Ajax File Upload - Script Writes garbage in File - javascript

i have a Problem with my Ajax-Fileupload Script.
When I upload my Files, the Files are corrupt. When I open the File with Notepad++, i see that there are for example the following Lines:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="0"; filename="myimage.png"
Content-Type: image/png
When I delete the 3 Lines bevor filecontent und the Line after filecontent, the File is ok.
I have no clue, why these 4 Lines are written to the Files.
I hope that somebody can help me.
Here is my Javascript-Code:
var myFiles = [];
function ajaxFileUpload() {
var dataid = document.getElementById("dataid").getAttribute("data-id"),
data = new FormData(),
maxSize = 100.0,
file = null,
myUrl = "xxx/save";
$.each(myFiles, function(key, value) {
console.log(key+" "+value);
file = value;
data.append(key, value);
var filesize = file.size;
if ((filesize/(1024*1024)) <= maxSize) {
type: "PUT", //<-- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10475313/ajax-file-upload-with-xmlhttprequest
url: myUrl,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
data: data,
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-File-Name", file.name);
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-File-Size", file.size);
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-myid", dataid);
success: function (json) {
} else {
And here my relevant PHP-Code:
private function copyPutFilesToTmp($directory = "") {
$temp = "xxx";
if (!is_dir($temp)) {
mkdir ($temp, 0777, true);
$tmpPath = $temp."/";
$filename = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME'];
$in = fopen('php://input', 'r');
$ziel = $tmpPath.$filename;
if (!file_exists($ziel)) {
$fileuploadok = true;
$out = fopen($ziel, 'w');
$data = fread($in, 1024);
while($data) {
if ($data != false) {
fwrite($out, $data);
} else {
$fileuploadok = false;
$data = fread($in, 1024);
if ($fileuploadok === FALSE) {
} else {
} else {
return $answer;

I found the problem.
if I sent the file directly as data and not within a FormData it works!
So the right Code is:
var myFiles = [];
function ajaxFileUpload() {
var dataid = document.getElementById("dataid").getAttribute("data-id"),
maxSize = 100.0,
file = null,
myUrl = "xxx/save";
$.each(myFiles, function(key, value) {
file = value;
var filesize = file.size;
if ((filesize/(1024*1024)) <= maxSize) {
type: "PUT", //<-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10475313/ajax-file-upload-with-xmlhttprequest
url: myUrl,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
data: file,
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-File-Name", file.name);
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-File-Size", file.size);
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-myid", dataid);
success: function (json) {
} else {
found here: AJAX File Upload with XMLHttpRequest


ajax passing two forms with codeigniter

I have a problem related with passing two forms in ajax to my controller code igniter. My first form is a file var formData = new FormData($('#form-upload')[0]);
and my second form consists of profile data $('#frm_patientreg').serialize()
now my problem is how can I pass these two forms in ajax?
I already tried this code:
var fileToUpload = inputFile[0].files[0];
if(fileToUpload != 'undefine') {
var formData = new FormData($('#form-upload')[0]);
type: "POST",
url: siteurl+"sec_myclinic/addpatient",
data: $('#frm_patientreg').serialize()+formData,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
success: function(msg) {
alert("Successfully Added");
else {
alert("No File Selected");
but it returns me an error.
When I tried to pass data:formData, only, my image file was successfully uploaded, but when I add the $('#frm_patientreg').serialize(), it outputs an error. How can I pass both forms?
Here is my controller:
public function addpatient() {
$config['upload_path'] = './asset/uploaded_images/';
$config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|jpeg|png';
$config['max_size'] = 1024 * 8;
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
if($this->upload->do_upload("file")) {
$upload_data = $this->upload->data();
$file_name = base_url().'asset/uploaded_images/'.$upload_data['file_name'];
$mypatiendid = $this->genpatient_id();
$patient_bday = $this->input->post('pabdate');
$DB_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($patient_bday));
$patient_height = $this->input->post('paheight');
$DB_height = $patient_height . " cm";
$patient_weight = $this->input->post('paweight');
$DB_weight = $patient_weight . " kg";
$data = array (
'patient_id' => $mypatiendid,
'patient_fname' => $this->input->post('pafname'),
'patient_mname' => $this->input->post('pamname'),
'patient_lname' => $this->input->post('palname'),
'patient_address' => $this->input->post('paaddress'),
'patient_contact_info' => $this->input->post('pacontact'),
'patient_bday' => $DB_date,
'patient_age' => $this->input->post('paage'),
'patient_height' => $DB_height,
'patient_weight' => $DB_weight,
'patient_sex' => $this->input->post('psex'),
'patient_civil_status' => $this->input->post('pmartialstat'),
'patient_photo' => $file_name,
else {
echo "File cannot be uploaded";
$error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors()); var_dump($error);
Not tested..but try this:
var FormTwo = new FormData();
$('#frm_patientreg input, #frm_patientreg select').each(function(index){
FormTwo.append('file', $('#frm_patientreg input[type=file]')[0].files[0]);
type: "POST",
url: siteurl+"sec_myclinic/addpatient",
data: {formTwo: FormTwo, formOne: formData},
processData: false,
contentType: false,
success: function(msg) {
alert("Successfully Added");
change this
data: $('#frm_patientreg').serialize()+formData,
into this
data: $('#frm_patientreg').serialize()+'&'+formData,

Inserting image to SAP HANA Table using XSJS

I know this is a known issue but I'm having difficulty on fixing my problem. It seems that I don't receive anything from my UI5 Application when I sent an image via FileUploader to my server. I am new to HCP and this is my first time handling XSJS file. I hope you can help me.
], function(Controller) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("sample.controller.View1", {
handleUploadPress : function(oEvent)
var fileLoader =this.getView().byId("FileLoader");//XML View
var fileName = fileLoader.getValue();
if (fileName === "" )
sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.show("Please choose File.", sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Icon.INFORMATION, "Information");
var uploadUrl = "https://xxxxxx/services/Sample.xsjs?file_name="+fileName;
var formEle = jQuery.sap.domById("UpdateContact--FileLoader");
var form = $(formEle).find("form")[0] ;
var fd = new FormData(form);
url: uploadUrl,
type: "GET",
beforeSend: function(xhr)
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-Token", "Fetch");
success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
var token = XMLHttpRequest.getResponseHeader('X-CSRF-Token');
url: uploadUrl,
type: "POST",
processData :false ,
contentType: false,
data: fd,
beforeSend: function(xhr)
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-Token", token);
success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest)
var resptext = XMLHttpRequest.responseText;
sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.show(resptext, sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Icon.INFORMATION, "Information");
if(data === "Upload successful"){
sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.show("File uploaded.", sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Icon.INFORMATION, "Information");
error: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest)
sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.show("File could not be uploaded.", sap.ui.commons.MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, "Error");
}} ) ;
XSJS Service:
$.response.contentType = "text/html";
var conn = $.hdb.getConnection();
var filename = $.request.parameters.get("file_name");
var headers = $.entity.headers.length;
var pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO \"XXX_ASSETS\".\"XXX\" VALUES('1',?,'test',CURRENT_USER,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)");
if($.request.entities.length > 0){
var file_body = $.request.entities[0].body.asArrayBuffer();
$.response.setBody("[200]:Upload successful!");
$.response.setBody("No Entries");
if (pstmt !== null)
if (conn !== null)
My code was built based on the tutorials I have found on the internet. Thank You.
A good way to save the image is converting(Base64) and save as blob in HANA table.

Zip file not downloading using Ajax in MVC

I want to download a zip file containing .pdf files by ajax call. Here is my code. Only the zip file is not downloading, the rest are ok.
public FileResult DownloadZip(string[] Paths) {
string FilePath = string.Empty;
using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile()) {
foreach (var item in Paths) {
string updateitem = item.Replace("'", "");
FilePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportPath"] + updateitem;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(FilePath)) {
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FilePath)) { continue; }
if (!zip.ContainsEntry(FilePath)) { zip.AddFile(FilePath); }
Response.ContentType = "application/zip";
var memStream = new MemoryStream();
memStream.Position = 0;
return File(memStream, "application/zip", "DocumentFiles.zip");
$("#btnDownload").click(function () {
var reportPaths = new Array();
$('input[name="path"]:checked').each(function() {
$.ajax({type: "GET",url: "/Client/CompletedCases/DownloadZip",traditional: true,data:{Paths:reportPaths},success: function (data) {},});
public virtual ActionResult Download(string file)
string fullPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/MyFiles"), file);
return File(fullPath, "application/zip", file);
type: 'POST',
url: '/Download', //change it accroding to your url
data: '{ "file" : "file" }',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (returnValue) {
window.location = '/Download?file=' + returnValue; //change accroding to you url

how to use PostgreSQL mod for vertx in js?

hi im new in vertx and i want use https://github.com/vert-x/mod-mysql-postgresql for a service
i use this code for my web server
var vertx = require('vertx');
var console = require('vertx/console');
var Server = vertx.createHttpServer();
Server.requestHandler(function (req) {
var file = req.path() === '/' ? 'index.html' : req.path();
if (file === '/foo') {
req.response.sendFile('html/' + file);
function foo(req) {
req.bodyHandler(function (data) {
//data is json {name:foo, age:13} i want insert this in any table in postgre
var dataresponse= messagefrompostgre;//e: {status:"ok", code:200, message: "its ok"}
req.response.putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
and this is my event click button
data: {name:foo, age:13} ,
url: '/foo',
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
complete: function (response) {
I found how to do it:
var vertx = require('vertx');
var console = require('vertx/console');//TODO: remove
var eventBus = vertx.eventBus;
var Server = vertx.createHttpServer();
Server.requestHandler(function (req) {
var file = req.path() === '/' ? 'index.html' : req.path();
if (file === '/foo') {
req.response.sendFile('html/' + file);
function foo(req) {
req.bodyHandler(function (data) {
//data is json {name:foo, age:13}
var jsona={
"action" : "raw",
"command" : "select * from test"
eventBus.send("PostgreSQL-asyncdb",jsona, function(reply) {
req.response.putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
and this return:
{"message":"SELECT 6","rows":6,"fields":["testt"],"results":[["lol"],["lolŕ"],["lol2"],["lol2"],["testlol"],["testlolp"]],"status":"ok"}

How get json parameters if I use post method in vertx?

I want to get all post parameters.
This is my vertx code:
var vertx = require('vertx/http');
var console = require('vertx/console');
var Server= vertx.createHttpServer();
Server.requestHandler(function(req) {
// nothing
if(myPostparametersContainAnyitem){ //do anything}
var file = req.path() === '/' ? 'index.html' : req.path();
req.response.sendFile('html/' + file);}
This is my button click code:
data: {name:'foo',age:'13'},
url: '/somedir',
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (response) {
I discovered how to do it thanks
var vertx = require('vertx');
var console = require('vertx/console');
var Server = vertx.createHttpServer();
Server.requestHandler(function (req) {
var file = req.path() === '/' ? 'index.html' : req.path();
if (file === '/foo') {
req.response.sendFile('html/' + file);
function foo(req) {
req.bodyHandler(function (data) {
//data is json {name:foo, age:13}

