How to access value in context object with key in Handlebars? - javascript

I have a handlebars template that looks like:
<script id="user-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<a class="result" href="/{{github_id}}">
<img src="{{image_url}}" />
<span class='additional-name'>{{> highlight object=this key="github_id"}}</span>
And my highlight partial looks like:
<script id="highlight-search-partial" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
{{#if object._highlightResult}}
{{#if object._highlightResult.key}}
Here's what my javascript object looks like:
After rendering the handlebars template, visually it's empty. Nothing is being rendered.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? I'm using handlebars 3.0.3 (latest).

I ended up writing a helper handlebars function:
<span>{{highlight this "github_id"}}</span>
Handlebars.registerHelper('highlight', function(obj, field) {
if (obj['_highlightResult']) {
return obj['_highlightResult'][field].value;
} else {
return obj[field];


How do I make {{#each}} work with these templates?

I have been reading these tutorials on Spacebars.
Understanding Spacebars by David Burles
Meteor's Spacebars README on Github
Discover Meteor's Spacebars secrets
I think I can understand pretty good, but I am having this problem
i have the main.html template like this
<template name="main">
<div class="container">
<section id="bl-work-section">
<div class="bl-box">
<h4 class="sin">Próximo</h4>
<h2 id="titulo1" class="sin"></h2>
<h4 class="sin" id="sub1"></h4>
<div class="bl-content">
<h2>Lunes 25 de Noviembre del 2014</h2>
{{#each mostrarLunes}}
{{> Lunes}}
<span class="bl-icon bl-icon-close"></span>
<!-- Panel items for the works -->
<div class="bl-panel-items" id="bl-panel-work-items">
{{#each mostrarLunes}}
</div><!-- /container -->
So like you guys see im calling 2 templates inside main template and that 2 templates look like this
Lunes.html Template
<template name="Lunes">
<ul id="bl-work-items">
<li data-panel="panel">
<div class="oferta">
<h3>Promocion: {{metadata.nombrePromo}} </h3><br><small>Descripcion:{{metadata.descripcionPromo}}</small>
showPromos.html Template
<template name="showPromos">
<div data-panel="panel">
<h1>Estoy viendo esto en la segunda pagina </h1>
<h3>Nombre Promo {{metadata.nombrePromo}}</h3>
<p>Descripcion promo.{{metadata.descripcionPromo}}</p>
<span class="bl-icon bl-icon-close"></span>
So what is the problem? well if we look at the template Lunes and showPromos, i have a Data-Panel="panel", but its seems like that data panel don't work when i wrap that value on the {{each}} tags, because if i use, that {{each}} tags outside the data-panel selector it works, so its seems like its not working seems like they don't have connection.
so im asking if there is a way to connect that value? already try helper attributes like the 3rd link says, and don't work, the attributes helpers look like this
attributes: function () {
return {
dataPanel: "prueba",
Helper mostrarLunes
'mostrarLunes' : function(){
return Promociones.find({'metadata.diaOferta' : { $in: ['Lunes'] } });
Looks like the data context isn't set. Try creating a template helper for your other templates with the data (I don't understand Spanish so I'm assuming this is the MongoDB cursor you need...
data: function() {
return Promociones.find({'metadata.diaOferta' : { $in: ['Lunes'] } });
data: function() {
return Promociones.find({'metadata.diaOferta' : { $in: ['Lunes'] } });

How Do I Return Template From Meteor Template Helper?

<template name="foo">
{{#each category}}
{{#if this.custom}}
{{> someTemplateName}}
{{> generic}}
How do I return some value to `someTemplateName' so that I can switch templates based on on the object in the #each statement. = function () {
The correct syntax is the following :
someTemplate:function () {
return Template.someTemplate;
<template name="someTemplate">
It is not really the name that you manipulate but template objects which live under the variable name Template.myTemplate.
If you want to manipulate template names, try UI.dynamic :
<template name="foo">
{{> UI.dynamic template=someTemplateName}}
someTemplateName:function () {
return "someTemplate";
The solution was actually very simple.
<template name="foo">
{{#each category}}
{{#if this.custom}}
{{> someTemplateName}}
{{> generic}}
And I return a helper: = function () {
return Template[];
Where is from the `{{#each}}' context.

