Get file name from stats object - javascript

I use the fs.stat for getting information about file, now I want to get the file name from the stats object, I did some searching and I didnt find anything help.
I will explain my code now, maybe someone will find another solution, this is all my code:
function index(response, lang) {
temp.loadTpl('templates/' + lang + '/content.html', function (content) {
fs.readdir('files/', function (err, files) {
temp.loadTpl('templates/' + lang + '/files.html', function (data) {
if (err) console.log(err);
var i, fnames, len = files.length, filesNamesHTML = '';
fnames = files;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
fs.stat('files/' + files[i] , function (err, stats) {
if (stats.isFile()) temp.write('TYPE', 'file-o');
else temp.write('TYPE', 'folder');
temp.write('FNAME', fnames[i]);
filesNamesHTML += temp.transTpl(data);
setTimeout(function () {
temp.write('FILES', filesNamesHTML);
}, 100);
The relevant part is:
I use fs.readdir to read directiony files, and I run over the result with loop,
And for every file I run stat function like that:
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
fs.stat('files/' + files[i] , function (err, stats) {
temp.write('FNAME', fnames[i]);
The problem is in this: fnames[i], until that the callback invoked, the i variable is changed, and I always get the same result for every file.
Maybe you have a solution how the get the file name inside the stat callback function.
The problem happend because I try to use the Async functions...
I thought on solution, who wants...
You can put the fs.stat function into a function and to pass this function the file name, and use it inside the stat callback function.

Your EDIT should solve the problem of variable scoping. You haven't explained it very well, but I know what you mean.
You've got a for loop, which is synchronous, but you're using it to start asynchronous functions. Then you're waiting until all files have been fs.stated before doing the final part, by assuming that fs.stat won't take more than 100ms. As asynchronous things go, fs.stat probably isn't too slow, so 100ms should be enough time unless you have a large number of files. However, when you're doing things that are slower and/or take a variable length of time, you'll want to control the timing more tightly so that it does the last bit immediately after it's finished the last of the async bits.
There are npm modules for this kind of management of asynchronous functions. I'm going to answer using the async module, because that's the one I know, but there are equally valid ways of doing it with other modules using promises.
I'd do it like this:
var async = require('async');
function index(response, lang) {
temp.loadTpl('templates/' + lang + '/content.html', function (content) {
fs.readdir('files/', function (err, files) {
temp.loadTpl('templates/' + lang + '/files.html', function (data) {
if (err) console.log(err);
var i, fnames, len = files.length, filesNamesHTML = '';
fnames = files;
async.each(files, function(file, done) {
fs.stat('files/' + file , function (err, stats) {
if (stats.isFile()) temp.write('TYPE', 'file-o');
else temp.write('TYPE', 'folder');
temp.write('FNAME', fnames[i]);
filesNamesHTML += temp.transTpl(data);
}, function() {
temp.write('FILES', filesNamesHTML);
(Then do npm install async .)
There are other things I could change, but this is tricky stuff the first time you see it so I'll refrain. Suffice it to say that it's worth exploring the async module or something equivalent if you want to write javascript code involving multiple calls to asynchronous functions.


Having difficulty with javascript(node.js) that needs to be synchronous

I have an express.js app that needs to run a script on the server in order to derive some values using functions later. Here's the gist of it:
Essentially, I need to run a script on the server, then run the second function, then run the third function. These need to happen subsequently, but it seems that javascript moves on ahead with the the second and third function no matter what I do. I've tried promises, async, callbacks. All of which I only partially understand and seem to get zero progress.
I will admit that I am a javascript novice. I am working on a project with others and this task fell to me. I doubt this is the best way to accomplish our ultimate goals, but I am left with little choice. please help.
I'll put the entire post here for reference:
//Run script when post is rec'd from root and send to results page"/", (req, res) => {
var commandString;
//take values and create complete command for Astrum script
commandString = 'bash /home/astrum/Main/ -s ' + req.body.speed + ' -h ' + + ' -u ' + req.body.username + ' -p ' + req.body.password;
//execute command in shell
//Iterate thru filenames to create arrays for links and link labels
function readFolder() {
fs.readdir('./reports/html/', (err, files) => {
//variable & method for links to html records pages
ipAddressesLink = files; //this is initialized earlier, globally
//variable and method to remove file extension for link labels in pug
ipAddresses =; //this is initialized earlier, globally
//function to remove last five characters of each element
function removeExtension(value) {
return value.substring(0, value.length - 5);
//function to render the page
function renderPage() {
res.render("results", {ipAddressesLink, ipAddresses, title: 'Results'});
You could write it this way:
shell.exec(commandString, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
// Calling the 1st function after shell command is executed
function readFolder() {
fs.readdir('./reports/html/', (err, files) => {
// Some stuff
// Calls the 2nd function after fs is done reading files
function renderPage() {
const options = { ... }; // IP addresses etc.
// Calls the final function after render is finished
function sendResponse(err, html) {
// Sends the response. It’s possible that res.send() is the better solution here
It’s just the general structure of the callback chain, definitely not the cleanest one. If you want better code structure and readability try switching to async / await syntax.
Is shell here the child_process module? If it is then you can pass an optional callback argument and call your functions from there.
shell.exec(commandString, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
const files = readFolder();
function readFolder() {
return fs.readdirSync(files);
function renderPage(files) {

