Generate random numbers with logarithmic distribution and custom slope - javascript

Im trying to generate random integers with logarithmic distribution. I use the following formula:
idx = Math.floor(Math.log((Math.random() * Math.pow(2.0, max)) + 1.0) / Math.log(2.0));
This works well and produces sequence like this for 1000 iterations (each number represents how many times that index was generated):
[525, 261, 119, 45, 29, 13, 5, 1, 1, 1]
I am now trying to adjust the slope of this distribution so it doesn't drop as quickly and produces something like:
[150, 120, 100, 80, 60, ...]
Blindly playing with coefficients didn't give me what I wanted. Any ideas how to achieve it?

You mention a logarithmic distribution, but it looks like your code is designed to generate a truncated geometric distribution instead, although it is flawed. There is more than one distribution called a logarithmic distribution and none of them are that common. Please clarify if you really do mean one of them.
You compute floor[log_2 U] where U is uniformly distributed from 1 to (2^max)+1. This has a 1/2^max chance to produce max, but you clamp that to max-1. So, you have a 1/2^max chance to produce 0, 2/2^max chance to produce 1, 4/2^max chance to produce 2, ... up to a 1/2 + 1/2^max chance to produce max-1.
Present in your code, but missing from the description in the question, is that you are flipping the computed index around with
idx = (max-idx) - 1
After this, your chance to produce 0 is 1/2 + 1/2^max, and your chance to produce a value of k is 1/2^(k+1).
I think it is a mistake to let U be uniform on [1,2^max+1]. Instead, I think you want U to be uniform on [1,2^max]. Then your chance to generate idx=k is 2^(max-k-1)/((2^max)-1).
idx = Math.floor(Math.log((Math.random()*(Math.pow(2.0, max)-1.0)) + 1.0) / Math.log(2.0));
zmii's comment that you could get a flatter distribution by replacing both 2.0s with a value closer to 1.0 is good. The reason it produced unsatisfactory results for small values of max was that you were sampling uniformly from [1,1.3^max+1] instead of [1,1.3^max]. The extra +1 made a larger difference when max was smaller and the base was smaller. Try the following:
var zmii = 1.3;
idx = Math.floor(Math.log((Math.random()*(Math.pow(zmii, max)-1.0))+1.0) / Math.log(zmii));


Identifying a center with squared distance function in plain JavaScript

I can't figure out how to solve the following problem in plain JavaScript.
I have a set of numbers, (e.g. 5, 10, 35, -30, 3), and I am looking for the 'center' of these numbers. My center is supposed to be the point where the sum of the squared distances to all other points is minimal. I think it's the one-dimensional version of the problem of least squares.
Any help would be appreciated. I do not need exact results so a heuristic approach might work as well. It has to work with negative values though.
If you are allowed to pick any real number, then the number you seek is the mean of your numbers.
If you have to pick from a restricted subset (eg integers, or one of the original numbers) then you want the element from that subset that is closest to the mean.
Both of these assertions follow from:
Let Q(y) = Sum{ 1<=i<=N | (X[i]-y)*(X[i]-y}
If m = Sum{ 1<=i<=N | X[i]}/N (ie the mean)
then for any d
Q(m+d) = Q(m) + N*d*d

Generate a random number with a non-uniform distribution

I have a formula that generates a random integer in a given range [x,y].
rand = Math.floor(x + Math.random()*(y-x+1));
And I would like the generated integer to have a higher chance of being close to the midrange.
Here is an interesting approach.
I am trying to adapt that solution to my problem (numbers skewed towards the midrange, not the extremities), but I am struggling with the formula.
beta = Math.sin(Math.random()*Math.PI)^2;
rand = Math.floor(x + beta*(y-x+1));
I do not understand how beta works. According to this graph wouldn't the numbers generated have a higher chance of being closer to 0.5? beta always returns the same number. Didn't I implement Math.random() properly? I swear javascript is messing with me right now.
You probably need a
beta = 4 * (rand - 0.5)^3 + 0.5
function or something with a similar shape
Distribution results:

Custom linear congruential generator in JavaScript

I am trying to create a custom linear congruential generator (LCQ) in JavaScript (the one used in glibc).
Its properties as it's stated on Wikipedia are: m=2^31 , a=1103515245 , c=12345.
Now I am getting next seed value with
x = (1103515245 * x + 12345) % 0x80000000 ; // (The same as &0x7fffffff)
Although the generator seems to work, but when the numbers are tested on canvas:
cx = (x & 0x3fffffff) % canvasWidth; // Coordinate x (the same for cy)
They seem to be horribly biased:
Why does this happen? By choosing a different modulo, the result of a visual test looks much better.
The testing JSFiddle is here:
At last I fixed the transformation to canvas coordinates as in this formula:
var cx = ((x & 0x3fffffff)/0x3fffffff*canvasWidth)|0
Now the pixel coordinates are not so much malformed as when used the modulo operation.
Updated fiddle:
For the generator the formula is (you forgot a modulus in the first part):
current = (multiplier * current * modul + addend) % modulus) / modulus
I realize that you try to optimize it so I updated the fiddle with this so you can use it as a basis for the optimizations:
Yes, it looks like you solved it. I've done the same thing.
A linear congruential generator is in the form:
seed = (seed * factor + offset) % range;
But, most importantly, when obtaining an actual random number from it, the following does not work:
random = seed % random_maximum;
This won't work because the second modulus seems to counteract the effect of the generator. Instead, you need to use:
random = floor (seed / range * random_maximum);
(This would be a random integer; remove the floor call to obtain a random float.)
Lastly, I will warn you: In JavaScript, when working with numbers that exceed the dword limit, there is a loss of precision. Thus, the random results of your LCG may be random, but they most likely won't match the results of the same LCG implemented in C++ or another low-level language that actually supports dword math.
Also due to imprecision, the cycle of the LCG is highly liable to be greatly reduced. So, for instance, the cycle of the glibc LCG you reference is probably 4 billion (that is, it will generate over 4 billion random numbers before starting over and re-generating the exact same set of numbers). This JavaScript implementation may only get 1 billion, or perhaps far less, due to the fact that when multiplying by the factor, the number surpasses 4 billion, and loses precision in doing so.

