unable to return result using jquery - javascript

I'm using jquery UI's slider and i want to return the results from multiple sliders so I can performs a calculation.
this is what i have so far but I'm struggling to get any results from out side the function.
$(function() {
var x
value: 1,
min: 0,
max: 50,
step: 5,
slide: function(event, ui) {
$("#items").val("$" + ui.value);
x =$("#items").val("$" + ui.value);
$("#items").val("$" + $("#slider4").slider("value"));
console.log(x) // this doesnt update the console with the slider value
Ideally outside the function i would want to add multiple slider results similar to below.
var z = x * y;

To get the value of the slider outside of the slide handler you can either retrieve the value of #items (as you update that within the slide handler):
var sliderValue = $('#items').val();
Or you can read the value from the slider() directly:
var sliderValue = $('#slier4').slider('option', 'value');
Also, note that you do not need to append empty strings when setting val():
value: 1,
min: 0,
max: 50,
step: 5,
slide: function(event, ui) {

The value does not magically keep updating the textbox, you need to write code that updates the value when the slider value changes. So add a change event
change: function( event, ui ) { $("#items").val(ui.value); }


jQuery slider - set every slider to have max = value

I have a webpage whereby when I create the jQuery sliders, the max is set to 100
Each slider is then set to have a value and when the page first loads, each slider has max to be the value of value
function initSliders() {
range: "min",
min: 0,
create: function(event, ui) {
var classname = $(this).attr('id');
$(this).slider("value", $(',' + className).val());
$(this).slider("option", "max", $(',' + className).val());
This works fine as when the page is loaded, each slider is looped through
If I amend one slider, the function is called again and only the changed slider is processed. All the others return to a max of 100
How can I set all sliders to have the max option the same as the value
So instead of max:100 when creating, max:value

Adding a plus "+" symbol to positive numbers in a JQuery output

I have a modified Jquery UI Slider Bar (-100 to +100). When the user moves the slider up and down the scale they receive visual feedback via a <div id="slider-result"></div>
Currently the slider-result displays the - symbol when the number is negative e.g. -47, but it does not display the + symbol when the number is positive e.g. 61
How can I make slider-result display the + symbol immediately before the number when it is positive?
I have looked at this question but when I try to integrate the solution it displays the + when the number is positive, but it stops displaying the number...
My Attempt
slide: function(event, ui) {
$("#slider-result").html(ui.value>0?'+':'') + ui.value;
Any helps is as always, much appriciated. Thanks
Edit - My complete code
$('#submit').click(function() {
var username = $('#hidden').val();
if (username == "") username = 0; //SHOULD THIS STILL BE 0?
$.post('comment.php', {
hidden: username
}, function(return_data) {
animate: true,
range: "min",
value: 0,
min: -100,
max: +100,
step: 1,
slide: function(event, ui) {
$("#slider-result").html(ui.value>0?'+':'') + ui.value;
//this updates the hidden form field so I can submit the data using a form
if($(this).attr("id") == "one")
You would have to include the + ui.value; inside of the parentheses as well:
$("#slider-result").html((ui.value>0?'+':'') + ui.value);
Since you only have the '+' or '' inside of the html() method, it will only put those values and not include the actual value.
You just need to put the ui.value inside the html function:
$("#slider-result").html(ui.value>0?'+' + ui.value:'' + ui.value);
jsFiddle example

