Find maximum variable using JavaScript - javascript

I have thirty variables which are all numbers:
h0 = 23
h1 = 27
h2 = 90
How do I find the largest variable?
The output here should be h2.

Assuming the variables are all named in consecutive order, you can add them to an array:
var values = [h0, h1, ....h29];
Then iterate over the array, compare the values and keep track of the index of the max value:
var maxIndex = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
if (values[maxIndex] < values[i]) {
maxIndex = i;
maxIndex will now contain the index of the maximum value, and you could concat it with 'h', e.g.
console.log('h' + maxIndex);
Of course this approach makes a lot of assumptions and is fragile, but that's what you get when doing this kind of "meta-programming" (the variable name really should not be of any concern to anybody using the app).
Using an object would make it a bit better, at least concerning the variable name:
var values = {
h0: h0,
h1: h1,
var maxProp = '';
for (var prop in values) {
if (values[maxProp] < values[prop]) {
maxProp = prop;

Put them in an array instead of individual variables, then loop over the array.
To brute-force it, compare adjacent pairs of variables, then pairs of the results, until only one is left.

If you want the answer to be 'h2' instead of '90' (per comment), try using an Object instead of separate variables (or an array, as mentioned in other answers).
var find_max = {
'h0': 23,
'h1': 27,
'h2': 90,
// and so on
Then loop over the properties of the object to find the maximum.
var max;
for (var h in find_max) {
if (!max || (find_max[h] > find_max[max])) {
max = h;
You can probably improve this loop - try using hasOwnProperty to make sure that the only items in the loop are the ones you want.

You can get it easily by checking the window object using the bracket notation this way:
h0 = 11;
h1 = 24;
h2 = 28;
h3 = 345;
h4 = 1;
var i = 0;
var max = {
name: 'none',
val: 0
while (nextItem = window['h'+i]) {
if (nextItem > max.val) {
max = {
name: 'h'+i,
val: nextItem
document.getElementById('max').innerHTML = + ' = ' + max.val;
<p>Maximum is: <span id="max"></span></p>

EDIT: I was too hasty in posting the below as it didn't take into account the real question. Since then there have been good answers presented so I'll just show a way that you can sort the variables in descending order. One way would be to place the numbers in an array of objects such that:
numArray = [{name:h0, value:23}, {name:h1, value:27}, {name:h2, value:90}];
And do:
numArray.sort(function(a, b){
return b.value - a.value;
According to this:
It looks pretty easy once you have the numbers in an array. You could call
Math.max.apply(null, numArray)
on the array, or, using ES6, you could say Math.max(...numArray) (... is the "spread" operator).
You could also do a sort:
numArray.sort(function(a, b){
return b - a;
Which would sort your array in descending order with the maximum number now at numArray[0].


Creating new array from unique elements found in array

I was given an assignment:
Finding unique elements in an array and creating a new array from these unique elements.
The professor gave us the pseudocode to code this assignment - it should be straightforward but my code is not working.
Here is my attempt:
// search for unique birthdays in the array
function find(birthdays) {
var uniqueBirthdays = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= birthdays.length; i = i + 2) {
var count = 0;
for (var j = 1; j <= birthdays.length; j = j + 2) {
if (birthdays[i] == birthdays[j]) {
if (count == 1) {
var n = uniqueBirthdays.length;
uniqueBirthdays[n] = birthdays[i - 1];
return uniqueBirthdays;
I have tried checking for indentation errors as well as a number of other things but can not figure out why as the array is traversed it is giving each element a count of only 1 (meaning there are no matching elements) - it does not seem to be traversing the array more than once so no elements have a count greater than 1 - even though I am using nested for loops.
I have increased the intervals by 2 because I need to compare every other element - there is a number assigned to each birthday so the array may look like:
I am brand new so I may be overlooking simple but ive tried so many things and i can not understand why this code isnt working - it is returning back all of the elements that are assigned to the birthdays instead of just the unique ones.
Any help that will point me in the right direction is very much appreciated.
You were very close, and there were just a couple mistakes. The only things that did not work were the way you wrote your for loops:
for (var i = 1; i <= birthdays.length; i = i + 2) {
Array indexes start at 0, so if you want to process the first element, use var i = 0;
Since these indexes start at 0, for an Array of 3 elements, the last index is 2. So you only want to run your loop while i is less than the array length: i < birthdays.length
You were skipping elements by doing i = i + 2. There seems to be no reason for it?
Something else worth mentionning: in JS, indentation does not matter - well, it does, but only to avoid making your eyes bleed. In fact, most websites use minified versions of their code, which fits on a single (often very long and ugly) line (example).
Here is your code, with only two lines fixed:
function find(birthdays) {
var uniqueBirthdays = [];
for (var i = 0; i < birthdays.length; i = i + 1) { // <-----
var count = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < birthdays.length; j = j + 1) { // <-----
if (birthdays[i] == birthdays[j]) {
if (count == 1) {
var n = uniqueBirthdays.length;
uniqueBirthdays[n] = birthdays[i];
return uniqueBirthdays;
// I used letters instead of birthdays for easier demo checking
var birthdays = ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c'];
console.log( find(birthdays) ); // ["b", "c"]
JS have direct methods tor that use Array.indexOf(), Array.lastIndexOf() and Array.filter()
uniques elements have same first position and last position
sample code:
const initailArray = [...'ldfkjlqklnmbnmykdshgmkudqjshmjfhmsdjhmjh']
const uniqueLetters = initailArray.filter((c,i,a)=>a.indexOf(c)===a.lastIndexOf(c)).sort()