Influence Math.random()

I'm looking for a way to influence Math.random().
I have this function to generate a number from min to max:
var rand = function(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
Is there a way to make it more likely to get a low and high number than a number in the middle?
For example; rand(0, 10) would return more of 0,1,9,10 than the rest.
Is there a way to make it more likely to get a low and high number than a number in the middle?
Yes. You want to change the distribution of the numbers generated.
One simple solution would be to generate an array with say, 100 elements.
In those 100 elements represent the numbers you are interested in more frequently.
As a simple example, say you wanted number 1 and 10 to show up more frequently, you could overrepresent it in the array. ie. have number one in the array 20 times, number 10 in the array 20 times, and the rest of the numbers in there distributed evenly. Then use a random number between 0-100 as the array index. This will increase your probability of getting a 1 or a 10 versus the other numbers.
You need a distribution map. Mapping from random output [0,1] to your desired distribution outcome. like [0,.3] will yield 0, [.3,.5] will yield 1, and so on.
Sure. It's not entirely clear whether you want a smooth rolloff so (for example) 2 and 8 are returned more often than 5 or 6, but the general idea works either way.
The typical way to do this is to generate a larger range of numbers than you'll output. For example, lets start with 5 as the base line occurring with frequency N. Let's assume that you want 4 or 7 to occur at frequency 2N, 3 or 8 at frequency 3N, 2 or 9 and frequency 4N and 0 or 10 at frequency 5N.
Adding those up, we need values from 1 to 29 (or 0 to 28, or whatever) from the generator. Any of the first 5 gives an output of 0. Any of the next 4 gives and output of 1. Any of the next 3 gives an output of 2, and so on.
Of course, this doesn't change the values returned by the original generator -- it just lets us write a generator of our own that produces numbers following the distribution we've chosen.
Not really. There is a sequence of numbers that are generated based off the seed. Your random numbers come from the sequence. When you call random, you are grabbing the next element of the sequence.
Can you influence the output of Math.random in javascript (which runs client side)?
No. At least not in any feasible/practical manner.
But what you could do is to create your own random number generator that produces number in the distribution that you need.
There are probably an infinite number of ways of doing it, and you might want to think about the exact shape/curvature of the probability function.
It can be probably be done in one line, but here is a multi-line approach that uses your existing function definition (named rand, here):
var dd = rand(1,5) + rand(0,5);
var result;
if (dd > 5)
result = dd - 5;
else result = 6 - dd;
One basic result is that if U is a random variable with uniform distribution and F is the cumulative distribution you want to sample from, then Y = G(X) where G is the inverse of F has F as its cumulative distribution. This might not necessarily be the most efficient way of doing and generating random numbers from all sort of distributions is a research subfield in and of itself. But for a simple transformation it might just do the trick. Like in your case, F(x) could be 4*(x-.5)^3+.5, it seems to satisfy all constraints and is easy to invert and use as a transformation of the basic random number generator.

Problem in Javascript colors and canvas

I have used this code to exactly try to have the RGB code of color:
var huePixel = HueCanvas.css('background-color').match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/);//["rgb(0, 70, 255", "0", "70", "255"]
var svPixel = SVCanvas.get(0).getContext("2d").getImageData(satPos,valPos,1,1).data;
//opacity*original + (1-opacity)*background = resulting pixel
var opacity =(svPixel[3]/255);
var r =parseInt((opacity*svPixel[0])+((1-opacity)*huePixel[1]));
var g =parseInt((opacity*svPixel[1])+((1-opacity)*huePixel[2]));
var b =parseInt((opacity*svPixel[2])+((1-opacity)*huePixel[3]));
The problem is that in some pixels , the RGB is not exactly the same . If i use Math.round than parseInt there is more problems , and more pixels have little changes than real ones.
I know that the problem is in var opacity =(svPixel[3]/255); , but i dont know how to put the equation to not have that problems.
Thanks for your attention.
I don't know the definite answer to your question (I'm not even sure I understand the question itself), but I'll take a shot.
It appears that you're trying to calculate the RGB value that you see when something else (the browser?) blends a non-opaque canvas on top of opaque background. (Are you sure this is the right thing to do at all?)
First, please don't use parseInt to round a number. It's used to parse strings and you should use it to convert huePixel[i] to an integer: parseInt(huePixel[i], 10) (note that I specify the radix explicitly to avoid numbers being parsed as octal).
To round values, you should use Math methods: Math.round (to closest integer), Math.ceil (round up) or Math.floor (round down).
Maybe the problem you're having is caused by rounding errors (hard to say without the specific inputs and expected outputs of the calculation). To minimize the rounding errors, you could try rewriting the formula like this:
(opacity * svPixel[0]) + ((1-opacity) * huePixel[1]) =
huePixel[1] + opacity * (svPixel[0]-huePixel[1]) =
huePixel[1] + svPixel[3] * (svPixel[0]-huePixel[1]) / 255

