convert param to JSON data inside URL - javascript

I have a URL like that and I want to use JSON data coming inside URL
Is it possible to use it ?? I am able to get
var hotelCode = getQueryParameter('hotelInfo');
as a String
But when I am trying
hotelCode.roomCodes , its Undefined.
Please help on this. Is it possible to do with javaScript

When you pull them out of the URL, the params are a string, they're not a javascript object.
Use something like this (in addition to what you have there)
var params = getQueryParameter('hotelinfo');
var hotelCode = JSON.parse(params);
Then hotelCode will actually contain a proper, walkable javascript object.


html() function issue

I'm trying to parse JSON with jQuery, but I have some problem with it. I want to get JSON link.
const data = $.html(function(){
const entities = Entities.decode((this).toString());
const obj = JSON.parse(entities);
return {
url: obj.url
$.html(...).get is not a function
Code i'm trying to parse:
{"url": "", "resp": "success"}
I'll appreciate your help !
The problem you have is caused by the fact that the JSON has been HTML encoded. To parse it back to an object you will need to first HTML decode it, which you can do using jQuery's html() and text() methods, like this:
var htmlEncodedJSON = "{"url": "", "resp": "success"}";
var $el = $('<div />').html(htmlEncodedJSON);
var obj = JSON.parse($el.text())
console.log(obj.resp); // individual property
console.log(obj); // full object
<script src=""></script>
Note that this is not the ideal solution. The best solution would be to not HTML encode the JSON that's coming back from the server.

Get first word of string inside array - from return REST

I try get the sessionid before REST function, but in the case if I does not convert toString(); show only numbers (21 22 2e ...).
See this image:
Obs.: Before using split.
!! {error: null, sessionID: qdaxxxxxxxxxxxxxj}
My code:
var Client = require('./lib/node-rest-client').Client;
var client = new Client();
var dataLogin = {
data: { "userName":"xxxxxxxx","password":"xxxxxxxx","platform":"xxxxx" },
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
client.registerMethod("postMethod", "xxxxxxxxxxx/login", "POST");
client.methods.postMethod(dataLogin, function (data, response) {
// parsed response body as js object
// console.log(data); all return, image 1
// raw response
data = data.toString('utf8'); // if i does not convert to string, return numbers, see image 1..
console.log(data); //all inside image 2, and i want just value from sessionid
var output = data;
var res = output.split(" "); // using split
res = res[4].split("}", 1);
console.log(res); //image 3
I tested with JSON.parse and JSON.stringify and it did not work, show just 'undefined' for all. After convert toString();, And since I've turned the values ​​into string, I thought of using split to get only the value of sessionid.
And when I used split, all transform to array and the return is from console.log(data), see image 2:
Obs.: After use split and convert to array automatically.
And the return after use split is with the conditions inside my code:
And the return after use split is with the conditions inside my code:
[ 'bkkRQxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ]
And I want just:
I would like to know how to solve this after all these temptations, but if you have another way of getting the sessionid, I'd be happy to know.
Thanks advance!
After converting the Buffer to a string, remove anything attached to the front with using data.substr(data.indexOf('{')), then JSON.parse() the rest. Then you can just use the object to get the sessionID.
data = data.toString('utf8');
data = data.substr(data.indexOf('{'));
obj = JSON.parse(data);
The issue you are having with JSON.parse() is because what is being returned is not actually JSON. The JSON spec requires the properties to be quoted ("). See this article
If the string looked like this, it would work: {"error": null, "sessionID": qdaxxxxxxxxxxxxxj}
Because the json is not really json, you can use a regular expression to get the info you want. This should get it for you.
re = /(sessionID: )([^,}]*)/g;
match = re.exec(data);
EDIT 2: After fully reading the article that I linked above (oops haha), this is a more preferable way to deal with unquoted JSON.
var crappyJSON = '{ somePropertyWithoutQuotes: "theValue!" }';
var fixedJSON = crappyJSON.replace(/(['"])?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(['"])?:/g, '"$2": ');
var aNiceObject = JSON.parse(fixedJSON);

JQuery - How to loop through JSON using each

I have cached the JSON returned from an Ajax call and need to loop through this to display it. I get the error, 'Cannot read property 'title' of undefined'. Can anyone help?
$.each(cache['cat-'+cat], function(i, jd) {
var title= jd.title; //issue is here
When I console.log(cache['cat-'+cat]) I get the below:
Object {
date: "2016-07-28T15:08:03.596Z",
data: '[{"id":471,"title":"Lines and Calls","solution_areas":"lines-calls"}]'
When I console.log(jd) within the loop I get the below:
if I use console.log(; I get
I have tried the below but they don't work either:
var title=;
var title=[0].title;
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
The way you are currently using it, each is going to iterate over every property of the cache['cat-'+cat] object, of which there are two, date and data.
So your anonymous function function(i, jd)will be called twice. The first time, jdwill be the value of the date property (a string), the second time it will be the value of the data property (also a string, that happens to be formatted as JSON).
The contents of data need to be parsed before they can be accessed as an object/array, and given that data is formatted as an array, I am guessing that you actually want to iterate over that. Given the example provided, I would change it to:
$.each(JSON.parse(cache['cat-'+cat].data), function(i, jd) {
var title= jd.title;
You aren't accessing it properly. And since cache['cat-'+cat] is already the needed object, what's the purpose of $.each? Should be
var title= JSON.parse(cache['cat-'+cat].data)[0].title;
(because the title is in the data, and the data is JSON).
var obj = {
date: "2016-07-28T15:08:03.596Z",
data: '[{"id":471,"title":"Lines and Calls","solution_areas":"lines-calls"}]'
var title= JSON.parse([0].title;
Just need to understand what is JSON and what is STRING
cache['cat-'+cat].data return a string that need to convert to JSON before pass to each loop:
var dataCacheReturned = cache['cat-'+cat];
var objCache =; //Its return a string
objCache = JSON.parse(objCache); //Parse string to json
$.each(objCache, function(i, jd) {
var title = jd.title;

Getting array values in php from jQuery post

I am trying to send an array from jQuery post to PHP.
But I am not getting any values with the below code.
Could anyone help ?
$("body").on("click", ".js-form",function(event){
var arr = [];
i = 0;
$('.addcolor').each(function() {
if( $(this).text()=="done"){
arr[i++]= $(this).data('request-id');
$.post("../ajax/save_Request.php", {requestids:arr, action:'save_request' })
alert(arr)-> prints 11,24,35 (eg)
But I am not getting any values in the following PHP variable.
$ids = ( isset($_POST['requestids']) ) ? $_POST['requestids'] : 0;
Try with this 'choices[]'
$.post( "test.php", { 'choices[]': [ "Jon", "Susan" ] } );
See more in : and search the key "Pass arrays of data to the server". I think that you missed []. Try it and return me the result.
Try converting the array to a JSON string first, using
var json = JSON.stringify(arr);
Now that it's a JSON string, you can simply pass it through a hidden field. Then, once you get the string back from the PHP page, you can turn it back into an array using
$array = json_decode($arr, true);
where $arr is the JSON string.
I had a similar problem with trying to pass an array from JQuery to another PHP page and this worked for me.

JavaScript, JSON, referencing by name

How do you reference a JSON object in JavaScript?
I have a JSON response from a Rest web service and trying to reference the contents of the response which I have parsed to JSON by way JSON.Parse(response)
Sample JSON:
How can I, for example reference the customerSessionId? And the second HotelSummary name?
For customerSessionId I have tried jsonObject.customerSessionId which returns undefined. For the second hotel summary name I have tried jsobObject.HotelList.HotelSummary[1].name which is undefined too.
Given the JSON string above parsed and assigned to a variable as such:
var response = JSON.Parse(jsonString);
you should be able to access it like this:
var customerSessionId = response.HotelListResponse.customerSessionId;
Here's the working solution fiddle
As you can see, you need to reference HotelListResponse,
so if your var result holds your json object, then you can fetch the values by using
var first = result.HotelListResponse.customerSessionId
var second = result.HotelListResponse.HotelList.HotelSummary[1].name