Combine an array with other arrays, push each combination Javascript

I'm trying to take an array, and compare each value of that array to the next value in the array. When I run my code, components that should match with more than one array only return one match, instead of all of them. I'm probably doing something wrong somewhere, but for the life of my I don't seem to be able to figure it out.
This is my code:
minterms = [["4",[0,1,0,0]],
function combineMinterms(minterms) {
var match = 0;
var count;
var loc;
var newMin = [];
var newMiny = [];
var used = new Array(minterms.length);
//First Component
for (x = 0; x < minterms.length; x++) {
if(minterms[x][1][minterms[x][1].length - 1] == "*") {
//Second Component
for (y = x + 1; y < minterms.length; y++) {
count = 0;
//Compare each value
for (h = 0; h < minterms[x][1].length; h++) {
if (minterms[x][1][h] != minterms[y][1][h]) {
loc = h;
if (count >= 2) {break; };
//If only one difference, push to new
if (count === 1) {
newMiny = minterms[y].slice();
newMin[match][1][loc] = "-";
while(newMin[match][0].charAt(0) === 'd') {
newMin[match][0] = newMin[match][0].substr(1);
while(newMiny[0].charAt(0) === 'd') {
newMiny[0] = newMiny[0].substr(1);
newMin[match][0] += "," + newMiny[0];
used[x] = 1;
used[y] = 1;
//If never used, push to new
if(used[x] != 1) {
return newMin;
Desired Output
newMin = [["4,12",[-,1,0,0]],
It will combine term 8, with 9 but won't continue to combine term 8 with 10, 12
Thanks in advance for the help.
Array.prototype.slice performs a shallow copy.
Each entry in minterms is an array of a string and a nested array.
When you slice the entry, you get a new array with a copy of the string and a copy of the Array object reference. But that copy of the Array reference still points to the array contained in an element of minterms.
When you update the nested array
newMin[match][1][loc] = "-";
you are updating the nested array within the input. I never fathomed the logic of what you are doing, but I believe this is the problem, with solution of cloning the nested array (as well) when cloning an input array element.
A secondary issue you will probably wish to fix is that not all variables were declared: var x,y,h; or equivalent inline declarations are missing.
let minterms = [4,8,9,10,12,11,14,15];
let newMin = [];, index) =>{
minterms.reduce((accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex, array) => {
accumulator = value;
let out = (accumulator ^ currentValue).toString(2);
if(out.split('').filter(n=>n==="1").length == 1) newMin.push([value, currentValue]);
}, value);
There is a better approach (in 10 lines of code). Since you're working with binary representations, you might want to consider using BitWise operators. When coupled with array operators it makes most of this straight forward.
For instance:
Given a match means only a single bit differs between two binary numbers:
The bitwise XOR operator returns 1 for each bit that doesn't match. So:
0100 XOR 1000 results in 1000
Now, we need to count the number of '1' digits in the binary number returned. We can use the length property of an array to do this. To turn 1000 into an array, first we turn the binary into a string:
The binary representation of the integer 4 is easily retrieved with:
So if num === 4, the output above is the string "0100".
Now we use str.split() to turn the string into an array. Remove everything from the array that is not a '1'. Now simply get the length property. If the length === 1, it is a match.
I put together a solution like this for you. It is close to your use case. I didn't use the funny dash style in the output because that was not part of your question.,console

