Remove dynamically added checkboxes and corresponding images - javascript

I have a button which opens a file selector window. When the user selects a file, the script uploads that image to a div with a checkbox.
This is the part of the script that removes the checkbox and image, but it is currently removing the parent element as well.
$("#imageForm").on('click', 'input[value="Delete"]', function () {
How can I remove all checked checkboxes and their corresponding images when the delete button is clicked?

You need to alter your insert fileUpload() function so that the image is contained within the inner wrapper. Change the following lines
if (imageType.test(file.type)) {
fileTemp = document.createElement("img");
$("#iso_preview").append("<div class='ct'><input value='remove'type='checkbox'/></div>");
} else{
fileTemp = document.createElement('div');
fileTemp.file = file;
To this...
var container = $("<div class='ct'><input value='remove'type='checkbox'/></div>");
if (imageType.test(file.type)) {
fileTemp = document.createElement("img");
} else{
fileTemp = document.createElement('div');
fileTemp.file = file;
Then you need to make a slight modification in this line
To select #iso_preview div instead of #iso_preview
$('#iso_preview div').has('input:checkbox:checked').remove();
This will remove any div elements containing a checked checkbox that is contained within #iso_preview


Add element to a div with javascript

I want to add an element (child, div) to a mother-div, that already has one or more children. I made a script for this action but when I execute the script I am not able to manipulate style attributes afterwards. So I assume I did something wrong in my creation-script. I also added a console message (end of the script) and that also indicates there are no style attributes filled in at the new div. So, please could someone indicate what the reason is...
As I am quite new to javascript I assume the reason is quite simple. But although I checked many other questions and solutions, I do not get the proper solution for my issue. I think it should be in appendChild or insertBefore.
function preparevideo(videonaam, titel) {
// add a div to the video-div
const nieuwetitel = document.createElement("div");
// give the new div an id so it will be unique = videonaam + '-id';
// give the div a class for the markup
nieuwetitel.className = 'page-roel-video-titel';
// create the text in the div
const textnode = document.createTextNode(titel);
// add the textnode to the div
// find the element where the new div should be added to
let videomodule = document.getElementById(videonaam);
// and finally add the new div to the video-div, as the first child
videomodule.insertBefore(nieuwetitel, videomodule.children[0]);
console.log('-------after adding div------');
console.log('-------complete style of titleblock------');
console.log(document.getElementById(videonaam + '-id').style);
console.log('prepare video afgerond');
preparevideo("naam1","Eerste video");
<div id="naam1"></div>
As you didn't set any style attribute before console.log that's why you didn't get any result. After implementing some style, you can log the the style. Then you will see the difference.
Here I added some style before the console.log
function preparevideo(videonaam, titel) {
// add a div to the video-div
const nieuwetitel = document.createElement("div");
// give the new div an id so it will be unique = videonaam + '-id';
// give the div a class for the markup
nieuwetitel.className = 'page-roel-video-titel';
// create the text in the div
const textnode = document.createTextNode(titel);
// add the textnode to the div
// find the element where the new div should be added to
let videomodule = document.getElementById(videonaam);
// and finally add the new div to the video-div, as the first child
videomodule.insertBefore(nieuwetitel, videomodule.children[0]);
// Applying style
document.getElementById(videonaam + '-id').style.backgroundColor = 'red';
document.getElementById(videonaam + '-id').style.color = 'white'
console.log('-------after adding div------');
console.log('-------complete style of titleblock------');
console.log(document.getElementById(videonaam + '-id').style);
console.log('prepare video afgerond');
preparevideo("naam1","Eerste video");
<div id="naam1"></div>
You already gave it a class, you can target it in your css and added the needed styles
The problem is that there is no unique id value for nieuwetitel element generated. When you use getElementById() method you get only first element from DOM.

Adding a panel with buttons (expansion)

How can I add a panel with buttons to the beginning of body using js. The panel will be added to all sites. In manifest.json I have all_urls
To add buttons to a html page with plain javascript, you can do it like that:
//creates a panel
function createPanel(){
let panel = document.createElement("div"); //your panel element
panel.setAttribute("class","panelClass"); //define an css class for styling
panel.setAttribute("id","panelId"); //give the element an ID for better dom selection
document.body.prepend(panel); //add your panel before all other elements to the body
* creates button
* elementId : id of the element where you want to append the button
function addButtonToElement(elementId){
let elementToAddButton = document.getElementById(elementId); //element you want to append your button
let button = document.createElement("button"); //create new button dom element
let buttonText = document.createTextNode("New Button"); //create a text element
button.appendChild(buttonText); //adds the text element to the button
jsfiddle Code
Usefull links:
body appending
create div with class

Javascript clone/append either affects the wrong image or all images

I have a pretty basic function that gets a result set of images based on search input
function appendSomeItems(url, id, name, style) {
return '<div><div class="md-card md-card-hover"><div class="gallery_grid_item md-card-content getImage"> <img class ="uk-align-center imageClick"></a><div class="gallery_grid_image_caption"> <span class="gallery_image_title uk-text-truncate">' + name + '</span> <span>' + style + '</span> </div></div></div></div>';
This works perfectly fine, and it is called in another function that basically gets up to 10 images from the result set and appends them in a div.
I have another function where I'm clicking one image and I want THAT specific image to clone and append to another div. The problem is, using class imageClick it clones and appends all images to the new div. If I change imageClick to an ID then it only clones/appends the first in the set.
How can I alter this to only clone and append the clicked image?
$(document).on('click', '.imageClick', function handleImage() {
var img = $(".getImage").children("img").clone();
Try .closest() on $(this) to target only the currently clicked image:
var img = $(this).closets(".getImage").children("img").clone();
Your current HTML suggest that you have only one image element which you are cloning. In this case finding children is meaningless. Simply cloning $(this) is enough:
var img = $(this).clone();
Use closest:
var img = $(this).closest(".getImage").children("img").clone(true);

Javascript- Creating To Do list not working

I deleted the button part in my script but not even the first part of my function is working where I type in input box and suppose to be added to the ...I don't understand why. When I run the code without the buttons code which is titled " //BUTTON creation " I get no error but no item is being added to the list. So I have two problems Items aren't being added to my list and aren't displaying and also if I include the button part its saying an error "list.appendChild is not a function"
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter an Activity" id="textItem">
<img src="images/add-button.png" id="addButton">
<div id="container">
<ul class="ToDo">
This is an item
<div id="buttons">
<button ></button>
<img src="images/remove-icon.png"id="remove">
<button id="complete"></button>
<img src="images/complete-icon.jpg" id="complete">
<script type="text/javascript">
//Remove and complete icons
var remove = document.createElement('img').src =
var complete = document.createElement('img').src = "images/complete-icon.jpg";
//user clicks add button
//if there is text in the item field we grab the item into var text
document.getElementById("addButton").onclick = function()
//value item is the text entered by user
var value = document.getElementById("textItem").value;
//checks if there is a value typed
//adds a new item to the ToDo list
function addItem(text)
var list = document.getElementsByClassName("ToDo");
//created a varibale called item that will create a list item everytime this function is called
var item = document.createElement("li");
//this will add to the innerText of the <li> text
item.innerText = text;
//BUTTON creation
var buttons = document.createElement('div');
var remove = document.createElement('buttons');
remove.innerHTML = remove;
var complete = document.createElement('buttons');
complete.innerHTML = complete;
The problem is in the line:
var list = document.getElementsByClassName("ToDo");
The line var list = document.getElementsByClassName("ToDo"); will provide a collection, notice the plural name in the api.
You need to access it using :
There are other problems too in the code but hopefully this gets you going!
There are a couple of issues in your code that need to be addressed to get it to work properly.
1) You are creating your image elements and then setting the variables to the src name of that image and not the image object itself. When you use that reference later on, you are only getting the image url and not the element itself. Change var remove = document.createElement('img').src = "images/remove-icon.png" to this:
var removeImg = document.createElement('img')
removeImg.src = "images/remove-icon.png";
2) As #Pankaj Shukla noted, inside the onclick function, getElementsByClassName returns an array, you will need to address the first item of this array to add your elements. Change var list = document.getElementsByClassName("ToDo") to this:
var list = document.getElementsByClassName("ToDo")[0];
3) For your buttons, you are trying to creating them using: var remove = document.createElement('buttons'). This is invalid, buttons is an not the correct element name, its button. Additionally, you are re-declaring the variables remove and complete as button objects, so within the onclick function it reference these buttons, not the images you defined earlier. So when you assign the innerHTML to remove and complete, you are assigning the buttons innerHTML to itself. The solution is to change the image variables to something different.
4) Finally, also relating to the buttons, you are assigning the innnerHTML to an image object, that's incorrect. You can either insert the html text of the img directly, or append the image object as a child of the button, similar to how the button is a child of the div.
The updated code with all these changes looks like this:
//Remove and complete icons
var removeImg = document.createElement('img');
removeImg.src = "images/remove-icon.png";
var completeImg = document.createElement('img');
completeImg.src = "images/complete-icon.jpg";
//user clicks add button
//if there is text in the item field we grab the item into var text
document.getElementById("addButton").onclick = function() {
//value item is the text entered by user
var value = document.getElementById("textItem").value;
//checks if there is a value typed
if (value) {
//adds a new item to the ToDo list
function addItem(text) {
var list = document.getElementsByClassName("ToDo")[0];
//created a varibale called item that will create a list item everytime this function is called
var item = document.createElement("li");
//this will add to the innerText of the <li> text
item.innerText = text;
//BUTTON creation
var buttons = document.createElement('div');
var remove = document.createElement('button');
var complete = document.createElement('button');

Dynamically populating image source with multiple instances of a JavaScript function

The popup in my fiddle works great except if i want to make more than one, i have to create multiple divs with multiple images and multiple IDs, which works fine but is time consuming and messy.
Edit: Each popup will have a different image
My goal is to:
1) Still create multiple IDs/images for each popup, but make a function where the script figures out the IDs dynamically so i'm not making a separate function for each ID.
2) Create the whole popup HTML markup in javascript which will allow me to dynamically populate the image source in the popup with a data-attribute. When the link is clicked, it will create the popup and the image src in the popup can be dynamically populated with a data-src from that link.
Are any of these methods in the right direction? I need to use pure JS.
Basic JS function from fiddle:
var popup = document.getElementById('light');
var background = document.getElementById('fade');
function popit() { = 'block'; = parseInt(pageYOffset, 10) + 150; = 'block';
function closeit() { = 'none'; = 'none';
Give your divs id like this: = "image_div"+Math.round(Math.random()*10000);
Now you can select all divs with:
var nodeList = document.querySelectorAll("div[id*='image_div']");
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i)
nodeList[i].addEventListener("click", popit.bind(null, nodeList[i].id), false);
div[id*='image_div'] is a selector. *= means contains. So this selector selects all div elements with id that contains image_div.
Now we can attach an event handler (click) to all divs using a for loop that iterates over the nodeList. The id of the div is passed on through the bind function to the function popit.
function popit(popId) {
var node = document.getElementById(popId); = 'block'; = parseInt(pageYOffset, 10) + 150; = 'block';

