replaceText() RegEx "not followed by" - javascript

Any ideas why this simple RegEx doesn't seem to be supported in a Google Docs script?
I'm assuming that Google Apps Script uses the same RegEx as JavaScript. Is this not so?
I'm using the RegEx as such:
DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody().replaceText('foo(?!bar)', 'hello');
This generates the error:
ScriptError: Invalid regular expression pattern foo(?!bar)

As discussed in comments on this question, this is a documented limitation; the replaceText() method doesn't support reverse-lookaheads or any other capture group.
A subset of the JavaScript regular expression features are not fully supported, such as capture groups and mode modifiers.ref
Serge suggested a work-around, "it should be possible to manipulate your document at a lower level (extracting text from paragraph etc) but it could rapidly become quite cumbersome."
Here's what that could look like. If you don't mind losing all formatting, this example will apply capture groups, RegExp flags (i for case-insensitivity) and reverse-lookaheads to change:
Little rabbit Foo Foo, running through the foobar.
Little rabbit Fred Fred, running through the foobar.
function myFunction() {
var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
var paragraphs = body.getParagraphs();
for (var i=0; i<paragraphs.length; i++) {
var text = paragraphs[i].getText();
paragraphs[i].replaceText(".*", text.replace(/(f)oo(?!bar)/gi, '$1red') );

You have a sequence which you can match with a regular expression, but that regular expression will also match one, or more, things which you do not desire to change. The generalized solution to this situation is to:
Change the text such that you have known sequences of characters which are definitely not used. Effectively, this gives you sequences of characters which you use as variables to hold the values you don't want to change. Personally, I would use:
Which will make it such that there is no sequence in your document which matches /Q[^z]/. This results in you being able to use sequences like Qa to represent some text you don't want to change. I use Q because it has a low frequency of use in English. You can use any character. For efficiency, choose a character which results in a low number of changes within the text you are affecting.
Change the things you don't want to end up changing to one of the character sequences you now know are unused. For example:
Repeat this for whatever additional items you don't want to end up changing.
Change the text you are really wanting to change. In this example:
Note that you need to apply to the new replacement text the first substitution which you used to open up known unused sequences.
Restore all of the things you did not want to change to their original state:
Restore the text you used to open up unused character sequences:
All together that would be:
var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
body.replaceText('Q','Qz'); //Open up unused character sequences
body.replaceText('foobar','Qa'); //Save the things you don't want to change.
//In the general case, you need to apply to the new text the same substitution
// which you used to open up unused character sequences. If you don't you
// may end up with those sequences being changed in the new text.
body.replaceText('foo','hello'.replace(/Q/g,'Qz')); //Make the change you desire.
body.replaceText('Qa','foobar'); //Restore the things you saved.
body.replaceText('Qz','Q'); //Restore the original sequence.
While solving the problem this way does not allow you to use all the features of JavaScript RegExp (e.g. capture groups, look-ahead assertions, and flags), it should preserve the formatting within your document.
You can choose not to perform steps 1 and 5 above by picking a longer sequence of characters to use to represent the text which you do not want to match (e.g. kNoWn1UnUsEd). However, such a longer sequence is something that must be selected based on your knowledge of what already exists in the document. Doing that can save a couple of steps, but you either have to search for an unused string or accept that there is some probability that the string you use is already in the document, which would result in an undesired substitution.