How to push multiple zeros to an already existing array

I found on this link how to create arrays with a chosen number of zeros.
Most efficient way to create a zero filled JavaScript array?
But my question is, imagine i already have a array
var a = ['hihi','haha']
how can i add 12 zeros after my two first elements ? So that it becomes :
a = ['hihi','haha',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
of course I could go for a
for(var i = 0; i < 12, i++){
but is there a one line method ? something like
You can use Array.prototype.concat() and Array.prototype.fill()
Create an array with size 12 and fill 0 by using Array.prototype.fill()
Then concatenate with existing array using Array.prototype.concat()
var a = ['hihi', 'haha'].concat(Array(12).fill(0));
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(a, null, 3) + '</pre>');
You could for instance use a solution from the answer you link to create an array of twelve zeroes, and then use the Array.prototype.concat function to create the array you need.
var zeroes = Array.apply(null, Array(12)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, 0);
var laughters = ['hihi', 'haha'];
var combined = laughters.concat(zeroes);
function fillArray(value, len) {
if (len == 0) return [];
var a = [value];
while (a.length * 2 <= len) a = a.concat(a);
if (a.length < len) a = a.concat(a.slice(0, len - a.length));
return a;
It doubles the array in each iteration, so it can create a really large array with few iterations.
In short, take your array and perform a concat with the answer you mentioned.
var a = ['hihi','haha'].concat(Array.apply(null, Array(12)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf,0);)
Must de 0 be an int or a string?
And why do you want to add 12 zeros?
What do you have tried so far?
Just an easy sample,
var a = ['hi', 'ha'];
for(var i = 0; 14 > a.length; i++){

