JS - Dynamic Href Change - javascript

Ive tried many way but im new to JS, I mainly do PHP.
Anyway the code:
var userinput = $('input[name="imdbid"]');
Basically, the imdbid is gotten from a input tag, basically I want to append whatever the user types to a href of a tag, This doesnt seem to work doe. When I alert() it, it seems to give me the output of what its meant to but when I remove alert() it doesnt seem to change the href, I also tried .setAttribute() but that also just did nothing.
Please help me out im going insane right now.

Try this:
You need to assign it to href attribute..
var userimdb=$('#userimdb');
var baseURL=userimdb.attr('href');
var userimdb=$('#userimdb');
userimdb.attr('href', baseURL + $(this).val());

You're not setting the attribute right now, only accessing it. In addition, you need to store the original href attribute somewhere so you're not adding the same text repeatedly. Here's the updated code:
var userinput = $('input[name="imdbid"]');
var orighref = $('#userimdb').attr('href');
$('#userimdb').attr('href', orighref + userinput.val());


How to dynamically add data from a span tag into a href tag

I think this may have a simple answer that I'm missing. The following tag inserts a TV show name into any page on my website:
<span class="show-title"></span>
what I'm trying to do is incorporate that data dynamically into a HREF URL link.
So, let's say on the page I'm on:
produced the result: GOTHAM.
I'd like to then use that data to create this url:
So I'm trying stuff like:
</span>_(TV_series)"> Link
nothing working - any help would be awesome. Thanks!
You could do something like this:
<a class="wikipedia-link">Link</a>
And your JavaScript function:
setLink(showTitle) {
var link = document.getElementsByClassName("wikipedia-link");
link.setAttribute("href", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" + showTitle + "_(TV_series)");
The html you use is wrong. span shouldn't be inside tag a. No tag inside another.
If your result is in javascript variable, you can set the url using jquery.
$('a').attr('href', "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" + result + "_(TV_series)");
result variable is your desired result.
Although there's better ways of going about doing this, I'm going to answer the question in the context in which you presented it:
First, give the url link a class or ID so you can easily select it with JavaScript to change the href value later. Also, don't try to nest the span tag anywhere inside the a tag. Leave it outside.
<span class="show-title">GOTHAM</span>
Next, in a JavaScript file or a <script> tag, define your variables:
var showTitle, showWikipediaLink, linkElement
Then, assign value to your newly defined variables
linkElement = document.querySelector('.show-wikipedia-link');
showTitle = document.querySelector('.show-title').innerText;
showWikipediaLink = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + showTitle + '_(TV_series)';
Finally, use JavaScript to update the href value of the link element to the show's Wikipedia link:
linkElement.href = showWikipediaLink;

javascript set variable from .text method

I'm new in javascript development and I want to ask how to set variable from text method.
Example: in this code have a text method
in the Html file, when I create any class from these will print the value from JSON file.
Example :
<div class='phone'></div>
Output: (000)000-9999
source code:
<div class='phone'>(000)000-9999</div>
I try to set this in variable but it doesn't work.
My try:
var phone = theRestaurant.phone
I want to set it in variable because I need to put it inside href value like so:
var phone = 'tel:' + phone
document.getElementById("phone").href = phone;
I hope everything clear. and If have an other solution please tell about it.
Have you wrapped your jQuery code in a document.ready() wrapper?
If not, then the javascript might run before the page has had time to create the elements in the DOM, and nothing will work.
//all javascript/jQuery code goes in here
Also, see my comment above about mixing up "ByClassName" and "ByID"
Answer came from #itsgoingdown
this code in main javascript file:
var phone=document.getElementById('phone').innerHTML; document.getElementsByClassName("phone")[0].href = phone;

form submit by clicking on anchor tag in IE11

I am trying to update some old code that works correctly on all versions of IE except IE11. When an anchor tag is clicked a javascript function is run. The function . All that the function does is that it gets certain values from the DOM and then submits a form using the post action.
I understand that IE11 submit does not work if the input element does not have a name. Here, the submit is done by clicking on an anchor tag- I tried adding a name and id to the anchor tag but it is still not working.
Any idea on how to get it to work. Following is the anchor tag.
<a class="nohigh" href="javascript:getClassDetails('<%=Id%>');">
Following is the javascript function:
function getClassDetails(a){
var classId = document.getElementById(classIdRow ).value;
var courseId = document.getElementById(courseIdRow).value;
document.getElementById('val1').value = classId
document.getElementById('val2').value = courseId
The function that you want should be:
function getClassDetails(a){
var classId = document.getElementById(classIdRow).value; // assuming classIdRow is defined
var courseId = document.getElementById(courseIdRow).value; // assuming courseIdRow is defined
document.getElementById('val1').value = classId;
document.getElementById('val2').value = courseId;
That's at least assuming that all the JavaScript you have up there ^ is verbatim.
[edit: removed the original answer, as the question has been changed to correct the syntax]
In addition, the JS code has other weirdness, in that the function is accepting a parameter (a) but never uses it within the function. There's almost certainly some kind of logic mistake involved there which you'll want to look into.
fixed it - by adding both a name and id to the form.

Show URL in browser when link added with javascript

I have added an onclick function to a div here:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("fab").onclick = function() {
location.href = 'http://your.url.here';
When you hover over the div, it doesnt show the URL in the bottom left of the browser like an anchor tag does (see picture): http://i.stack.imgur.com/iGLHS.png
Is there any way to make the browser show the link, when it has been added with javascript?
Add the title attribute to your element:
<div id="fab" title="http://your.url.here'></div>
Actually this is different than the popup you're seeing, but it might be as close as you can get.
As #Benten points out, you'd have to set window.status, which isn't allowed by most modern browsers.
I don't think you can directly access the property that you are looking for any more. Usually it's ignored. See this: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_win_status.asp . I'd say the other answer is your best bet.
I think something different. I hope i didnt understand it wrong. If you add -a- element as parent to your -div- it acts like what you want.
var element = document.getElementById("fab");
var aa = document.createElement("a");
aa.setAttribute('href', 'http://www.google.com');
var parent = element.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(aa, element);
please let me know if i understand it wrong?

jquery access to element after append by variable as id

Via ajax i retrieve some json data, make it as html and append it to my page.
Here I have a problem. I cant access element by id, if id is variable.
For example, http://jsfiddle.net/f8g5e/1/
<div id="123">Hello</div>
<div id="321">Bye</div>
<div id="out"></div>
key = '123';
$('#' + key).hide();
The simples thing is works! #123 and #321 elements are hidden. Yeah, it's pretty obviosly.
But, in my project, when I append data to page:
$('#123') //returns element
$('#' + key) //returns null
Some code:
// generating data
var htmlData = '<div id="123">Greetings!</div><div id="321">Bye bye</div>';
// appending data
What are the possible causes i can't access elements?
Dont know how it works in JSFiddle, but when I changed my IDs to properly names it began to work now. Thanks to all! Next time, I'll take more attention to w3c dom standarts ;) Happy New Year!
The only reason I can think of that $('#'+key) wouldn't work is because the variable key is undefined.
Note: you're not supposed to start an ID with a number according to the W3C spec. However, most browsers allow it, so I doubt this is causing your problem.
However, if you have two divs with the same ID attribute, then JavaScript will only select the first one it finds -- IDs are supposed to be unique. If this is happening, use classes instead.
You can either do this:
$(function() {
or you can do this:
$(function() {
var key = '123';
var doit = '321';
$('#' + key + ',#' + doit).hide();

