
You would then create a service which acts as a factory for such objects:
function myObjectFactory($sessionStorage) {
this.$sessionStorage = $sessionStorage;
myObjectFactory.prototype.getInstance = function (variableOne, variableTwo) {
return new myObject(this.$sessionStorage, variableOne, variableTwo);
myModule.service('myObjectFactory', myObjectFactory);
You then include that factory as a dependency for your controller or other service:
myModule.controller('myController', function (myObjectFactory) {
var obj = myObjectFactory.getInstance(1, 2);

How use prototypical inheritance in controllers in node.js

I need make one Super Function inherit the this of other function and make this other function inherit the methods from the Super Function, this is possible?
I have my BookingController and I want make the Controller function inherit the this.ME property:
var Controller = require('../api/Controller');
function BookingController() {;
this.ME = 'something here';
BookingController.prototype = new Controller;
BookingController.constructor = BookingController;
function Controller() {
console.log(this); // EMPTY
Controller.prototype.myMethod = function() {
// Should work if BookingController try to access.
But nothing happens, there is no error and the BookingController can't find my myMethod and my Controller can't my this.ME
You use a bit wrong inheritance model. I suggest you to use something like
BookingController.prototype = Object.create(Controller.prototype);
BookingController.prototype.constructor = BookingController;

Angular calling a parent method from an extended controller

I been spinning on this for days with no luck. I have BaseController with an init method among other things. I then wish to extend this controller and call the parents 'init' method from within the childs 'init' method.
The general answer for this is to call $scope.$parent.init($settings_object). However this is returning Error: $scope.$parent.init is not a function.
Generally the extended controller works fine being able to access the perents function and settings without issues. Just this example calling the same parent method from the child fails.
(function( ){
var mainApp = angular.module("MyAppModule");
mainApp.controller('BaseController',function($scope, $rootScope,GLOBAL_CONFIG, ajaxRESTful,sharedValues, messageDisplay) { //base contorller
var bvm = this; //base vm
this.init = function($settings_object){
var keys = Object.keys($settings_object);
bvm[keys[i]] = $settings_object[keys[i]];
//code remved to keep simple
Extended controller
(function( ){
var app = angular.module('MyAppModule');
app.controller('RoleEdit', function($scope, $rootScope,$controller) {
angular.merge(this, $controller('BaseController', {$scope: $scope}));
var vm = this;
vm.newRoleFormData = [];
vm.role_id = null;
vm.mode = 'create';
vm.role = null;
vm.init = function ($object) {
if(vm.role_id != null){
vm.loadInRole( );
}) //end contoller
})();//end of app
Why doesn't this work?
Is there a better way to do this?
The controller object (this) and the $scope object aren't directly related. There is no automatic wiring between them. $scope.$parent doesn't return a controller, it returns the parent scope. And since you registered your parent method in this.init instead of the usual $scope.init, you can't expect to find it using scopes.
You may circumvent this in a great number of ways, but as others have suggested, if you have functionality that is shared by many controllers, try to put it in a service instead. Maybe your BaseContoller itself should be a service.
You should do:
var parentInit = this.init.bind(this);
this.init = function ($object) {
if(vm.role_id != null){
vm.loadInRole( );

Setter functions in angular providers

From my understanding factories are an abstraction over Angular's providers, which allow you to return data with less lines of code. However, providers provide more flexibility in that you can better define the service's functionality. I'm still really confused on how to call a simple function from a provider. Everyone seems to be doing them differently and I cannot get mine to work:
myApp.provider('myProvider', function() {
myVar = true;
$get: function() {
return {
myVar: myVar,
toggleFalse = function() {
myVar = false;
myApp.controller('myController', function($scope, myProvider) {
This does not seem to work - and I'm having trouble understanding services in general. It says toggleFalse is not defined. How do you properly define a setter function on an Angular service that can be controlled through a controller?
If you do console.dir(myProvider), you'll see that you are getting the object returned from $get. You need to put the function on the returned object:
$get: function() {
return {
myVar: myVar,
toggleFalse: function() {
myVar = false;
This is a simple question of closure.
If you want every instance to have a unique everything, then store everything inside $get.
If you want the majority of the object to be unique, but have some methods or objects/arrays that every instance shares with each other, then define those in the function closure outside of $get and append them to the object returned from $get.
... ("myProvider", function () {
var sharedValue = 19,
sharedFunction = function () {
sharedValue += 1;
return shared value;
return {
$get : function () {
return {
unique : 1,
shared : sharedFunction
This isn't an Angular issue, so much as a core piece of JS's behaviour, which happens to be inside of an Angular paradigm.

How to Properly Access Class Properties in Javascript

I have this class definition:
$.note = function() {}
$.note.prototype = {
init: function(note) {
this.note = note;
this.ctrl = document.getElementById(note);
// I have these getter functions because I was getting errors using
// myObject.note or myObject.ctrl
getNote: function() {
return this.note;
getCtrl: function() {
return this.ctrl;
I created a new object with this class like this:
var note = new $.note('C');
Which I can access in my console like this:
But when I try and access note.getNote(), I get undefined as the response:
Am I going about accessing these properties incorrectly? I've tried using just note.note or note.ctrl, and I get the same thing...
Nothing's going to call that "init" function if you don't.
$.note = function(note) { this.init(note); }
Some frameworks provide an object system that uses constructor helper functions like that, but plain JavaScript doesn't.
Try this:
$.note = function(note) { this.note = note;}
or you should call init function:
var note = new $.note();

