Test Google Analytics on Localhost - javascript

I need to test some custom firing events using Google Analytics. I'd like to test in a local environment.
I've set up my test site using apache with server name: my-ga-test.localhost/
According to Can you test google analytics on a localhost address? and Google Analytics docs, I'm able to adjust my GA code to use:
ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', {
'cookieDomain': 'none'
I tried to set up a new account to get a tracking ID for this site, but I'm getting the following error:
URL ends with an invalid top-level domain name
How do I generate the code using localhost domain so I can alter the tracking ID code to put on my localhost?

The "Website URL" field when creating a new Google Analytics property does not have to be the same as the actual URL that's used in production. It's primarily used for resolving relative links, not for validating hits.
Just change it to something else (like example.com), and everything should work fine.

I do not recommend the above answer.
I believe the best practice is to use the Analytics Debug js on your localhost. Debug prints in console EVERYTHING is doing, including firing events. That way you can check if your code is working or not without sending tracking info to Analytics on Localhost (which makes no sense).
Find out more here :)


Google Spreadsheet Script Trigger: This app is blocked

I am trying to create a trigger for a script in google spreadsheet and upon trying to save the trigger I am getting the following error:
This app is blocked This app tried to access sensitive info in your
Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access.
I don't have G-Suite, I don't have an organization, I am simply using my personal Gmail account. I don't have the special account protection thing enabled. I tried using different scripts, even an empty script.
What could be the problem here? I have used scripts and add-ons in the past, but haven't needed triggers yet. Is there another way to run a script daily or monthly, without this trigger functionality?
There is currently a bug
I recommend oyu to "star" it to increase visibility, so it hopefully gets fixed soon.
Try this:
Unable to open Google xlsx spreadsheet / Also Google Drive permission Blocked
The same solution logic can solve this problem.
[ ]

How to catch 'ga is not defined' in your dev environments

So I have my development environment, and every time I run the project, I have a javascript error in my console:
ga is undefined
Of course I am not at the correct domain so Google Analytics see this as an issue and I am fine with that, but it doesn't allow the rest of my Javascript to run so I have modals and other JS based functionality that stops working.
My thought were I could just write a wrapper method and check for ga undefined. But before I do that I just wanted to see if there was a better solution or possibly different way of thinking about my setup.
I solved my issue with a method of redefining ga rather than trying to catch the error. In the backend we had logic to only included the Google Analytics script tag if the host url included our domain so when it was localhost or a dev url the script was not included.
So as a resolution I took the answer from this SO question ( Google Analytics Tag for Dev vs. Prod ) and implemented a similar solution in the backend instead and excluded the following code when not our production website domain.
ga('create', 'UA-********-1', 'mywebsite.com');
The result, ga was still defined but does not send data to our Google Analytics account.
Good Luck,

Google api key not working [duplicate]

I am developing in JavaScript/HTML/CSS an app that uses Google Maps. I am getting the following alert dialog box:
"This page was unable to display a Google Maps element. The provided Google API key is invalid or this site is not authorized to use it. Error Code: InvalidKeyOrUnauthorizedURLMapError"
The app does actually display the map element; the alert is not a problem except it should not appear at all. The map displays properly.
I have gone in to the Google Developer's Console and, in the "Credentials" section, have "edited allowed referrers" to be mydomain.com/*
I have also gone in to the Google Developer's Console in the APIs section and enabled 11 Google Maps APIs.
After lots of referrer combinations, deleting and re-creating credentials i realized that i didn't enabled "Google Maps JavaScript API". What a shame. :)
For anyone who is having trouble to get google maps api work please check if the API enabled first.
After struggling a lot with this issue I've found 1 solution for me. It might help people who are searching for a proper and exact solution but not the comments, downvotes and links.
(Map was not displayed in my case.)
If suppose,the link of page where you are loading map is
then give thesame(exactly the same) under Edit allowed references
If you try loading the same page using:
then your page is loaded but not your map, and this alert is generated.
Use the same path(Url address) at these 2 places.
While loading the page which has map.
Under Edit allowed references.
After following this I've got rid from this alert.
First you need to go to https://console.developers.google.com/ and select APIs.
In Google Maps APIs select Google Maps JavaScript API and make sure you enable API for Google Maps JavaScript.
Secondly, you need to create an API key:
Go to Credentials
Create new key and select Browser Key
No need to specify any referrers
So you should see Any referrer allowed after you save.
After a lot of trial and error this worked for me (by Eduardo. Thanks !)
The URL that needs to be authorized is the one in the Referrer header for the requests the browser sends to Google to load the API.
Under Browser Credentials > REFERERS
Add these
geocodezip provided the info i needed. I was indeed loading the googlemaps library twice: once in my index.html file and once in an iFrame. I changed my code so that the iFrame did not load the googlemaps library but, instead, used the parent. Thanks geocodezip!
Go to APIs menu and find "Google Maps JavaScript API" after you open it just press "Enable API"
I was able to get this to work by deleting all my referrers and allowing all. Apparently there is a bug in the developer console that is causing problems. Some people say that they can get referrers to work by deleting all then adding all back in at once instead of line by line:
Previous things I tried:
Regenerating Key
Setting all maps apis to enabled
Hard coding absolute paths of referrers
A side note, when I didn't include my api_key everything worked fined, though I'm sure they will eventually turn you off if you don't use your api_key.
What worked for me was to use Firebug in order to find the exact URL that made the request to the Google Maps API. As stated in Google Maps API documentation on troubleshooting authorization, "How to find the correct URL" part:
The URL that needs to be authorized is the one in the Referrer header
for the requests the browser sends to Google to load the API.
In my case, lets suppose I have a website example.com. In the developer console, under Google Maps API key, I've added many combinations of referrer such as example.com/*, *.example.com/*, example.com, but still the InvalidKeyOrUnauthorizedURLMapError persisted.
My solution, as I've mentioned, to use Firebug: open example.com and look for what was the referrer making request to https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?..., and it was http://example.com, and that is it. I've added http://example.com/* to the enabled URLs in the Developers Console under my respective API key and now everything works fine.
It is important to know where to look for on Firebug: it is the Net tab. Just click on the request to maps.googleapis ... and look for the Referer
I got it to work by exchanging the keys with my own special created keys AND reading this webpage a few times very carefully. My advice is to add or exchange your Google API Keys at https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials before embarking in very complicated scripting.
Insert your own API keys in the very first line of the Google Map javascript:
If you have been setup all configuration like api key etc, and you still got the error,
please enable all your mandatory APIs regarding to google maps.
Google Maps Embed API
Google Maps Geocoding API
Google Maps Geolocation API
Google Maps JavaScript API

How to setup google analytics for testing purpose for localhost?

I'm trying to setup analytics for localhost and for some reason it doesn't work, I saw in console that something is sent to google but when I open analytics page there is nothing. Also, I have tried to replace tracing id with tracking id for production and still nothing.
Also, what can be interesting, what I currently have on analytics is wordpress pages and now I'm trying to put analytics in angular app which is running from wordpress. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Set Cookiedomain to "none" (as per GA documentation).
ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', {
'cookieDomain': 'none'

How to get user's default search engine on iOS and Android?

Can I get users's default Search Engine on iOS and Android?
I heard the followings:
but, it doesn't work.
Someone,pls help me...........
try this code
I haven't yet been able to make the setSearchEngine() function work because for some reason I don't have permission to do so (i.e., canSetSearchEngine() returns false).
I know the Yahoo code works so it appears that it must be possible to do. I wonder if the js file has to be hosted on a whitelisted domain related to the selected search engine. IOW - perhaps only js code served from a yahoo, google, or bing domain has permission to call the setSearchEngine() function.

