Unable to increase extremely large number by one in JavaScript - javascript

I'm trying to increase by one this number: 9223372036854775808:
var number = 9223372036854775808;
var plusOne = number + 1;
This should yield 9223372036854775809, but it instead yields 9223372036854776000.
Why? More important, how can I fix this?

The largest representable number in JavaScript is (2^53) - 1, or, written out, 9007199254740991. The number you have, 9223372036854775808, is more than 1024 times that quantity.
If you want to work with numbers larger than the one above, you should use a big integer library. JavaScript does not have one built in, however, so you'll need to grab it yourself. Personally, I use big-integer when I'm working on things that deal with really large numbers, e.g., Project Euler.

This is to do with JavaScript storing numbers internally as (double precision) floating point. As you go up the scale of floating point numbers, the numbers get more and more sparse until the point where you get incorrect results, because the next representable number is more that 1 away (As in your example). To properly handle large numbers, you will need to use a proper large number library such as javascript-bignum. If you only need integers, you can use BigInteger.js


How can I convert a random number to a multiple of another number?

So I'm working on this app where I need to convert random numbers to a multiple of other numbers. Let's say I have a number 0.00486585 and it needs to be a multiple of 0.00010000. The random numbers could be anything, from integers to floating point numbers but they will have their own increment values.
The increment values could be something like 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, etc. Here's a statement to what an incremental value is: The increment of the order size. The value shall be a positive multiple of the baseIncrement.
I know I can check if a number is a multiple of another with the help of modulo but this is a little bit different as I need to have an universal formula which would work with any random number or any incremental values to convert a number to be a multiple.
Please note that the resulting number should be as close as possible to the original number and should not exceed the original number.
Your help would be highly appreciated.
x = 0.21321
y = 0.01
This should give you the number which is divisible. However, there is an issue here because of rounding off error in JS
x%y comes at 0.0032100000000000063
To avoid this, you can use a round off
toFixed(5) is just for reference. You should alter the decimal acccording to the requirement

(Novice Programmer) mod(3^146, 293) among others returning the same incorrect values in Matlab and JS

First note that mod(3^146,293)=292. For some reason, inputting mod(3^146,293) in Matlab returns 275. Inputting Math.pow(3,146) % 293 in JS returns 275. This same error occurs (as far as I can tell) every time. This leads me to believe I am missing something obvious but cannot seem to tell what.
Any help is much appreciated.
As discussed in the answers to this related question, MATLAB uses double-precision floating point numbers by default, which have limits on their resolution (i.e. the floating point relative accuracy, eps). For example:
>> a = 3^146
a =
>> eps(a)
ans =
In this case, 3146 is on the order of 1069 and the relative accuracy is on the order of 1053. With only 16 digits of precision, a double can't store the exact integer representation of an arbitrary 70 digit integer.
An alternative in MATLAB is to use the Symbolic Toolbox to create symbolic numbers with a greater resolution. This gives you the answer you expect:
>> a = sym('3^146')
a =
>> mod(a, 293)
ans =
Math.pow(3, 146) is is larger than the constant Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER in JavaScript which represents the upper limit of numbers that can be represented without losing any accuracy. Therefore JavaScript cannot accurately represent Math.pow(3, 146) within the 64 bit limit.
MatLab also has limits on its integer size but can represent a large number with the Symbolic Math Toolbox.
There are also algorithms that you can implement to accomplish this without overflowing.

JavaScript Math.floor: how guarantee number will round down?