how to optimize code in javascript

I think the code(below) is optimized (just use less variables than my initial version of the same logic).
How do I really know if its properly optimized ?
What factors should I consider during optimization ?
Here is the code (
also on jsfiddle )
function process(arr){
var processed = [];
for(var i=0,len=arr.length;i<len;i++){
if(processed.indexOf(arr[i]) < 0){
var nodes = findIndexes(arr,arr[i]);
if(nodes.length > 1){
for(var j=0,jlen=nodes.length;j<jlen;j++){
arr[nodes[j]] = arr[nodes[j]] + '(' + ( j + 1 ) + ')';
return arr;
function findIndexes(arr,val){
var node = [];
for(var i=0,len=arr.length;i<len;i++){
if(arr[i] === val){
return node;
// input
var arr = ['aa','bb','bb','aa','cc','dd','cc','ff']
//output: ["aa(1)", "bb(1)", "bb(2)", "aa(2)", "cc(1)", "dd", "cc(2)", "ff"]
Here is the explanation of the code. 'process' function looks for the same values inside array and for every same values it changes the value by post pending a number to that values, "number" indicates the count of the value as it found in array.
for example
arr = ["x","x","y","z"] will return ["x(1)","x(2)","y","z"]
"y" and "z" are unchanged because they appeared only once.
To optimize I have used an array named as processed that is used to hold values that are just processed inside main for loop, so in next iterations it can be determined that the new iteration value is already processed or not by checking through the array.indexOf method, if the value is already processed then it can safely skip the underlying logic (if/for statements).
Now I have no idea how to further optimize it other than changing the whole process logic.
Optimizations in a broad sense will involve simplifying code, precomputing results which are repeatedly reused, and organizing code so more results can be reused.
Your fiddle code produced following result on analysis.
Logical LOC: 26
Mean parameter count: 3
Cyclomatic complexity: 7
Cyclomatic complexity density: 27%
Maintainability index: 104
Lines of Code (LOC)– Indicates the approximate number of lines in the code. The count is based on the IL code and is therefore not the exact number of lines in the source code file. A very high count might indicate that a type or method is trying to do too much work and should be split up. It might also indicate that the type or method might be hard to maintain.
Maintainability Index – Calculates an index value between 0 and 100 that represents the relative ease of maintaining the code. A high value means better maintainability. Color coded ratings can be used to quickly identify trouble spots in your code. A green rating is between 20 and 100 and indicates that the code has good maintainability. A yellow rating is between 10 and 19 and indicates that the code is moderately maintainable. A red rating is a rating between 0 and 9 and indicates low maintainability.
Cyclomatic Complexity – Measures the structural complexity of the code. It is created by calculating the number of different code paths in the flow of the program. A program that has complex control flow will require more tests to achieve good code coverage and will be less maintainable.
Check code complexities using online tool for your javascript code.
Reference : Link1,Link 2
Javascript optimiser page
Reference(Provides you with different techniques that you should keep in mind while optimising)
You can do it in a single loop:
function process2(arr) {
var out = arr.slice(0),
seen = {},
len = arr.length,
i, key, item, count;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
key = out[i];
item = seen[key];
if (!item) {
// firstIndex, count
seen[key] = item = [i, 0];
count = ++item[1];
if (count > 1) {
if (count === 2) {
out[item[0]] = key + '(1)';
out[i] = key + '(' + count + ')';
return out;
// input
var arr = ['aa', 'bb', 'bb', 'aa', 'cc', 'dd', 'cc', 'ff']
From benchmarking, process2 is approximately 2x faster than process1. That's just a really naive first pass at the problem.
And yet another way to optimize your code with less changes:
In your specific case you go through the whole array for each new found entry although all previous entries have already been processed so it should be possible to opimize further by passing the current index to findIndexes:
function findIndexes(arr,val, fromIndex){
var node = [];
for(var i=fromIndex,len=arr.length;i<len;i++){
if(arr[i] === val){
return node;
Currrently your code has a O(n^2) complextity. This is caused by your outer loop of arr in process then a call to findIndexes which again loops through arr.
You can simplify this to an O(n) algorithm that loops through the array twice:
function process(arr) {
var result = [];
var counter = {}, counts = {};
var len = arr.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
var value = arr[i];
counter[value] = 1;
counts[value] = (counts[value] || 0) + 1;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
var value = arr[i];
if(counts[value] == 1) {
} else {
result.push(value + "(" + counter[value]++ + ")");
return result;
Here's an example that doesn't use nested loops, and uses an object to store key information:
var obj = {};
// loop over the array storing the elements as keys in the object
// if a duplicate element is found, increment the count value
for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
var key = arr[i];
if (!obj[key]) obj[key] = { count: 0, level: 0 };
// remove all the key/values where the count is 1
// ie there are no duplicates
for (var p in obj) {
if (obj[p].count === 1) delete obj[p];
// for each element in the original array, increase its 'level'
// amend the element with the count
// reduce the count
for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
var key = arr[i];
if (obj[key] && obj[key].count > 0) {
arr[i] = key + '(' + obj[key].level + ')';

Javascript get random variables from array but each just once

I´d like to get random variables from a javascript and prepend it to a div container like that:
// my Array
var thumbnailArray = new Array();
thumbnailArray[0] = 'contentarray1';
thumbnailArray[1] = 'contentarray2';
thumbnailArray[2] = 'contentarray3';
function thumbnailquery () {
for (var i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
$('#myDiv').prepend(thumbnailArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * thumbnailArray.length)])
Now how can i ensure that each variable is only taken once but still randomly?
Thank You
Shuffle the array and pop of values instead
function shuffle(a) {
var c=a.length,t,r;
while (0 !== c) {
r = Math.floor(Math.random() * c);
c -= 1;t = a[c];a[c] = a[r];a[r] = t;
return a;
var thumbnailArray = [
shuffle( thumbnailArray );
function thumbnailquery () {
for (var i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
$('#myDiv').prepend( thumbnailArray.pop() );
Copy the array. Then delete objects that you took from the copied array.
There's no elegant way to do it the way you describe. You could construct an array of "selected indices" and ensure that each random number didn't already exist in that array, but that has a worst case operating time of infinity so highly not recommended.
Your best bet would be to shuffle the array and then iterate over, selecting the elements in order (shuffled order).
See this Stack Overflow for a good way to shuffle an array in JavaScript
How can i shuffle an array in JavaScript?
Use splice()
randNum = thumbnailArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * thumbnailArray.length)]