loading meteor template on click events

So, Basically i'm new to meteor(0.8.2) and trying to create a basic app having two templates(addnewPlace and Map) and a single button. What i need to get is that, when i click on "Add new Place" button, template "addNewPlace" should be loaded in body or else template "Map" should be loaded. Help will be appreciated :)
My html code:
{{> menu}}
{{> body}}
<template name="body">
{{#if isTrue}}
{{> addnewPlace}}// tested this template individually, it works.
{{> maps}} // tested this template individually, it works too.
<template name="menu">
<h1>Bank Innovation Map</h1>
<input type="button" value="Add new Place">
My js code:
Template.body.isTrue = true;{
'click input': function(){
//load a new template
console.log("You pressed the addNewplace button");//this fn is called properly
Template.body.isTrue = true;
Well first of all you obviously aren't changing anything in the click event (true before, true after). But also if you did, I think you might be better off using a session variable for this, to maintain reactivity.
Session.setDefault('showAddNewPlace', false)
Template.body.isTrue = function() { Session.get('showAddNewPlace'); }{
'click input': function(){
//load a new template
console.log("You pressed the addNewplace button");//this fn is called properly
Session.set('showAddNewPlace', true)
Meteor 0.8.2 comes in with the dynamic template include feature. Just set a session variable value on click event and you would like to use the template name on the event.
Session.setDefault('myTemplate', 'DefaultTemplateName');
"click input": function (event) {
Session.set("myTemplate", 'template_name');
You can now write this:
{{> menu}}
{{> body}}
<template name="body">
{{> UI.dynamic template=myTemplate}}
<template name="menu">
<h1>Bank Innovation Map</h1>
<input type="button" value="Add new Place">
You may like to take a look at this article for the reference:

Sending data into a nested Controller/View in EmberJS

I'm messing around with JSON structures in EmberJS starting from the top level Application level and trying to pass data to a general MenuController/MenuView child so I can reuse it.
The JSON I've come up with to play around with how data gets passed through nested ember structures is this:
appName: "CheesyPuffs"
menuItems: [
{name:"Crackers", menuItems: [
{name: "Cheezeits"}
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
<div class='app'>
<div class='header'>
{{#if menuItems}}
// Embed template 'menu'
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="menu">
{{#each menuItems}}
{{#if menuItems}}
// Embed menu template
App.MenuController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
actions: {
click: function(){
// Signal Event to App
App.MenuView = Ember.View.extend({
click: function(){
console.log("I clicked a menu");
All the examples I've seen concerning nested stuff involves routes with the classic _id subroute. I'm not sure how I would go about telling the App Router that it needs to pass the menuItems data to a child controller that's embedded in the same view. I have a feeling you can do this both via the template and programmically? If so, how would you do it both ways?
using the template you should use render. And that's the way you should do it, programmatically doesn't make sense.
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
<div class='app'>
<div class='header'>
{{#if menuItems}}
{{render 'menu' menuItems}}
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="menu">
{{#each menuItems}}
{{#if menuItems}}
{{render 'menu' menuItems}}

emberjs append works but raises Assertion Failed error

I'm new to ember I am trying to append a template to another and it seems to work but it raises an error, can you please explain why?
The error:
Assertion failed: You cannot append to an existing Ember.View. Consider using Ember.ContainerView instead
This is the code in app.js
App.NewStickie = Ember.View.extend({
click: function(evt){
var stickie = Ember.View.create({
templateName: 'stickie',
content: 'write your notes here'
These are the contents of index.html
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
{{#view App.NewStickie}}
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success">
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="index">
<div id="stickies">
{{#each item in model}}
<div class="stickie" contenteditable="true">
{{#view App.DeleteStickie}}
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>
<div contenteditable="true">
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="stickie">
<div class="stickie">
{{#view App.DeleteStickie}}
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>
<div contenteditable="true">
Each view in ember have a template, for example:
App.FooView = Ember.View.extend({
templateName: 'foo'
foo template
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
<div id=myFooView>Foo</div>
You are trying to insert a view inside of other in that way:
This isn't allowed. You can use the {{view}} handlebars helper to render a view inside other like that:
foo template
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
<div id=myFooView>
{{view App.BarView}}
But I think that you want this working dynamically. So you can use the ContainerView, like described by the error message:
App.StickiesView = Ember.ContainerView.extend({
click: function() {
var stickie = Ember.View.create({
templateName: 'stickie',
content: 'write your notes here'
I see in your code a lot of views with the click event, ember encourage you to use actions, this give more flexibility, error/loading handling etc. I think is a good idea to use it.
I hope it helps
You should probably read this guide that explains that ContainerView is. Also, I don't think it's necessary to create another View to append a template to another template.