I figured out a way to obtain most of JS's str.replace() functionalities including capture groups and smart replacers in Apps Script without messing up the style. The trick is to use Javascript's regex.exec() function and Apps Script's text.deleteText() and text.insertText() functions.
function replaceText(body, regex, replacer, attribute){
var content = body.getText();
const text = body.editAsText();
var match = "";
while (true){
content = body.getText();
var oldLength = content.length;
match = regex.exec(content);
if (match === null){
var start = match.index;
var end = regex.lastIndex - 1;
text.deleteText(start, end);
text.insertText(start, replacer(match, regex));
var newLength = body.getText().length;
var replacedLength = oldLength - newLength;
var newEnd = end - replacedLength;
text.setAttributes(start, newEnd, attribute);
regex.lastIndex -= replacedLength;
Argument explanations:
body: the body of the document you want to operate on
regex: the normal JS regular expression object used as a search pattern
replacer: the replacer function used to return the string you want to replace with, replacer automatically receive two arguments:
I. match: match object generated by regex.exec() and
II. regex: the regular expression object used as a search pattern
attribute: An Apps Script attribute object
For example, if you want to apply bold style to new strings replacing the old ones, you can create a boldStyle attribute object:
var boldStyle = {};
boldStyle[DocumentApp.Attribute.BOLD] = true;
How can I use capture groups in replaceText()?
You can access all capture groups from the replacer function, match[0] is the whole string matched, match[1] is the first capture group, match[2] is the second, etc.
How can I access the index and position of the match in replaceText()?
You can access the start index of the match (match.index) and end index of the match (regex.lastIndex) from the replacer function.
For more in-depth reference of JS RegExp, see this excellent tutorial from
Here's a example use case of the replaceText() function. It's simple implementation of a markdown to google docs conversion script:
function markdownToDocs() {
const body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
// Use editAsText to obtain a single text element containing
// all the characters in the document.
const text = body.editAsText();
// e.g. replace "**string**" with "string" (bolded)
var boldStyle = {};
boldStyle[DocumentApp.Attribute.BOLD] = true;
replaceDeliminaters(body, "\\*\\*", boldStyle, false);
// e.g. replace multiline "```line 1\nline 2\nline 3```" with "line 1\nline 2\nline 3" (with gray background highlight)
var blockHighlightStyle = {};
blockHighlightStyle[DocumentApp.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR] = "#EEEEEE";
replaceDeliminaters(body, "```", blockHighlightStyle, true);
// e.g. replace inline "`console.log("hello world")`" with "console.log("hello world")" (in "Times New Roman" font and italic)
var inlineStyle = {};
inlineStyle[DocumentApp.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY] = "Times New Roman";
inlineStyle[DocumentApp.Attribute.ITALIC] = true;
replaceDeliminaters(body, "`", inlineStyle, false);
// feel free to change all the styling and markdown deliminaters as you wish.
// replace markdown deliminaters like "**", "`", and "```"
function replaceDeliminaters(body, deliminator, attributes, multiline){
var capture;
if (multiline){
capture = "([\\s\\S]+?)"; // capture newline characters as well
} else{
capture = "(.+?)"; // do not capture newline characters
const regex = new RegExp(deliminator + capture + deliminator, "g");
const replacer = function(match, regex){
return match[1]; // return the first capture group
replaceText(body, regex, replacer, attributes);


Extracting a complicated part of the string with plain Javascript

I have a following string:
I want to extract from this string, with the use of JavaScript 'pl' or 'pl_company_com'
There are a few variables:
jan_kowalski is a name and surname it can change, and sometimes even have 3 elements
the country code (in this example 'pl') will change to other en / de / fr (this is that part of the string i want to get)
the rest of the string remains the same for every case (beginning + everything after starting with _company_com ...
Ps. I tried to do it with split, but my knowledge of JS is very basic and I cant get what i want, plase help
An alternative to Randy Casburn's solution using regex
let out = new URL('').href.match('.*_(.*_company_com)')[1];
Or if you want to just get that string with those country codes you specified
let out = new URL('').href.match('.*_((en|de|fr|pl)_company_com)')[1];
let out = new URL('').href.match('.*_((en|de|fr|pl)_company_com)')[1];
A proof of concept that this solution also works for other combinations
let urls = [
new URL(''),
new URL('')
urls.forEach(url => console.log(url.href.match('.*_(en|de|fr|pl).*')[1]))
I have been very successful before with this kind of problems with regular expressions:
var string = 'Text';
var regExp = /([\w]{2})_company_com/;
find = string.match(regExp);
console.log(find); // array with found matches
console.log(find[1]); // first group of regexp = country code
First you got your given string. Second you have a regular expression, which is marked with two slashes at the beginning and at the end. A regular expression is mostly used for string searches (you can even replace complicated text in all major editors with it, which can be VERY useful).
In this case here it matches exactly two word characters [\w]{2} followed directly by _company_com (\w indicates a word character, the [] group all wanted character types, here only word characters, and the {}indicate the number of characters to be found). Now to find the wanted part string.match(regExp) has to be called to get all captured findings. It returns an array with the whole captured string followed by all capture groups within the regExp (which are denoted by ()). So in this case you get the country code with find[1], which is the first and only capture group of the regular expression.

