Image not appearing in mobile view - javascript

I've been developing a mobile-first site, using Firefox as the primary browser. I have a branding logo at the top of the page, loaded by way of the WordPress customizer. The logo appears fine in Firefox, but disappears in Chrome and Safari when at a width of 320px. (That's the base width for this project.)
I'm just troubleshooting and trying to find the best way to fix the problem. I'm not really sure what's causing the issue, yet, though. I was hoping to get some other perspectives on this.
Here's the link:
--- link removed ---

I would like to suggest you something that had helped me a lot of times when I did not know from where comes a problem:
Reduce the content only to the part you want to fix(or in case if you have a bug and do not know from where comes - start removing code element by element).
BTW in the developer tools is showing a lot of errors.

Thanks, Marin. I appreciate your suggestions. I think my server at work may be contributing to the issue. For the time being, though, switching the width and height from % to em has at least resulted in the images being visible in chrome and safari. I think I'll have to wait until I can test it outside my workplace to be sure, though. Lol. Thanks, again.


How to work with responsive 'vh' sizes without the page "jumping" when scrolling in chrome browsers or other browsers with a URL bar

I'm working on a responsive website and I'm so frustrated with finding a solution for this one.
this is the basic structure:
I used 'vh' sizes and when ever the URL bar slides up - the page changes the sizes of the elements and kinda "jumps", which makes a bad user experience especially when reading.
I changed the size of the second part (orange) to 'em's because I thought maybe it will not "jump" so at least where there are texts this will not happen - and I was wrong. it's still happening.
What I'm trying to get to is to make the first part (in baby-blue) opened on all of the screen no matter what screen size is displaying the page (but without making it "jump").
I'm very frustrated finding a solution to responsive pages, can you please help me solve this, or help me with some reading material that will help me solve this ?
Note: I found some codes to add that should remove the URL bars from iPhones and it didn't work :I
Since you've tagged Javascript/jQuery I'd suggest assigning the height by getting the height the specific element (eg: window, document or viewport) you want. A good comparison can be found here. From the looks of it, you might want window.outerHeight which may account for what's "under" the URL bar. On my desktop, it's the only value that's different from the rest but on mobile other values may be different as well.

Firefox screen flickers when resizing

I am facing a flickering issue, on re-sizing, with my Firefox web browser. I think it is because of the use of SVGs on the page. I tried adding the transition css property by referring the following links, but didn't help.
Any help or a starting reference would be appreciated. Thank you. I am new with css. One more thing, the screen does not flicker in Chrome or IE. I hope this information helps and this is not a stupid question.

Animation of gets choppy on Android

I just found out about this really cool plugin (new for me, old for some of you maybe) and it works like a charm upon implementation, but only in regular computer browsers. When I try it on my android phone, the css3 animation of the dropdown moves really really choppy, just like its dropping frames. How can I fix this problem?
Here is the plugin I am reffering to:
They seem to have done a really nice job with the plugin, I would say the largest cause of the drop of frame rate may be because you are repainting the entire screen. If you would like, roll your own side navigation but make it go over the existing web page rather than move all the elements on the screen.
As a further step you can also get rid of the javascript and just do plain CSS and see how that works for you, an example of using checkboxes and labels to control the side nav can be found on my site (just inspect the code) - . Hope this helps!

Chrome jquery .animate() leaves 'movement' lines

I have a div, so that when I click, it will toggle to expand, or retract. It works pretty well on all browsers, though there is a thing that intrigues me. On Google Chrome when it retracts it leaves small lines from the movement. - The page
To see it, open that page with Google Chrome. And click on the register button twice, on the second time it will leave lines, normally, but not on other browsers. I'm using a standard .animate, with jquery. All help is greatly appreciated.
Also, here is a jsfiddle showing the result : . Error in Chrome 21.0.1180.81 beta-m Win7.
It's a bug of chrome. See a previously asked question here :
Odd “shaking” effect when animating width with jQuery (only in Chrome!)
This is not a coding problem but actually a bug in certain versions of Google Chrome, as unlikely that may sound.
There is no fix as far a I know, we just need to wait for Google to resolve their problem, knowing Google that will be done from the moment they find out about it.

What is causing these browser rendering issues? Z-index conflicts? Positioning rules?

I'm developing a product to be used by a number of customers alongside our Web application.
Quick background:
These customers have incorporated into their pages a widget that we've developed.
The widget's content can be modified by using our application.
The idea behind this product is a bookmarklet that we supply, which will "highlight" our widget on their page, turning it into a clickable link that leads to an administration panel in our app.
The "highlight" effect actually involves some z-index tricks; we create a semi-transparent "backdrop" <div> just a few ticks below the maximum-supported z-index to gray out the page; then, we adjust the z-index of our widget to sit on top of that translucent backdrop. The visual effect should look about like this:
However, in Safari, as well as Firefox under certain conditions, there seem to be some sort of rendering artifacts that prevent this from looking as intended:
As you can tell from the screenshot, a couple of elements (our logo image and the <iframe> that holds an advertisement) are still "bright," as intended. But, the rest of the widget is still shaded-out.
I've been poking around with Firebug for quite a while to try to get at the source of the problem, but I haven't had any revelations. I'm hoping that someone has experienced a similar issue, or recognizes the "visual signature" of this kind of problem. Or, if you're simply adept at JavaScript/jQuery and/or Firebug, I could really use your help trying to figure out where this approach is falling short.
I created a test bookmarklet as a live example. To see it, please:
Open Firefox (the version under development currently only works there reliably).
Go to this page and drag the link there to your Bookmarks Bar: Example Bookmarklet
Navigate to:
Click the bookmarklet while on that page, and you should see what I'm referring to.
Thanks very much in advance for any help! This has me baffled.
I was about to give up on this, but I think I found the problem. You have a hell of a lot of DOM elements going on here, but luckily that isn't the issue causing this problem.
The iframe inside DIV#onespot_nextclick needs a background color of #FFF.

