List dependencies injected - javascript

Is there a way to know what dependencies were injected into my Angular module?
angular.module('myModule', [
.controller('myController', [function () {
// var dependencies = Magic.dependencies;
// console.log(dependencies);

In your controller, if you inject $window, you can dig for the dependencies, specifically, there exists a .requires on your module. To do this, you can either declare your module as a global var so we can find it on our $window, in this case, let's call it app - or - you can bypass globals and $window and call angular.module('myModule').requires directly.
I've added ngRoute as well to prove the array of dependencies that will be discoverable.
var app = angular.module('myModule',
]).controller('ctrl', ['$scope', '$window', function($scope, $window) {
console.log($ // ["ui.bootstrap", "ngRoute"]
console.log(angular.module('myModule').requires) // without global - $window not needed
JSFiddle Link - working example
Note - If leveraging globals, you can simply call the window as such: - without injecting $window. However, see the AngularJS $window docs to understand why $window is preferred.

Building on #salniro's answer, you don't need globals, or $window.
The dependencies are listed on the .requires property of angular.Module:
angular.module('myModule', [
.controller('ctrl', function() {
var app = angular.module('myModule');
console.log(app.requires); // ["ui.bootstrap", "ngRoute"]


How to add underscore module to MeanJS?

Ok, first I install this from bower:
bower install angular-underscore-module
Then in modules/core/clients/app/config.js, in line 7 I added the injection:
var applicationModuleVendorDependencies = ['ngResource', 'ngAnimate', 'ngMessages', 'ui.router', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ui.utils', 'angularFileUpload', 'underscore'];
To inject it in my controller, in modules/articles/client/controllers/articles.client.controller.js
I've added it like this:
angular.module('articles').controller('ArticlesController', ['$scope', '$stateParams', '$location', 'Authentication', 'Articles', '_',
function ($scope, $stateParams, $location, Authentication, Articles, _) {
Then, I've got this error:
angular.js:13920 Error: [$injector:undef] Provider '_' must return a value from $get factory method.
Then in this article:
Provider 'xx' must return a value from $get factory method in AngularJs
It says, I should insert { in front of return and Not at the next line, however, I couldn't find that return. Am I doing something wrong here? Please suggest. Thanks.
underscore attaches itself to window object. you don't need to include the dependency in controller. however if you still want to use '_' you could do something like this:
app = angular.module('MyApp', ['underscore']);
app.factory('_', ['$window', function($window) {
return $window._;
then you can include '_' as a dependency in your controllers.
Found it!
In your config/assets/default.js, the client.lib.js, you have to include both underscore.min.js and angular-underscore-module.js as code below:

Passing dependencies to a module angular

So I am somewhat new to angular, but not javascript. I am working with an app someone else wrote and am trying to create a new controller in an existing module. The controllers are almost identical to each other as far as dependencies go. The question I have is how do I pass the same dependencies to both controllers? It seems like you would be able to pass them in like this:
`angular.module('ApertureForm', ['dialogs.main','dialogs.default-translations','ui.bootstrap'])`
When I do that for both modules, the controller returns undefined for whatever reason. Thats where I get stuck. How do you pass in dependencies such as the above code? Any advice would be great.
angular.module('ApertureForm', ['dialogs.main','dialogs.default-translations','ui.bootstrap']) tells AngularJS to initialize an Angular module named ApertureForm and also load other Angular modules as dependencies for the module.
To add dependencies to a controller, you do something like the following:
angular.module('ApertureForm').controller('ControllerName', function($scope, $location, $timeout) {...});
angular.module('ApertureForm') = Get the module named ApertureForm.
Then create a controller called ControllerName. The closure is where you inject dependencies.
To prevent a controller's dependencies from getting renamed on minification, you can do:
.controller('ControllerName', ControllerName);
ControllerName.$inject = ['$scope', '$location', '$timeout'];
function ControllerName($scope, $location, $timeout) {...}
In angular.module('ApertureForm',[ you list the modules you want to inject to your module. You list in once for each module you have. If You want to create a controller in one of your modules, then your can use:
var myApp = angular.module('ApertureForm');
myApp.controller('GreetingController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.greeting = 'Hola!';
$scope here is a dependency for controller
You can read more about it here
AngularJS Controllers and Dependency Injection:
.module('ApertureForm', ['dialogs.main','dialogs.default-translations','ui.bootstrap'])
.controller('FormController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
// FormController code...
.controller('WebinarController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
// WebinarController code...
Thanks to everyone for the help! All of it was very useful in learning the structure of angular and how to properly use the framework. #Yosvel Quintero was able to explain how the module works and why I was getting the error. When dependencies are passed into the module, not the controller, they are available to all controllers as it the module it's self is now aware of the dependencies, which is why I kept getting errors trying to pass them again. Hopefully the answers given in response to the question can help someone learn angular as well. Thanks guys!

