gif animation that changes frame on download [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there a way, using HTML, JavaScript and/or CSS, to change each GIF animation frame on download?
For example, if download = 10kb, gif animation frame = 1

JavaScript cannot control GIF animation at all. There are some libraries which do something similar, but in fact they parse the GIF file and render its subimages on a <canvas>. You would be better off using sprites to display a changeable image on your page.
Not sure what you mean by "on download", though. JavaScript cannot interface with downloads - it is between the browser and the server at that point, with no relation to the page that started the download. But you could do a fancy sockety thing that would communicate with the server and ask it how the download is going, then updating the page.


How to make page load animation like in Youtube [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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How can I make the page load elements before the content is fully loaded? Is there a name for this animation style? Youtube, Binance and many other sites use this kind of content loading, but all the tutorials I could find are related to the usual loading spinners
If you're using Reactjs then you can use the skeleton-loading package from here
If you want to make it with only HTML, CSS and javascript, then you can learn to make it with this video tutorial

JavaScript - Create a loading bar [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm trying to create a loading bar, that I'll use when I'll open links or images. I mean, while the page/image isn't loaded yet, a would like to show a loading bar like the one I shown you.
I know how to create the bar in fact, but I don't know how to get the status of the load of the page/image. I imagine that I need to use JavaScript or jQuery, but if you know any way to do this in PHP it would help me.
Loading bar like the above will only work if you are running a php script using ajax. You should understand that php is a server side language, so only when the the server runs the script and shows the output to browser it has already done 100%.
However you can use various libraries,
Play with the above two libraries. Ideally pace would be used to show page and lazy load for images

Video Editing using HTML, CSS and Javascript Only [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to edit a video using HTML5 and Javascript only. No flash or ffmpeg. I need to add title boards, background audio, (transitions, bumpers), borders etc.
I have tried popcorn.js but it uses CSS only and does not actually edit the video. I have even experimented with ffmpeg. FFmpeg gets the job done but takes a lot of time.
When using as the video player.Some of the functionality already exists in plugins for video.js but not all yet. Here are a few plugins that could add some of the functionality you would need:
Both the video player and plugins are open source. But like I said you might have to do some development on your part for the full range of functionality that you require.

add drag & drop to traditional file input? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a traditional upload form (no upload plugins or AJAX submission). I'm hoping to add a drop target that will cover the whole page, like you see on sites like, but I don't want to redesign the entire user flow.
Is there a simple plugin to display a modal overlay when a file is dragged over the screen, and then populate the input element when it's dropped, and fire the change event? If not, how would I go about writing such a thing?
After a LOT of research, I've found that this is an impossibility, as the FILE input type is read-only to javascript, in modern browsers, for security reasons. Because of this limitation, AJAX-style requests are the ONLY way to perform drag-and-drop uploads.

What slideshow script is '' using? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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The url is like below.
On the main page, you can see 3 images keep rotating, which I first thought was a swf, actually is not. They are the images each in <li> tag.
Is there any script out there that can do this? If then, what is it?
Not sure about the Tumblr but you can use jQuery Cycle plugin to create a lot of effects if you want.
In the source they import the file prototype_and_effects.js so they are most likely using the Prototype Framework (a popular alternative to jQuery) and for the rotating banner effect, which is also included in that file.
Check out their effects demo page for examples and documentation.

