Drum machine sequencing involving jQuery - javascript

Suppose I have the following code:
var blinker = function(element){
} else {
var sampleMapping = {'0': 'bass.wav',
'1': 'clap(2).wav',
'2': 'hihat(4).wav',
'3': 'tom(9).wav',
'4': 'hihat.wav',
'5': 'ArpEC1.wav'}
if (element.attr('value') === 'hit'){
var sample = element.attr('id');
var sequencerRun = function(){
var currentTime = 0;
var starting = 200;
var startTime = 0;
for(var k = 0; k < 16; k++){
$(".instrument td .beat" + k).each(function(){
setTimeout(blinker, currentTime,$(this));
currentTime += starting;
var timerId, setInt;
var runSeq = function(){
setInt = setInterval(sequencerRun,3200);
stopped = false
stopped = true;
I have writting code to carry out a sequencer run in my drum machine. A deployed version of my app can be seen here
So what I have done is created a matrix using a table HTML structure. When play is clicked sequencerRun is invoked and runs once. After this first run setInterval takes care invoking all sequencerRun until a user clicks stop. There is a flag within these click event listeners which I will come back to.
The heart of this sequencing is with sequencerRun. For each column in my matrix, which corresponds to a beat, I am scheduling a check on that column to see if any element has been selected for future play. sequencerRun only takes care of scheduling. More explicitly:
setTimeout(blinker,0, $(this)) is the same as check the first column right away
setTimeout(blinker,0, $(this)) is the same as check the second column at time 200
setTimeout(blinker,0, $(this)) is the same as check the third column at time 400
setTimeout(blinker,0, $(this)) is the same as check the sixteenth column at time 3200
Now what blinker does is checks to see if stopped, the original flag I created is true or false. It becomes true when clicking stop which then means that the column check is not carried out and nothing is play. If false then the normal process of the drum machine is carried out.
Now here's the problem. If you go to the deployed version of the app this flagging introduces a nasty bug. That bug is if you press play the sequencer starts, but if click play again another run is started which is not how a drum machine is supposed to work. Essentialy what I would like to see is if I press play no other sequencerRun should kick off if I press play again. Also if you click play, stop, play I get the same side effect. I think my main problems are the fact that sequencerRun schedules future beats right away and my flagging. Any one have any idea on how to tackle this?

Just make use of your stopped variable within the .play click handler:
if (stopped) {
stopped = false
If the stopped flag is false, clicking play again will do nothing. To stop the rest of the queued sequence when you click stop, you'll need to clear the timeouts that have been set. First of all, make sure you keep a handle to each of them:
var sequenceTimeouts = [];
var sequencerRun = function(){
var currentTime = 0;
var starting = 200;
var startTime = 0;
//reset array
sequenceTimeouts = [];
for(var k = 0; k < 16; k++){
$(".instrument td .beat" + k).each(function(){
//push each timeout into the array
sequenceTimeouts.push(setTimeout(blinker, currentTime,$(this)));
currentTime += starting;
Then within your stop click handler, clear each of those:
$.each(sequenceTimeouts, function(i, timeout) {


Can't toggle start()/stop() for ToneJS oscillators

I have some JS cobbled together with the ToneJS library to toggle some sounds on/off.
function togglePlay() {
const status = Tone.Transport.state; // Is either 'started', 'stopped' or 'paused'
const element = document.getElementById("play-stop-toggle");
if (status == "started") {
element.innerText = "PLAY";
} else {
element.innerText = "STOP";
document.querySelector('#status').textContent = status;
var filter = new Tone.Filter({
type: 'lowpass',
Q: 12
var fmOsc = new Tone.AMOscillator("Ab3", "sine", "square").toMaster()
var fmOsc2 = new Tone.AMOscillator("Cb3", "sine", "square").toMaster()
var fmOsc3 = new Tone.AMOscillator("Eb3", "sine", "square").toMaster()
var synth = new Tone.MembraneSynth().toMaster()
//create a loop
var loop = new Tone.Loop(function(time){
// synth.triggerAttackRelease("A1", "8n", time)
// fmOsc.start()
}, "4n")
//play the loop between 0-2m on the transport
// loop.start(0).stop('2m')
Inside the loop I have a drum beat that I have commented out currently. When it was commented in, the togglePlay() function would start and stop it as expected.
However, the fmOsc2 and fmOsc3 functions will start when I toggle start, but do not terminate when I toggle stop.
For reference, here is what the HTML side looks like: <div class="trackPlay" id="play-stop-toggle" onclick="togglePlay()">PLAY</div>
How can I get the fmOsc2 and fmOsc3 functions to toggle with the button state?
The Tone Transport is not meant to be used in this way, either for starting or stopping oscillators (it can start/stop oscillators, of course, but I don't think that it's doing what you want it to do) :-)
If you add a console.log within the function that you're passing to Tone.Loop, you will see that it's being called repeatedly i.e., you're calling fmOsc.start() over and over again. (It does make sense to do the repeating drum beat in that Loop though)
Calling Tone.Transport.stop() does not stop the oscillators -- it only stops the Loop / Transport function (i.e., the "time keeping"). The drum beat makes it obvious -- pressing Stop in your UI kills the drums, but the oscillators keep oscillating.
The easiest / most direct (and only?) way of stopping the oscillators is to call .stop() on them:
if (status == "started") {
element.innerText = "PLAY";
} else {
// ... [snip] ...