Node.js with Express: Push to an empty Array returns an empty Array

I am listing all files from all directories in /home/myComputer/Desktop/Research, and then filtering them with an if statement to only get the .txt files that I would like to read and store into arrays. All works fine, but pushing the data into the arrays is not functioning. When I console log them, they return no value [].
I tried promise as well as call back function, but they didn't work for me because I didn't know how to implement them properly.
app.get('/jsonData', function(req, res) {
/* Define Arrays */
var theFile = [];
var theCategory = [];
var theContent = [];
var walk = function(dir, done) {
var results = [];
fs.readdir(dir, function(err, list) {
if (err) return done(err);
var i = 0;
(function next() {
var file = list[i++];
if (!file) return done(null, results);
file = dir + '/' + file;
fs.stat(file, function(err, stat) {
if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
walk(file, function(err, res) {
results = results.concat(res);
} else {
//walk(process.env.HOME, function(err, results) {
walk("/home/myComputer/Desktop/Research", function(err, results) {
if (err) throw err;
//console.log(results); {
//Get the filename
var fileName = val.match(/[^\/]+$/).join();
//Get the category
var category = val.substr(48).match(/[^\/]+/);
if (fileName == 'written-speech.txt') {
console.log('FOUND!: ' + fileName + ' Category: ' + category) //this works
fs.readFile(val, 'utf8', function(err, contents) {
console.log(contents); // this works
console.log(theFile); // The problem: This returns an empty Array []
console.log(theCategory); // The problem: This returns an empty Array []
console.log(theContent); // The problem: This returns an empty Array []
I expect console.log(theFile); console.log(theCategory); and console.log(theContent); to return the data pushed in them.
The reason for this is that many callbacks in Javascript are asynchronous, which means both fs.readdir and fs.readFile are asynchronous and their callbacks are not called immediately but slightly later (please read about Event Loop in javascript). So at the moment, when you log your arrays they are empty and data to them will be pushed later, e.g. in future. To avoid this you can either use synchronous methods (fs.readdirSync and fs.readFileSync) which is ugly and can cause performance issues if the app has a lot of other asynchronous operations. If in your case it is just a simple script to read some data, it might be fine.
And the other, preferred way is to use promises or some library for managing callbacks, e.g. async. Please read some articles regarding managing async code if these concepts are fully unfamiliar for you, e.g. to get a basic understanding and see some use case examples.
Regarding your current version, there is no easy way to make it work without a lot of changes. It is better to rewrite it to use the concepts I described earlier.
walk is an asynchronous function because fs.readdir is an asynchronous method and the console.log statements are running (in a synchronous manner) before the callback of fs.readdir getting invoked.
You can console the values of these variables at the end inside the callback of walk.

