Updating Columns Dynamically - Alloy UI - javascript

I'm trying to change columns dynamically in my Alloy UI DataTable - depending on what button is selected, columns are changed depending on which data is returned.
My columns get updated, however the actual data is never included in the table. When I don't define any columns both the columns and data are returned - I of course want control of how my columns are displayed and want to set their attributes
Below is my code:
var dataTable = new Y.DataTable({ //Defining Datatable with no columns preset
editEvent: 'dblclick',
plugins: [{
cfg: {
highlightRange: false
'click', //On Click...
function() {
var category = $(this).attr("id"); //value retrieved from id of button selected
dataSource = new Y.DataSource.IO({source: '/searchMyData
dataType: 'json',
on: {
success: function(e) {
response = e.data.responseText;
setColumnNames(category); //Set the Columns...
data = Y.JSON.parse(response);
dataTable.set('data', data);//Then the Data
failure: function() {
function setColumnNames(tabName){ //Defining Columns
var columns1 = [
{ key: 'id', label: 'ID', width: '70px' },
{ key: 'name', label: 'Name', width: '70px' }
var columns2 = [
{ key: 'id', label: 'ID', width: '70px' },
{ key: 'addr', label: 'Address', width: '70px' }
switch (category) {
case "person":
dataTable.set('columns', columns1);
case "address":
dataTable.set('columns', columns2);
There's no issue with the data returning from the ajax request, only when it comes to loading it to the table with a new set of columns defined. I've tried the reset() method on both columns and data on each click, but no luck.

It turns out the keys returned from my request were being capitalized and included underscores (just how they're defined in the database) - I've also noticed defining the columns key is case sensitive. If I changed a single character from lower case to upper than the column would not display data.


Ag-Grid updating values pushed?

Made ag-grid, created event for click to add that clicked data (and some manipulations of it) to a second grid.
Values get pushed, when checking row data, but does not display.
How can I make the second table update ? Code below, please & Thank you!!
<div id="myGrid" style="height: 1000px; width:1000px;" class="ag-theme-alpine-dark"></div>
<div id="mySecondGrid" style="height: 100rem;width:100rem;" class="ag-theme-alpine-dark"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
// specify the columns for first table
var columnDefs = [
{headerName: "Col1", field: "Col1"},
{headerName: "Col2", field: "Col2"},
{headerName: "Col3", field: "Col3"}
// specify the data for first table
var rowData = [
{ Col1:"25",Col2:"7.25",Col3:"1"},
{ Col1:"5",Col2:"7.5",Col3:"3"},
{ Col1:"13",Col2:"7.75",Col3:"7"},
// grid options first table
var gridOptions = {
columnDefs: columnDefs,
rowData: rowData,
rowSelection: 'single',
// lookup the container we want the Grid to use
var eGridDiv = document.querySelector('#myGrid');
// create the grid passing in the div to use together with the columns & data we want to use
new agGrid.Grid(eGridDiv, gridOptions);
//add Listener
gridOptions.api.addEventListener('rowClicked', myRowClickedHandler);
//Variable to hold data for second grid
var a = [ ];
var columnDefs2 = [
{headerName: "TIMESCLICKED", field: "TimesClicked"},
{headerName: "ATT1", field: "Att1"},
{headerName: "ATT2", field: "Att2"}
var gridOptions2 = {
columnDefs: columnDefs2,
rowData: a,
var eGridDiv2 = document.querySelector('#mySecondGrid');
new agGrid.Grid( eGridDiv2, gridOptions2);
//should update second grid by passing data from items clicked on in first grid not updating ?
function myRowClickedHandler(event) {
a.push({TimesClicked: 1, Att1: gridOptions.api.getSelectedNodes()[0].data.Col1, Att2: gridOptions.api.getSelectedNodes()[0].data.Col2})
You should set the row data --> gridOptions2.api.setRowData(a) after you pused the object to your 'a' variable.

Tabulator: how to modify local array when deleting rows?

I'm trying to build an interactive table that could be modified by the user. In my case, the original dataset is a local array of objects.
Tabulator has the buttonCross option to delete rows, but it only affects the table visuals. How can I make it find the matching object the row presents and delete it from the tabledata array?
Here's the code I'm working with:
let tabledata = [{
animal: "hippo",
color: "grey"
animal: "puma",
color: "black"
animal: "flamingo",
color: "pink"
let table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
data: tabledata,
layout: "fitDataFill",
addRowPos: "bottom",
reactiveData: true,
headerSort: false,
columns: [ //define the table columns
title: "animal",
field: "animal",
editor: "input"
title: "color",
field: "color",
editor: "input"
formatter: "buttonCross",
width: 40,
align: "center",
cellClick: function (e, cell) {
Codepen here.
Would really appreciate some tips on how to make this work!
Working example for tabulator
the filter function is used to remove the current item for the collection
filter Filter API.
First filter the object you don't need and then assign it to tabledata.
cellClick: function (e, cell) {
var animalToDelete={ animal:cell.getRow().getData().animal,
var filtered=tabledata.filter(function(x){
return x.animal!=animalToDelete.animal
&& x.color!=animalToDelete.color;
You could also look to use tabulator in Reactive Data Mode
In this mode it will update the table in real time to match the provided data array as it is changed, and vice versa it will update the array to match the table.
To do this set the reactiveData property to true in the tables constructor object.
//create table and assign data
var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
reactiveData:true, //enable reactive data
data:tableData, //assign data array
{title:"Name", field:"name"},
{title:"Age", field:"age", align:"left", formatter:"progress"},
{title:"Favourite Color", field:"col"},
{title:"Date Of Birth", field:"dob", sorter:"date", align:"center"},
It will then maintain a link with the initial data source

Apply background-color to dxDataGrid control and export to Excel

I'm using DevExpress's dxDataGrid in a ASP.NET project for show some data stored on a SQL Server database.
The following code shows how I'm setting the dxDataGrid control for render the data:
// Variables.
var vlrMin = [];
var vlrMax = [];
var vlr_to_match = 0;
var colors = [];
var final_rst = "";
// Add values to variables:
// Add values to variables:
// Start configuration.
dataSource: [{
"Dept": "Local services",
"Employee": "John Doe",
"TotalHours": "11"
paging: {
pageSize: 10
export: {
allowExportSelectedData: true,
enabled: true,
fileName: 'Reporte 1',
texts: {
exportAll: 'Export all',
exportSelectedRows: 'Export selected row(s).',
exportTo: 'Export'
searchPanel: {
visible: true
filterRow: {
visible: true,
showOperationChooser: true
allowColumnReordering: true,
grouping: {
autoExpandAll: true
groupPanel: {
visible: true
pager: {
showPageSizeSelector: true,
allowedPageSizes: [5, 10, 20],
showInfo: true
columns: ['Dept',
'Employee', {
dataField: 'TotalHours',
allowFiltering: true,
allowSorting: true,
cellTemplate: function(container, options) {
/* Value to check if matches with the criteria. */
var vlr_to_match = options.value;
/* Loop elements. */
for (var mn = 0; mn < vlrMin.length; mn++) {
if (vlr_to_match >= vlrMin[mn] && vlr_to_match <= vlrMax[mn]) {
final_rst = colors[mn];
/* Apply custom style to element. */
.attr('style', 'background-color: ' + final_rst)
This is the results in the dxDataGrid control:
But, when I open the generated file "using the DevExpress functionality" I'm not getting the same results as is shown in the screenshot (i.e; the cell has values, but no styles are applied).
According to the documentation, and after apply a color to an specific cell in the dxDataGrid control, when the exported Excel file is opened, the cell is not getting the same result as is shown in the dxDataGrid control.
My question is:
How can apply styles to a dxDataGrid cell and apply such results to the generated Excel file?
unfortunately, based on the quite recent (2016-09-20) reply from DX stuff in their support forum, there is no way in DevExtreme suit to export dxDataGrid to excel with formatting.
See yourself: https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/T429240
If you were using the DevEpress ASPxGridView control together with ASPxGridViewExporter you would be able to customize format in the exported Excel doc per cell or per row.

How to call FooterView method

According to the Alloy UI API, the FooterView class has a method called refreshFooter() which
Refreshes the summary items in the footer view and populates the footer elements based on the current "data" contents.
I am trying to figure out how to call this function after a certain event, not sure how to make the call since the footerView is defined as an attribute. Here is my Datatable:
var dataTable = new Y.DataTable({
columns: columns,
height: '95%',
footerView: Y.FooterView,
footerConfig: {
fixed: true,
heading: {
colspan: 5,
content: "Number of Records : {row_count}"
I've tried placing the footerView into a variable and invoking but, but no luck. Any ideas on how to execute this function?
Source: http://stlsmiths.github.io/new-gallery/classes/Y.FooterView.html#method_refreshFooter
Basically tables require two kinds of information, table columns and data. Pass both into your Data Table after columns and data, and don't forget to render it! . I think you are not rendering it. Try it ! GoodLuck!
function(Y) {
var columns = [
var data = [
name: 'Bob',
age: '28'
name: 'Joe',
age: '72'
name: 'Sarah',
age: '35'
new Y.DataTable(
columns: columns,
data: data
#myDataTable is the div that you want to render.

Kendo + Angular chart data

I'm trying out Kendo charts with angular, and I have problem displaying data, here is my code:
<div kendo-chart="rchart" data-k-options="chartOptions" data-role="chart" class="k-chart" style="position: relative;"></div>
resultService.getResult().then(function (resultResponse) {
$scope.data = resultResponse.data;
$scope.oldReps = _.pluck($scope.data.TreningScores.Item1, 'Item2');
$scope.newReps = _.pluck($scope.data.TreningScores.Item2, 'Item2');
$scope.categories = _.pluck($scope.data.TreningScores.Item1, 'Item1');
$scope.chartOptions = {
legend: {
position: "bottom"
seriesDefaults: {
type: "column"
series: [{
name: "Total Visits",
data: $scope.oldReps
}, {
name: "Unique visitors",
data: $scope.newReps
valueAxis: {
line: {
visible: false
tooltip: {
visible: true,
format: "{0}"
The problem is chart isn't updated after data is fetched from server, I've tried refreshing chart like this (but with no luck):
$scope.chart = {
refreshChart : function() {
And calling this method in:
resultService.getResult().then(function (resultResponse) {});
And I've also tried to define $scope.chartOptions inside same function, but nothing. Is there any way to fix this ?
It's not well documented, but to get a UI control with remote data-binding to update after data has been returned from a server requires both watching the collection for updates from the Angular side and rebinding the data object to its respective UI control from the Kendo side.
In your controller, watch for changes to your data objects using $watchCollection, and update the objects/properties which are bound to those collections:
// API call
$scope.data = data;
// KendoUI config object
$scope.chart = {
dataSource: {
data: $scope.data
// Watch for changes to $scope.data
$scope.$watchCollection('data', function(newData) {
// Update data bindings with changes
$scope.chart.dataSource.data = newData;
In your view, define the object your UI control should be bound to when changes are made via the k-rebind Angular-Kendo directive:
<div kendo-chart k-options="chart" k-rebind="chart"></div>
Here is an example of a chart bound to remote data:
The use of $watchCollection to track and assign the dataSource.data in the accepted answer and others is a needlessly convoluted approach.
Here's a straightforward implementation:
<div kendo-chart k-theme='metro' k-options="chart" k-rebind="chart"></div>
$scope.chart = {
dataSource: new kendo.data.DataSource({
data: [{ title: "Loading", value: 100, color: '#EFEFEF' }]
series: [{ field: 'value', categoryField: 'title', padding: 0, holeSize: 25 }],
seriesDefaults: { type: 'donut', startAngle: 90 }
Using the dataSource.data() method instead of assigning dataSource.data as an array is the key here:
payrollService.load(userId).then(function (result) {
$scope.chart.dataSource.data(result.items); //where result.items is an array like so:
// { title: "Net Pay", value: 60, color: '#6BAE4B' },
// { title: "Taxes", value: 15, color: '#ED6347' },
// { title: "Deductions", value: 25, color: '#8161C2' }
Codepen Demo:
I think your problem is that $scope.chartOptions is set before the data of the resultService is retrieved. Angular is returning an empty array in this case and filling in the data later.
But $scope.chartOptions not not updated with new data.
You could try with
$scope.$watchCollection('oldReps', function(newData, oldData) {
$scope.chartOptions.series[0].data = newData;
$scope.$watchCollection('newReps', function(newData, oldData) {
$scope.chartOptions.series[1].data = newData;
So chartOptions are updated if oldReps or newReps have changed.
I had a similiar problem and $watchCollection saved my day (Caching data and updating another object for an chart does not work)