Changing text node contents globally in document

So I have this script that I'm using to change text node contents in JS. Irun this script in Greasemonkey:
(function() {
var replacements, regex, key, textnodes, node, s;
replacements = {
"facebook": "channelnewsasia",
"Teh": "The",
"TEH": "THE",
regex = {};
for (key in replacements) {
regex[key] = new RegExp(key, 'g');
textnodes = document.evaluate( "//body//text()", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
for (var i = 0; i < textnodes.snapshotLength; i++) {
node = textnodes.snapshotItem(i);
s =;
for (key in replacements) {
s = s.replace(regex[key], replacements[key]);
} = s;
Which works really well.
Except my problem is, I'm trying to change value 0 to 75. However it is also changing other 0's on the page that are included in dates, like today's date.
Which is not what I want. I ONLY want it to change 0's that are by themselves. How do I go about this?
Thanks for any help.
Well, you'd need regular expression for that. Your script supports regexes, you just need to put it in the list of required replacements.
Regular expression to match single zero would look like this: (?:[^0-9]|^)(0)(?:[^0-9]|$). It works by asserting that non-number must be before/after zero - or string beginning/end.
You can put this into your list of replacements:
replacements = {
"(?:[^0-9]|^)(0)(?:[^0-9]|$)": "75",
Alternativelly, if zeroes are always separated by space, use just this expression: \b0\b
Notes to your code:
Remember that with your system, you must treat all replacement templates as regexes. So don't forget to escape characters like (, [ or . in replacements when you want to treat those characters literally.
Wrapping whole userscript in self invoking expression is unnecessary, userscript variable scope is already hidden from global scope.

Javascript Regex only replacing first match occurence

I am using regular expressions to do some basic converting of wiki markup code into copy-pastable plain text, and I'm using javascript to do the work.
However, javascript's regex engine behaves much differently to the ones I've used previously as well as the regex in Notepad++ that I use on a daily basis.
For example- given a test string:
==Section Header==
===Subsection 1===
# Content begins here.
## Content continues here.
I want to end up with:
Section Header
Subsection 1
# Content begins here.
## Content continues here.
Simply remove all equals signs.
I began with the regex setup of:
var reg_titles = /(^)(=+)(.+)(=+)/
This regex searches for lines that begin with one or more equals with another set of one or more equals. Rubular shows that it matches my lines accurately and does not catch equals signs in the middle of contet.
The code to replace the string based on regex
var lines = $('.tb_in').val().split('\n'); //use jquery to grab text in a textarea, and split into an array of lines based on the \n
for(var i = 0;i < lines.length;i++){
line_temp = lines[i].replace(reg_titles, "");
lines[i] = line_temp; //replace line with temp
$('.tb_out').val(lines.join("\n")); //rejoin and print result
My result is unfortunately:
Section Header==
Subsection 1===
# Content begins here.
## Content continues here.
I cannot figure out why the regex replace function, when it finds multiple matches, seems to only replace the first instance it finds, not all instances.
Even when my regex is updated to:
var reg_titles = /(={2,})/
"Find any two or more equals", the output is still identical. It makes a single replacement and ignores all other matches.
No one regex expression executor behaves this way for me. Running the same replace multiple times has no effect.
Any advice on how to get my string replace function to replace ALL instances of the matched regex instead of just the first one?
You can use this.Do not forget to add g and m flags.Replace by ``.See demo.
Add the g modifier to do a global search:
var reg_titles = /^(=+)(.+?)(=+)/g
Your regex is needlessly complex, and yet doesn't actually accomplish what you set out to do. :) You might try something like this instead:
var reg_titles = /^=+(.+?)=+$/;
lines = $('.tb_in').val().split('\n');
lines.forEach(function(v, i, a) {
a[i] = v.replace(reg_titles, '$1');