How to refactor angular dependency injection for concatination and minification?

I have written my angular application into seperate files for my readability and ways to easily find things to edit/code. This is my app.js that requires the dependencies.
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngResource', 'ngRoute', '', 'app.controllers', 'app.feed','app.directives', 'app.factories']);
app.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
This is an example of how the dependencies are written out.
var app = angular.module('', []);
app.factory('AuthService', ['$scope'], function($scope) {
However, when I try to concat the scripts, app is redefined constantly. I thought of taking out the var declaration but, I like to keep the files separate.
How would I be able to write this out where the dependency injections stay intact for my app.js, while still keeping the files separate.
To prevent the constant re declaration of you app variable, you can take advantage of the module pattern: Angular Style Guide:Modules.
Instead of explicitly declaring app in every dependency:
var app = angular.module('', []);
app.factory('AuthService', ['$scope'], function($scope) {
You can define you service, component, directive, controller, etc as a part of the correct module:
.factory('AuthService', ['$scope'], function($scope) {
Declaring an '' module would only need to happen once.
See : Angular Style Guide:Modules for better explanations.

Angular 1.4.2 injection of $cookies not working

I have a problem with Angular and injecting $cookies into a controller.
The $cookies is working fine in a service, but with this controller I'm getting an issue.
var app = angular.module('app', [
.controller("ListController", ListController);
ListController.$inject = ['$scope', 'DataService', '$state', "AuthenticationService", "$cookies"];
function ListController($scope, DataService, $state, AuthenticationService, $cookies) {
The $cookies object is coming through as undefined. The angular-cookies.js is included on the page, and is working inside the included AuthenticationService.
I found my problem:
Someone had cut and pasted the original controller code into a new controller, but neglected to rename the controller on the line:
ListController.$inject =[...];
So, when I came along and added the $cookies parameter, my version was being overridden.
Try this way
var app = angular.module('app', [
.controller("ListController",['$scope', 'DataService', '$state', "AuthenticationService", "$cookies", function ($scope, DataService, $state, AuthenticationService, $cookies) {
Did you include the file angular-cookies[.min].js ?
Also, as a good practice, don't use the same module for the app and the controllers. Have a
angular.module('app', [ 'app.controllers']);
angular.module('app.controllers', [
\\ define each controller here
defined so that you can have clean separation of them.
Are $scope, DateService, $state available in your controller? I usually put this line of code after the declaration of controller
.controller("ListController", ListController);

Where is my dependency injection going wrong in my angular application

To begin with
angular.module('app', [
Here is my casual factory. Nothing really to see
.factory('myFactory', function () {
// Service logic
// ...
// Public API here
return {
isSaved: true
Here is a controller I use the service in. There is one more like this. They both follow the same pattern
.controller('AdvertisersCtrl', [ '$scope', '$location', 'myFactory', function ($scope, $location, myFactory) {
$scope.$emit('controllerChange', 2);
$scope.isFormSave = function () {
// Form Validation
myFactory.isSaved = true;
And last, but certainly not least. The error I am getting.
Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: myFactoryProvider <- myFactory$injector/unpr?p0=myFactoryProvider
Also, this project was scaffolded with yoeman, and it uses ngmin.. and all the other packaged grunt tasks yoeman provides.
Thanks folks.
Do you create the module app ?
In the code snippets above both invocations of module() are supposed to retrieve instance of already existing module.
But you have to create it first.
angular.module('app', []) vs. angular.module('app')
more info:

