CreateJS: Collision implementing problems - javascript

So I have this little javascript labyrinth game I've been working on. The player controls a character using the mouse cursor.
I have a semi-transparent .png bitmap for walls (all in one file), and the player.
The problem here is that I can't seem to make a working collision system.
Here's the essential part of the code:
// Calculate the distances between the cursor and the player
var xDistance = stage.getStage().mouseX - player.x;
var yDistance = stage.getStage().mouseY - player.y;
// Move the player
if (distance > 1) {
player.x += xDistance * easingAmount;
player.y += yDistance * easingAmount;
// Check collision for player (bounds)
var mapCollision = collisionMethod(bounds, mapLines, 1);
if (mapCollision) {
if (xDistance > 0 || xDistance < 0)
player.x -= xDistance * easingAmount;
else if (yDistance > 0 || yDistance < 0)
player.y -= yDistance * easingAmount;
CollisionMethod is actually ndgmr.checkPixelCollision.
The collision should slide along the walls. This collision only works when the player collides with Y-axis walls.
I am still pretty new with JS, and there's probably a better way to create collision for this kind of situation, so any kind of help or information would be greatly appreciated.


How to change angle when a ball collides with a rectangle?

If a circle hits a rectangle and needs to bounce, I need to calculate its new direction.
This is what I have
function tick() {
var dx = Math.cos(ball.direction * (Math.PI / 180))*ball_md.speed;
var dy = Math.sin(ball.direction * (Math.PI / 180))*ball_md.speed;
ball.x += dx;
ball.y -= dy;
drawGame(); // refresh board
paddles.some(function(paddle) {
var circle={x:ball.x+ball_md.radius, y:ball.y+ball_md.radius, r:ball_md.radius};
var rect={x:paddle.x, y:paddle.y, w:game_md.paddle.width, h:game_md.paddle.height};
var hit = RectCircleColliding(circle, rect);
if (hit) {
if (Math.floor(ball.y) + ball_md.radius*2 <= paddle.y || Math.ceil(ball.y) >= paddle.y + game_md.paddle.height) { // hit on top or below paddle
ball.direction = 360 - ball.direction;
} else { // hit left or right side
ball.direction = 180 - ball.direction;
return true;
if (ball.y < 0 || ball.y+ball_md.radius*2 >= game_md.height) { // hit top or bottom wall
ball.direction = 360 - ball.direction;
if (ball.x < 0 || ball.x+ball_md.radius*2 >= game_md.width) { // hit left or right wall
ball.direction = 180 - ball.direction;
but it doesn't seem to always work. Does anyone know why?
Cases when it fails. In this case, it zigzags really fast on the paddle surface.
You need to treat the corner collision separately. When it hits the corner the velocity of the ball doesn't change perpendicular to either the horizontal or vertical axis, but along the line connecting the center of the ball and the corner. I'm adding a drawing to make it a bit clearer. If the collision is perfectly elastic (no energy loss), then the v_normal component gets replaced by its negative, -v_normal. If the collision is perfectly plastic (maximum energy loss), the exit velocity is just v_tangential. Hope this helps!

Stop Player Movement After Collision Detection In Canvas

I basically made two walls in the canvas. One in the top and one at the bottom. My player is controlled by the MOUSE and I wanted to know how to make the player not go through the walls.
Here's the function for the general collision between two objects:
function collides(a, b) {
var val = false;
val = (a.x < b.x + b.width) &&
(a.x + a.width > b.x) &&
(a.y < b.y + b.height) &&
(a.y + a.height > b.y);
return val;
Here's the code that detects collision detection:
if (collides(player, block)){
//I don't know what goes here.
Any help would be appreciated.
Reposition the player as you already do and also clamp the player's y position to always be between the top and bottom walls.
In your mousemove handler (or wherever the player is repositioned by the mouse):
// reposition the player as you already do
// and clamp the player to stay below the top wall
if( player.y < wall.y+wall.height ){ player.y = wall.y+wall.height);
// and clamp the player to stay above the bottom wall
if( player.y+player.height > wall.y ){ player.y = wall.y-player.height);

Canvas circle collision, how to work out where circles should move to once collided?

I am having a go at building a game in html canvas. It's a Air Hockey game and I have got pretty far though it. There are three circles in the game, the disc which is hit and the two controllers(used to hit the disc/circle).
I've got the disc rebounding off the walls and have a function to detect when the disc has collided with a controller. The bit I am struggling with is when the two circle's collide, the controller should stay still and the disc should move away in the correct direction. I've read a bunch of article's but still can't get it right.
Here's a Codepen link my progress so far. You can see that the puck rebounds off the controller but not in the correct direction. You'll also see if the puck comes from behind the controller it goes through it.
I think what I am after is elastic collision but not sure on how to work it out. I've found this article but have been unable to get it working.
Heres is my collision detection function. Self refer's to the disc and the controller[i] is the controller the disc hits.
this.discCollision = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < controllers.length; i++) {
// Minus the x pos of one disc from the x pos of the other disc
var distanceX = self.x - controllers[i].x,
// Minus the y pos of one disc from the y pos of the other disc
distanceY = self.y - controllers[i].y,
// Multiply each of the distances by itself
// Squareroot that number, which gives you the distance between the two disc's
distance = Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY),
// Added the two disc radius together
addedRadius = self.radius + controllers[i].radius;
// Check to see if the distance between the two circles is smaller than the added radius
// If it is then we know the circles are overlapping
if (distance <= addedRadius) {
var newVelocityX = (self.velocityX * (self.mass - controllers[i].mass) + (2 * controllers[i].mass * controllers[i].velocityX)) / (self.mass + controllers[i].mass);
var newVelocityY = (self.velocityY * (self.mass - controllers[i].mass) + (2 * controllers[i].mass * controllers[i].velocityX)) / (self.mass + controllers[i].mass);
self.velocityX = newVelocityX;
self.velocityY = newVelocityY;
self.x = self.x + newVelocityX;
self.y = self.y + newVelocityY;
Deconstructed a circle collision demo & tried to implement their collision formula. This is it below, works for hitting the puck/disc forward & down but wont hit the back backwards or up for some reason.
this.discCollision = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < controllers.length; i++) {
// Minus the x pos of one disc from the x pos of the other disc
var distanceX = self.x - controllers[i].x,
// Minus the y pos of one disc from the y pos of the other disc
distanceY = self.y - controllers[i].y,
// Multiply each of the distances by itself
// Squareroot that number, which gives you the distance between the two disc's
distance = Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY),
// Added the two disc radius together
addedRadius = self.radius + controllers[i].radius;
// Check to see if the distance between the two circles is smaller than the added radius
// If it is then we know the circles are overlapping
if (distance < addedRadius) {
var normalX = distanceX / distance,
normalY = distanceY / distance,
midpointX = (controllers[i].x + self.x) / 2,
midpointY = (controllers[i].y + self.y) / 2,
delta = ((controllers[i].velocityX - self.velocityX) * normalX) + ((controllers[i].velocityY - self.velocityY) * normalY),
deltaX = delta*normalX,
deltaY = delta*normalY;
// Rebound puck
self.x = midpointX + normalX * self.radius;
self.y = midpointY + normalY * self.radius;
self.velocityX += deltaX;
self.velocityY += deltaY;
// Accelerate once hit
self.accelerationX = 3;
self.accelerationY = 3;
I'm not great at these types of math problems, but it looks like you need to rotate your vectors around sine and cosine angles. I will point you at a working example and the source code that drives it. I did not derive this example.
I solved just the circle collision detection part of this problem recently, but one solution I came across includes code for establishing new vector directions. Ira Greenburg hosts his original source at Ira further cites Keith Peter's Solution in Foundation Actionscript Animation: Making Things Move!
I copied Ira's code into Processing's Javascript mode then pushed it to Github Pages so you can see it before you try it.
The main issue with my code was the user controller was attached to the mouse. When a collision would happen, the function would run constantly because the circles where still touching due to the mouse position. I changed my code so the controller is controlled by the users keyboard.
I also asked for help on reddit & got some help with my collision code. Some good resources where linked.

2D collision detection on html5 canvas

I'm trying to replicate a game called haxball, which is a really simple and basic 2d football game. However I am having trouble on the collision detection and I didn't want to use a engine like Box2d because it's a bit of overkill for what I want and I'm making the game just to practice, since I'm a beginner.
I can check if the collision happens, but I can't resolve it properly. I loop through all objects and check if they are colliding with the ball and then, if they are, I put the ball at the "border" of the object so that it stops being "inside" the other.
The problem comes here, because if the ball collides with a circle and a edge at the same time it will stay inside the edge or inside the circle.
This is the code of collision resolving for the circle and detection and resolving of the edge:
this.resolveCollisionCircle = function(circle) {
var nv = circle.pos.sub(this.pos);
nv = nv.setMag(circle.radius + this.radius).add(circle.pos);
this.pos = nv;
// I'll try to add later the bounce effect
this.edgeCollision = function() {
if(this.pos.x-this.radius < 0) {
this.pos.x = this.radius;
this.velocity = this.velocity.mult(new Vector(-1, 1));
else if(this.pos.x+this.radius > Width) {
this.velocity = this.velocity.mult(new Vector(-1, 1));
if(this.pos.y-this.radius < 0) {
this.pos.y = this.radius;
this.velocity = this.velocity.mult(new Vector(1, -1));
else if(this.pos.y+this.radius > Height) {
this.velocity = this.velocity.mult(new Vector(1, -1));
The ball moves accordingly to a velocity vector, in this case it starts as (-4,0)
Demo of the bug:
Also! If you could point me to a good canvas tutorial that could teach me this things, I would appreciate it! I only seem to find for another languages, which helped me anyway, but it would be nice to see a canvas collision detection and resolution tutorial once in a while...
In .resolveCollisionCircle(), store the old position, change the position, and revert back to the old position and stop the ball completely if the new position is outside of the canvas.
this.resolveCollisionCircle = function(circle) {
//previous position
var prevPos = this.pos;
//set new position
var nv = circle.pos.sub(this.pos);
nv = nv.setMag(circle.radius + this.radius).add(circle.pos);
this.pos = nv;
//change back if out of canvas
if ((this.pos.x-this.radius < 0) || (this.pos.x+this.radius > Width) || (this.pos.y-this.radius < 0) || (this.pos.y+this.radius > Height)) {
this.pos = prevPos;
this.velocity = this.acceleration = new Vector(0, 0);

