How to translate a Ruby regex to JavaScript? - javascript

In Ruby I have a regex to get a string formatted like "#xxx":
I also need this regex on the client side, but JavaScript can't read this.
How can I change this regex to JavaScript?

Well you don't have lookbehind in JavaScript regular expression so you can't use (?<!\S) in a JavaScript regex.
You can use:
And use captured group #1 for your matched text.
Alternatively you can use XRegExp library in JS and use the lookbehind feature.


What are the differences between javascript and PCRE regular expressions? [duplicate]

I'm just a noob when it comes to regexp. I know Perl is amazing with regexp and I don't know much Perl. Recently started learning JavaScript and came across regex for
validating user inputs... haven't used them much.
How does JavaScript regexp compare with Perl regexp? Similarities and differences?
Can all regexp(s) written in JS be used in Perl and vice-versa?
Similar syntax?
From ECMAScript 2018 onwards, many of JavaScript's regex deficiencies have been fixed.
It now supports lookbehind assertions, even unbounded ones.
Unicode property escapes have been added.
There finally is a DOTALL (/s) flag.
What is still missing:
JavaScript doesn't have a way to prevent backtracking by making matches final (using possessive quantifiers ++/*+/?+ or atomic groups (?>...)).
Recursive/balanced subgroup matching is not supported.
One other (cosmetic) thing is that JavaScript doesn't know verbose regexes, which might make them harder to read.
Other than that, the basic regex syntax is very similar in both flavors.
This comparison will answer all your queries.
Another difference: In JavaScript, there is no s modifier: The dot "." will never match a newline character. As a replacement for ".", the character class [\s\S] can be used in JavaScript, which will work like /./s in Perl.
I just ran into an instance where the \d, decimal is not recognized in some versions of JavaScript -- you have to use [0-9].

using same regex both in php and javascript

I am using the following regex to find the special characters in a string
I want to get all the characters that match this pattern and all that is working fine.
The condition is that that I have to use the same expression both in php and javascript.
But the g flag in the above regex is creating problem as preg_match and preg_match_all do not accept this flag and I have to search globally.
SO how can I get all the special characters using the same expression both in php and javascript?
You can't use the same regex in both PHP and JavaScript because their regex engines make different assumptions and support different features.
More than just the incompatibility with the g modifier, this regex will fail you if the input contains non-ASCII characters: the input encoding in PHP and JS will be almost certainly different and PHP will not even be Unicode-aware unless you use the u flag (which does not exist in JS because it's Unicode-aware by default).
Just use two different regular expressions.
To match [^a-zA-Z0-9\s] in JavaScript you would have to use:

Regular expression alternative for javascript escape() function

I'm working on Jmeter, and I need to send an encoded parameter along with the Http request.
I know that I can do the encoding of special characters using javascript escape(). But I can't use javascript here, as I'm using Jmeter's Regular Expression Extractor. I need a regular expression pattern that does the same as escape(). Please do help me. Thanks in advance.
New upcoming version 2.10 of jmeter will have a new function that does it:
Regular expressions can't do this. escape() (which is deprecated anyway and has been superseded by encodeURI()) takes ASCII control characters and non-ASCII characters and encodes them using %xx or %uxxxx hexadecimal notation. Regular expressions can only work with existing text, not convert it.

Javascript regex compared to Perl regex

I'm just a noob when it comes to regexp. I know Perl is amazing with regexp and I don't know much Perl. Recently started learning JavaScript and came across regex for
validating user inputs... haven't used them much.
How does JavaScript regexp compare with Perl regexp? Similarities and differences?
Can all regexp(s) written in JS be used in Perl and vice-versa?
Similar syntax?
From ECMAScript 2018 onwards, many of JavaScript's regex deficiencies have been fixed.
It now supports lookbehind assertions, even unbounded ones.
Unicode property escapes have been added.
There finally is a DOTALL (/s) flag.
What is still missing:
JavaScript doesn't have a way to prevent backtracking by making matches final (using possessive quantifiers ++/*+/?+ or atomic groups (?>...)).
Recursive/balanced subgroup matching is not supported.
One other (cosmetic) thing is that JavaScript doesn't know verbose regexes, which might make them harder to read.
Other than that, the basic regex syntax is very similar in both flavors.
This comparison will answer all your queries.
Another difference: In JavaScript, there is no s modifier: The dot "." will never match a newline character. As a replacement for ".", the character class [\s\S] can be used in JavaScript, which will work like /./s in Perl.
I just ran into an instance where the \d, decimal is not recognized in some versions of JavaScript -- you have to use [0-9].

How to find a URL within full text using regular expression

What is wrong with the following regular expression, which works in many online JavaScript regular expression testers (and RegEx Buddy), yet doesn't work in my application?
It is intended to replace URLs with a Hyperlink. The Javascript is found in a javascript file.
var fixed = text.replace(/\b(https?|ftp|file)://[-A-Z0-9+&##/%?=~_|$!:,.;]*[A-Z0-9+&##/%=~_|$]/ig, "<a href='$&' target='blank'>$&</a>");
Chrome, for example, complains that & is not valid (as does IE8). Is there some way to escape the ampersand (or whatever else is wrong), without resorting to the RegEx object?
Those testers let you input the regex in its raw form, but when you use it in source code you have to write it in the form of a string literal or (as is the case here) a regex literal. JavaScript uses forward-slashes for its regex-literal delimiters, so you have to escape any slashes in the regex itself to avoid confusing the interpreter.
Once you escape the slashes it should stop complaining about the ampersand. That was most likely caused by the malformed regex literal.
I recognize that regex, having used it myself the other day; you got it from RegexBuddy's Library, didn't you? If you had used RB's "Use" feature to create a JS-compatible regex, it would have escaped the slashes for you.
This works for me in Chrome
var fixed = text.replace(/(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*#)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%#!\-\/]))?/igm, "<a href='$1' target='blank'>$1</a>");