function increment sync with video (or auto increment)

I'm busy with a webdoc that I'm partially creating on hype, the video are hosted on vimeo (so I need to use the vimeo api for some tasks like seekto) but my difficulties should be limited to js.
the objective is to display a given image at a given time interval of the video.
With my code below, I do get the string "test", "success" and "confirmed success" at the right time in my div id=popimgbox, and I can seek back and forth in the video and still get the right "answear", if I may say so.
Now, I have images that are all stored in the same folder, and all named popimgX.jpg, with X being a number.
I want
to store the URLs of my images in a variable let's say "popimgurl"
that my variable is updated (by a function???) in order to contain the URL of a given immage for a given interval of time of the video
to still be able seekto back and forth in the video and get the right URL at the right time
To do so I created a function increment, and a pair of variable. With the code below, my popimgurl variable is indeed updated once the video reach 3 seconds, but it do not increment only once... untill the video reach 6 seconds, when I want to update my popimgurl variable once again.
I tried to use for with js break and js closure but did not manage for some understandable reasons after thought;
I did quite some try with switch, but I'm stuck with the fact that the case must be string or single numerical value, not numerical interval or comparaison.
thank's in advance for your help :-)
var iframe = $('#vplayer_1')[0];
var player = $f(iframe);
var status = $('.status');
fired = 0;
//my try to sync increment
var dia = (function () {
var n = 0;
return function increment() {return n += 1;}
function dian(){
popimgurl = '${resourcesFolderName}/popimg'+ dia() +'.jpg';
popimgloader = '<img src ="' + popimgurl + '">';
// When the player is ready, add listeners for pause, finish, and playProgress
player.addEvent('ready', function() {
player.addEvent('pause', onPause);
player.addEvent('finish', onFinish);
player.addEvent('playProgress', onPlayProgress);
// Call the API when a button is pressed
$('button').bind('click', function() {
function onPause(id) {
function onFinish(id) {
function onPlayProgress(data, id) {
status.text(data.seconds + 's played');
//my chapters, when I want the img to change within popimgbox
if (data.seconds >= 1) {
popimgbox.innerHTML = "test";
if (data.seconds >= 3) {
// popimgbox.style.display = "success"
popimgbox.innerHTML = popimgurl;
if (data.seconds >= 6) {
// popimgbox.style.display = "confirmed success"
popimgbox.innerHTML = popimgurl;
PS1: disclamer, I'm a beginer coder, i do my best so excuse my french if my question isn't well formulated or if the answer is somewhere but I was unable to see/understand it
PS2 : i did quite a try with popcornjs, but not way to make it work with vimeoapi and within hype, quite frustrated ;-)
PS3: as this is my first post I would like to thank's you all for the great support available here; I owe you most ;-)
Finally I'll answer myself.
It's a solution that only stand for vimeo, as this is what I use to host my videos, but very little changes have to be done to work with the html5 <video> tag as well.
First you need to define your variables and your intervals:
var intervals =[11.56, 44.08, 115, 125, 127.92, 177.72];
var index;
Then you need to add an event listener timeupdate that return the elapsed time , filter intrevals according to the elapsed time data.seconds or seconds and define the value of index as the indexOf the last entry of your filtered array intervals
player.on('timeupdate', function(data) {
seconds = data.seconds;
index = intervals.indexOf(intervals.filter(function(nb) {
return seconds < nb;
if (diaIndex == -1) {
// do something if seconds > the higher value of your last interval
And that's it !
Now for
seconds = [0, 11.56[ --> index = 0
seconds = [11.56, 44.08[ --> index = 1
seconds = [44.08, 115[ --> index = 2
and so on
Now we can use index as a variable for instance to display a given image :
var imgNum = 0;
function diaplayImg(index) {
if(index === imgNum) {
// this will avoid that the same image is releaded on every timeupdate events
else {
imgNum =+ index
document.getElementById('myImageWraper').innerHTML = "<img src='img" + imgNum+ ".png'>"
Don't forget, you need to call the function displayImage() in your timeupdate event listener, it will then be fired every ±250ms but the image won't be reloaded each time
PS : vimeo has realeased its new api between my question and my answer so the question use the old api while the answer use the new one

how to bypass the setTimeout throttle in a hidden tab?

