React/reflux how to do proper async calls - javascript

I recently started to learn ReactJS, but I'm getting confused for async calls.
Lets say I have a Login page with user/pass fields and login button. Component looks like:
var Login = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
isLoggedIn: AuthStore.isLoggedIn()
onLoginChange: function(loginState) {
isLoggedIn: loginState
componentWillMount: function() {
this.subscribe = AuthStore.listen(this.onLoginChange);
componentWillUnmount: function() {
login: function(event) {
var username = React.findDOMNode(;
var password = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.password).value;
AuthService.login(username, password).error(function(error) {
render: function() {
return (
<form role="form">
<input type="text" ref="email" className="form-control" id="username" placeholder="Username" />
<input type="password" className="form-control" id="password" ref="password" placeholder="Password" />
<button type="submit" className="btn btn-default" onClick={this.login}>Submit</button>
AuthService looks like:
module.exports = {
login: function(email, password) {
return'/api/auth/local/', {
email: email,
password: password
sync: function(obj) {
syncUser: function(jwt) {
return JQuery.ajax({
url: '/api/users/me',
type: "GET",
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + jwt
dataType: "json"
}).success(function(data) {
AuthActions.syncUserData(data, jwt);
var AuthActions = Reflux.createActions([
module.exports = AuthActions;
And store:
var AuthStore = Reflux.createStore({
listenables: [AuthActions],
init: function() {
this.user = null;
this.jwt = null;
onSyncUserData: function(user, jwt) {
console.log(user, jwt);
this.user = user;
this.jwt = jwt;
localStorage.setItem(TOKEN_KEY, jwt);
isLoggedIn: function() {
return !!this.user;
getUser: function() {
return this.user;
getToken: function() {
return this.jwt;
So when I click the login button the flow is the following:
Component -> AuthService -> AuthActions -> AuthStore
I'm directly calling AuthService with AuthService.login.
My question is I'm I doing it right?
Should I use action preEmit and do:
var ProductAPI = require('./ProductAPI')
var ProductActions = Reflux.createActions({
ProductActions.load.preEmit = function () {
The problem is the preEmit is that it makes the callback to component more complex. I would like to learn the right way and find where to place the backend calls with ReactJS/Reflux stack.

I am using Reflux as well and I use a different approach for async calls.
In vanilla Flux, the async calls are put in the actions.
But in Reflux, the async code works best in stores (at least in my humble opinion):
So, in your case in particular, I would create an Action called 'login' which will be triggered by the component and handled by a store which will start the login process. Once the handshaking ends, the store will set a new state in the component that lets it know the user is logged in. In the meantime (while this.state.currentUser == null, for example) the component may display a loading indicator.

For Reflux you should really take a look at
The short version of what is described over there is:
Do not use the PreEmit hook
Do use asynchronous actions
var MyActions = Reflux.createActions({
"doThis" : { asyncResult: true },
"doThat" : { asyncResult: true }
This will not only create the 'makeRequest' action, but also the 'doThis.completed', 'doThat.completed', 'doThis.failed' and 'doThat.failed' actions.
(Optionally, but preferred) use promises to call the actions
.then(function() {
// do something
// call the 'completed' child
.catch(function(error) {
// call failed action child
We recently rewrote all our actions and 'preEmit' hooks to this pattern and do like the results and resulting code.

I also found async with reflux kinda confusing. With raw flux from facebook, i would do something like this:
var ItemActions = {
createItem: function (data) {
$.post("/projects/" + data.project_id + "/items.json", { item: { title: data.title, project_id: data.project_id } }).done(function (itemResData) {
actionType: ItemConstants.ITEM_CREATE,
item: itemResData
}).fail(function (jqXHR) {
actionType: ItemConstants.ITEM_CREATE_FAIL,
errors: jqXHR.responseJSON.errors
So the action does the ajax request, and invokes the dispatcher when done. I wasn't big on the preEmit pattern either, so i would just use the handler on the store instead:
var Actions = Reflux.createActions([
var Store = Reflux.createStore({
listenables: [Actions],
init() {
this.listenTo(Actions.fetchData, this.fetchData);
fetchData() {
.done((data) => {
// do stuff
I'm not big on doing it from the store, but given how reflux abstracts the actions away, and will consistently fire the listenTo callback, i'm fine with it. A bit easier to reason how i also set call back data into the store. Still keeps it unidirectional.


