Audio duration NaN on certain page request action - javascript

I have been trying to create my custom media player using HTML5 and Jquery.
I have followed different approaches and ran into some trouble based on my way of refreshing the page.
First Case
duration = Math.ceil($('audio')[0].duration);
In this case, the duration returns NaN when I redirect the page to the same URL by pressing the ENTER key in the address bar. However, it works completely fine when I refresh using the reload button or by pressing the F5 button.
Second Case
I read in some answers that loading duration after the loadedmetadataevent might help. So I tried the following:
$('audio').on('loadedmetadata', function(){
duration = Math.ceil($('audio')[0].duration);
Surprisingly, in this case, the inverse of the first case happened. The duration gets displayed completely fine in the case of a redirect, i.e., pressing ENTER while in the address bar. However, in the case of refreshing using the F5 button or the reload button, the duration doesn't get displayed at all, not even NaN which led me to believe that the code doesn't get executed at all.
Further reading suggested this might be a bug within the webkit browsers but I couldn't find anything conclusive or helpful.
What could be the cause behind this peculiar behavior?
It'd be great if you could explain it along with the solution to this problem.
I am mainly looking for an explanation behind this difference in behavior. I would like to understand the mechanism behind rendering a page in the case of redirect and refresh.

It sounds like the problem is that the event handler is set too late, i.e. the audio file has loaded its metadata before the document is even ready.
Try setting the event handler as soon as possible by removing the $(document).ready call:
$('audio').on('loadedmetadata', function(){
duration = Math.ceil($('audio')[0].duration);
Note that this requires that the <script> tag be after the <audio> tag in the document.
Alternatively, you can tweak your logic slightly, so that the code that updates the duration always runs (but fails gracefully if it gets a NaN):
function updateDuration() {
var duration = Math.ceil($('audio')[0].duration);
if (duration)
$('audio').on('loadedmetadata', updateDuration);

Lovely code examples and stuff from people - but the explanation is actually very simple.
If the file is already in the cache then the loadedmetadata event will not fire (nor will a number of other events - basically because they've already fired by the time you attach your listeners) and the duration will be set. If it's not in the cache then the duration will be NaN, and the event will fire.
The solution is sort of simple.
function runWhenLoaded() { /* read duration etc, this = audio element */ }
if (!audio.readyState) { // or $audio[0].readyState
audio.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", runWhenLoaded);
// or $audio.on("loadedmetadata", runWhenLoaded);
} else {;
// or$audio[0]);
I've included the jQuery alternatives in the code comments.

According to w3 spec this is standard behavior when duration returns NaN.
So I suggest use durationchange event:
$('audio').on('durationchange', function(){
var duration = $('audio')[0].duration;
if(!isNaN(duration)) {
NOTE: This code (and your too) will not work correct in case if you have more than one audio element on page. Reason is that you listen events from all audio elements on page and each element will fire own event:
$('audio').on('durationchange', function(){...});
You can try:
function durationchange() {
var duration = $('audio')[0].duration;
if(!isNaN(duration)) {
<audio ondurationchange="durationchange()">
<source src="test.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">

Note that behaviors will differ from one browser to another. On Chrome, you have different type of loading. When resources are not in cache, it will fetch either the complete file (for js or css for example), either a part of the file (mp3 for example). This partial file contains metadata that allows browser to determine duration and other data such as the time it'll take to download whole file at this rate, trigerring for example canplay or canplaythrough events. If you look at network usage in you dev console, you'll see that the HTTP status code will be either 200 (succesful load) or 206(partial load - for mp3 for example).
When you hit refresh, elements are checked to see if they changed. HTTP status will then be 304, meaning file hasn't been modified. If it hasn't changed and is still in browser cache, then it won't be downloaded. The call to determine if it has or not changed comes from the server providing the file.
When ou simply click enter in adress bar, it's automatically taken from cache, not validating online. So it's much faster.
So depending on how you call or refresh your page (either simmple enter, refresh or complete refresh without cache), you'll have big differences on the moment you get the metadata from your mp3. Between taking the metadata from cache directly vs making a request to a server, the difference can be a few hundreds milliseconds, which is enough to change what data is available at different moment.
That being said, listening to loadedmetada should give consistent result. This event is triggered when the data with duration information is loaded, so whatever way the page is loaded, it shouldn't matter if that called is properly made. At this point you have to consider maybe some interference from other elements. What you should do is follow your audio through various events to get exactly where its at at different moments. So in you document ready you could add listeners for different event and see where the problem occurs. Like this:
$('audio')[0].addEventListener('loadstart', check_event)
$('audio')[0].addEventListener('loadeddata', check_event)
$('audio')[0].addEventListener('loadedmetadata', check_event)//at this point you should be able to call duration
$('audio')[0].addEventListener('canplay', check_event) //and so on
function check_event(e) {
console.log(, e.type)
You'll see that depending on the way you refresh, these events can come at different moments, maybe explaining inconsistencies in your outputs.


Detect JavaScript within a page loaded in PhantomJS

I'm using PhantomJS as a crawler; if there is no JS in a page I can assume that it's completely loaded when onLoadFinished fires, but if there is JS in a page, I need to wait a bit to give the scripts a chance to do stuff. This is my current stab at detecting JS:
var pageHasJS = page.evaluate(function () {
return (document.getElementsByTagName("script").length > 0 ||
document.evaluate("count(//#*[starts-with(name(), 'on')])",
document, null, XPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE,
null).numberValue > 0);
This looks for <script> tags and for elements with an onsomething attribute.
Q1: Is there any other HTML construct that can sneak JS into a page? javascript: URLs do not count, because nothing will ever get clicked.
Q2: Is there a better way to do the second test? I believe it is not possible to do that with querySelector, hence resorting to XPath, but maybe there is some other feature that would accomplish the same task.
Q3: The crawler does not interact with the page once it is loaded. The onload event is the only legacy event attribute that I know of that fires in the absence of user interaction. Are there any others? In other words, would it be safe to replace the second test with document.evaluate("count(//#onload)", ...) or maybe even !!document.body.getAttribute("onload")?
Instead of checking for script tags and giving fixed amount of time, you can intercept the actual HTTP request (take a look at onResourceRequested / onResourceReceived) and take the screenshot after all resources have been loaded. Take a look at ajax-render

What to do if $(window).load(function(){}); is too early

I need to trigger a piece of code after every single bits are done downloading. The script works if injected after everything is loaded, but how do I trigger that automaticly?
My script is:
var divId = "jwplayer-0_wrapper";
if ($('#' + divId).length == 1) {
myReg = /https?:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=[^"]+/;
var plainText = $('#' + divId).parent().children('script').text();
var url = plainText.match(myReg);
if (url !== null) {
window.location = url;
It is used to skip certain site that decide to use the JW player witch I find horribly buggy. So it looks for a div with the indication of the JW player and if there's one, it finds the link to the original youtube video and directly goes there.
Its triggered By Google Chrome Add-on named Javascript Injector and I apply the script on every page I visit. The plug in work perfectly well on sites like and But on other sites, that uses the same pathern, it seems that the script is triggerd too early. For example there and triggers it too early.
If I use the "inject now" fonction of the Add on after the page is really done loading, then it redirects me to the youtube page as expected. I am lost on the why it works some where and not were else.
I'm not trying to understand every single website here, I'd prefer make it dynamicly triggered after the page has done loading everything from its php, ajax, script, flash, html and CSS.
I've tryed to look to the JWplayer API, but since its terribly unclear to me, over the fact that its partialy in flash, it woudl be simpler if there was a way to trigger it after, or maybe just triggering it after i hover over the body, since every sites has a body. It cant be specific to one page.
Use something like this
var timer;
function injectYouTube() {
// ONCE DONE CALL clearInterval(timer);
timer = setInterval(injectYouTube, 2000);
I am not saying this will be called after everything is loaded but instead you can make sure your code is executed when you want it to.
The JWPlayer API are not that difficult. You can retrive the informations you need even not knowing the container id.
This is an example:
var player = jwplayer(0); // get the first jwplayer element of the page
var video = player.getPlaylistItem(); // get the player video
var url = video.file // retrieve the video url
I think the setTimeout or setInterval are unreliable.
Setting up a listener on jwplayer onReady event would be better.
The pessimistic answer to this is that you can't wait until a page has finished all AJAX operations etc. because web pages can continue loading new content indefinitely if they wish.
What you might consider is running your code every time a new HTML element is added to the page. This way, you can be certain to catch JWPlayer the moment it is inserted into the page.
document.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", yourRemovalFunction);

onHashChange running onLoad... awkward

So I'd like my page to load content if a window's hash has changed.
Using Mootools, this is pretty easy:
$extend(Element.NativeEvents, {
hashchange: 1
and then:
window.addEvent('hashchange', function() {});
However, the hashchange event is firing when the page is being loaded, even though the specification require it not to fire until the page load is complete!
Unless I am loading the page for the first time, with no hash, then all works as expected.
I think the problem here is the fact that the browser considers the page load "complete", and then runs the rest of the JavaScript, which includes hash detection to load the requisite page.
For example, if I typed in, all would work fine. However, would, ideally, load the initial page, detect the hash, and load the "test" content.
Unfortunately, the browser loads the initial page, considers it "domready", and THEN loads the "test" content, which would then fire onHashChange. Oops?
This causes an infinite loop, unless I specifically ask the browser NOT to update the hash if an onHashChange event is firing. That's easy:
var noHashChange;
noHashChange = true;
var hashes = window.location.hash.substr(1).split("/"); // Deciphers the hash, in this case, hashes[0] is "test"
selectContent(hashes[0]); // Here, selectContent would read noHashChange, and wouldn't update the hash
noHashChange = false;
So now, updating the hash AFTER the page has loaded will work properly. Except it still goes nuts on an initial page load and fetches the content about 3 or 4 times, because it keeps detecting the hash has changed. Messy.
I think it may have something to do with how I am setting the hash, but I can't think of a better way to do so except:
window.location.hash = foobar;
... inside of a function that is run whenever new content is selected.
Therein lies the problem, yes? The page is loaded, THEN the content is loaded (if there is content)...
I hope I've been coherent...
Perhaps you could check the hash first to eliminate the recursion:
if(window.location.hash != foobar){ window.location.hash = foobar;}
Why is the onHashChange handler changing the hash anyways? If there's some default that it's selecting first before loading the content, then perhaps that could go in a seperate function.
(I say this because it looks like you've some sort of directory structure-esque convention to your location.hash'es, perhaps you're selecting a specific leaf of a tree when the root is selected or something?)
you could implement an observer for the hash object that will trigger a function when the has object has does nothing to do with the actual loading of the page.
the best way to do this is via
see other pages on same topic : On - window.location.hash - Change?
have a look at MooTools History it implements the onhashchange if the new html5 history api isn't available, no need to reinvent the wheel :)

How to stop animated GIF once report data is returned?

I can't find the answer anywhere, and the particulars are driving me crazy. I've been tasked with updating an older application, using only JavaScript for client UI stuff. Reports used to be generated using PDF templates and manually looping through datasets and basically doing a form fill, then displaying the report. This has crashed the server many, many times.
I've since updated the app to use a report server, to help bring that report generation load offline. Every works fine, except that the animated GIF will not stop after the report returns. I use:
<span id="hiddenImg" style="display: none">
<img src="" id="animate" align="middle" alt="Loading"/>
Along with the following JavaScript:
function showDiv()
document.getElementById('hiddenImg').style.display ="";
Which works beautifully. On the server side, I have something like this:
Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/" + format);
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + "report." + format);
data = report.GetBytes(reportpath, rbFormat.SelectedValue);
Where data is the byte stream return by the report server.
The only thing that is not working is that the animated GIF will continue to play even after the report is delivered and the user clicks on the open/save/cancel dialog. I suspected it was the Response.End(); call, but even eliminating the line and letting the server to continue to run does not alleviate this problem. It seems that the page is NOT performing any postback after the report data is received, and the .html source is obviously showing the GIF. If I manually postback, I lose the open/save/cancel dialog, and the user has no opportunity to display the content.
I'm at a loss here and I've been at this a couple of hours, any help is appreciated.
I am assuming that you already entertained the idea of having another version of the same GIF that is not animating, and swapping it when you want the animation to stop?
it would take no time given the code you already have, just set the .src to non animated version. In this case, you also get the benefit of completed status etc..
also, if you are calling set timeout, it is better to pass a function reference instead of code as string. that way you don't need browser engines to evaluate code at runtime which is much slower and harder to debug, and get better development support..
setTimeout(animateGif, 100);
function animateGif() {
function stopAnimating() {
When using Response object on the server side, somehow IE cancel the postback. This is weird behavior.
Say you have GenerateReport.aspx that has btnSubmit control and btnSubmit_Click event handler. Inside the handler you have your code:
//Some other codes
Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/" + format);
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + "report." + format);
data = report.GetBytes(reportpath, rbFormat.SelectedValue);
The solution is:
Separate the Response objects to another page, say Report.aspx. So your GenerateReport.aspx should not have any Response objects. All Response objects is in Report.aspx.
On the btnSubmit_Click event handler, call javascript code to open new window to Report.aspx, like this:
//Some other codes
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "javascript", "'../Report.aspx')", true);
On your btnSubmit control you should have OnClientClick which call showDiv() to display the loading images.
By diverting the Response object to another page, the GenerateReport.aspx will retain its postback and when the page postback your loading images will go away.

Is there a way to catch the back button event in javascript?

Is there a way to respond to the back button being hit (or backspace being pressed) in javascript when only the location hash changes? That is to say when the browser is not communicating with the server or reloading the page.
Use the hashchange event:
window.addEventListener("hashchange", function(e) {
// ...
If you need to support older browsers, check out the hashChange Event section in Modernizr's HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills wiki page.
I did a fun hack to solve this issue to my satisfaction. I've got an AJAX site that loads content dynamically, then modifies the window.location.hash, and I had code to run upon $(document).ready() to parse the hash and load the appropriate section. The thing is that I was perfectly happy with my section loading code for navigation, but wanted to add a way to intercept the browser back and forward buttons, which change the window location, but not interfere with my current page loading routines where I manipulate the window.location, and polling the window.location at constant intervals was out of the question.
What I ended up doing was creating an object as such:
var pageload = {
ignorehashchange: false,
loadUrl: function(){
if (pageload.ignorehashchange == false){
//code to parse window.location.hash and load content
Then, I added a line to my site script to run the pageload.loadUrl function upon the hashchange event, as such:
window.addEventListener("hashchange", pageload.loadUrl, false);
Then, any time I want to modify the window.location.hash without triggering this page loading routine, I simply add the following line before each window.location.hash = line:
pageload.ignorehashchange = true;
and then the following line after each hash modification line:
setTimeout(function(){pageload.ignorehashchange = false;}, 100);
So now my section loading routines are usually running, but if the user hits the 'back' or 'forward' buttons, the new location is parsed and the appropriate section loaded.
Check out history.js. There is a html 5 statechange event and you can listen to it.
onLocationChange may also be useful. Not sure if this is a Mozilla-only thing though, appears that it might be.
Did you took a look at this?