Jquery ui slider change automatically on manual input

This is the code for my jquery ui slider:
var slidervalue = 100;
$(function () {
$( "#slider" ).slider({
range: "min",
value: 100,
min: 1,
max: 700,
slide: function( event, ui ) {
$( "#amount" ).val(ui.value );
slidervalue = ui.value;
$( "#amount" ).val( $( "#slider" ).slider( "value" ) );
And this is a extra the function i have created to fetch a number from my deal title and calculate savings and display the result.
function updateSlider() {
if ($(coupObj).text().match(/(\d+)\%/i))
var percent = $(coupObj).text().match(/(\d+)\%/i);
var savings = ((percent[1]*.01) * slidervalue).toFixed(0);
$('span',coupObj).html('Save: $'+savings);
else if ($(coupObj).text().match(/\$(\d+)/i))
var percent = $(coupObj).text().match(/\$(\d+)/i);
var savings = ((percent[1]*.01) * 100).toFixed(0);
$('span',coupObj).html('Save: $'+savings);
this code is working properly along with the slider. right now, when a user slides the slider the amount corresponding to the slider is passed using ui.value and is passed to the above function and is calculated.
But, when i input a value into the text box manually, i want the slider to move automatically, and i want that value to pass into the function to calculate. Right now, when a amount is entered manually, the input value is not passed into the function.
I want the slider to work as this site: http://www.chippmunk.com/
I came across this jsfiddle, which does the work, but when manually entered it is not passing the text box value into my function to carry on with the calculation.
jsfiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/andrewwhitaker/MD3mX/
The accepted answer above is very useful and it works fine for single value sliders. But someone like me might wonder how to control two values in Range Slider.
So, if we use range slider, we need to pass an array as values and for range slider we can handle it like this
var min_val = 0;
var max_val = 1000;
function minMaxControl(type) {
if (type == 'min') {
min_val = $('#min').val();
} else if (type == 'max') {
max_val = $('#max').val();
$("#slider-range").slider('values', [min_val, max_val]);
range: true,
min: 0,
max: 1000,
values: [min_val, max_val],
slide: function(event, ui) {
You can see the full code and demo here. https://jsfiddle.net/N4K1B/2tv9phke/1/
So basically in above answer the single parameter of the slider was controlled like this:
And for range slider instead of passing a single value we are passing an array of two values like this:
$("#slider-range").slider('values', [min_val, max_val]);
Hope this answer may help someone if someone is still using jquery-ui slider.
For more, please refer to the documentation
This will work, I would move the $-sign out of the input though.
range: "min",
value: 1,
step: 1000,
min: 0,
max: 5000000,
slide: function (event, ui) {
$("input").change(function () {
range: "min",
value: 1,
step: 1,
min: 0,
max: 100,
slide: function (event, ui) {

jQuery slider with value on drag handle/slider

I am trying to display the value of the slider inside the drag handle (slider). Any resouce provided is much appreciated. I am using jQuery 1.5.1
Are you using jQuery UI Slider ?
If so, this is a solution :
change: function() {
var value = $("#slider").slider("option","value");
slide: function() {
var value = $("#slider").slider("option","value");
jsFiddle example here
Just wanted to add a little to the answer.
If you are setting an initial value, or you would like the text to appear on the handle before the slide method is called you will need to add the document ready bit at the bottom, but i have also condensed the code a little
// take value from event, ui.value
slide: function (event, ui) {
// sets text initially to value of slider, even if a default value is set
$(document).ready(function() {
var value = $("#slider").slider("option","value");
Thx all, I have solution for jQuery ui slider with value on drag different handles.
Example for 2 handles:
range: true,
min: 0,
max: 3000,
values: [ 100, 2500 ],
slide: function(event, ui) {
Work for slide event.
ui.handle - current handle, ui.value - current value.

Using offset and jQuery slider

I am using offset() with the jquery slider and I am so close to achieving my goal, but it is off slighty. I have it animating using animate to the top CSS coordinates but if you check out: http://www.ryancoughlin.com/demos/interactive-slider/index.html - you will see what it is doing. My goal is to have it fadeIn() and display the value to the right of the handle. i know I can offset the text from the handle using a simple margin:0 0 0 20px.
The part is aligning #current_value to the right of the handle. Thoughts?
var slide_int = null;
$("h4.code").click(function () {
animate: true,
step: 1,
min: 1,
orientation: 'vertical',
max: 10,
start: function(event, ui){
slide_int = setInterval(update_slider, 10);
slide: function(event, ui){
setTimeout(update_slider, 10);
stop: function(event, ui){
slide_int = null;
function update_slider(){
var offset = $('.ui-slider-handle').offset();
var value = $('#slider').slider('option', 'value');
$('#current_value').text('Value is '+value).css({top:offset.top });
I know I could use margin to offset it to match, but is there a better way?
There are two problems. The first, like Prestaul said, the slider event fires at the "beginning" of the move, not the end, so the offset is wrong. You could fix this by setting a timeout:
slide: function(event, ui){
setTimeout(update_slider, 10);
function update_slider()
var offset = $('.ui-slider-handle').offset();
var value = $('#slider').slider('option', 'value');
$('#current_value').text('Value is '+value).animate({top:offset.top }, 1000 )
The second problem is that the move is instantaneous, while the animation is not, meaning that the label will lag behind the slider. The best I've come up with is this:
var slide_int = null;
start: function(event, ui){
// update the slider every 10ms
slide_int = setInterval(update_slider, 10);
stop: function(event, ui){
// remove the interval
slide_int = null;
function update_slider()
var offset = $('.ui-slider-handle').offset();
var value = $('#slider').slider('option', 'value');
$('#current_value').text('Value is '+value).css({top:offset.top });
By using css instead of animate, you keep it always next to the slider, in exchange for smooth transitions. Hope this helps!
I had the same problem: the visible value in Jquery Ui slider lags behind from internal value. Fixed the problem by changing the slider event from "slide" to "change".
You just need to use a different event. "slide" fires before the handle is moved so your value is ending up at the previous handle position. Try the "change" event and see if that gets you there.