Laravel 5.5 + Vue.js 2.x Proper API requests

I am working locally on a Laravel 5.5 project which uses Vue.js 2.5.9 on with XAMP Server.
I have to load some information to the DOM and refresh it when click "Refresh" button.
Sometimes the information is loaded and well displayed but sometimes they are not (some of the responses are):
Error 429: { "message": "Too Many Attempts." }
Error 500: { "message": "Server Error." }
I managed to "solve" the first issue (error 429) by increasing the Middleware throttle in Kernel.php from 'throttle:60,1', to 100,1)
But the second error I am not sure why I am get it sometimes and sometimes not.
I have this in my APIController (for example):
public function users()
$users = User::all();
return response()->json($users);
Then in app.js I call the methods in the created hook like this:
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
totalUsers: 0,
created: function() {
methods: {
loadUsers: function() {
.then(function (response) {
app.totalUsers =;
refreshData: function() {
Maybe should I replace $users = User::all() to $users = User::count() to avoid loading "too much data" in API requests?
I think you should be using mounted() instead of created() in your vue.
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
totalUsers: 0,
mounted: function() {
methods: {
loadUsers: function() {
.then(function (response) {
app.totalUsers =;
refreshData: function() {
that's the equivalent of the $(document).on(ready) in jQuery. Thats the method that fires when the window has fully loaded.
On a side note, Laravel knows when it is returning json as an ajax response, so you could probably just amend you controller method to this
public function users()
return User::all();

Ember Simple Auth transition after login

I have login code on my application route, as per examples in the docs, but the call to authenticate does not seem to return a promise. The response I get in 'then' is undefined. Therefore the transition does not work. I have to manually refresh the page, and then the top redirect is called.
import Ember from 'ember';
// Make 'session' available throughout the application
import ApplicationRouteMixin from 'simple-auth/mixins/application-route-mixin';
export default Ember.Route.extend(ApplicationRouteMixin, {
redirect: function () {
actions: {
authenticate: function () {
var data = {
identification: this.controller.get('identification'),
password: this.controller.get('password')
this.get('session').authenticate('simple-auth-authenticator:oauth2-password-grant', data).then(
function(response) {
console.log(response); // undefined
this.transitionTo('orders'); // can't call on undefined
My issue was 'this' inside the function call was the wrong object. Solved by using var _this = this;
I'll post the full working code.;
import Ember from 'ember';
// Make 'session' available throughout the application
import ApplicationRouteMixin from 'simple-auth/mixins/application-route-mixin';
export default Ember.Route.extend(ApplicationRouteMixin, {
redirect: function () {
actions: {
authenticate: function () {
var data = {
identification: this.controller.get('identification'),
password: this.controller.get('password')
var _this = this;
this.get('session').authenticate('simple-auth-authenticator:oauth2-password-grant', data).then(
function(response) {
console.log(_this.get('session')); // this correctly gets the session
The promise returned by the session's authenticate method doesn't resolve with a value. You can access data that the authenticator resolves with via the session's secure property, e.g. this.get(''.

Should I and how to transitionToRoute in a promise callback

In an Ember controller, I want to call my API to create a user and on success, transitionToRoute. This is what I currently want to work:
import ajax from "ic-ajax";
import Ember from "ember";
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
createAndLoginUser: function() {
var user = { "user": this.getProperties("email", "name") };
ajax({ url: "api/users", type: "POST", data: user })
var transitionToHome = function() {
But when I place a debugger in the method, this is no longer the controller object and is out of scope to call transitionToRoute.
I've only ever written hacky javascript, but I'm trying to learn core concepts and some frameworks. Is this the right way to use a promise? And is this the right place in Ember to put a transition?
Your problem has nothing to do with Ember or transitions; it's all about this handling. The simplest solution is just
Putting transition method inside the controller
You could also consider putting transitionToHome inside the controller as a method. Then, you could call it as in the following:
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
transitionToHome: function() { this.transitionToRoute("home"); },
actions: {
createAndLoginUser: function() {
var self = this;
var user = { "user": this.getProperties("email", "name") };
ajax({ url: "api/users", type: "POST", data: user })
.then(function() { self.transitionToHome(); });
This might be a simpler approach which is more readable and doesn't require reasoning about this and using bind (but does require using self).
Moving the transition to the route?
Outside the scope of your question, but some would say that route-related logic (including transitioning) logically belongs in the route, not the controller. If you agree, you could refactor the above to do a send
createAndLoginUser: function() {
var user = { "user": this.getProperties("email", "name") };
var self = this;
ajax({ url: "api/users", type: "POST", data: user })
.then(function() { self.send("goHome"); });
and then implement the goHome action in your route. Or, you could implement goHome in a higher-level route, even the application route, thus making it available from any controller or lower-level route.
Moving the AJAX logic to a service?
Others might say that the ajax logic does not really belong here in the controller, and should rightfully be in a services layer, so
// services/user.js
export function createUser(data) {
return ajax({ url: "api/users", type: "POST", data: { user: data } });
// controller
import { createUser } from 'app/services/user';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
createAndLoginUser: function() {
var data = this.getProperties("email", "name"));
var self = this;
createUser(data) . then(function() { self.send("goHome"); });
Using ES6 syntax, we can avoid the self, simplifying a bit in the process:
createAndLoginUser: function() {
var data = this.getProperties("email", "name"));
var goHome = () => this.send("goHome");
createUser(data) . then(goHome);
Now this code is starting to look more semantic and readable.
An alternative solution is to simply use ES6 arrow syntax to maintain the context of this:
import ajax from "ic-ajax";
import Ember from "ember";
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
createAndLoginUser() {
let user = { "user": this.getProperties("email", "name") };
ajax({ url: "api/users", type: "POST", data: user })
.then(() => {

Reflux stores not listening to actions

I feel silly now. The problem was I wasn't requiring my store anywhere in my code, so it was never actually being created.
My refluxjs store is not calling its callback when I call the action it's listening to. Here is the relevant code:
module.exports = require("reflux").createActions([
var userActions = require("../actions/user-actions");
module.exports = require("reflux").createStore({
listenables: userActions,
onCreateUser: function() {
console.log("onCreateUser called", arguments);
Component that fires the action:
var React = require("react"),
userActions = require("../../actions/user-actions");
var Login = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
name: ""
updateName: function(event) {
// Action gets called here
submit: function(event) {
console.log("Creating user",;
render: function() {
var name =;
return (
<div className='login'>
<form onSubmit={this.submit}>
<input value={name} onChange={this.updateName} />
When I submit the form in the Login component, the submit method is called without throwing any errors, but the onCreateUser method of my store is never called.
The examples on the reflux github page seem fairly straightforward and this is almost exactly the same as the example for using the listenables property on a store.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Since stores usually are hooked up to a component, and be required in that way, you could create a test component that just logs out to the console:
var store = require('path/to/your/store'),
React = require('react'),
Reflux = require('reflux');
var ConsoleLogComponent = React.createClass({
mixins: [
Reflux.listenTo(store, "log")
// you may add more stores here that calls the log method
log: function() {
render: function() {
return <div />
You can then put this console component where ever and just have a sanity check that the store works.

Emberjs authentication session not working

I have followed Authentication Tutorial, but running into some issues.
I have a php backend api which resides in another domain, http://rest.api {local development}
The ember js application uses ember-app-kit and connects to the rest api.
When the user submits the login form it sends the username/email with password to one of the route defined in the rest api Session Controller
import AuthManager from 'lms/config/auth_manager';
var SessionNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
attemptedTransition : null,
loginText : 'Log In',
actions: {
loginUser : function() {
var self = this;
var router = this.get('target');
var data = this.getProperties('identity', 'password');
var attemptedTrans = this.get('attemptedTransition');
function(results) {
AuthManager.authenticate(results.session, results.user_id);
if(attemptedTrans) {
self.set('attemptedTransition', null);
} else {
export default SessionNewController;
After receiving the api result in the results variable which looks like this :
Object {success: "user login success", session: "2OmwKLPclC.YhYAT3745467my7t0m2uo", user_id: "1"}
But as soon as I capture the data and send it to the AuthManager which resides in Auth Manager Code
import User from 'lms/models/user';
import Application from 'lms/adapters/application';
var AuthManager = Ember.Object.extend({
init: function() {
var accessToken = $.cookie('access_token');
var authUserId = $.cookie('auth_user');
if(!Ember.isEmpty(accessToken) || !Ember.isEmpty(authUserId)) {
this.authenticate(accessToken, authUserId);
isAuthenticated: function() {
return !Ember.isEmpty(this.get('ApiKey.accessToken')) && !Ember.isEmpty(this.get('ApiKey.user'));
authenticate: function(accessToken, userId) {
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken }
var user =;
this.set('ApiKey', ApiKey.create({
accessToken: accessToken,
user: user
reset: function() {
this.set('ApiKey', null);
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer None' }
apiKeyObserver: function() {
Application.accessToken = this.get('apikey.accessToken');
if (Ember.isEmpty(this.get('ApiKey'))) {
} else {
$.cookie('access_token', this.get('ApiKey.accessToken'));
$.cookie('auth_user', this.get(''));
export default AuthManager;
I got an error in the console saying
Uncaught TypeError: Object function () {
if (!wasApplied) {
Class.proto(); // prepare prototype...
o_defineProperty(this, GUID_KEY, undefinedDescriptor);
o_defineProperty(this, '_super', undefinedDescriptor);
var m = met...<omitted>...e' new.js:23
(anonymous function) new.js:23 jquery.js:1037
jQuery.Callbacks.self.fireWith jquery.js:1148
done jquery.js:8074
jQuery.ajaxTransport.send.callback jquery.js:8598
It is not able to pass the variables to the imported function.
Finally got this working. The error that was I doing is after extending the Ember.Object.extend() on auth_manager.js, I didn't create the object anywhere. Thats why it couldnt set create a cookie and throwing that error message.
All I had to do was, .create() after extending the object.
Don't know whether it is the right method or not. But it certainly works.