Node js : execute function with all iteration

Maybe this is a general issue, and i need a solution to my case : due to the non blocking aspect of javascript , I don't find how can I execute my function with all iteration in for loop , and here is my example ,
var text_list=[]
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var element = array[index];
tesseract.process("img"+i+".jpg", options, function (err, text) {
if (err) {
return console.log("An error occured: ", err);
console.log(text_list) //
And the result as if I do :
and what i need is :
Your question does not really explain what result you are getting and your code looks like it's missing parts of the code. So, all I can really do here to help is to explain generically (using your code where possible) how to solve this class of problem.
If you are ending up with a lot of results that all reference the last value of i in your loop, then you are probably trying to reference i in an async callback but because the callback is called sometime later, the for loop has already finished long before the callback executes. Thus, your value of i is sitting on the last value it would have in the for loop. But, your question doesn't actually show code that does that, so this is just a guess based on the limited result you describe. To solve that type of issue, you have make sure you're separately keeping track of i for each iteration of the loop. There are many ways to do that. In ES6, using let in the for loop definition will solve that entire issue for you. One can also construct a closure, use .forEach(), etc...
Async operations with a loop require extra work and coding to deal with. The modern solution is to convert your async operations to use promises and then use features such as Promise.all() to both tell you when all the async operations are done and to keep the results in order for you.
You can also code it manually without promises. Here's a manual version:
const len = 10;
let text_list = new Array(10);
let doneCnt = 0;
let errFlag = false;
// using let here so each invocation of the loop gets its own value of i
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
tesseract.process("img"+i+".jpg", options, function (err, text) {
if (err) {
console.log("An error occured: ", err);
// make sure err is wrapped in error object
// so you can tell errors in text_list array from values
if (!(err instanceof Error)) {
err = new Error(err);
text_list[i] = err;
errFlag = true;
} else {
text_list[i] = text;
// see if we're done with all the requests
if (++doneCnt === len) {
if (errFlag) {
// deal with situation where there were some errors
} else {
// put code here to process finished text_list array
// you can't process results here because async operations are not
// done yet when code here runs
Or, using promises, you can make a "promisified" version of tesseract.process() and then use promise functionality to track multiple async operations:
// make promisified version of tesseract.process()
tesseract.processP = function(img, options) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
tesseract.process(img, options, function(err, text) {
if (err) {
} else {
const len = 10;
let promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
promises.push(tesseract.processP("img"+i+".jpg", options));
Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) {
// process results array here (in order)
}).catch(function(err) {
// handle error here

Array returning Undefined because of asynchrony

I am accessing the API Trello, but I came across the following problem:
Trello access the information, getting the id of each existing row, the code is as follows:
var x;
var numberCardsByList = [];
trello.get("/1/boards/[idBoard]/lists/all", function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Number of list: " + data.length);
for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++){
x = data[i];
As you can see, after getting the size, I walk all these queues with is, within the loop, attach each row in a variable x and call a function that aims to get the number of cards that queue. The code for the number of cards is as follows:
function findNumberCards(x){
trello.get("/1/lists/""/cards", function(err, dados){
if(err) throw err;
console.log("Name List: " + + " have " + dados.length + " cards");
numberCardsByList[] = dados.length;
Until then all right, but when I try to access the vector numberCardsByList after the end of the search in Trello, it returns undefined:
var x;
var numberCardsByList = [];
trello.get("/1/boards/[idBoard]/lists/all", function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Quantidade de Filas: " + data.length);
for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++){
x = data[i];
I am aware that it is because of asynchrony, however, can not solve.
The problem you're facing has been solved many times before. If you want to know more, search for the keyword "Promise". If you're familiar with jQuery, try and look up: $.whenAll, $.ajax().done, $.ajax().always, etc.
If you want to come up with a light weight solution yourself, here's a pointer:
By the time you get to your console.log(numberCardsByList), your requests triggered by findNumberCards haven't yet completed, making the Array empty. You'll need to make sure you know when all findNumberCards requests have completed and then log them. Alternatively, you could log them every time one of them completes.
There are roughly two approaches:
Keep track of your open requests and call a function when a request is handled.
Observe your numberCardsByList object and call a function whenever items are added (you won't know if they were added async or synchronously)
I'd suggest going with the first approach. Check out this example code and the comments:
var numberCardsByList = {};
// This array will store the url for every open request
var openRequests = [];
var removeRequest = function(url) {
var index = openRequests.indexOf(url);
if (index === -1) return;
// Remove url from array
openRequests = openRequests
.slice(0, index)
.slice(index + 1));
// This will be called whenever one request completes
var onComplete = function(url) {
// When all have completed, we can call our callback
if (openRequests.length === 0) {
// This will be called when there are no open requests left
var onAllComplete = function(data) {
trello.get("/1/boards/[idBoard]/lists/all", function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Number of list: " + data.length);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
x = data[i];
function findNumberCards(x) {
var url = "/1/lists/" + + "/cards";
// Before we make the request, we register it:
trello.get(url, function(err, dados) {
numberCardsByList[] = dados.length;
// When it is completed, we call onComplete
Note that this onAllComplete isn't 100% safe: it might be called multiple times if a request finishes before the next one is started.
If you can, I'd use a library to handle promises. If you want to try and build something yourself, you could try and keep track of the requests and execute a callback when they've all completed.
Keep in mind my above code most likely wont work for you as i dont know whats going on in your code so this is an example / explanation how to deal with your problem.
Since you are unfamiliar with async operation i will assume you dont have a prior knowledge of promises and therefore give you a less optimal solution - however promises are alot better and you should defintely learn them.
You need to execute sequence procedures inside the result of the async code.
First you'll create a function for the second operation for example:
function numberCardsByList (param1,param2){.....}
You will then change fineNumberCards to also accept a callback:
function findNumberCards(x, callback){
trello.get("/1/lists/""/cards", function(err, dados){
if(err) throw err;
console.log("Name List: " + + " have " + dados.length + " cards");
numberCardsByList[] = dados.length;
// pass in any params you need.
And then you will pass the newly created function numberCardsByList to findNumberCards or wherever you want it.
trello.get("/1/boards/[idBoard]/lists/all", function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Number of list: " + data.length);
for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++){
x = data[i];
// and here we are calling findNumberCards and passing in the callback..
findNumberCards(x, numberCardsByList);
That is generally how you will deal with async operation, you will pass a callback for the next operation to be executed.
here is an example of how this is done with another scenario just to demonstrate the point farther.
we start by getting user
service.getUser(userName, function(err,user){
if(user) {
// we get user picture passing getPictureSize as callback
getUserPicture(user.picture, getPictureSize)
we get the pictureURL
function getUserPicture(picName, cb){
service.getPictureURL(picName, function(err, pictureURL){
if(pictureURL) {
// we then call the callback - the next async operation we want.
we get picture size - which is the last operation
function getPictureSize(pictureURL){
service.getPictureSize(pictureURL, function(err, pictureSize){
$('.picName').attr('src', picName);
I hope that clarify things a little.

Asynchronously Write Large Array of Objects to Redis with Node.js

I created a Node.js script that creates a large array of randomly generated test data and I want to write it to a Redis DB. I am using the redis client library and the async library. Initially, I tried executing a redisClient.hset(...) command within the for loop that generates my test data, but after some Googling, I learned the Redis method is asynchronous while the for loop is synchronous. After seeing some questions on StackOverflow, I can't get it to work the way I want.
I can write to Redis without a problem with a small array or larger, such as one with 100,000 items. However, it does not work well when I have an array of 5,000,000 items. I end up not having enough memory because the redis commands seem to be queueing up, but aren't executed until after async.each(...) is complete and the node process does not exit. How do I get the Redis client to actually execute the commands, as I call redisClient.hset(...)?
Here a fragment of the code I am working with.
var redis = require('redis');
var async = require('async');
var redisClient = redis.createClient(6379, '');
var testData = generateTestData();
async.each(testData, function(item, callback) {
var someData = JSON.stringify(;
redisClient.hset('item:'+item.key, 'hashKey', someData, function(err, reply) {
console.log("Item was persisted. Result: " +reply);
}, function(err) {
if (err) {
} else {"Items have been persisted to Redis.");
You could call eachLimit to ensure you are not executing too many redisClient.hset calls at the same time.
To avoid overflowing the call stack you could do setTimeout(callback, 0); instead of calling the callback directly.
Forget what I said about setTimeout. All you need to do is call the callback at the right place. Like so:
redisClient.hset('item:'+item.key, 'hashKey', someData, function(err, reply) {
console.log("Item was persisted. Result: " +reply);
You may still want to use eachLimit and try out which limit works best.
By the way - async.each is supposed to be used only on code that schedules the invocation of the callback in the javascript event queue (e.g. timer, network, etc) . Never use it on code that calls the callback immediately as was the case in your original code.
You can implement your own eachLimit function that instead of an array takes a generator as it's first argument. Then you write a generator function to create the test data. For that to work, node needs to be run with "node --harmony code.js".
function eachLimit(generator, limit, iterator, callback) {
var isError = false, j;
function startNextSetOfActions() {
var elems = [];
for(var i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
j =;
if(j.done) break;
var activeActions = elems.length;
if(activeActions === 0) {
elems.forEach(function(elem) {
iterator(elem, function(err) {
if(isError) return;
else if(err) {
isError = true;
if(activeActions === 0) startNextSetOfActions();
function* testData() {
while(...) {
yield new Data(...);
eachLimit(testData(), 10, function(item, callback) {
var someData = JSON.stringify(;
redisClient.hset('item:'+item.key, 'hashKey', someData, function(err, reply) {
if(err) callback(err);
else {
console.log("Item was persisted. Result: " +reply);
}, function(err) {
if (err) {
} else {"Items have been persisted to Redis.");