javascript regexp match tag names

I can't remember the name of it, but I believe you can reference already matched strings within a RegExp object. What I want to do is match all tags within a given string eg
<ul><li>something in the list</li></ul>
the RegExp should be able to match only the same tags, then I will use a recursive function to put all the individual matches in an array. The regex that should work if I can reference the first match would be.
var reg = /(?:<(.*)>(.*)<(?:FIRST_MATCH)\/>)/g;
The matched array should then contain
match[0] = "<ul><li>something in the list</li></ul>";
match[1] = "ul";
match[2] = ""; // no text to match
match[3] = "li";
match[4] = "something in the list";
thanks for any help
It seems like you mean backreference (\1, \2):
var s = '<ul><li>something in the list</li></ul>';
// => ["<ul><li>something in the list</li></ul>",
// "ul",
// "li",
// "something in the list"]
The result is not exactly same with what you want. But point is that the backreference \1, \2 match the string that was matched by earlier group.
It is not possible to parse HTML using regular expressions (if you're interested in the specifics, it is because HTML parsing requires a stronger type of automaton than a finite state automaton which is what a regular expression can express - look up FSA vs FST for more info).
You might be able to get away with some hack for a specific problem, but if you want to reliably parse HTML using Javascript then there are other ways to do this. Search the web for: parse html javascript and you'll get plenty of pointers on how to do this.
I made a dirty workaround. Still needs work thought.
var str = '<div><ul id="list"><li class="something">this is the text</li></ul></div>';
function parseHTMLFromString(str){
var structure = [];
var matches = [];
var reg = /(<(.+)(?:\s([^>]+))*>)(.*)<\/\2>/;
str.replace(reg, function(){
structure.push(arguments[1], arguments[4]);
matches.shift().replace(reg, function(){
structure.push(arguments[1], arguments[4]);
return structure;
// parseHTMLFromString(str); // ["<div>", "<ul id="list">", "<li class="something">", "this is the text"]

Javascript regular expression to replace word but not within curly brackets

I have some content, for example:
If you have a question, ask for help on StackOverflow
I have a list of synonyms:
a={one typical|only one|one single|one sole|merely one|just one|one unitary|one small|this solitary|this slight}
ask={question|inquire of|seek information from|put a question to|demand|request|expect|inquire|query|interrogate}
I'm using JavaScript to:
Split synonyms based on =
Looping through every synonym, if found in content replace with {...|...}
The output should look like:
If you have {one typical|only one|one single|one sole|merely one|just one|one unitary|one small|this solitary|this slight} question, {question|inquire of|seek information from|put a question to|demand|request|expect|inquire|query|interrogate} for help on StackOverflow
Instead of replacing the entire word, it's replacing every character found. My code:
for(syn in allSyn) {
var rtnSyn = allSyn[syn].split("=");
var word = rtnSyn[0];
var synonym = (rtnSyn[1]).trim();
if(word && synonym){
var match = new RegExp(word, "ig");
postProcessContent = preProcessContent.replace(match, synonym);
preProcessContent = postProcessContent;
It should replace content word with synonym which should not be in {...|...}.
When you build the regexps, you need to include word boundary anchors at both the beginning and the end to match whole words (beginning and ending with characters from [a-zA-Z0-9_]) only:
var match = new RegExp("\\b" + word + "\\b", "ig");
Depending on the specific replacements you are making, you might want to apply your method to individual words (rather than to the entire text at once) matched using a regexp like /\w+/g to avoid replacing words that themselves are the replacements for others. Something like:
content = content.replace(/\w+/g, function(word) {
for(var i = 0, L = allSyn.length; i < L; ++i) {
var rtnSyn = allSyn[syn].split("=");
var synonym = (rtnSyn[1]).trim();
if(synonym && rtnSyn[0].toLowerCase() == word.toLowerCase()) return synonym;
Regular expressions include something called a "word-boundary", represented by \b. It is a zero-width assertion (it just checks something, it doesn't "eat" input) that says in order to match, certain word boundary conditions have to apply. One example is a space followed by a letter; given the string ' X', this regex would match it: / \bX/. So to make your code work, you just have to add word boundaries to the beginning and end of your word regex, like this:
for(syn in allSyn) {
var rtnSyn = allSyn[syn].split("=");
var word = rtnSyn[0];
var synonym = (rtnSyn[1]).trim();
if(word && synonym){
var match = new RegExp("\\b"+word+"\\b", "ig");
postProcessContent = preProcessContent.replace(match, synonym);
preProcessContent = postProcessContent;
[Note that there are two backslashes in each of the word boundary matchers because in javascript strings, the backslash is for escape characters -- two backslashes turns into a literal backslash.]
For optimization, don't create a new RegExp on each iteration. Instead, build up a big regex like [^{A-Za-z](a|ask|...)[^}A-Za-z] and an hash with a value for each key specifying what to replace it with. I'm not familiar enough with JavaScript to create the code on the fly.
Note the separator regex which says the match cannot begin with { or end with }. This is not terribly precise, but hopefully acceptable in practice. If you genuinely need to replace words next to { or } then this can certainly be refined, but I'm hoping we won't have to.

