c3 scaling similar to d3? - javascript
I have used c3 to make some graphs and am impressed with its ease of use. However, I'm not sure if it is possible to a 3 value scaling like you can in d3 like the code below:
var yScale= d3.scale.linear()
.range([height, height - 20, 0]);
so then i can make my graphs scaled mainly for values below 100 since this is where the majority of values will be and I don't want the bars scale to be skewed by values exceeding 100.
Is it possible to do something like this in c3? or do I need to use d3 to get this sort of scaling?
You could use a scale to map the value and scale.invert to get all the labels. For example...
var myScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 5, 50]).range([0, 40, 50]);
var chart = c3.generate({
data: {
columns: [
['A', 3, 2, 1, 4, 1.5, 42.5].map(function (value, index) {
return index ? myScale(value) : value;
type: 'spline'
tooltip: {
format: {
value: function (value) {
return parseFloat(myScale.invert(value).toFixed(5));
axis: {
y: {
tick: {
format: function (d) {
return myScale.invert(d)
The parseFloat and toFixed is to get rid of precision problems when you convert back and forth.
Fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/rujx39fw/
There is a similar issue on the c3 github at https://github.com/masayuki0812/c3/issues/252. It was closed with a similar workaround (there is a linked question too - that was closed by referencing this workaround)
There is also a related question you may be interested in at https://github.com/masayuki0812/c3/issues/971 that suggests another option, if you are feeling adventurous.
Highcharts with custom scaling in upper regions
I would like to know how to achieve a custom scale for a chart in Highcharts. I want to display a boxplot which has very high whiskers. The normal values to display are between 500 and 1000 but there are some anomalies which are about 6000 on y-axis. This is causing the whole chart to be squeezed and the scaling is so small that you can't determine the boxplots correctly. I would like to increase the tick-size between 1000 and 6000 to decrease the heigt of the chart.
Highcharts provides breaks functionality that seems to be ideal for your case: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/yAxis.breaks Another approach is to change the yAxis type to logarithmic: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/yAxis.type EDIT The discussion in the comments section reveals that the OP needs rather custom y axis formatting than breaks functionality. Here's how to approach this issue: The problem here is that axes in Highcharts can only have either constant or logarythmic scales. Your example shows irregular scale - the values are not in constant or logarythmic order ([0, 3, 10, 30, 150]). Here's what I've done to mimic that kind of look and behaviour: I set tickPositions to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] - these are the actual values that appear on the chart. As you can see the distance between all these numbers is constant: 1. Then I used formatter to display corresponding number from ranges array for each label. yAxis: { tickPositions: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], labels: { formatter: function() { return ranges[this.pos]; } } }, Before I passed the data to the chart constructor I converted all the values so that they're between 0 and 4: series: [{ data: [2, 120].map(function(val) { var range = findRange(val); var y = range.index + (val - range.low) / (range.high - range.low); return { y: y, originalValue: val }; }) }] Finally I used originalValue property in tooltip.format string to print to the user the number before the conversion. tooltip: { pointFormat: "<span style='color:{point.color}'>\u25CF</span> {series.name}: <b>{point.originalValue}</b><br/>" }, This example is simplified to the line series case but can be easily adjusted to boxplot series. The code serves only for the example purposes and should be improved - it's easy to cause an error within it. Live working demo: https://jsfiddle.net/kkulig/ytjz1jej/ API references: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/tooltip.pointFormat https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/yAxis.tickPositions https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/xAxis.labels.formatter
C3 Bar Graph x-axis labels are too congested