I want to normalize an array so that each value is
in [0-1) .. i.e. "the max will never be 1 but the min can be 0."
This is not unlike the random function returning numbers in the same range.
While looking at this, I found that .99999999999999999===1 is true!
Ditto (1-Number.MIN_VALUE) === 1 But Math.ceil(Number.MIN_VALUE) is 1, as it should be.
Some others: Math.floor(.999999999999) is 0
while Math.floor(.99999999999999999) is 1
OK so there are rounding problems in JS.
Is there any way I can normalize a set of numbers to lie in the range [0,1)?
It may help to examine the steps that JavaScript performs of each of your expressions.
In .99999999999999999===1:
The source text .99999999999999999 is converted to a Number. The closest Number is 1, so that is the result. (The next closest Number is 0.99999999999999988897769753748434595763683319091796875, which is 1–2–53.)
Then 1 is compared to 1. The result is true.
In (1-Number.MIN_VALUE) === 1:
Number.MIN_VALUE is 2–1074, about 5e–304.
1–2–1074 is extremely close to one. The exact value cannot be represented as a Number, so the nearest value is used. Again, the nearest value is 1.
Then 1 is compared to 1. The result is true.
In Math.ceil(Number.MIN_VALUE):
Number.MIN_VALUE is 2–1074, about 5e–304.
The ceiling function of that value is 1.
In Math.floor(.999999999999):
The source text .999999999999 is converted to a Number. The closest Number is 0.99999999999900002212172012150404043495655059814453125, so that is the result.
The floor function of that value is 0.
In Math.floor(.99999999999999999):
The source text .99999999999999999 is converted to a Number. The closest Number is 1, so that is the result.
The floor function of 1 is 1.
There are only two surprising things here, at most. One is that the numerals in the source text are converted to internal Number values. But this should not be surprising. Of course text has to be converted to internal representations of numbers, and the Number type cannot perfectly store all the infinitely many numbers. So it has to round. And of course numbers very near 1 round to 1.
The other possibly surprising thing is that 1-Number.MIN_VALUE is 1. But this is actually the same issue: The exact result is not representable, but it is very near 1, so 1 is used.
The Math.floor function works correctly. It never introduces any error, and you do not have to do anything to guarantee that it will round down. It always does.
However, since you want to normalize numbers, it seems likely you are going to divide numbers at some point. When you divide, there may be rounding problems, because many results of division are not exactly representable, so they must be rounded.
However, that is a separate problem, and you have not given enough information in this question to address the specific calculations you plan to do. You should open a separate question for it.
Javascript will treat any number between 0.999999999999999994 and 1 as 1, so just subtract .000000000000000006.
Of course that's not as easy as it sounds, since .000000000000000006 is evaluated as 0 in Javascript, so you could do something like:
function trueFloor(x)
x = x * 100;
if(x > .0000000000000006)
x = x - .0000000000000006;
x = Math.floor(x/100);
return x;
EDIT: Or at least you'd think you could. Apparently JS casts .99999999999999999 to 1 before passing it to a function, so you'd have to try something like:
function trueFloor(str)
x=str.substring(0,9) + 0;
return Math.floor(x); //=> 0
Not sure why you'd need that level of precision, but in theory, I guess it works. You can see a working fiddle here
As long as you cast your insanely precise float as a string, that's probably your best bet.
Please understand one thing: this...
... is just a Number literal. Just as
... you see the pattern.
How JavaScript treats these literals is completely another story. And yes, this treatment is limited by the number of bits that can be used to store a Number value.
The number of possible floating point literals is infinite by definition - no matter how small is the range set for them. For example, take the ones shown above: how many of numbers very close to 1 you may express? Right, it's infinite: just keep appending 9 to the line.
But the container for each Number value is quite finite: it has 64 bits. That means, it can store 2^64 different values (Infinite, -Infinite and NaN among them) - and that's all.
You want to work with such literals anyway? Use Strings to store them, not Numbers - and some BigMath JS library (take your pick) to work with those values - as Strings, again.
But from your question it looks like you're not, as you talked about array of Numbers - Number values, that is. And in no way there can be .999999999999999999 stored there, as there is no such Number value in JavaScript.

How to round off 9999999999999999 to 9999999999999998

In my case, i am converting a string value of '9999999999999999' to integer using parseFloat(). But it converts to next number of it i.e. 10000000000000000. But i need to convert it to before of that number i.e. 999999999999999998. I have searched for a while in google. But could not get clear idea to implement this.
Try this
This number is too big to represented precisely in JavaScript Number value. So no amount of conversion will give you values reliably/precisly as you want around such range.
I.e. (9999999999999999-1)===(9999999999999999) returns true, but (9999999999999998)===(9999999999999999) returns false.
If you need such high precision in JavaScript (similar to many other languages) you need to use specialized data types (unfortunately there is no "BigInteger" type built in in JavaScript).
You will need to use some external javascript library to work with big numbers like that, cause max number you cant represent without losing presicion in javascript integers is 9007199254740992 (Explanation : What is JavaScript's highest integer value that a Number can go to without losing precision?)
Here you have some link where people discuss about some libraries to use for javascript big numbers.
How to deal with big numbers in javascript

Javascript .toFixed() more precise rounding alternative?

For rounding decimals (prices), I've been using .toFixed(2) for quite some time now. But I just recently discovered that Javascript can't "precisely" round decimals. I was a bit shocked that even 10.005 couldn't be rounded correctly to 10.01. It just got rounded down to 10.00. And other times it did round correctly. I like to have control over my code, so this is a big no-no for me.
And since I'm calculating prices, I think I need something more (100%) accurate for rounding only 2- or 3-decimal numbers, maybe a 4-decimal one.
Is there no straightforward way of doing basic rounding in javascript, the correct way?
UPDATE: As Felix Kling has suggested, the method of processing my prices as integers of cents, there are also drawbacks to this (besides more code)?
The reason that a number like 10.005 can't be rounded corretly is that you don't really have the number 10.005, you only have a number that is the closest possible one that can be represented using a double precision floating point variable.
The actual number that you have might be someting like 10.00499999999276253, and that would naturally round to 10.00 rather than 10.01.
To handle monetary values you should use a data type that can represent the value exactly. As numbers in Javascript are always floating point numbers, what you are left with is representing the numbers as text, and writing your own functions to do the math (or find someone who has done that already).
This should work for you, here's a fiddle to play around with it http://jsfiddle.net/5ffyC/1/
function moneyRound(flt){
var splitStr = flt.toString().split('.'),
whole = (flt * 100) | 0;
if (splitStr.length > 1 && splitStr[1].length > 2){
return splitStr[1][2] > 4? (whole + 1) / 100: whole / 100;
} else {
return flt;