html5 canvas elastic collision squares

I am re-asking this question since I did not make myself clear in what I wanted in my last question.
Does anyone know how to do elastic collision or handle collision in Canvas using rectangles? Or can point me in the right direction?
I created a canvas that has multiple square and would like each square to deflect when they touch.
Here is a quick fiddle that I put together showing to black buffer canvases
line 39 is where I started the collision detection and line 59 is where I tried to execute it. I will have more than 3 squares moving around and want them to deflect if/when they touch each other
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"),
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.fillStyle = "#FFA500";
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
var renderToCanvas = function (width, height, renderFunction) {
var buffer = document.createElement('canvas');
buffer.width = width;
buffer.height = height;
return buffer;
var drawing = renderToCanvas(100, 100, function (ctx) {
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
var drawing2 = renderToCanvas(100, 100, function (ctx) {
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
var x = 0,
y = 0,
x2 = 200,
y2 = 10,
vx = .80,
vy = .80,
vx2 = .80,
vy2 = .80;
function collides(rectA, rectB) {
return !(rectA.x + rectA.width < rectB.x2 ||
rectB.x2 + rectB.width < rectA.x ||
rectA.y + rectA.height < rectB.y2 ||
rectB.y2 + rectB.height < rectA.y);
function executeFrame() {
if( x < 0 || x > 579) vx = -vx;
if( y < 0 || y > 265) vy = -vy;
if( x2 < 0 || x2 > 579) vx2 = - vx2;
if( y2 < 0 || y2 > 233) vy2 = - vy2;
if(collides(drawing, drawing2)){
//move in different direction
context.fillStyle = "#FFA500";
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
context.drawImage(drawing, x, y);
context.drawImage(drawing2, x2, y2);
//start animation
Rectangular collision detection
To do a rectangular collision detection can be more complicated than it perhaps looks.
It's not just about figuring out if the two rectangles intersects or overlaps, but we also need to know at what angle they collide and what direction they move in order to deflect them properly, ideally transfer "velocity" to each other (mass/energy) and so forth.
This method that I present here will do the following steps:
First do a simple intersect detection to find out if they collide at all.
If an intersection: calculate the angle between the two rectangle
Divide a set primary rectangle into four zones of a circle where zone 1 is right, zone 2 is bottom and so forth.
Depending on zone, check in what direction the rectangle is moving, if towards the other rectangle deflect it based on which zone was detected.
➔ Online demo
➔ Version with higher speed here
Detect intersection and calculate angle
The code for detecting the intersection and angle is as follows, where r1 and r2 are here objects with properties x, y, w and h.
function collides(r1, r2) {
/// classic intersection test
var hit = !(r1.x + r1.w < r2.x ||
r2.x + r2.w < r1.x ||
r1.y + r1.h < r2.y ||
r2.y + r2.h < r1.y);
/// if intersects, get angle between the two rects to determine hit zone
if (hit) {
/// calc angle
var dx = r2.x - r1.x;
var dy = r2.y - r1.y;
/// for simplicity convert radians to degree
var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / Math.PI;
if (angle < 0) angle += 360;
return angle;
} else
return null;
This function will return an angle or null which we then use to determine deflection in our loop (that is: the angle is used to determine the hit zone in our case). This is needed so that they bounce off in the correct direction.
Why hit zones?
With just a simple intersection test and deflection you can risk the boxes deflecting like the image on the right, which is not correct for a 2D scenario. You want the boxes to continue in the same direction of where there is no impact as in the left.
Determine collision zone and directions
Here is how we can determine which velocity vector to reverse (tip: if you want a more physical correct deflection you can let the rectangles "absorb" some of the other's velocity but I won't cover that here):
var angle = collides({x: x, y: y, w: 100, h: 100}, /// rect 1
{x: x2, y: y2, w: 100, h: 100}); /// rect 2
/// did we have an intersection?
if (angle !== null) {
/// if we're not already in a hit situation, create one
if (!hit) {
hit = true;
/// zone 1 - right
if ((angle >= 0 && angle < 45) || (angle > 315 && angle < 360)) {
/// if moving in + direction deflect rect 1 in x direction etc.
if (vx > 0) vx = -vx;
if (vx2 < 0) vx2 = -vx2;
} else if (angle >= 45 && angle < 135) { /// zone 2 - bottom
if (vy > 0) vy = -vy;
if (vy2 < 0) vy2 = -vy2;
} else if (angle >= 135 && angle < 225) { /// zone 3 - left
if (vx < 0) vx = -vx;
if (vx2 > 0) vx2 = -vx2;
} else { /// zone 4 - top
if (vy < 0) vy = -vy;
if (vy2 > 0) vy2 = -vy2;
} else
hit = false; /// reset hit when this hit is done (angle = null)
And that's pretty much it.
The hit flag is used so that when we get a hit we are marking the "situation" as a hit situation so we don't get internal deflections (which can happen at high speeds for example). As long as we get an angle after hit is set to true we are still in the same hit situation (in theory anyways). When we receive null we reset and are ready for a new hit situation.
Also worth to mention is that the primary rectangle here (whose side we check against) is the first one (the black in this case).
More than two rectangles
If you want to throw in more that two rectangle then I would suggest a different approach than used here when it comes to the rectangles themselves. I would recommend creating a rectangle object which is self-contained in regards to its position, size, color and also embeds methods to update velocity, direction and paint. The rectangle objects could be maintained by a host objects which performs the clearing and calls the objects' update method for example.
To detect collisions you could then iterate the array with these objects to find out which rectangle collided with the current being tested. It's important here that you "mark" (using a flag) a rectangle that has been tested as there will always be at least two in a collision and if you test A and then B you will end up reversing the effect of velocity change without using a flag to skip testing of the collision "partner" object per frame.
In conclusion
Note: there are special cases not covered here such as collision on exact corners, or where a rectangle is trapped between an edge and the other rectangle (you can use the hit flag mentioned above for the edge tests as well).
I have not optimized any of the code but tried to keep it as simple as I can to make it more understandable.
Hope this helps!
The answer is actually quite simple: swap the velocities of each block when they collide. That's it! Also for your collision test change RectA.x to just x, since they are normal variables given:
function collides(rectA, rectB) {
return !(x + rectA.width < x2 ||
x2 + rectB.width < x ||
y + rectA.height < y2 ||
y2 + rectB.height < y);
And swapping velocities:
if(collides(drawing, drawing2)){
var t = vx; var t2 = vy;
vx = vx2; vy = vy2;
vx2 = t; vy2 = t2;
And after those small changes we have working elastic collisions:

