How to unit test the following function in jasmine? - javascript

I have a following code:
.factory('testDataService', function ($http) {
function testDataService(){
var self = this;
self.test = function(){
//do something
self.test1 = function(){
// do something
return new testDataService();
When I try to write a test case like
new testDataService();
It gives some error like:
> TypeError: '[object Object]' is not a constructor (evaluating 'new testDataService()')
There are numerous functions such as "test", "test1", etc.. inside testDataService. I am not able to test the remaining functions because the scope of the outer function is unreachable. I am not able to get the instance because of "var self=this"
Please help.

There is no need of new operator to create Object.
Please check this one
describe("\n\Testing factory", function () {
var factTestDataService;
beforeEach(inject(function (testDataService) {
factTestDataService= testDataService;
it("factTestDataService test to defined",function(){
it("factTestDataService test1 to defined",function(){
it("factTestDataService to defined",function(){
You need to inject testDataService factory and store it in local var.
Then you can use this one to access the method defined in that factory as you do in angular and can check with different Jasmine test method.

Your factory already returns a new instance of testDataService. There's no need for calling new. When you try to call new on an instance it throws the error you see.


Why can’t I access a property on “this” in a class via its prototype?

I wrote this class and have set up an array property for it. Then, I want to add an item to this array.
However, when I try to do it, I get the error “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property push of undefined”.
Isn’t this possible?
class test {
constructor() {
this.myArray = [];
myMethod() {
That’s not how classes are used. You need to instantiate test first, by using new test(). The constructor was never called in your case, so this.myArray was never defined.
This is the only way this can work:
let testInstance = new test();
This way, the constructor is called and there will be no error.
Of course, next you’ll need some way of retrieving your array, in order to see the effect.
try to create the instance first. See the code I've commented it in details
test.prototype = {
constructor: test,
myMethod: function() {
var test = function(){
this.myArray = [];
test.prototype = { // add our custom constructor and custom methods
constructor: test,
myMethod: function() {
var myVar = new test(); // create new instance of test
myVar.myMethod(); // run custom method to push val
console.log( myVar.myArray );
You need to initiate your class test first.
var t = new test();
For your information:
will give you "undefined". Try e.g. :
var t = new test();
to get output similar to this:
Array [ "ok" ]

Jasmine: testing method called from window scope function

I'm using Jasmine to te test some of my code. It looks a bit like this
# main logic
function Analytics() {
this.construct = function() {
} = function() {
} = function() {
# "main" routine, called by jQuery on ready, or direct by Jasmine
function analytics() {
new Analytics().construct();
# calls main routine
$(document).ready(function () {
When running this in the browser, it works fine. However, when I want to test my code with Jasmine (test if the constructor gets called when calling analytics() it fails.
Expected spy construct to have been called. (1)
This is what the spec looks like:
it('should call the constructor when the document is ready', function({
var _analytics = new Analytics();
spyOn(_analytics, 'construct')
analytics(); # note this is the "main" routine
My testcase seems to be incorrect but I don't really see how. Does anyone have an explanation for this behavior?
As I see, from code "analytics" function creates new instance of Analytics.
So probably test works like that:
it('should call the constructor when the document is ready', function({
var _analytics = new Analytics(); // --> create new instance of Analytics
spyOn(_analytics, 'construct') // --> spy on construct func
analytics(); // --> This, creates new instance
// of analytics which you don't spy on.
Try to spy via prototype:
spyOn(Analytics.prototype, 'construct'); // will spy all instances.
And test will look like this:
it('should call the constructor when the document is ready', function({
spyOn(Analytics.prototype, 'construct');
Note that you don't have access to instance created in analytics function.
You will be not able to use it after creation.
I don't know the context of the task. But maybe you should use default constructor.
function Analytics(options) {
// this is constructor
this.prop1 = options.prop1;
this.prop2 = options.prop2; = function() {
} = function() {
var analyticsModule = new Analytics(options);

How use prototypical inheritance in controllers in node.js

I need make one Super Function inherit the this of other function and make this other function inherit the methods from the Super Function, this is possible?
I have my BookingController and I want make the Controller function inherit the this.ME property:
var Controller = require('../api/Controller');
function BookingController() {;
this.ME = 'something here';
BookingController.prototype = new Controller;
BookingController.constructor = BookingController;
function Controller() {
console.log(this); // EMPTY
Controller.prototype.myMethod = function() {
// Should work if BookingController try to access.
But nothing happens, there is no error and the BookingController can't find my myMethod and my Controller can't my this.ME
You use a bit wrong inheritance model. I suggest you to use something like
BookingController.prototype = Object.create(Controller.prototype);
BookingController.prototype.constructor = BookingController;

Getting "Undefined is not a function" error when using the Revealing Prototype Pattern

I'm trying to employ the Revealing Prototype Pattern in a JavaScript file to encapsulate two collections of related functions. But when the page loads, it returns the following error at the call to the .init function:
"Uncaught TypeError: Undefined is not a function."
Here is the pattern for my markup.
$(function () {
And here is the pattern in my JavaScript file.
var testProto1 = function () {
testProto1.prototype = function () {
var init = function () {
alert("init 1");
return {
init: init
var testProto2 = function () {
testProto2.prototype = function () {
var init = function () {
alert("init 2");
return {
init: init
This is probably some basic syntax error on my part, and I do apologize if it's a duplicate. Why am I seeing this error and how do I fix it? Thanks.
It looks like you're using the concepts of prototypes & function instances incorrectly in a lot of ways.
You need to instantiate a function with the new operator if you want to be able to access prototypes.
From what it looks like you're trying to achieve this:
var testProto1 = function () { };
// Create your methods in object notation within your prototype
testProto1.prototype.init = function () {
alert('init called');
Now if you want to call this, you have to instantiate it!
var proto1 = new testProto1();
// NOW you can call .init! Because the prototype was actually created
proto1.init(); // alerts 'init called!'
you can access prototype's properties from instances of this Object, so this will work:
var a=new testProto1();
if you want to acces init function from testProto1 you must write:
so your code will look like:
$(function () {

Prototype function overriden by other "class"

I have the following inputModel:
var UserCreateInputModel = function(req) {
this.password = req.body.password;
this.repeatPassword = req.body.repeatPassword;
console.log(this.password !== this.repeatPassword);
UserCreateInputModel.prototype = InputModel;
UserCreateInputModel.prototype.validate = function() {
if(this.password !== this.repeatPassword) throw new Error('Passwords are not equal!');
module.exports = UserCreateInputModel;
In my test I would like to test if the exception was thrown (using node's assert module):
assert.throws(function() {
new UserCreateInputModel(req);
}, Error);
Somehow the exception is just not thrown. My console output from the constructor is "this".
On the console I don't see the output "Validating".
I guess this is some JavaScript pitfall or something like that (about this) but I'm just not getting the error ...
I have another inputModel in another file. This "inherites" from InputModel too. So it seems UserCreateInputModel.prototype.validate is overridden in the other inputModel. Still don't get it ...
This line:
UserCreateInputModel.prototype.validate = function() {
if(this.password !== this.repeatPassword) throw new Error('Passwords are not equal!');
is modifying the InputModel object. If you have two different types "inheriting" from InputModel with what you have here, and they both have validate methods, then one is overwriting the other.
To properly inherit from InputModel, use Object.create():
UserCreateInputModel.prototype = Object.create(InputModel.prototype);
And then call the parent constructor from your child constructor:
var UserCreateInputModel = function(req) {, <arguments>);
This way, when you modify UserCreateInputModel.prototype, you will only be modifying UserCreateInputModel.prototype and not anything else.
UserCreateInputModel.prototype = InputModel is not how you do inheritance. Who taught you this???!!!
after the constructor, util.inherits(UserCreateInputModel, InputModel) (where util is require('util')), and
inside the constructor, calling InputModel.apply(this, arguments); or, <explicit list of input model ctr args>).
Get back with another EDIT if it still persists.