I have created a Bar graph using C3 JS plugin, The graph is working fine but the problem is with the x-axis labels looks too congested like as shown below Working JSFiddle My Code is as given below var chart = c3.generate({ bindto: "#chart", data: { x : 'x', columns: [ ['x', "2016-04-01","2016-04-08","2016-04-15","2016-04-22","2016-04-29","2016-05-06","2016-05-13","2016-05-20","2016-05-27","2016-06-03","2016-06-10","2016-06-17","2016-06-24","2016-07-09","2016-07-10","2016-07-11","2016-07-12","2016-07-13","2016-07-15","2016-07-16","2016-07-17","2016-07-18","2016-07-19","2016-07-20","2016-07-21","2016-07-22","2016-07-23","2016-07-24","2016-07-25","2016-07-26","2016-07-27","2016-07-28","2016-07-29","2016-07-30","2016-07-31","2016-08-01","2016-08-02","2016-08-03","2016-08-04","2016-08-05","2016-08-06","2016-08-07","2016-08-08","2016-08-09","2016-08-10","2016-08-11","2016-08-12","2016-08-13","2016-08-14","2016-08-15","2016-08-16","2016-08-17","2016-08-18","2016-08-19","2016-08-20","2016-08-21","2016-08-22","2016-08-23","2016-08-24","2016-08-25","2016-08-26","2016-08-27","2016-08-28","2016-08-29","2016-08-30","2016-08-31","2016-09-01","2016-09-02","2016-09-03","2016-09-04","2016-09-05","2016-09-06","2016-09-07","2016-09-08","2016-09-09","2016-09-10","2016-09-11","2016-09-12","2016-09-13","2016-09-14","2016-09-15","2016-09-16","2016-09-17","2016-09-18","2016-09-19","2016-09-20","2016-09-21","2016-09-22","2016-09-23","2016-09-24","2016-09-25","2016-09-26","2016-09-27","2016-09-28","2016-09-29","2016-09-30","2016-10-01","2016-10-02","2016-10-03","2016-10-04","2016-10-05","2016-10-06","2016-10-07","2016-10-08","2016-10-09","2016-10-10","2016-10-11","2016-10-12","2016-10-13","2016-10-14","2016-10-15","2016-10-16","2016-10-17","2016-10-18","2016-10-19","2016-10-20","2016-10-21","2016-10-22","2016-10-23","2016-10-24","2016-10-25","2016-10-26","2016-10-27","2016-10-28","2016-10-29","2016-10-30","2016-10-31","2016-11-01","2016-11-02","2016-11-03","2016-11-04","2016-11-09"], ['pv1', 2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,2696,2696,2696,2696,2696,2696,2696,2696,2696,2696,2696,2696,2696,2696,2696,2696,2748,2748,2694,2694,2694,2694,2694,2694,2694,2668,2668,2668,2668,2576,2572,2572,3043,3084,3084,3084,3084,3084,3156,3521,3521,3550,3542,3542,3573,3580,3629,3579,3584,3542,2757,2791,2696,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3415,3414,3414,3414,3414,3414,3414,3414,3414,3414,3414,3414,3414,3414,3369,3376,3371,3373,3371,3379,3363,3373,3347,3348,3382,3402,3410,3434,2579,2579,2369], ['pv2', 1750,1750,1750,1750,1825,1850,1975,2150,2375,2425,2475,2500,2500,2087,2087,2087,2087,2091,2087,1767,1767,1767,1633,1498,1498,1642,1637,1633,1609,1841,1713,1702,1862,1888,1888,1888,1949,1976,1977,2014,2014,2014,1946,1966,1973,2224,2252,2318,2318,2318,2327,2373,2513,2535,2543,2534,2539,2823,2849,2990,3142,3142,3108,2513,2687,2678,2856,2860,2861,2862,2866,2869,2870,2875,2874,2874,2874,2879,2885,2886,2883,2889,2896,2895,2899,2903,2909,2911,2913,2913,2913,2916,2922,2933,2937,2943,2942,2943,2947,1811,1826,1837,1840,1840,1841,1843,1511,1854,1853,1851,1852,1853,1849,1852,1874,1857,1883,1886,1888,1904,1903,1924,1947,2060,2068,2068,2082,1582,1344,836,839,788] ], type: 'bar' }, axis: { x: { type: 'category', tick: { rotate: -60, multiline: false }, height: 130 } } }); Can anyone please tell me some solution for this What I did to solve it I have used timeseries type instead of category type, after that the label issue got resolved but the graph was been plottted with more white spaces for the month of march like as shown below Working JSFiddle
You can use c3's tick count setting for this, so here we say 20 labels. However there is an added gotcha in that ticks that now resolve to a fractional category value won't show - i.e. the 2nd equally spaced tick out of 20 may be the 2.6667th element in the x category axis - so you need to have a little format function that adjusts for this, otherwise you just get the end and start labels. (Or you could figure out a tick count that divides into your data count + 1 as a whole number.) tick: { format: function (x) { var cats = this.api.categories(); return cats[Math.round(x)]; }, count: 20, rotate: -60, multiline: false }, http://jsfiddle.net/fz0t10yb/7/
One of the possible solution could be to use x-axis labels at required indexes only & leaving others blank. ['x', "2016-04-01","","","","2016-04-29","","","",...] ['pv1', 2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,2500,...] ['pv2', 1750,1750,1750,1750,1825,1850,1975,2150,...] You can position labels so that it would capture the date and at same time it looks good also.