I'm am doing a heavy "scientific" (ie, not displaying data) webgl computation. Webgl can't be put in a worker, and doing a lot of webgl blocks the whole browser so I sliced my computation in chunks, and I compute each chunk in a setTimeout() function (after calling getError() to flush the opengl queue). I leave a bit of time in between the chunks so that the browser has time to flush some UI events from the main UI queue and it makes the whole thing feel a bit less sluggish.
My problem is that when the tab is hidden, the setTimeout gets throttled to a one second period which is way too slow for me.
Is there a better solution than what I did? Obviously requestAnimationFrame() doesn't work, since it's never called back in hidden tabs (and it's too slow in visible).
Is there a non-throttled time event in the hidden state? I tried to use window.postMessage() but it's still too fast and the whole browser feels slow.
here is the current state of my research:
function drawTile(sequenceIndex) {
if (sequenceIndex < sequence.length) {
var x = sequence[sequenceIndex][0];
var y = sequence[sequenceIndex][1];
setTilePos(x, y);
modelStage.render(renderer, modelBuffer);
minkowskiPass.render(renderer, minkowskiBuffer, modelBuffer);
copyPass.quad.position.x = x;
copyPass.quad.position.y = y;
copyPass.render(renderer, null, minkowskiBuffer);
var gl = renderer.getContext();
if (document.visibilityState != "hidden") {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
} else {
//window.postMessage is not rate limited then the tab is hidden
// we need to slow the computation by an event, otherwise the whole browser is unresponsive.
$(window).one('message', function () {
window.postMessage('lol', '*');
} else
Here's another convoluted workaround for anyone who needs it; you can use the Web Audio API to generate function calls:
var setTimeout2 = (function () {
var samples = 2048;
var fns = [];
var context = new AudioContext();
var source = context.createBufferSource();
var node = context.createScriptProcessor(samples, 1, 1);
// This gets fired every ~46 milliseconds. You can change
// `samples` to another valid value (256, 512, 1024, 2048,
// 4096, 8192, or 16384); then it'll get called every
// `samples / context.sampleRate` seconds (~46 ms for
// `samples == 2048` and `context.sampleRate == 44100`).
node.onaudioprocess = function (e) {
fns = fns.filter(function (fn) {
return !fn(Date.now() - fn.t);
window.do_not_garbage_collect = [context, source, node];
return function (fn) {
fn.t = Date.now();
// Use like this:
setTimeout2(function (t) {
// End after 1 second.
if (t > 1000)
return true;
Perhaps have a worker thread also run a
postMessage loop and a fraction of the time (every n iterations), either pause or resume the main thread?

Storing JS counting numbers to continue using HTML5 web storage

I'm trying to store my script that counts numbers starting from 23,000 to always continue to appear it's "live" and always counting using Web Storage. I've tried implementing this and so far, I can't seem to get it to work. What would be the best solution to get this to work and function to always count even when refreshing, etc? I've included my JS Fiddle and code below. Any help is kindly appreciated!!
EDIT: To clarify.. I'm trying to have a "live" counter always going no matter what when you go to the page, refresh it, whatever. It's just always going and getting bigger no matter what just like my script does.. However, everytime I refresh it starts back at 23,000.
<span id="liveNumbers">23,000</span>
random = (Math.floor((Math.random()*2)+1));
var plus = Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : 1;
random = random * plus;
currentnumber = document.getElementById('liveNumbers');
var curnum = parseInt(currentnumber.innerHTML.replace(",",""));
document.getElementById('liveNumbers').innerHTML =
commaSeparateNumber(curnum + random);
}, 3000);
function commaSeparateNumber(val){
while (/(\d+)(\d{3})/.test(val.toString())){
val = val.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,");
return val;
// Sorry! No Web Storage support..
Here's my attempt: fiddle
The logic:
On first visit (no localStorage data) the counter is reset to 23000.
Counter runs while page is open.
When closing the page, the current counter value is stored together with the current timestamp (lastSessionEnd).
When user loads the page again, the time that has passed since he closed the page is translated into interval cycles which are passed to the randomRange function and added to the stored counter from the last session.
Here's the code:
if(window.localStorage) {
var updateInterval = 3000; //ms
function randomRange() {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*3)+1; // [1..3] range
var counter = +localStorage.getItem('counter');
if (!counter) { //first load
counter = 23000;
} else { //simulate randomness that would have happened while the user was away from the page
var lastSessionEnd = +localStorage.getItem('lastSessionEnd');
for(var l = Math.floor((getUnixTimeStamp() - lastSessionEnd)*1000/updateInterval); l--;) {
counter += randomRange();
var liveNumbers = document.getElementById('liveNumbers'); //cache DOM query
function refreshDisplay() {
liveNumbers.innerHTML = commaSeparateNumber(counter);
setInterval(function() {
counter += randomRange();
}, updateInterval);
function commaSeparateNumber(val) {
while (/(\d+)(\d{3})/.test(val.toString())){
val = val.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,");
return val;
function getUnixTimeStamp() {
return Math.floor(Date.now()/1000);
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() {
localStorage.setItem('counter', counter);
localStorage.setItem('lastSessionEnd', getUnixTimeStamp());
} else {
// Sorry! No Web Storage support..
NOTE: this is not perfect, here are the caveats:
As it is done purely in the front-end, it is easily hackable by manipulating the localStorage. Don't use this for important stuff.
As it uses the localStorage API, if the user opens the page in more than one browser (or more than one computer/device), each one will have a different counter. Also, cleaning all personal data will reset the counter.
Finally, there's an interval cycle rounding error, it doesn't account for interrupted interval cycles. E.g. the user closes the page midway through an interval cycle, the next time he opens the page that half-cycle will be discarded and a new one starts. I believe this is a small detail which would take more effort to fix than it's worth, but I'll leave that decision and effort to you.

setInterval pauses in Android Browser / Mobile Safari when screen times out

I've built a simple JavaScript-based timer for a mobile webapp; for the sake of example:
var a = 0;
setInterval(function() {
console.log('a', a);
}, 1000);
This runs just fine in both Mobile Safari and Android Browser. It will log to console every second and increment the value of a accordingly. (Okay, Android Browser doesn't have console.log support, but let's assume it does.)
The issue: if the screen times out (i.e. user stopped interacting with the page), the setInterval function pauses. It resumes when the user turns on their screen again. This won't work for me as I need timer to keep running.
The questions: Is there a way to prevent the setInterval function from pausing when the screen times out? If not, is it possible to prevent the screen from timing out? Any other alternatives?
Thanks in advance!
Basically, no. The phone enters a sleep state to save battery when the screen times out. Since you can't see anything anyway, a large number of processing tasks are stopped. Similar things will occur when you change tabs/windows (the page is unloaded from memory). Right now there is no way to request that the device stays on from a web application. Future support in Android for accessing hardware may provide this functionality, but personally I doubt it.
If you need always running support, you'll need to write native applications for both systems (plus on Android it can always run).
You can use the Page Visibility API to detect when the page is hidden or visible. For example, if the user navigates away from the browser and back again or the screen turns off and on.
I used this answer to help create by solution.
You will need to store the time you set your interval. Then when the visibilityChange event listener indicates the document is visible again, you can calculate the amount of time that has passed since you first started the interval and update your data as needed.
In my case I was creating a count down timer in my Angular2 project. My page was running on an iPad and the timer was pausing whenever the screen turned off. So I added the event listener in my ngOnInit(). Then when the screen turned back on I could update my timer to show the correct time left since it was started.
I am using the moment npm package to handle my date time.
The timerInfo object is a class variable that gets updated by the interval callback. self.zone.run() is used to propagate the changes to the DOM so that the updated time gets displayed.
Written in typescript:
private timerInfo:{
private startTime:Moment = moment();
private timerDuration:number = 20; // in minutes
private timerHandle:any;
ngOnInit() {
private setVisibilityListener():void {
var self = this;
var hidden, visibilityState, visibilityChange;
if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") {
hidden = "hidden";
visibilityChange = "visibilitychange";
visibilityState = "visibilityState";
var document_hidden = document[hidden];
document.addEventListener(visibilityChange, function () {
if (document_hidden != document[hidden]) {
if (document[hidden]) {
// Document hidden
console.log("document hidden");
} else {
// Document shown
console.log("document shown; setCountDownTimer()");
document_hidden = document[hidden];
private setCountDownTimer():void {
var self = this;
if (self.startTime) {
var startMoment = moment(self.startTime);
var endMoment = startMoment.add(self.timerDuration, "minutes");
console.log("endMoment: ", endMoment.toISOString());
var eventTime = endMoment.unix();
var currentTime = moment().unix();
var diffTime = eventTime - currentTime;
var duration = moment.duration(diffTime * 1000, 'milliseconds');
var interval = 1000;
// if time to countdown
if (diffTime > 0) {
self.timerHandle = setInterval(() => {
self.zone.run(() => {
var diff = duration.asMilliseconds() - interval;
if (diff < 0) {
} else {
duration = moment.duration(duration.asMilliseconds() - interval, 'milliseconds');
self.timerInfo = {
days: moment.duration(duration).days(),
hours: moment.duration(duration).hours(),
minutes: moment.duration(duration).minutes(),
seconds: moment.duration(duration).seconds()
// console.log("timerInfo: ", JSON.stringify(self.timerInfo));
}, 1000);
} else {
private clearTimer():void {
if (this.timerHandle) {
this.timerHandle = null;