Flot Bubbles Plugin - Bubble Size
I am using the Bubbles plugin with the Flot charting library for JQuery. The data I have is dynamic and can be quite varied within the X, Y, and Z values. The main issue I am having is the size of the bubbles. If the X and Y values are somewhat close to each other but the Z value is much larger the bubble simply takes over the chart. Setting the axis min and max for the X and Y axes helps a bit but not in every case. I have tried to look for other options and settings but did not find anything useful. Is there any type of way to control the size of the bubble? For instance Flex used to automatically create bubble sizes relative to the screen and axes where Flot seems to always set the bubble size to the same scale as the X and Y values. I have included just a sample of data. I would like to continue to use Flot as the plugin because I have many other chart types in my application and would like to use the same code base. However if there is another plugin that would be better I am open to ideas. Thanks! https://jsfiddle.net/llamajuana/zd4hd7rb/ var d1 = [[30,339,139856], [30, 445,239823], [30,1506,127331]]; var options = { series: { //color: '#CCC', color: function(x, y, value) { var red = 55 + value * 10; return 'rgba('+red+',50,50,1)'; }, bubbles: { active: true, show: true, fill: true, linewidth: 0, bubblelabel: { show: true }, highlight: { show: true, opacity: 0.3 } } }, grid:{ hoverable: true, clickable: true }, tooltip: { show: true, content: "x: %x | y: %y | value: %ct" } }; var p4 = $.plot( $("#plot"), [d1], options );
You could try logarithmic scaling. For the x- and y-axis you can do this using the transform property in the axis options or changing the data before drawing the plot. For the bubbles you have to do this by hand, either by changing the data before drawing or by replacing the drawbubble function of the bubbles plugin (see the User draw example here). See this fiddle for the full example. Changes from your fiddle: 1) You could change this directly in the bubbles plugin, if you wanted. // index of bubbles plugin is dynamic, you better search for it var defaultBubbles = $.plot.plugins[1].options.series.bubbles.drawbubble; var logBubbles = function(ctx, serie, x, y, v, r, c, overlay){ defaultBubbles(ctx, serie, x, y, v, Math.log(r), c, overlay); } 2) In the series options: xaxis: { transform: function (v) { return Math.log(v); }, inverseTransform: function (v) { return Math.exp(v); } }, yaxis: { transform: function (v) { return Math.log(v); }, inverseTransform: function (v) { return Math.exp(v); } }, 3) In the radiusAtPoint() function in the bubbles plugin: // added Math.log function here too return parseInt(series.yaxis.scale * Math.log(series.data[radius_index][2]) / 2, 0);
highcharts - Hide some labels in yAxis
I have a chart with a yAxis, that has a minimum of -5, and max of 5. The yAxis has these labels: -5, -2.5, 0, 2.5, 5. My config is so close - I have the right amount of grid/plot lines, but I want to hide a couple of the text labels in the yAxis (not the actual lines relating to the label). In other words, I want to remove or hide the -2.5 and 2.5 labels. I've tried various methods in the yAxis, eg step, but it's not achieving what I want. yAxis: { labels: { step: 5 } } JSFiddle Any ideas how to achieve this?
I nearly didn't post this question because I found a (non-SO) answer - perhaps this will help others. I don't know if this is the most elegant approach for highcharts, but you can use the label formatter to achieve this. In my case, instead of this: labels: { formatter: function () { return this.value+'%'; } } We can add a conditional to check the label's value, and only return something if it's what we want. All together: yAxis: { //... labels: { formatter: function () { if (this.value !== -2.5 && this.value !== 2.5) { return this.value+'%'; } }, step: 1 }, //... }, Example Warning: hard coding some values and depending on them in this way is risky if you have dynamic data. For this instance we don't have dynamic data, they will be fixed, so it's safe for us. Another approach could be to iterate over each value/label and only return every X child as you require.
How to duplicate Y Axis on JQuery Flot
I'm being able to use JQuery Flot, and it's a very nice tool. However, I could not find a GOOD solution for my problem. I want to duplicate Y axis, so I can display 1 on the left and 1 on the right, so the users, when comparing data from the rightmost side of the chart, won't have to scroll through the leftmost side of the chart. I'm assuming they will be accessing it through a smartphone. JQuery Flot allows multiple axis, but for each axis, I would need a different set of data, as in this example: http://people.iola.dk/olau/flot/examples/multiple-axes.html But I don't want to duplicate the data. Can't I just 'tell' Flot to duplicate the yaxis using the same set of data?
You can use the hooks functionality to force flot to show the second yaxis even though it has no data series assigned to it: // hook function to mark axis as "used" // and assign min/max from left axis pOff = function(plot, offset){ plot.getYAxes()[1].used = true; plot.getYAxes()[1].datamin = plot.getYAxes()[0].datamin; plot.getYAxes()[1].datamax = plot.getYAxes()[0].datamax; } $.plot("#placeholder2", [ { data: d2 } ], { hooks: { processOffset: [pOff] }, yaxes: [ {}, {position: 'right'} // add second axis ] }); Depending on how your axis is configured though, this might be messy. You'll have to steal parameters from the left axis to get it to work (as I've done above with datamin/datamax). If it was my code, I'd go with your duplicate data approach. You aren't really duplicating anything, just assigned the same array to two series. I'd then configure the 2nd series to simply not draw. var d2 = [[0, 3], [4, 8], [8, 5], [9, 13]]; // use the same data but toggle off the lines... $.plot("#placeholder", [ { data: d2 }, {data: d2, yaxis: 2, lines: {show: false}} ], { yaxes: [ {}, {position: 'right'} ] }); Here's a fiddle demonstrating the two approaches.